
House Season2 EP6


Episode 206 : 2005-11-15

During a race, famous cyclist Jeff Hastert gasps for air and then collapses. At the hospital, Stacy rushes into House's office to remind him to renew his credentials. Cuddy interrupts with the details on Jeff. House asks Cuddy to fire Stacy for pestering him about paperwork. He's not interested Jeff's case because it's probably due to steroids. Yet he becomes intrigued when Cuddy notes that Jeff doesn't deny using performance-enhancing drugs.

Jeff lists for House the numerous ways medical science has given him an edge. On that list is blood doping. House and the team run through the symptoms. Jeff has tested normal for everything, and suffers from no clot or edema. Something is still causing respiratory distress. Foreman thinks an air bubble may have been caused by a poor injection. House asks for a VQ scan, which confirms that there is a bubble in Jeff's lungs.

Chase threads a Swan-Ganz catheter into a chest vein. He finds the bubble and begins sucking it out. Suddenly, Jeff starts to drool and the team searches for what is causing the muscle weakness. House calls for a muscle biopsy, which reveals Jeff tests negative for polymyositis, ALS and lupus. With the patient still suffering from muscle weakness, House wonders whether the normal results are actually substandard for an athlete like Jeff. Chase tosses out encephalitis, and House asks for a lumbar puncture to rule it out.

Foreman starts the puncture but Jeff's arms begin twitching. He gasps for air and lapses into respiratory arrest. Foreman intubates. The puncture comes back negative for encephalitis. House again wonders if wonders if Chase screwed up the embolectomy and pierced something. Either this could be why Jeff is losing blood or he's simply not producing enough. That acute anemia combined with a muscular disorder equals paraneoplastic syndrome or cancer.

Wilson performs a bone marrow biopsy. Jeff worries that something he took may have caused the cancer. Wilson hands Cameron a phone message, and he realizes that she called a newspaper to tip them off about Jeff cheating in the races. This has been weighing on her since he was admitted.

A chest x-ray shows that Jeff is negative for bleeds, and House declares that the patient has cancer. Wilson says that Jeff does not have cancer because he has pure red cell aplasia instead. This comes as a surprise to the doctors, since PRCA can't just suddenly manifest. Cameron thinks Jeff is lying about being on EPO.

As the doctors weigh their options, Cuddy and Stacy enter with news of the leak. Stacy will be sitting in with them until this is resolved. House wonders why somebody would leak a cancer diagnosis to make Jeff look bad. Then he realizes it's because he's on EPO. House barges into Jeff's room and tells him that acute PRCA is most commonly caused by EPO. Jeff still denies it.

House questions whether Jeff's ever-present manager was secretly injecting him. He considers checking her cell phone for the newspaper's number. The manager tells Jeff that a comeback from cancer will boost his image. Jeff instantly fires his manager.

That night, Foreman keeps a watch on the sleeping Jeff and he notices that something is wrong. The next morning, Foreman reports that Jeff's red blood cell count plummeted to 16 percent. The drugs should really be flushing out of his system by now. House posits that maybe Jeff wasn't using EPO.

Foreman mentions that he performed a transfusion and House is struck with an idea. He orders a CT scan on Jeff's neck, which reveals a thymoma. These are usually present in the chest. The team wants to know how House figured this out. House explains that they had scanned his chest so much, so it obviously wasn't there. Perhaps Jeff didn't have acute PRCA but had a chronic version instead. The constant blood doping served as the transfusions Jeff would need for such severe anemia.

House walks into Jeff's room, jabs a syringe into the man's thigh and proclaims him healed. Jeff immediately starts feeling better. House informs him that the thymoma is usually associated with PRCA and myasthenia gravis. They can take Jeff's thymus out and everything else will be manageable. The miracle shot he gave him was only diagnostic.

Later that night, House limps through the empty hospital towards the therapist's office. He tells a maintenance man that he forgot his cane in that room and asks to be let in. once inside, House roots through a file drawer and finds Stacy's psychiatric evaluation. He begins reading the notes on her.


Stacy: Yeah. Otherwise I’d be on you like red on rice.
Stacy說:對,否則的話我跟你就像“red on rice”
其實這句話沒什麼難的,red指紅衣女郎,rice指白人男子,red on rice就是紅衣女郎騎在白人男子身上,之所以把這句話列出來是因為當時查了一天也沒查到是什麼意思,最後還是別人幫忙才知道。
本集裡有句話我很喜歡:Life’s more complicated than who gets to the finish line first.生活不僅僅是誰先沖過終點那麼簡單.


