
House Season2 EP24

No Reason

Episode 224 : 2006-05-23

House examines a man named Vince who was admitted with a severely swollen tongue. He asks Vince questions to get him to speak funny. In House's office, Foreman assumes it's simply a routine case and walks out. Another man named Jack comes into the office and asks for House. Jack identifies himself as a former patient, then pulls out a gun and shoots House. He asks House if he's shocked.

House wakes up in a hospital bed. Cameron is at his side. He feels his beard and can tell that he's been out for two days. His first words are to chide Cameron for waiting. She tells him that the bullet pierced his stomach, nicked the bowel and lodged into the posterior rib. Cameron tries to explain to him what Jack had to say. Yet House is more interested in Vince's tongue. Jack's bed is wheeled into House's patient room. He was shot by security when he tried to leave the hospital. House gets out of bed and starts walking to Cuddy's office.

House complains that somebody screwed up his surgery because he can no longer feel pain in his leg. Cuddy thinks this is serendipitous, but House is worried that the surgeon messed up his nervous system.

In the ICU, House lowers Jack morphine and asks why he tried to kill him. Jack says if he really wanted to kill him then he'd be dead. Jack wants House alive because he wants to see him suffer. House disconnects the man's morphine completely to torture him.

The doctors follow House's instructions and biopsy a lymph node in Vince's lower jaw. They report back that the test was negative. They cannot give Vince a lumbar puncture because of the high intracranial pressure in his head. House orders them to do the LP anyway. While performing the LP, Foreman notes that Vince's pressure becomes normal.

Jack explains to his roommate House that he had treated his wife and cured her. In the process of the treatment, House emphasized the importance of knowing everything. This caused Jack to confess to an affair. Although the affair had nothing to do with the wife's brain aneurysms, House told the wife about the infidelity. She later killed herself. House completely rejects this as an excuse.

House spots an attractive woman looking into Vince's room. He is quite surprised to find out this woman is married to the very plain and overweight Vince. House doesn't hesitate to tell her so. Having been warned about House by another friend that he had treated, the woman swats his questions easily.

Foreman and Chase discover that Vince is bleeding into his ocular orb. Chase recognizes tremendous pressure behind the eye. Before Foreman can relieve the pressure, Vince's eye pops out.

House tears his stitches while walking the hallway. He collapses with blood coming from the wound. Back in his room, House and Jack argue over who to blame for the suicide. House denies any culpability, and Jack angrily says he knows it's his fault. House admits that he's partially at fault, but once Jack pulled the trigger he lost the right to an apology.

House escapes from the hospital to a local taqueria with his team where he throws out possible causes for Vince's ailment. House wonders why Vince's eyes and tongue were affected while his nose was spared. The problem may have a common source like the brain. Although a previous CT scan proved clean, House wants them to recheck the brain for what might be hiding. They must also biopsy the blood/brain barrier which is an incredibly dangerous procedure. Chase suggests testing for STDs, but House doesn't think the wife sleeps around. And Vince certainly wouldn't stray on a wife so far out of his league. Cameron is confused because Vince is a widower who is not married.

House complains to Wilson that he might have hallucinated the attractive women. Records show that Vince has had only six visitors. House frets that he's losing his logical mind. Wilson encourages him to take two weeks to rest. House is still worried that the surgery screwed him up, and he wonders aloud why he was giving ketamine during the surgery.

House finds Cuddy and accosts her about the ketamine given to him. He wasn't given simple anesthesia but was induced into a coma. Cuddy sees that House is now walking without a limp and exclaims that it worked. This stops House cold. Cuddy says that a clinic in Germany has been treating chronic pain by inducing a coma, which basically allows the brain to reboot itself. There's a 50% chance that House's pain will never return. House accuses her of having no right to do that. Cuddy scoffs that all she did was cure him.

Vince's blood/brain test comes back negative. Yet the team found blood on the wrong side of the barrier. House wonders that, if Vince's lymph nodes are not functioning properly, where would the trash they handle go? He starts to recite a metaphor about trash and garbage cans. Chase quickly figures out that House is referring to the chest lymph which is the next closest lymph system. He heads off to take a sample. House questions how Chase answered his riddle so quickly. Jack mocks him by saying that he's getting dumber.

Cameron and Foreman come to House with the news that this latest test was also negative. Chase walks a post-op Vince to the toilet so that he can urinate. Vince cries out in pain. Chase leans around to look at what's causing the problem and blood splatters on his face. Vince's scrotum has burst. The team tries to find more possibilities. Foreman throws out testicular cancer.

Wilson tells House that testicular cancer could indeed rupture a vessel. House knows this, but is concerned that he did not think of it earlier. House becomes angry that he had to trade a good brain for a bad leg. Wilson thinks House needs his bad leg to define himself, as an excuse to always act miserable. Without it, House doesn't have himself anymore. House asks why Wilson is defending Cuddy. House notices that Wilson seems like he's known about Cuddy's decision for longer than he lets on.

House blasts into Cuddy's office and begins screaming that all he has is his brain. She had no right to put him into a coma. Cuddy and Wilson are equally angry, saying that they were only trying to help him. Cuddy complains that House's morphine use had been spiraling out of control. House punches Wilson in the face. Wilson laughs and asks House if he's hallucinating.

House comes to in his ICU bed, staring at Jack. He had been hallucinating. Jack says that he was calling him Wilson, but House denies it. Jack isn't surprised when House mentions that his hallucination involved a bathroom. He coolly informs House that he wet his bed. The team enters with a negative result on Vince's testicular cancer. House calls for a cystoscopy. It too comes back negative.

House is more interested in the fact that he can easily run up and down the stairs. He darts past the team as they throw out more possible causes. Suddenly, House stops in his tracks and asks them how he got there. He remembers being in the ICU and he remembers being on the stairs with them. He doesn't know why he's still on the stairs with them at the bottom. The team doesn't know what to say.

House tells Cuddy that he's dropping out of Vince's case. He is suffering from blackouts and fears he is losing his mind. Cuddy asks if he intends to scare her. House wants to know why she jumped up when he came in. She claims it is because of their last angry encounter, which House knows was a hallucination. Is this also a hallucination? House wakes up in the ICU.

Over more tacos, House asks Jack how he can tell what's real and what isn't. Everything seems the same. House is aware that this conversation is actually a give-and-take with his own mind. Jack explains that House is concerned that he will base his actions in the real world on fantasized information, then he can cause genuine harm. Jack advises him to take no actions until his mind has settled. He should only throw out ideas and trust his team to know which thoughts are useful and which are possibly fatal.

House learns from the team that the prostate exams also came back negative. House asks them what it means if something doesn't make sense. He makes it clear that this is not rhetorical. He needs actual help from them. House asks them very basic questions, and the team is lead down the path of surgery because the biopsies aren't telling them enough. However, Vince's bleeding problem makes surgery fatal. House asks about performing a surgery that's less bloody than a paper cut.

Cameron informs Vince that they would like to use a robot to operate on him, but Vince is resistant. Cameron explains that the robot can magnify everything ten times to let them see things they ordinarily could not see. House is forced to take him to the robotic operating room to show him. House lays Cameron on the table for a demonstration, showing Vince that the machine won't let the surgeon do anything that doesn't compute medically. He uses the scalpel to slice a button off of Cameron's blouse and the clamps to pull it open. Vince agrees to the procedure.

House works on Vince's case from his hospital room. Jack interjects that House does not care about emotions. He only cares about measurable truth. Even though he cannot measure emotions, doesn't mean they're not real. House begins to see a car with the attractive woman from Vince's room. The woman is actually Jack's wife. She has a car engine on in a closed garage to kill herself. House hears Jack's voice in his head telling him that he is miserable for nothing.

Snapped back from his vision, House apologizes to Jack. More importantly, he knows what's wrong with Vince. House walks into the robotic surgery and tells Cameron that Vince will be fine. House asks the team why they haven't yet tried to yank him off the case. They say that they trust his judgment and have worked with him long enough to know what he wants. House asks why they have identical knowledge. He announces that they are all visions in his head. House seizes the robotic control and attempts to drive the scalpel into Vince's stomach. The team tries to stop him, but House needs to know if this is a hallucination. The scalpel rips open Vince's stomach and blood flies everywhere as Vince's vitals drop. House staggers over to the body. Vince drops a bullet from his hand and House picks it up.

The doors to the ER burst open. Cameron, Chase, Foreman and the EMTs wheel a bloody House through the hallway. Chase barks orders to the team that House was shot once in the abdomen and once in the neck. Before he passes out, House asks Cameron to tell Cuddy that he wants ketamine.




House Season2 EP23

Who's Your Daddy?

Episode 223 : 2006-05-16

Sixteen year-old Leona is on an airplane with her father, Crandall. Leona is black and Crandall is white. Crandall has taken Leona in from her troubled mother. Leona hallucinates that water is gushing out of the cockpit to flood the cabin. This is similar to what she experienced in the hurricane that devastated New Orleans. Leona's heart races, then stops. She collapses on the cabin floor.
House's leg is causing him tremendous pain, but when he searches for Vicodin in his home he only finds empty bottles. With tremendous effort, he climbs onto a stepstool to reach a lockbox on the top of his bookshelf. He takes out a syringe and a vial of morphine. As he is about to inject, House hears Cuddy leave a message on his answering machine. She has admitted a teenage girl with cardiogenic shock but no heart attack. House becomes intrigued and puts down the syringe.

