
[美東之旅] New York City 洛克斐勒中心 Rockefeller Center (7) [背包旅行]

2010.06.05 Day3



洛克斐勒中心其實是一個區域,它是由一個 21 棟組成的建築群構成的區域。每天有 24 萬人進出,比美國許多城鎮人口還多。現今的裝飾藝術風格建築群是在 1930 年代才逐漸形成的,以奇異大樓 (GE Building) 為中心。


1930 年代紐約遭逢經濟大衰退,億萬富翁 JD Rockefeller Jr. 回饋給他最愛城市的禮物就是建造洛克斐勒中心,這也創造出無數個工作機會。奇異大樓是通用電氣公司在紐約的總部,也是 NBC 電視網的總部所在。


這個區域不只有漂亮的建築群,還有最高級的頂樓餐廳 Rainbow Room,以及跟帝國大廈觀景台齊名的「Top of the Rock」。除了地上樓層的精彩,地下樓層也組成了一個全空調高級購物區,各大精品名店一應俱全。






由 Channel Gardens 一路散步近來,豁然開朗的就是此廣場。而這個廣場最引人注目的就是金光閃閃的雕像「普羅米斯修」。


普羅米斯修 (Prometheus) 是希臘神話中的人物,代表先知。在神話故事中,普羅米斯修用天神的模樣塑造了人樣,智慧之神雅典那賜與那一口靈氣,人類就此誕生。


他因為從奧林匹斯偷取火給人類,觸怒了天神宙斯,而被鎖在高加索山上。宙斯派了ㄧ隻老鷹去啄食他的肝臟,隔天又讓肝臟重新生長,惡鷹又去啄食,周而復始,讓他終日飽受啄食肝臟之苦。千年後被大力士海格勒斯 (Heracles) 所救,但普羅米修斯則必須永遠帶著一只鐵環。







Ref. Ref.

HitFm 2010 年度百大單曲 No.71

Maroon 5 - Misery

Maroon 5 – Misery

Maroon 5 駭客任務玩SM的MV!

Oh yeah
Oh yeah
So scared of breaking it
But you won't let it bend
And I wrote two hundred letters
I won't ever send
Somehow it is cut so much
Deeper then they seem
You'd rather cover up
I'd rather let them be
So let me be
And I'll set you free

I am in misery
There ain't no other
Who can comfort me
Why won't you answer me?
Your silence is slowly killing me
Girl you really got me bad
You really got me bad
I'm gonna get you back
Gonna get you back

Your salty skin and how
It mixes in with mine
The way it feels to be
Completely intertwined
It's not that I didn't care
It's that I didn't know
It's not what I didn't feel,
It's what I didn't show
So let me be
And I'll set you free

I am in misery
There ain't no other
Who can comfort me
Why won't you answer me?
Your silence is slowly killing me
Girl you really got me bad
You really got me bad
I'm gonna get you back
Gonna get you back

Say your faith is shaken
You may be mistaken
You keep me wide awake and
Waiting for the sun
I'm desperate and confused
So far away from you
I'm getting here
Don't care where I have to go

Why do you do what you do to me, yeah
Why won't you answer me, answer me yeah
Why do you do what you do to me yeah
Why won't you answer me, answer me yeah

I am in misery
There ain't no other
Who can comfort me
Why won't you answer me?
Your silence is slowly killing me
Girl you really got me bad
You really got me bad
I'm gonna get you back
Gonna get you back

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