House Season2 EP5

Daddy's Boy

Episode 205 : 2005-11-08

Carnell Hall and his father Ken celebrate Carnell's graduation from Princeton. Ken thinks Carnell's mother would have been so proud of him. That night, Carnell enjoys one last frat party. He begins to feel a series of electric shocks before convulsing on the floor.

Wilson leads House's team through Carnell's symptoms -- painful shocks, headaches, nausea and drowsiness. House glances at the board and immediately tosses off possible explanations. Wilson shoots down each with already completed test results. Aside from the obvious diseases, House thinks something is missing. They need to find out what it is.

Cameron, Chase and Foreman run a battery of tests, but still come up empty. They report to House that there is nothing missing. House directs them to examine the fatal car accident that killed the patient's mother several years ago. In broad daylight, she veered off a straight road. House wants a DNA analysis.

Foreman swabs the inside of Carnell's cheek and tells him they're checking for NF2, an inherited disease that causes abnormal growths on the cranial nerves. The doctors witness Carnell defecating in his bed, but he had no idea that he did it. He didn't feel a thing. Back in House's office, sphincter paralysis has been added to the white board. That, combined with shocks, usually equals Miller Fisher syndrome. Yet Chase points out that a stool sample testing negative for botulinism rules that out. Foreman mentions that the DNA test revealed no NF2 markers.

Foreman throws out transverse myelitis, which could have caused the symptoms. They don't know, however, what is causing the transverse myelitis. Foreman wonders if the infection is gone but the memory of it remains in the body -- as in molecular mimicry. House likes this idea, and orders an immunoglobulin level and an electrophoresis.

House gets a call from his own mother. She and his father have a long layover in Newark, but House tells her that he already has dinner plans. While Foreman and Chase draw cerebrospinal fluid from Carnell, Cameron peels off and tells Wilson about the House parents coming to town. She wants him to invite them as a surprise.

Carnell asks his father to get him a soda. While he's gone, Carnell confesses to the doctors that he recently went to Jamaica with some friends. House thinks maybe Carnell got exposed to some pesticides, possibly through smoking marijuana. House orders them to start Carnell on an IV of pralidoxime. Foreman chafes because there is no evidence to support a poisoning diagnosis.

In the parking lot that night, House accuses Wilson of going behind his back to invite his parents over for dinner. Wilson reluctantly admits that he did. If House doesn't tell his parents the truth, then Wilson plans to see him at seven for dinner.

The next morning, Cuddy and Foreman drop in on Carnell, only to find him voraciously eating breakfast. They're amazed that the treatment is working, but the shocks have only decreased and not disappeared completely. His white blood cell count is still low. House is alerted that Carnell has the chills and his temperature has spiked up to 106. House admits to Ken that he has no idea what's happening to his son.

House adds fever to the white board. The team is stumped. Carnell wasn't actually recovering but merely feeling better. Yesterday he had no fever or infection. House orders antibiotics and another round of tests. He also orders Cameron to track down Carnell's friends that made the Jamaica trip.

House catches up with Cuddy to volunteer for clinic duty. However, she is aware of the dinner plans and will be attending Wilson's party as well. Cuddy implores House to just go to dinner because it will make his mother happy. He replies that it's not his mom who's the problem. It's his father.

Cameron reports that one of Carnell's friends had a rash, but nobody else had any health issues. House has her bring the friend Taddy in so they can have a look at him. Cuddy instructs Cameron to let House believe that his parents arrived early so that he will visit the rash-stricken Taddy himself. Just then, Chase and Foreman find Carnell bleeding into his abdomen. They rush him into surgery.

The infection has caused a perforation in the colon, which means the antibiotics aren't working. Cameron begins to lie to House about his parents when Cuddy enters with news -- Carnell's friend Taddy began vomiting blood and will be delivered by ambulance within ten minutes.

When Taddy is wheeled in, House immediately cuts open the boy's pants and asks if he and Carnell had sex in Jamaica. Taddy denies this, and explains that he only took Carnell away as a break from working in his dad's scrap metal junkyard. This gives House an epiphany and he rushes off to Carnell's room. House asks Ken about any odd scrap Carnell might have handled recently. Ken says he found an old plumb and put it on a key chain for Carnell so he'd always remember where he came from. House demands to know where it is.