House goes to the hospital, and Cuddy informs him that Leona's EEG and EKG are normal, she has no signs of infection and the tox screen came out clean. Her heart looks fine. House realizes he knows Crandall from his younger musician days. Crandall explains that Leona's grandfather was Jesse Baker, a famous jazz musician that they both idolized. Leona lost her mother in Hurricane Katrina and Crandall is her natural father. House is convinced that the mother lied to him because Crandall always was a trusting sucker.

The team tosses out possible causes and Houses asks them to retest everything that was checked in the ER. He considers the possibility of arrhythmia but it would not cause a hallucination. They would have to keep Leona under observation for months to spot another arrhythmia, so House intends to induce one. Cameron thinks it's too risky, but House presents the option to Crandall. House advises Crandall to sign the consent form even though the test is dangerous. He then asks Crandall for a DNA sample so he can run a paternity test. He thinks Leona is just using him.

In the electrophysiology lab, Chase threads a catheter through an artery and into Leona's heart. The sinoatrial node is normal. Yet when Chase pushes into the atrioventricular node, the heart goes into a supraventricular tachycardia. The EEG shows normal brain waves, so there is no hallucination. House asks Chase to reset and continue the test but Chase balks, concerned that Leona's heart is fragile after the last attack. House presses him to do it. As Chase enters the next mode, near the cornary sinus, the EEG goes wild. Leona is now hallucinating. Chase freezes a tiny area of heart tissues near the probe and everything returns to normal.

From her room, Leona hears a woman asking for water. She pulls back the curtain and finds a bloated corpse with water pouring over it. Leona, who is really still in her bed, sits up and screams.

Cameron reports that they haven't fixed Leona's heart. Chase insists that the heart is fine and the hallucination must have another cause. House proposes an atypical seizure rather than a hallucination. As he discusses the case, House repeatedly exits the room to pace in the hallway. The team realizes he's trying to walk off leg pain. House comes back in and tells the doctors the fact that they predicted, found and cured Leona's heart problem means the hallucination should just be a coincidence. What if it was caused by the pain of the arrhythmia? Leona might have a disease that translates pain into bizarre physiological responses like hallucinations,

Picking up on this, Cameron considers the fact that Leona may have an autoimmune disease so she recommends a CRP, ANA rheumatoid factors and cryoglobulins. House believes a PET scan will test her response to pain. House straps Leona into a PET scan, assures her that this won't hurt, then jams a syringe into the meat of her palm. Leona screams, but Foreman reports that the cerebral cortex response is normal. House then jams the syringe into her thigh. Leona begins crying as House grills her about Crandall and her real father. He then bends her middle finger backward as Foreman reports the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex also looks fine. Crandall rushes into the room to stop House, and that's when the PET scan lights up. Leona starts to hallucinate.

They confirm that Leona has an autoimmune disease, but they need to discover which one. House suggests killing them all at once. Cameron points out that this would require replacing her entire immune system. House is fine with that, but a bone marrow transplant requires an exact match and Leona has no siblings. House walks off. Crandall barges into House's office and reasserts that he's Leona's father. Crandall demands that House test his marrow. House tells Crandall that he has been scammed. This is not the first time he's been taken.

House and Wilson watch Leon go through radiation. House says that Crandall is not a marrow match, although he didn't do a paternity test per Crandall's request. A match was found in the marrow registry. House notices black goo oozing out of Leona's mouth. House and Wilson have no idea what it is.

The lab results on the goo come back, but House already knows what it is. True to his suspicions, the goo contained stool and digested blood. He recognizes a reverse peristalsis. In order for digested blood to be in the intestines, Leona must have internal bleeding. There must also be a blockage forcing the material up and out of the mouth. Foreman tosses out liver failure. With no proteins to clot blood, it could leak into her stomach. House realizes that this means they were wrong on autoimmune disease. Nothing would shut down an organ in two hours. He orders a liver biopsy.

House finds Crandall and tells him that they need a liver biopsy, but are not sure what will happen. Leona could die the second they stick a needle into her liver. Foreman and Chase begin the biopsy. The needle is millimeters away from Leona's liver when House pages Foreman with instructions to stop.

In House's office, he plays some of Jesse Baker's music for the team, He wants them to hear an uncut portion when a drunken Jesse rails at an engineer for not tuning his piano correctly. The team is unimpressed, but House points out that the piano was not out of tune. If Jesse was drunk, his playing would be off. He is playing perfectly. Something else is ruining his personality, and House believes his aural perception was off. Combined with Jesse's fatal liver failure, this means he had too much iron. Jesse could have had hemochromatosis, which is genetic.

House takes the doctors to Leona's room and shows them a picture from Crandall's book about Jesse. Leona was thirteen then, but her skin is darker now. House attributes this to grayness from direct iron deposits in the skin and tan from too much melatonin. Both symptoms are products of hemochromatosis. House asks for a SQUID exam to calculate the amount of iron in the blood. He prescribes desferoxamine as a treatment, assuming she will be fine after that. A subsequent MRI does indeed reveal lots of iron on Leona's liver.

Chase starts Leona on an desferoxamine IV, explaining to Crandall that the chelating agent will bind to the iron so that the liver will be able to process it. As the medicine drips into Leona's bloodstream, she starts gasping for breath. Chase urgently intubates. A CT reveals that Leona's lungs are basically swiss cheese. Chase thinks her time is up.

House starts over, asking what is supposed to happen when desferoxamine is introduced. Chase explains that iron is heavy and gets stuck. The desferoxamine bonds to it and acts as a lubricant so the iron can be processed and discharged through waste. Yet now, Leona's waste is heading north, not south. Has the iron moved into her lungs? Oxygen will attach itself to iron, which increases the chances of infection. They had put Leona on antibiotics earlier to prevent infection and try to figure out what else would attach to iron. Cameron brings up neurodegenerative disease with brain iron accumulation, but there are no iron deposits in the brain. Foreman inquires about fungus, and Chase points out that there are 25 antifungals. House asks them to go broad. Cameron says the most common fungus is aspergillis. House orders them to continue ventilation, start a voriconazole drip and hope Leona has aspergillis.

Wilson has a sudden revelation. House did the paternity test, but it came back positive, so House simply dropped it. They get word that Leona's lungs have collapsed because they have diagnosed the wrong fungus. House gathers the team and asks them to consider location.

House goes to Leona's room and informs her that she has a fungus. If she's lying about living in a children's shelter before Crandall rescued her, she could die. Leona blinks, indicating that she was lying. House gives her a pad and pencil, asking where she actually was.

House reports to the team that Leona was holed up in Jesse's recording studio. Cameron deduces that soundproof recording studios also absorb moisture. Hurricane Katrina, with its incredibly levels of mold, created zygomycosis in the studio. House asks for an IV drip of amphotericin B and colony-stimulating factors. He declares for a third time that they've solved the problem and that Leona will be fine. As Foreman hooks up the IV, he tells Crandall the truth about where Leona was.

House visits with Crandall and Leona. He asks Crandall why he thinks he will be a good father. Crandall replies that it feels good. House then chases Crandall out of the room and admits to Leona that he did run a paternity test. Crandall is her father. That night, House relaxes at home with the music of Jesse Baker. He examines the paternity test for Crandall. It's negative.




1月: 鍾嘉欣、Bosco、林峰、徐子珊

2月: 商天娥、薛家燕、關菊英、李司棋、米雪

3月: 阿佘、郭晉安、苗僑偉、郭羨妮

4月: 陳錦鴻、胡杏兒、馬德鍾

5月: 馬國明、YOYO蒙、李詩韻、楊思琦、黎諾懿(這張有點糊)

6月: 馬浚偉、陳敏之、黃德斌、丘凱敏、鄧健泓

7月: 陳茵媺、鄭嘉穎、楊怡、吳Ron、唐詩詠

8月: 胡定欣、呂慧儀、李亞男、陳法拉、葉翠翠、楊秀惠、陳自瑤、徐淑敏

9月 :曹敏莉、謝天華、鄭少秋、伍詠薇、鄧萃雯




NBC dumps Chuck, Life, and Heroes (for January, for January!)

Some fans of certain NBC shows are going to be irritated, and some fans of certain other NBC shows are going to be very happy. Which is pretty much par for the course with NBC anyway.
The Peacock Network has announced that for the month of January, Chuck, Life, and Heroes will not be seen. They'll be back in February. So you're wondering, what's going to replace these shows for the month? Some exciting new action show? A searing drama? A laugh-out-loud comedy?
Instead we're going to get two new reality shows! One of them is called Superstars of Dance and is hopefully self-explanatory. Momma's Boys is a new dating reality show from Ryan Seacrest. All that power to produce what he wants and he gives us that? Life's time slot will be taken up by repeats of Law and Order: SVU.
Now the question is, will this time off actually help the shows (giving fans a breather for a month and then start the second half of the season in February), or will fans get turned off by the interruption and have a hard time coming back? Heroes has already gone through an interruption (the writers strike) and low ratings and fan uproar. I wonder if fans will say "enough."
In other NBC news, Friday Night Lights will return on January 16.





