2010.06.06 Day4
今天要介紹紐約中央公園第一天的最後兩個景點:埃及方尖碑 The Obelisk、大草坪 Great Lawn。(編號 11-12)
這個位於大都會博物館正後方的埃及方尖碑,是來自埃及 Heliopolis 紀元前 15 世紀的真正古蹟。
這是埃及在 1881 年埃及送給美國的禮物
方尖碑是侵略埃及者的最佳戰利品,亞述國王及羅馬皇帝都帶走了方尖碑,目前羅馬有 4 座方尖碑,巴黎協和廣場的方尖碑是埃及於 1833 年贈與的。1801 年英國帶走的方尖碑,後來立於倫敦泰晤士河堤上,紐約中央公園的方尖碑則在 1881 年樹立。
接著這一塊大草坪每到夏天的周末假日,鐵定擠滿了來野餐的,來做日光浴的。人數多到根本就是日光浴集中營,穿少的人多過穿多的人。這麼一大塊草坪其實本來是蓄水池,西元 1931 年市政府把建造洛克斐勒中心的石頭將蓄水池填平,才有了現在你看到的大草坪。
這個大草坪是戶外活動最愛的地點。有名的賽門和葛芬柯 (Simon and Garfunkel) 就在此辦過演唱會。前教宗若望保祿二世 (Pope John Paul II) 也曾在此跟民眾公開會面;達賴喇嘛也在這公開演講。

HitFm 2010 年度百大單曲 No.58
Olivia Ong – Bittersweet
我超級喜歡 Olivia 的歌聲跟人。歌聲好美,人好正。我很愛她。推薦給大家。
作詞:Olivia Ong / 作曲:Olivia Ong
I woke up none morning to find my love gone
My love is gone for you too
Replaced by something new
It's not another guy but of a mind's that been renewed a new feeling revelation of you and I
That we can never be together
It seems like we'll stay that way
Hoping that the pain will truly go away
Oh it's friends we'll remain till the end of the day
Platonic doesn't change a thing for me
While it lasted it was bittersweet altogether
My affections hasn't disappeared
Falling in love's easy
Head up in the clouds
Put your feet back on the ground first love is hard to forget
I'll take my stand now
Resolve this situation
It's intangible
You and I
That we can never be together
It seems like we'll stay that way
Hoping that the pain will truly go away
Oh it's friends we'll remain till the end of the day
Platonic doesn't change a thing for me
While it lasted it was bittersweet altogether
My affections hasn't disappeared
You already said to her I do to forever
Breaking my heart in two singing
You already said to her I do to forever
Breaking my heart in two singing
Oh it's friends we'll remain till the end of the day
Platonic doesn't change a thing for me
While it lasted it was bittersweet altogether
My affections hasn't disappeared
Oh it's friends we'll remain till the end of the day
Platonic doesn't change a thing for me
While it lasted it was bittersweet altogether
My affections hasn't disappeared
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