After Cameron discovers that Carnell's old clothes are in a bureau, Houses orders Chase and Foreman to take the bureau to radiology without opening it. House runs a Geiger counter over the bureau and it goes crazy. Foreman later explains to Ken that the piece of metal was radioactive, and anybody who had contact with it will need immediate treatment for Radiation Sickness by transfusion. Carnell had so much exposure that he's going to need a bone marrow transplant. Additionally, there's a tumor inside his spinal cord which is causing the symptoms.

A surgeon should be able to remove the tumor, but surgery on somebody as hemopoetically compromised as Carnell is very risky. Carnell is wheeled off to a sterile isolation room. House's parents arrive and visit him in the office. He tells them he can't make it to dinner tonight, but they persuade him to have a quick sandwich in the cafeteria.

The surgeon successfully removes the tumor but Carnell begins hemorrhaging. In the waiting room, Chase gives Ken the news that Carnell will not likely be able to fight off infections because his white cell count keeps falling. After surgery, Ken visits Carnell in the sterile room. Carnell tells his father that he's scared. Ken says that he will be fine and has nothing to fear.



House: Get me out of this and I’ll tell you who started the rumor about you being a transsexual.
House對Cuddy說:想辦法幫我逃掉晚餐 然後我就會告訴你誰先開始傳播你是變性人的謠言。
這個倒不單純是編劇在編臺詞,Cuddy的扮演者Lisa Edelstein在一部叫Ally McBeal,中文叫《甜心俏佳人》的片子裡扮演過一位變性人……


House Season2 EP4

TB or Not TB

Episode 204 : 2005-11-01

Dr. Sebastian Charles emerges from a plane in a remote African village. He's arrived with tuberculosis medicine for the villagers, who greet him warmly. Back in the states, Dr. Charles gives a presentation to the board of Stoia-Tucker Pharmaceuticals and implores them to provide more medicine from the poor. During the presentation, Dr. Charles collapses and seizes.

Charles thinks he has TB and Cuddy agrees with him. House quickly declares that it's not TB. Dr. Charles asks to sit on the differential with the rest of the team. Charles is positive that he suffers from TB and his backers only want the second opinion. Dr. Charles orders himself a round a tests to confirm it.

House calls his team back to the office to figure out other illnesses. Chase notices an abnormal heart rhythm which would explain the man passing out. Cameron orders a stress test and an echocardiogram, but the results are normal. The EKG isn't. House suggests a tilt table test, which Foreman says never works. House assures him that it will.

The test is going fine until House turns the speed way up. Charles complains that he's about to throw up and faint. The new speed reveals an abnormal P-R interval. Charles is going to need a pacemaker, and surgery is scheduled for the afternoon.

Cameron seems quite impressed with Charles's sense of being a do-gooder. He tries to persuade Cameron to join him in Africa and offers to discuss it over dinner. But during a brief walk, Charles feels faint, then vomits and passes out.

The team reconvenes to figure out new problems. Foreman thinks the headaches point to a neurological source and he offers up acoustic neuroma, which is a brain tumor that causes all of these problems. House orders an MRI. Charles slides into the machine. Cameron sees that the MRI is clear, showing no tumor. But the PPD she implanted two days to test for TB is clearly positive.

She reports her findings to House, who's unimpressed. He knew Charles would have TB because he's been in the jungle so long. He complains that now that Cameron has proven Charles's diagnosis for him, he'll refuse to submit to any more tests. She counters that every symptom screams TB.

In Charles's room, Cameron delivers a cupful of pills for his resistant strain of TB. Looking at the pills, he realizes that two years' worth of pills would cost $10,000. Thinking of poor mothers who can't afford any pills, Charles decides not to take them. He thinks if he dies, people might pay more attention to his story and the problem with big pharmaceutical companies.

House goes over the symptoms of increased heart rate, night sweats and a loss of consciousness. If it's not a tumor, then what else could it be? Foreman counts down the list: Fabry's, autonomic dysregulation syndrome and Shy-Drager syndrome. House complains to Cuddy that Charles is refusing treatment. She lets House know that Charles has called a press conference. He asked her to be there to confirm the diagnosis and prognosis.

Cameron is offering Charles comfort when House barges into the room. Promising Charles third world treatment, he takes his cell phone, throws it down the toilet, turns off the TV and throws everything on the floor. He yells at Charles that he can't ask to be treated like a villager and then call for a public press conference.