[NOTE: The following article is a press release issued by the aforementioned network and/or company. Any errors, typos, etc. are attributed to the original author. The release is reproduced solely for the dissemination of the enclosed information.]


NEW YORK Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2008 NBC will present the exciting conclusion of the premiere season of "The Celebrity Apprentice" with a live season finale originating from New York City on Thursday, March 27th at 9-10 PM ET. As the outrageous season reaches its climactic and surprise conclusion, where one celebrity will be named the first celebrity apprentice, NBC and Donald Trump will bring the show back to 'The Big Apple' for a second season with another all-star celebrity lineup of candidates. The announcement was made today by Craig Plestis, Executive Vice President, Alternative Programming, Development and Specials, NBC Entertainment.

The second season of "The Celebrity Apprentice" will premiere in January of 2009.

In making the announcement, Plestis said, "This revved up installment of "The Apprentice" has been a game changer for the series. As the rest of this season unfolds, you just keep watching, these episodes have been more thrilling than any season before. There were times when I was screaming at the TV set, literally, and the live finale will leave you on the edge of your seat. He added. "We are blown away by the casts drive, energy, and passion to not only play the game but also to raise a lot of money and awareness for important causes. There's no other show like it to prove your business brain and we are already getting calls from high-profile celebrities who want to challenge themselves in Season 2."

"Everywhere I go, people come up to me and ask about 'Celebrity Apprentice.' Viewers are clearly connecting, but beyond the terrific ratings, it's really the charities who are winning the most. Our celebrities have raised over a million dollars to date. We are so glad NBC has decided to continue this franchise." Said Mark Burnett, executive producer of 'The Celebrity Apprentice.'

"We are so grateful for the ongoing support of NBC and Mark Burnett Productions, and we truly appreciate Gene Simmons' choice to compete on our behalf," said Pamela W. Barnes, president and chief executive officer of the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. "Through its emphasis on charitable work and giving back, Celebrity Apprentice has done a great service -- and in doing so, helped children and families around the world. We sincerely thank you."

"Millions of viewers have spoken and made 'Celebrity Apprentice' the #1 show on Thursday nights so far this year. Ben Silverman and his team have done a tremendous job and Mark Burnett and I are thrilled to begin an eighth season of this amazingly successful franchise." Said Donald J. Trump, executive producer of ' The Celebrity Apprentice.'

"We are so grateful to Mr. Trump for his ongoing commitment in the fight against breast cancer." Said Carol Baldwin, for the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund of CNY, Inc.

"The Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research is thrilled to be one of the beneficiaries of NBC's "The Celebrity Apprentice." Not only is the show a unique twist to the great concept of the original "The Apprentice" but it is a real tribute to the show that so many charities have benefited significantly with hundreds of thousands of dollars already donated to worthy causes. We thank Vincent Pastore for playing on our behalf, the $50,000 we received will support life saving research for pancreatic cancer."Said Kerri Kaplan, Executive Director, The Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research.

"We are grateful to Tito Ortiz for designating St. Jude Children's Research Hospital as his charity of choice as part of `The Celebrity Apprentice,'" said John P. Moses, chief executive officer of ALSAC, the fundraising organization of St. Jude. "We depend upon the generosity of people across this nation who, like Tito, embrace the dream of our founder Danny Thomas -- that no child should die in the dawn of life."

The live finale - which will be filmed in front of live studio audience where the final axe will fall - will offer highlights from the series penultimate show where the final two contestants held a celebrity charity auction and managed all aspects of a live concert for a Multi-Platinum, Grammy nominated American Pop Group with each celebrity responsible for different aspects of the event. The finalists, assisted by some former Celebrity Apprentice alumni, race to organize the event, and one calls in a huge favor from a powerful friend, while the other finds nothing but dead ends. In addition to Donald Trump's announcement of the total monies raised for charity, the live event will lead to his first-ever "hiring" of a 'Celebrity Apprentice.'

"The Celebrity Apprentice" is television's #1 Thursday series in adults 18-49 for the first quarter to date, averaging a 3.9 rating, 10 share in adults 18-49 and 9.3 million viewers overall. "The Celebrity Apprentice" is up substantially versus the prior series in the "Apprentice" franchise, "The Apprentice 6," with gains of 15 percent in adults 18-49 (with a 3.9 ratings vs. a 3.4) and 13 percent in total viewers (9.3 million vs. 8.2 million).

The next installment of the show will once again bring business-savvy celebrity contestants together working towards a greater goal -- all celebrities will be competing in business driven tasks around New York City, using their fame along with their proven business acumen, and perhaps, their wealthy and high profile connections for an assist in winning challenges, while ultimately raising money and awareness for their respective causes. Just as in the regular "Apprentice," the celebrities will be subjected to long hours, grueling mental challenges, personality clashes, and intense scrutiny -- all without the help of their regular "safety net" of agents, managers, and personal assistants.

Certain tasks encourage the contestants to reach out to their network of celebrity contacts for assistance or donations -- making for entertaining surprise visits by some of the world's biggest stars along the way.

This current season has seen CNBC's Jim Cramer, Vince McMahon, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Alec Baldwin, and David Hyde Pierce dropping by to lend a hand or wield an axe with many more to come as the competition grows more fierce each week.

"The Apprentice" is produced by Mark Burnett Productions in association with Trump Productions LLC. Mark Burnett, Donald Trump are executive producers, Eden Gaha and Page Feldman are co- executive producers.



喜歡 THE CELEBRITY APPRENTICE 的朋友有福了,Season2 將於2009 年 1月 在CBS撥出,Final 將於 3月27日Live直播。

The Apprentice Season1-6

From gloria

The Apprentice全六季總結




S1, 男女分隊, Versacorp VS Protege 規則很簡單,贏的隊安全,輸的隊淘汰一人.

任務:為JET CARD製作廣告
PROTEGE:Christine, Troy, Kwame, Omarosa, Jessie, Heidi
VERSACORP:Nick, Amy, Ereka,Katrina,Bill, Tammy
VERSACORP:Nick, Ereka, Katrina,BILL, Tammy
PROTEGE:Amy,Troy, Kwame,Omarosa,Heidi
VERSACORP:Bill,Nick,Amy, Katrina
PROTEGE:Omarosa,Troy, Kwame,Heidi
VERSACORP:Nick,Amy, Katrina
PROTEGE:Troy,Bill, Kwame
Bill組:Bill,Amy, Katrina,Nick
Kwame組:Kwame,Troy, Omarosa,Heidi


S2, 還是男女分隊,Mosaic VS Apex 規則改變,贏的隊伍不光安全,而且PM能在下次比賽中豁免,無論輸贏.

任務:Pepsi Edge可樂瓶設計


S3, Booksmart對Streetsmart, Magna VS Net Worth, 規則較上季沒改變.

Win:Net Worth
Winning PM:John
Losing PM:Todd

Winning PM:Michael
Losing PM:Brian

Win:Net Worth
Winning PM:Angie
Losing PM:Danny

Both Team Lose
Magna PM:Erin
Net Worth PM:Kristen

Win:Net Worth
Winning PM:Tana
Losing PM:Bren

任務:Sony PlayStation廣告板
Winning PM:Alex
Losing PM:Tara

Winning PM:Stefanie
Losing PM:Audry

Reshuffle:Tana和Craig交換到Magna;Erin和Stefanie交換到Net Worth
Winning PM:Kendra
Losing PM:Chris

Winning PM:Craig
Losing PM:Angie

Alex被交換到Net Worth
Winning PM:Bren
Losing PM:Stefanie

任務:為American Eagle做裝電器的衣服
Winning PM:Tana
Losing PM:Alex

Bren被交換到Net Worth
Winning PM:Kendra
Losing PM:Chris

Winning PM:Craig
Losing PM:Alex

Tana交換到Net Worth
Winning PM:Kendra
Losing PM:Tana


Final Task:


S4, 恢復男女分隊, Excel VS Capital Edge, 規則改變, 贏的隊伍的PM需要隊員的認可才能在下次比賽中豁免.

Winning PM:Markus
Losing PM:Kristi

Win:Capital Edge
Winning PM:Marshawn
Losing PM:Chris

Winning PM:Randal
Losing PM:Rebecca

任務:為Dairy Queen設計一個吉祥物
Winning PM:Clay
Losing PM:Felisha

Randal被交換到Capital Edge
Winning PM:Brian
Losing PM:Jennifer

Adam,Markus和Clay被換到Capital Edge
Win:Capital Edge
Winning PM:Alla
Losing PM:Josh

任務:給Learning Annex設計一個成人教育課
Winning PM:Randal
Losing PM:Adam

Win:Capital Edge
Winning PM:Clay
Losing PM:Brian

Win:Capital Edge
Winning PM:Felisha
Losing PM:Rebecca

任務:為Shania Twain的一個香水做推廣
Winning PM:Randal
Losing PM:Alla

任務:為Microsoft Office Live Meeting做一個60秒宣傳片
Winning PM:Rebecca
Losing PM:Felisha

Final Task


S5, 由Mensa的成員Tarek和哈佛高才生Allie來挑人, Gold Rush VS Synergy, PM沒有了豁免權.

任務:利用Goodyear的飛艇為Sam's Club推銷會員卡
Winning PM:Allie
Losing PM:Tarek

Win:Gold Rush
Winning PM:Lee
Losing PM:Pepi

任務:為GM的新車做一個銷售商展示交流會,推介Chevrolet Tahoe SUV 2007版
Winning PM:Andrea
Losing PM:Theresa

Win:Gold Rush
Winning PM:Charmaine
Losing PM:Tammy

Winning PM:Roxanne
Losing PM:Danny

任務:為Arby's的Natural Chicken做一個廣告短曲
Winning PM:Sean
Losing PM:Bryce

任務:為Boys and Girls Club裝修一個活動室
Winning PM:Michael
Losing PM:Lenny

Michael被交換到Gold Rush
任務:推廣7 eleven的新比薩三明治
Winning PM:Andrea
Losing PM:Leslie

任務:兜售Ellis Island 遊覽行程紀念冊
Win:Gold Rush
Winning PM:Lee
Losing PM:Allie

任務:為Hair Cuttery的兩個新連鎖店做開店宣傳活動
Winning PM:Tammy
Losing PM:Charmaine

Sean被交換到Gold Rush
任務:在Rutgers Scarlet Knights比賽期間開Party並同時銷售食品
Winning PM:Roxanne
Losing PM:Lee

Win:Gold Rush
Winning PM:Sean
Losing PM:Tammy

任務:為希爾頓旗下的連鎖酒店Embassy Suites Hotels設計四個崗位工作人員的新制服
Win:Gold Rush
Winning PM:Lee
Losing PM:Allie

Final Task
Sean:Taj Mahal,大西洋城,世界野生動物基金會,Barenaked Ladies樂隊的音樂會


S6, 從紐約移師LA, 由搭帳篷遊戲中表現突出的Heidi和Frank挑人, Kinetic VS Arrow, 贏的隊伍的PM一直PM下去, 而且要在boardroom裡當DT的助手, 而輸的隊伍則要住在帳篷裡.

Winning PM:Heidi
Losing PM:Frank

任務:為Trina Turk設計游泳衣
Winning PM:Heidi
Losing PM:Nicole

Win:Arron』s team
Winning PM:Arron
Losing PM:Michele

任務:為快餐公司El Pollo Loco設計一種新雞肉飯
Winning PM:Arron
Losing PM:Heidi

Winning PM:Aimee
Losing PM:Arron

Winning PM:Surya
Losing PM:Aimee

Winning PM:Surya
Losing PM:Jenn

Winning PM:Kristin
Losing PM:Surya

Winning PM:James
Losing PM:Kristin

Winning PM:James
Losing PM:Angela

Winning PM:Heidi
Losing PM:James

分成三隊為DT在Las Vegas的新樓做一個presentation外加宣傳冊
Win:Stefanie & James
Lose:Heidi & Frank, Kristin & Nicole

Final Task:某個清潔品廣告
Stefanie & James VS Frank & Nicole


CBS possibly spinning off NCIS

TV's hottest drama is getting so hot, it may split in two; reports says CBS is pondering a second NCIS.

Here's a winning strategy: make a procedural cop show, give it an acronym title, and brand the heck out of it! That certainly worked for CBS' CSI, and the network is thinking about doing the same thing to NCIS.

According to EW.com, CBS is "quietly" working on a spin-off of NCIS with the hopes that there is still room for yet another crime procedural on the network. Why NCIS? The show, currently in its sixth season, has been kicking some serious tail in the ratings department this year, recently pulling in more than 18 million viewers.

According to a chatty source, NCIS will add some more Navy internal-affairs-type people to an upcoming episode, and then set them off to start their own show, possibly next fall. Everything else dealing with the show is still up in the air.

CBS was previously reported to be developing a spin-off of Criminal Minds, but no further news has come to light about that possible move.


NCIS要開分店耶,有點開心又有點失望,開心的是NCIS紅到可以開分店,這不是許多影集做的到的。失望的是,一旦開了分店,就會被拿來比較,原有的concentration 也會被分散。




2008's Sexiest Men Alive


He's a triple threat: a star who can sing, dance and wield a weapon. At 6 ft. 2 in., all scruff and biceps, Jackman, 40, looms large in the epic Australia, and left people stammering, "Oh ... my ... God," according to costar Nicole Kidman. Jackman's wife of 12 years, Deborra-Lee Furness, calls his perfect form "the Body of Doom – but I like what's inside": a romantic who sings ballads at home and makes pancakes for kids Oscar, 8, and Ava, 3.


So who is his favorite Bond girl? The "one on my arm," says Craig, 40, who brought longtime girlfriend Satsuki Mitchell to his London premiere of the latest 007 film, Quantum of Solace. But the British actor's current onscreen Bond girl, Olga Kurylenko, isn't so shy about 'fessing up to playing favorites, saying of Craig, "He suits the part of James Bond perfectly."


"I try to be a good person. I'm loyal and I'm trustworthy. I'm kind," says the Mad Men star, 37, who has been in a 10-year relationship with actress Jennifer Westfeldt. "And I'm a really good driver."


As he gets older, the High School Musical 3 star finds himself graduating from a "jeans and sandals" wardrobe to a more sophisticated look. "There's something timeless about suits," says the 21-year-old. "A few years ago I didn't own a single one. Now I've got a small collection going."


What keeps this former economic consultant in the gym? "Being half-naked in front of millions of strangers," says Buckley, 27, of his work on Lipstick Jungle. Next up: Lifetime's Flirting with Forty, with Heather Locklear.


A star since his L.A. Law days, the Dirty Sexy Money actor, 44, is still surprised by his effect on women. Once at school drop-off, "a mother came up and grabbed my butt cheeks! And I'm like, 'How is that okay?' I was so caught off-guard that I couldn't help but laugh," says the married dad of three. He's shocked, but his kids "find it entertaining."


How does Gossip Girl's bad boy sum up his dating style at 21? "I'm childish at times, passionate, a little crazy, I guess," he says. "And I pride myself on being one of the last romantics." Oh, and ladies, just FYI: "My weakness is the neck – when girls get too close to my neck, crazy things start to happen."


What do you do after winning eight gold medals and shattering world records at the Beijing Olympics? If you're Phelps, 23, you enjoy "being lazy." As for the overnight female attention, the Baltimore native says, "I don’t really notice it. ... I don't think of myself as a sex symbol. My mom is by far the most important woman in my life."


His appeal? A well-worn truck, says country singer Shelton, 32, who dates songstress Miranda Lambert and has a new CD, Startin' Fires. "The wussiest thing a guy can do is drive a clean truck. Dents, scratches and mud – that's manly."


"When you play the piano, you feel your blood pressure go up," says the single Chinese-born virtuoso, 26, who performed in the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony. "You become part of it. It's a very sexy instrument."


The star once known as Saved By the Bell's Zack has been married for 12 years, has two kids and plays an ace lawyer in Raising the Bar. "My legal education comes from watching Law & Order and NYPD Blue." Fans still love his hair – so much so that TNT created an online game about it. As for him, he says, "I'm a guy. I don't get my hair cut unless I need to."


His girlfriend Penélope Cruz raves, "He's an amazing actor!" His Oscar-winning performance in No Country for Old Men certainly proved that, though Bardem, 39, once joked that it would take three months for him to get laid thanks to his haircut in the movie.


Last year all I was trying to do was get a girlfriend," says Pattinson, 22, Twilight's resident vampire and previously Harry Potter's Quidditch foil, Cedric. "What happened? It's like the face of what is attractive has changed. Girls used to want to see guys take their shirts off. Now it's, 'I want you to bite me.' It's bizarre."


What's changed since he was a Dawson's Creek pinup? "I'm not nearly as embarrassed being called attractive at 30. At 18, you're tall, gawky, bad haircut. Somebody tells you you're a heartthrob and you feel like a fraud. At 30, I'm happy, I'm in love," says Jackson, who dates actress Diane Kruger and stars on FOX's paranormal drama Fringe. "I can take it all with a grain of salt."


The soccer star, 33, made a lot of women happy when he posed in just his underwear for Emporio Armani (country singer Miranda Lambert, whose boyfriend Blake Shelton is among PEOPLE's Sexiest Men, says, "That Armani ad sort of changed my life"). Alas, except one: his mum. "When the photos came out," Beckham says, "she was the first one to call me and say, 'What are you doing?' "


House Season2 EP22


Episode 222 : 2006-05-09

Brent Mason is woken early by his crying baby. He starts to gag over the sink and his wife, Kara, begs him to stay home for the day. Brent leaves the house, but collapses and vomits. He returns home to find Kara in the bathtub with the baby. She's having a seizure and the baby is underwater.

The EMTs wheel Kara and her 4-week old into the ER. Chase goes to work on both of them. Meanwhile, Wilson gloats to House that Cuddy asked him to dinner and he thinks she wants to suck up to him for some favor. House is sure that she's up to something.
Cameron has Chase's case from the ER, but she must wait to present to House because Foreman has returned. Foreman is happy to be back at work, but House is skeptical. He asks Foreman to make coffee, and watches as Foreman struggles to open the bag of grinds. Although he still has some spatial analysis troubles, Foreman says his left side/right side reversal is gone and everything else is basically fine.

Cameron brings up the ER case again, but House dismisses the simple seizure diagnosis boring. Foreman calmly and easily diagnoses the epilepsy with elevated calcium levels as either hypertherothyroidism, cancer, or calcium-mediated neurotoxicity. Yet Foreman can't diagnose how the coffee maker works. The ER has already ruled out all of the obvious and simple explanations, so House becomes interested. Cameron suspects Whipple's and House considers vasoconstriction. Chase just thinks it's strep, since Brent is also sick, but he cannot help the team because he is stuck on neonatal intensive care duty.

Cuddy arrives at her office to find House waiting. He wants to know why Chase is in the NICU. Cuddy claims that they are short-staffed there, but House knows that is a lie. He realizes that Chase asked for a new assignment.

Kara and Brent test negative for strep. Cameron jokes about Foreman's health, and he says it doesn't matter because he is alive. His worst case scenario is to teach. Cameron is confused, and she asks about his dreams of landing grants and running his own department. Foreman answers that if he cannot figure out the coffee machine by then, he doesn't deserve the chance.

Chase makes the rounds in NICU when baby Michael Mason begins crashing from a lack of oxygen. At the same time, Cameron struggles with Kara in the MRI. The woman tensed up as Cameron inserted a catheter, and blood went flying. Yet this is not a seizure because Kara's muscles aren't contracting. She is so tensed that her back is completely arched.

The team meets in the NICU to figure out what causes seizures, hypercalcimia and the rigidity. Chase is there, examining x-rays of Michael's lung. He suggests lithium as a cause of all three symptoms. Foreman throws out myluminous meningitis. House likes that and orders an S-PAP and an MRI. Then he advises Chase that Michael's lung problem is bacterial, not chemical. House asks Chase point blank why he doesn't want to work with him. Chase says he just needed a break from the intense pressure. House isn't buying it.

House brings Wilson items from Cuddy's trash -- a receipt from a pharmacy and an empty box of Red Clover. Both doctors know that Red Clover is used for cancer. House observes that Cuddy asked an oncologist to dinner instead of any other doctor in the department. House thinks that this isn't a date but a consult.

Cameron reports that Kara tested negative for meningitis, but she is bleeding into her brain. Foreman, who searched the Mason home, only found a hidden bottle of vodka. Cameron is ready to believe that alcoholism is the cause, but Foreman goes deeper into the history. He thinks that, with the family's growing debt and the new baby, Kara developed conversion disorder where psychological stress presents itself physically. House is leaning more towards alcoholism. Since Kara's tox screen was negative for alcohol, he orders a phenocoma as treatment for DT. Foreman walks out without objection, which irks House. He questions why Foreman isn't defending his point, but Foreman says that House would have overruled him because he had probably considered the father anyway. Besides, Foreman is a changed man.

Brent and baby Michael come in to see Kara before her coma is induced. She apologizes for what she did, but Brent doesn't blame her. Foreman informs House that the happy Mason couple met in AA. Obviously, Kara had a relapse. House looks into Kara's room and sees her with her back to the hall. The baby is missing from the bassinet. He and Foreman race into the room to find her smothering Michael. Foreman pulls her away as House grabs the child. With Michael unconscious, House calls for the crash cart and begins infant CPR.

Foreman explains to Brent that Michael is stable, but the lack of oxygen caused kidney damage. Brent concludes that Kara accidentally rolled over in her sleep, but Foreman says that he witnessed it. Brent refuses to believe it. In her room, Kara tells Cameron that the voices told her that Michael would be better off dead.

When the team reconvenes, Cameron now theorizes that Kara faked the seizure when Brent caught her trying to drown the baby. Foreman thinks the seizure was real. The postpartum made her try to drown Michael but the stress caused the seizure. House wonders why nobody is talking about actual physical illnesses anymore. Foreman thinks he has a point, and offers to draw some blood. This drives House insane. He begs Foreman to start sticking up for himself. He wants Foreman to stress Kara into another seizure. House instructs them to take her off haloperidol, hook her up to an EEG and start flashing lights. If Kara starts twitching, the machine will tell them if the seizures are real.

House wants to know how Wilson's dinner with Cuddy went. Wilson says that it was a real date and that cancer never came up. House asks why he is in the lab doing a PCR test from a spoon. He deduces that it must be Cuddy's spoon from dinner. Wilson admits that he's checking her saliva for cancer markers. House tells Wilson to find him when the results come in.

Chase tells Brent that he needs to start Michael on dialysis. Because of the kidney damage, the boy's potassium level is rising and if it doesn't come down then he will have a heart attack. The stress test on Kara is completely uneventful until Cameron notices that the brain activity is slowing down. Foreman and Cameron look into the room, only to see Kara grasping and sucking. This, combined with muscle rigidity, means encephalopathic delirium. While this is an actual physical illness to work with, the progressive nature of the case means it can't be long before Kara's brain shuts down entirely.

Baby Michael suffers a heart attack and Chase tries to shock him back. The team is stumped for causes. House throws out pellagra and Foreman agrees with it, pointing out that alcoholics have horrible diets and often lack niacin. This starves the brain, which causes everything Kara is suffering from. Chase brings the team the news that Michael is dead.

Foreman pulls Kara out of her coma and asks her a simple question to test her acuity. She is more interested in finding out where Michael is. Foreman informs her that the pellagra was making her believe things that weren't real, and Kara confesses that she remembers doing things to her son. Foreman breaks the news that Michael is dead. Kara wails in agony and then vomits.

Foreman finds blood in her vomit, which is not caused by pellagra. Whatever Kara has is getting worse. Thinking about the dead baby gives House an idea. He finds Brent, who is cradling Michael's lifeless body. House tells him that the baby had the same condition as Kara. Yet House cannot biopsy her because she will bleed to death. House needs the baby, but a resentful Brent won't hand over the child to help his wife. House angrily turns things around on him, pointing out that he was drinking as well. If he made any effort at all to pay attention to what Kara was going through, then he would have picked up on her symptoms before it got this far. Brent agrees to the tests.

House lets Chase know that Michael's body is available for tests, but Chase isn't interested. House then holds up Chase's paycheck and asks why he'd be working in NICU while using his vacation days from House's staff. He wants to know why a rich boy like him need the extra money, especially when his late father left him money. Chase coldly responds that he's not rich.

Before performing the test on Michael, Chase says a prayer for strength. He reports to the group that Michael's intestines show slight villous atrophy. House asks the team how polystyrene treatments could cause flattened villi. Foreman points out that the polystyrene itself couldn't cause that, but House wants them to look at the binding agents. Cameron brings up wheat gluten. Both Kara and Michael had celiac disease, an affliction where the body cannot process gluten. Each time the gluten was introduced to the body, the small intestines were further damaged, until they reached the point where they couldn't receive vitamins and minerals. This led to the niacin deficiency, which created the other problems. Celiac is also why Michael's medicines didn't work. His body couldn't absorb them. Additionally, celiac patients are susceptible to cancer of the stomach lining, which would explain the bloody vomiting.

Wilson announces to House that Cuddy is negative for all cancer markers. House goes to Cuddy's office and tells her that she doesn't have cancer. She's more than a little surprised by the test results, mainly because she didn't know that tests weren't being run. Cuddy's estrogen is too high because she is on fertility meds. Her dinner with Wilson was an audition. Cuddy confesses that she's looking for a sperm donor, not a partner.

Kara refuses treatment. House visits with her and learns that she feels guilty about killing her own son. House assures her that she's blameless because she is now healthy except for the cancer. Kara still declines treatment.

God of confession,take Michael into your arms.Welcome him into paradise,where there’ll be no sorrow,no weeping, and no pain.Peace and joy forevermore.

House: So, what causes seizures, hypercalcemia, and the thing where Mommy bends like Gumby?

222 11分37秒
House[to Foreman]:It doesn't show ... , Scarecrow.
Scarecrow,出自 L.Frank.Baum 所著童話故事 The Wizard of Oz (中文譯名《綠野仙蹤》這個大家應該更熟悉^^),講述一個來自於 Kansas的小女孩 Dorothy被龍捲風帶到一個陌生的魔法國度 Oz,在尋找回家方法的路上結識了想得到腦子的稻草人(The Scarecrow)、想得到一顆心的鐵皮樵夫(The Tin Woodman)和一隻想得到勇氣的膽小獅子(The Lion),四個人(人……|||)通過努力克服種種困難最終獲得各自渴望的東西,這樣一個故事。
House把 Foreman稱為 Scarecrow,是說他從一進辦公室就一幅傻乎乎的憨樣連基礎檢查的專案都記不住,簡直就像稻草人一樣沒腦子= =|||


House Season2 EP21

Euphoria, Part 2

Episode 221 : 2006-05-03

House implores Cuddy to let him take a sample from Joe's brain. She refuses because Joe's death made this a bio-safety hazard. The CDC will perform the autopsy and return results to them in three days. House points out that Foreman might be dead in 36 hours, but Cuddy doesn't budge. They don't have the tools to do this safely, so it's out of her hands.

House comes up with an idea, and he heads down to the isolation room. He slides an ice pick and hammer through the airlock, telling Foreman to cut into Joe's eye in order to extract some brain tissue. Cuddy rushes down and orders Foreman to stop. She then has another doctor suit up and enter the room to restrain Foreman. House presses Foreman to continue. Instead of slamming the pick into Joe's eye, Foreman drives it into the mattress. Foreman senses that it didn't feel right, but he removes a sample from the mattress anyway thinking that it is Joe's brain. Realizing that Foreman has Anton's Blindness, House asks Cuddy if she still wants to wait for the CDC.
House, Cameron and Chase convene for a differential diagnosis on Foreman. They throw out various diseases, none seeming likely to be the culprit. House orders them to start treatment for everything they can think of. He leaves to find another brain to biopsy. Even though they are worried that a heavy regimen will trash Foreman's organs, Chase and Cameron slide the pills to him. Foreman feels each pill and discerns what it is for. He realizes that they have no idea what's afflicting him and grudgingly takes the medication.

House goes to Joe's apartment in a biosuit. He has the rat that he trapped in Stacy's attic months ago with him. He calls Foreman in the iso room and asks him to detail his steps. House carefully inspects each area, making sure to expose the rat to everything that Foreman was around. When House hangs up, Foreman calls his father.

The next morning, Wilson finds House staring intently at his computer. House has set up a webcam to monitor the rat in his own kitchen. As soon as the rat becomes sick, House will perform an autopsy.

Cameron draws blood from Foreman and he notices that she left the tourniquet on his bed. His vision is returning in response to the treatment. Yet which treatment worked? House wants to stop individual medicines one by one to find the one that caused a regression in his vision. Before Cameron can do anything, Chase reports that Foreman's amylase and lipase levels are three times the normal level. His pancreas is failing due to the meds, which must be stopped immediately.

House goes to Foreman and tells him what's happening with the meds. Foreman asks him to lower the dosages, but even lower doses would be toxic. If they continue the meds, Foreman will appear to see for the next four hours until he dies. If they stop, he'll lose his vision but buy time for a diagnosis. Foreman agrees to cut the meds.

Foreman's father Rodney arrives, and House explains to him that a brain is available but Cuddy won't allow them to autopsy it. House then escorts Rodney to Cuddy's office, and the man questions her about her decision. Cuddy struggles to give him an answer, and explains that the deadly infection Foreman has could put many more lives in danger. This Rodney understands.

Foreman assures his father that it won't be a painful demise. Wilson catches up with House outside of the morgue to report that the rat is still healthy. He also has noted that House is preoccupied with the guard stationed in front of the cooler holding Joe's body.

Foreman's vision regresses and he has reached an eight on the pain scale. The disease is progressing faster than it did in Joe. House is slightly encouraged by the anomaly and asks the team what that could mean. Cameron comes up with the fact that many diseases affect blacks differently than whites. House has them look up all bacterials, fungals, toxins and parasites to find any documented racial disparities. House remembers that the rat is still perfectly healthy and he thinks perhaps that's the difference between Foreman and Joe.

Cuddy visits Foreman in isolation. He's enraged that she won't ignore CDC policy to help save his life. House comes in and announces to Foreman that he's dying too fast. He holds up a vial holding legionella pneumophila. Joe had Legionnaire's disease when he got infected, and it somehow slowed down the progression. Joe didn't die until they cured the Legionnaire's. Foreman refuses to inject himself. House simply opens the door to the isolation chamber and tosses the vial in. It shatters.

Cameron watches as Foreman takes his own temperature. It's down to 101.0, and Foreman reluctantly admits that his pain is no worse. He did contract Legionnaire's, and it has indeed slowed the progression of the mystery disease.

With the rat still not sick, Wilson wonders aloud what House will do if the rat never falls ill. House has a realization, and declares Wilson's suggestion as brilliant. He walks out and asks Cameron what illnesses affect humans and not rats. House then tells her that she didn't become sick because whatever it is isn't blood-borne.

Chase suggests that some bacterial infections don't affect rats, but Cameron counters that Foreman has tested negative for every bacterial infection that affects the brains. House observes that when they test for bacterial infections, they're really looking for antibodies. The body might not be fighting the infection. If the body doesn't recognize the first infection, that infection will run rampant through the body. Yet when Legionnaire's is contracted, the body does recognize that and increases white cell count to stave it off. The body unintentionally fights the first infection as well. They need to figure out what bacterial infection affects humans and not rats which the body is unlikely to recognize.

House informs Foreman that the answer is Listeria, so he will start him on Amp and Gent. He puts the antibiotics in the airlock, but Foreman requests certainty. He asks House to perform a white matter biopsy. House refuses, because any slip will render Foreman an invalid. Foreman fears the antibiotics will bring back the pain if House is wrong. House begs him to try the medicine first. If it doesn't work, he will biopsy the brain again. Foreman takes the pills.

As Cameron changes the antibiotics IV bag, Foreman writhes in pain. He implores her to put him in a coma, asking her to be his medical proxy. He quotes from her medical journal article about the importance of a well-informed decision. Foreman then apologizes for stealing her material for his own article. She agrees to be his proxy, but doesn't forgive him for what he's done.

Chase finds Rodney Foreman in the hospital chapel and lets him know that they need to put his son in a medical coma. However, if they cannot solve the problem, he won't wake up. Chase suggests that he visit his boy before that happens. Rodney dons a bio suit and spends a few moments with Foreman before Cameron induces the coma. As she administers the IV, Cameron tells Foreman that she accepts his earlier apology.

Wilson implores House to perform the biopsy, dismissing House's claim that it is too dangerous. Wilson asserts that House doesn't spend time with patients because he'll get close to them. If it were anyone else, he would have drilled into their heads long ago. Cameron reports that the EEG shows that Foreman is still in pain. She demands they do the biopsy now. House still refuses. Cameron hands him the paper showing her legal proxy status.

Cuddy confirms that the proxy letter checks out. She instructs Cameron to proceed with the biopsy and ignore House's interference. Cameron remarks that Cuddy is no hero because they could have cut into a dead man's head long ago. Cameron then apologizes. House follows her out and begs for an hour. He wants to go back to Joe's apartment and to see if another animal died. The place was such a dump, there must be more vermin there. If House finds something, he can cut its head open instead of Foreman's. Cameron tells House that when Foreman's O2 stats hit 90, she must proceed.

House, not wearing a biosuit, again inspects the apartment. He notices a pigeon hit the window and the rooftop shed. The bird is blind. House stalks the bird, but it flies off.

Cameron readies the neurosurgery tools. Cameron calls House to announce that she is about to proceed, but House tells her that the water Joe uses for his marijuana might be the answer. Cameron already tested that water and it is clean. House is stumped. Foreman's O2 stats drop to 89, so Cameron starts the biopsy.

House follows the piping to a water tank. He quickly calls Cameron to say that they tested the wrong water. The tank he found is riddled with Naegleria. She already knows this because her biopsy showed the same results. House is dismayed.

Cameron finds Rodney Foreman to let him know that his son has primary amoebic meningoencephalitis, which is a parasite that goes through the nose and migrates into the brain. There it feeds on brain cells. It is treatable and will cause no lasting damage. However, they don't yet know if the surgery or coma produced any side effects.

Foreman gets transferred from isolation to the ICU. He comes out of the coma and doesn't feel any pain. House tests his vision and Foreman successfully follows his finger. House then asks Foreman to identify the people in the room. Foreman realizes that they performed the biopsy. He successfully names Cameron, his father and House. House then asks Foreman to wiggle his left toes. Although Foreman says he moved them, his toes remain still. House becomes concerned, and has Foreman raise his right arm. Foreman raises his left.


221,10分37秒,House對Cuddy說:Wow, that is so like rain on your wedding day.
rain on your wedding day出自Alanis Morrissette的一首歌,這首歌的名字叫《反話》,暈…


House Season2 EP20

Euphoria, Part 1

Episode 220 : 2006-05-02

A cop named Joe Luria corners a young gang member in an alley. Joe giddily mocks the perp as he reads him his rights. The gang member pulls his gun and shoots. The bullet shatters against Joe's flak jacket, with a piece deflecting up through Joe's neck and into brain matter at the base of his skull. Joe lies on the ground, laughing as blood gushes from the wound.

House and the team deduce the cause of Joe's hysterical reaction. Chase thinks that the bullet fragments in the brain are to blame, but House points out that it is the wrong area to cause euphoria. They will need to expand their search, factoring in Joe's cough and cloudy lungs.
Chase mentions carbon monoxide poisoning, which would explain the elevated heart rate, coughing and imp
Aired neurological functions. House considers that the patient might have been exposed to CO indoors and went outdoors before collapsing. He orders an arterial blood gas test. In the meantime, they must check Joe's squad car, personal car, precinct and home for gas leaks.

Chase finds low-level CO poisoning. He is about to slide Joe into the hyperbaric chamber when Joe's fist suddenly clenches. As his brain struggles for oxygen, Joe loses motor function. That grim news can't take away Joe's giddiness. Yet when Cameron mentions that someone is checking Joe's home for a gas leak, he immediately turns serious.

Foreman searches Joe's incredibly filthy apartment for some clues. He swabs samples from the rank kitchen. Foreman then steps through the window onto the building's roof and notices a shed with a power supply. He finds a hydroponic marijuana farm.

House goes to the precinct and hears a cop with a raspy cough. The man's desk is right next to Joe's, below the same air conditioning unit.

Back at the hospital, Foreman is convinced that marijuana is the explanation. House believes that Legionnaire's disease is the cause, citing the rancid water in the AC unit as evidence. The next morning, Joe is feeling better, and Foreman observes that his COHb levels are down. Chase points out on the x-rays that the clouded area in the upper lung lobes are clearing up. Joe seems more concerned with making sure Foreman won't reveal what was at his apartment. Suspecting something is wrong, Foreman spins around the portable light board and shows it to Joe, who agrees that the x-rays look fine. The doctors realize that Joe is blind.

Foreman reports that Joe's papillary responses are intact, the fundus looks normal and there's no macular degeneration. He thinks Joe has Anton's Blindness, a condition in which patients can physically see but the brain cannot process the information. This indicates damage to both occipital lobes. A stroke is a possible explanation. House suspects a brain clot, but they can't do an MRI because the bullet fragments will move and shred Joe's brain. Cameron suggests an angio x-ray. Although House considers this a waste of time, the team badgers him into it.

Cameron explains to Joe that they will send a catheter through his femoral artery to his brain. Foreman remarks to him that he'll be back on the streets scaring people. When the team reconvenes in the morgue with the results, Cameron presses House to remove Foreman from the case because he hates cops. Foreman says he was just having fun with a hypocrite, so House lets him stay. There is also the fact that Foreman is the team neurologist.

The angio shows some clotting, but not enough to be decisive. House again suggests an MRI, which Foreman again shoots down. House pulls out a gun and shoots a cadaver with an identical bullet. They can now run a test MRI to see how the bullet is affected. Cameron and Chase are shocked and scared, while Foreman is merely bemused.

Cameron continues to harp on Foreman's behavior. House asks whether it was aggressive or giddy, noting that Foreman's amusement at the gunshot isn't a normal reaction. Foreman adamantly insists that being bored by House's insanity isn't proof of illness. With the cadaver in place, House flicks the switch on the MRI. The bullets are immediately ripped out of the skull and forever buried in the magnetic coils.

They learn that the MRI is out of commission for at least two weeks. Foreman wonders if doing nothing is their only option, seeing as how the giddiness seems to have disappeared. The blindness hasn't, so House orders an echo of Joe's heart to search for the source of the clots. They could get lucky.

As Cameron and Chase perform the ultrasound, Joe goes into tachycardia. They rush to save him, while Foreman merely stands back and giggles. Chase recognizes intracranial bleeding, forcing them to cut Joe's temple to relieve the pressure. Foreman can't stop laughing.

Foreman is sealed in an airtight bio-safety room with Joe and two nurses wearing full biohazard suits. He still insists that he's fine, but House is more focused on finally getting a chance to use an MRI to locate the problem. They will use it on Foreman.

House draws his own blood sample and informs Chase and Cameron that anybody with an elevated SED rate is joining Foreman. He has noticed in the MRI an area of increased T2 attenuation in the cingulated cortex. This mushiness would explain the euphoria, but what explains the mushiness? House asks who wants to investigate Joe's apartment next. Cameron turns to leave, but House stops her. Foreman brought back samples from the apartment. House was merely testing them.

Cameron sorts through the samples using protective gloves built into a protective steel case. At the same time, Chase tries to draw blood from Foreman. Foreman asks Chase what they're thinking because he believes it might be a staph infection. If Chase delivers linezolid directly into their brains, Foreman and Joe can be cured.

The samples test negative for toluene, arsenic and lead, and the blood is negative for West Nile or Eastern equine diseases. Cameron wants to go to the apartment for more samples, but House refuses to allow it. He wants to take a sample from Joe's brain, but surgery is impossible because he is on blood thinners. Using Foreman is the only option. Chase tries to resist with everything Foreman told him earlier. Yet House knows where Chase is getting this line of thought.

House heads down to the isolation chamber to talk to Foreman directly. House doubts that he has a staph infection because it would present in numerous different ways before a brain abscess. House offers Foreman a release to sign so he can biopsy his brain, but Foreman wants to see the MRI first. He insists that the mushy spot on the x-ray could have developed into an abscess by now. House mentions fever and Foreman's reads 101.6. Foreman insists that House put an omaya reservoir into his skull and treat him for staph.

A neurosurgeon drills into Foreman's skull, exposing his brain. Foreman, wide awake during the procedure, looks at flash cards for Chase and identifies the simple shapes on each one. Foreman then hears House's voice coming from behind his head and realizes what's going on. House is going to biopsy his brain. Foreman orders him to get out of his temporal lobe.

Foreman wakes in the middle of the night, back in the isolation room. Joe says he can't see anything, and Foreman is encouraged by this because Joe is now aware of his blindness.

The biopsy shows non-specific signs of inflammation. Cameron quickly points out that House's "can't miss" idea stole a billion of Foreman's brain cells, turning up nothing. Yet the biopsy was also negative for a staph infection. Cameron again asks to go into the apartment. House turns her down once more. They will instead retest the samples for any toxin, bacteria or fungus that attacks the brain. House orders Cameron to suit up to monitor Foreman for Anton's Blindness. They need to track Foreman to see how far behind he is from Joe.

Wilson questions why House is being so cautious and avoiding Joe's apartment. House doesn't want to lose another doctor. Wilson realizes that Foreman is not simply another patient to House, no matter what he claims.

As Joe writhes in agony, Cameron tells Foreman they found nothing in his brain. Foreman suggests returning to the apartment because he might have missed something. The cause may be listeriosis. Cameron says that they cannot go back because of the danger. Foreman becomes angry. He picks up a syringe he used to draw his own blood and jabs Cameron in the leg. He says she can either tell House what happened or head to Joe's apartment to save all three of them.

House and Chase stand outside the chamber as Foreman throws out possible diseases to them. Joe continues screaming in pain, so Foreman picks up a syringe and injects morphine into his IV. Chase yells that Joe is already at his daily limit and more could kill him. Realizing that the pain could cause a stress cardiomyopathy, House makes no attempt to stop Foreman. The screaming continues, and the doctors realize that Joe has a new symptom -- hyperalgesia. The infection has spread to the pain center of the brain, which is telling Joe that his entire body is in tremendous pain. No amount of medicine can soothe it. House tells Chase to suit up and induce Joe into a coma.

Foreman continues to throw out explanations to House, who wonders why Foreman isn't concerned that Cameron is missing. When Foreman doesn't react, House starts to figure out where she is.

Cameron samples Joe's entire apartment, including his rooftop farm. As she is re-sealing the biohazard tape on the door, she turns and finds House. Cameron tells him about the needle, and House can't believe she came to the apartment instead of killing him on the spot. Even by breaking the skin, the chances of infection were remote. Cameron wanted to be here.

House roots through Cameron's samples. He's disinterested by the normal garbage, but his curiosity is piqued by the inclusion of three loaves of rye bread. He sends Cameron back inside. Using his cell phone, he directs her out onto the roof with the bread in order to draw out pigeons. He instructs Cameron to look for pigeon droppings. She doesn't find any, and House has her look for a dustpan because he figures Joe uses the droppings for fertilizer. She finds a used scraper on a bucket. The bucket full of pigeon droppings is the perfect home for Cryptococcus neoformans. Once that enters the brain, it causes happiness, blindness and intractable pain.

Cameron puts a sample of droppings onto a slide and adds GMS stain. She doesn't get the result she was expecting and sprints upstairs. In the isolation room, Joe crashes. Cameron runs up and tells the team that the sample was negative for Cryptococcus. As the doctors suit up, Foreman shocks Joe with no results. A subsequent epi injection does nothing. Joe dies.

220,11分2秒時,House說:Officer Krupke is clotting in his brain,Krupke警官腦袋裡的血液在凝結。這個Krupke是著名的音樂劇《西城故事》West Side Story裡的角色,在這裡當然指那個得病的員警了。


House Season2 EP19

House vs. God

Episode 219 : 2006-04-25

Charismatic 15-year old Boyd Mullins preaches to the congregation inside a storefront church. He places his hand on the forehead of an old woman with a walker, then pulls the walker away. With the crowd's encouragement, the woman takes a few steps on her own. Boyd offers praise to the Lord, then collapses to the ground, clutching his stomach.

At the hospital, Foreman tells Boyd that he doesn't have an intestinal blockage. Cameron draws blood and Boyd thanks her for the painless procedure. He claims that God told him she was kind. Boyd's father, Walter, helpfully explains that God speaks to Boyd quite frequently. Cameron observes that Boyd's urine is dilute, which could mean his kidneys aren't functioning properly.

The team presents the case to House, who can't get past the idea that God talks to Boyd. Chase tries to move things along with the report that the only medical issue showing up in the blood work is low sodium. Both Addison's and cirrhosis tested negatively. House orders his staff to monitor Boyd's saline intake. He wants to talk to this preacher boy himself.

House presses Boyd on issues of faith, but he holds his own with qualified responses. Noting that Boyd is lucid, House finds it curious that he is being treated in a hospital when his preaching keeps others from medical help.

Wilson meets with Grace, a terminal cancer patient. She's losing the battle and seems resigned to it. Wilson assures her that the right combination of pain meds exists and that he will find it. House summons Wilson to the balcony and explains that Boyd merely watches people and deduces their problems. He then gives them advice that he claims God passed on to him. This is some kind of power trip. Wilson smirks at the similarities between Boyd and House. The boy's symptoms are massive cramps and low sodium. House thinks he was probably drinking water nonstop since God told him to purify his body. The water intake would lead to low sodium, which would cause cramping. House wasn't looking to Wilson for medical advice. He just wanted to rant about seemingly intelligent people believing in religion.

Boyd slowly shuffles through the halls singing a gospel hymn. He's having a singing seizure which is a partial seizure in which people repeat lines from songs. Chase tries to lead him back to his room, but Boyd doesn't respond. He stumbles across Grace, puts his hand on her head and says that all things are possible in faith. Boyd calls upon the Lord to heal her. Wilson intervenes and has Chase get Boyd back to his room.

House wonders if they should have Boyd ask God what's wrong with him. Or else they should just do an MRI. Wilson barges in, enraged that they let Boyd roam the hallways and taunt Grace with false cures. She thinks she feels a little better but that's just a placebo effect. It will be up to Wilson to pick her back up when it isn't true.

House passes the whiteboard in his office and notices a little scoreboard putting the tally at "God 2, House 1." Boyd comes in and notes the score. House quickly points out that the game isn't over. Boyd wonders if God is in the lead because he healed Grace when she came back to his room. House counters that Boyd simply likes messing with people and giving them a rush. But when the endorphins wear off and the pain returns, Boyd is long gone. Boyd claims that doesn't happen. House asks if he's ever done studies on his track record. Boyd defensively claims that God told him it was so.

Boyd says that he can tell House looks for excuses to be alone. House dismisses this as a simple trick of deduction because of his gruff exterior. He asks Boyd for more specifics from God. Boyd says that God wants House to invite Dr. Wilson to his poker game. House stops in his tracks. Wilson does want to be a part of House's game this week, but how did Boyd know the game even existed? House accosts Wilson, but he claims that he has never talked to Boyd beyond the encounter with Grace in the hallway.

Chase shows House the MRI images and points out a small, abnormal area. House declares it to be tuberous sclerosis. It certainly would explain all of the symptoms, including the chats with God. House gives himself one more point on the scoreboard.

Wilson tells Grace a story about a doctor that the Catholic church keeps at Lourdes. While thousands of cases say people claim to feel better, the Vatican recognizes only a handful of miracles. Grace insists that she likes the view that Boyd is providing. Wilson warns her about facing reality. He offers to take new images of her liver.

Foreman and Chase break the news about tuberous sclerosis to Walter and Boyd. The disease causes small tumors to grow throughout the body, and his are expanding. They will need to perform brain surgery to remove them. This will cure his chemical imbalance, the seizures and his auditory hallucinations.

Boyd refuses the surgery. House wants Cuddy to call the lawyers, but she wants him to talk to the patient first. Yet he must approach it not as an adversary, but more like Wilson does with his patients. House finds Wilson and asks him to speak with Boyd because Cuddy requested him to do so. Wilson only agrees to do it if House lets him in the poker game. House relents.

Wilson approaches Boyd to find out why he doesn't want the tumors removed. The patient answers that God put them there for a reason. House can't stand this, and he charges that God is everywhere and doesn't need to send messages to Boyd's brain. Boyd admits to Wilson that his visions have been blurry lately. Wilson points out that this means the tumors are growing and putting pressure on his optic nerve. He asks Boyd if he thinks God wants him to die. Walter replies that God gives the most trials to his chosen ones.

Wilson asks if Boyd thinks he is a saint because the one hallmark of a saint is humility. If he rejects surgery because he thinks he's special, then he's not a true saint. True humility would force a person to at least consider the possibility that he simply has an illness. Boyd is troubled by this logic. House then congratulates Wilson on his powers of manipulation. He also wants him to bring pretzels to poker night.

House is at home when Wilson stops by with some images of Grace's cancer to prove that Boyd didn't heal her. The images showed that Grace's tumor has decreased in size. House is struck by the revelation, and he asks Wilson not to share this information with Boyd.

The next morning, House demands that Chase get him every single scrap of medical information that exists on Grace. She thinks Boyd saved her life. Cuddy mentions that Boyd and Walter have withdrawn permission for surgery, but she is putting the lawyers on it. She also has her doubts about Grace's tumor. House thinks that the only way to save Boyd is to prove that Grace is still dying. The scoreboard now reads God 3, House 2.

The team pores over Grace's records, searching for possible mistakes and mis-readings. Suspecting a delayed reaction from radiation, Chase scans Grace's home with a radiation counter. All he finds are four kinds of pain pills and an experimental LED device that's sold over the internet to stop pain. He calls House, who tells him to keep looking.

During poker night, House turns to Wilson and wonders how Boyd would have found out about their game. The only person he's been talking to is Grace. Why would Wilson tell Grace about the game? Perhaps Grace is more than just a patient. House concludes that Wilson has been sleeping with Grace. Wilson has no response. They argue. Wilson says that it happened one night when her ride didn't show up. House realizes that Wilson didn't find an apartment of his own after all. He moved in with Grace.

House accuses Wilson of having a fetish for needy people. He needs to heal them. Wilson counters that House is only angry because he couldn't tell that Wilson was hiding something. He hates Boyd because the boy is in more control than he is. This is also why religion annoys House. If it's true, then House definitely has no control over his world.

At the hospital, Walter tells Foreman and Cameron that Boyd is checking out because God said he was fine. Walter pleads with them to talk to his son.

House gets a call that Boyd has contracted a fever and is delirious. Since tuberous sclerosis doesn't cause fever, House and Wilson head to the hospital.

In front of the team, House declares that Boyd does have tuberous sclerosis, but it is only a mild case. They must perform an LP. Boyd resists, claiming that God told him not to use any more medical science. God will handle it. Foreman informs Walter that his son is delirious and that the decision is ultimately his. Boyd begs Walter to have faith. Walter tells the doctor that they don't know what's wrong with Boyd, but God does so it is in his hands. House tracks down Wilson for another speech to the family.

Wilson implores House to consider other solutions. The infection might be unrelated and he simply picked it up at the hospital. House reaches an epiphany. Boyd gave Grace a virus, which went on to attack her tumor. Researchers everywhere are experimenting with virii to fight cancer. Wilson thinks this theory is a reach and points out that the research virii have been genetically modified. House mentions herpes virii are most prone to attack cancer cells. Wilson realizes that herpes encephalitis would fit all of the symptoms.

House walks into Boyd's room and orders him to strip. House is looking for the sores that are symptomatic of herpes encephalitis, mentioning to Walter that Boyd contracted it through sex. This would explain why he was guzzling water to purify his body. As Boyd begs his father to have faith, Walter instructs the boy to take off his clothes. He pulls down his pants, revealing a sore near his left hip.

A few days later, Boyd knocks on House's door. Walter forced him to apologize. House walks over to his whiteboard, where the score is still 3-2. House asks Chase for his third point, knowing that Chase was running the scoreboard all along.

在很多人眼裡,House是和上帝同等的,本集這兩位終於遭遇了,House VS God,House主場。
剛開場時House對Wilson的對話,House問Wilson:Linday Lohan在贏了拼字比賽時你會暫停多少次?這個指的是04年的一部電影,Mean Girls,中文叫《賤女孩》,主演就是Lindsay Lohan,很不錯的青春勵志片,推薦看看,不過裡面進行的是數學競賽,不是什麼拼字比賽。Wilson也糾正了。我記得電影中數學競賽的最後一道題是求極限,怪哉,美國人高中就要學極限嗎?雖然那道題對學過高數的人來說實在太簡單了…

And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in field which when a man finds,he hides,For joy he goes,and sells all he owns and buys that field.