Charles later speaks to the press from his bed as House and Wilson watch from another room. House notices that Charles doesn't seem right. His internal heating and ventilation should be off, which means he can't produce sweat. With the heat in the room cranked way up and under the glare of the news lights, Charles should be bright red. But he isn't and he is sweating like crazy.

House marches into the press conference. He notices that Charles is disoriented. His heart fails and Cameron tries to shock him back. House yells into one of the cameras that this isn't TB. Later, House spells it out for Charles. He has low sugar in his cerebrospinal fluid, a classic finding of TB. But his heart failed under heat and stress, which isn't TB. They have about a dozen symptoms on the diagnosis board. House tells Charles that unless they know which ones come from TB and which ones don't, they can't treat him. House offers Charles the TB meds, but he still refuses to take them. If Charles doesn't take them, House will let him die. Then House will call his own press conference and announce that he didn't die of TB. Charles's sponsors will have to find another disease.

Charles begins the regimen of TB pills and tests. Gradually, the team begins crossing off symptoms. The team is left with P-R variability, syncope, headaches and low CSF sugar, which is from the TB that they just cured. So what else causes this low sugar? High insulin levels, for one. House suggests a very tiny tumor and, more precisely, a nesidioblastoma, which is an abnormal growth of the insulin secreting cells in one's pancreas. This causes only intermittent secretion of insulin, usually in response to stress.

House and the team take Charles into surgery. They're going to poke around where they think the tumor is and see what happens. They will inject calcium into the pancreas, which will cause the beta cells to release insulin. If there are too many beta cells because of a tumor, Charles' blood sugar will drop precipitously. This is exactly what happens. Surgery is scheduled to remove the tumor.

In his room days later, Charles is packing up his stuff. Cameron hands him a six month supply of meds. He asks her to come to Africa with the refill, but she refuses because she is interested in House. As Charles leaves, he is engulfed by a media swarm. House points out to Wilson that since he saved Charles' life, by default, he should get credit for every poor child Charles saves from here on out.


Title: TB or not TB
本集的標題,TB or not TB(TB指肺結核),大家應該都知道出處,莎士比亞的名言“To be or not to be,that is a problem”,這個標題除了概括劇情,好像也沒什麼別的含義。

House: Yeah, I know, I saw the concert.
本集裡那個製藥廠的名字,叫Stoia Tucker,這個名字不是憑空捏造的,House劇集的第一助理導演叫Chris Stoia,Tucker的意思是疲倦,Stoia Tucker合起來就是Stoia累個半死 ^-^
關於本集我想說一點,House對天涯俠醫的態度我不敢苟同,甭管這個人他去非洲做醫生是出於什麼目的,也許是為了名聲,也許是把非洲的經歷當成向上爬的墊腳石,至少他在做的事,也就是在非洲給人義務治病,是值得尊敬的,Wilson的態度我很欣賞,Cameron則明顯過於關心了。關於非洲醫生,大家可以去看一部叫《超越邊界》Beyond Borders的電影,克裡夫.歐文和安吉利娜.茱莉主演,很好的片子。


House Season2 EP3

Humpty Dumpty

Episode 203 : 2005-09-27

Alfredo, a construction worker at Cuddy's house, complains that his asthma is acting up. She asks him to finish the job. Alfredo falls off the roof onto the concrete.

An ambulance races Cuddy and Alfredo to the hospital. He can't breathe, and Cuddy notices two of the fingers on his right hand have turned purple. At the hospital, the doctors try to figure out the cause of this. House suggests disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. House asks his team for a cervical MRI and treatment for DIC.

Stacy tells Cuddy that, for legal reasons, she should stay away from Alfredo. Stacy is sure that Cuddy will feel guilty, apologize and offer to pay his bills. The hospital doesn't need that. Cuddy is concerned that Alfredo could lose his hand and then his livelihood.

Alfredo demands to be released so he can go back to work. Chase notices that a third finger is turning purple. Cameron finds that Alfredo isn't clotting properly, which would mean minor DIC. House points out that if the hand is dying, it could move up the arm and further. Cuddy orders a stronger medicine -- human activated protein C. The staff is shocked. House points out that this treatment is only for severe sepsis. It is incredibly dangerous and could cause internal bleeding, strokes and more. Cuddy tells them to do it anyway.

Wilson notes to House that he would've ordered protein C as well. Suddenly, Alfredo screams for help because he can't move his arm. Chase tells Cuddy that the protein C caused bleeding in Alfredo's brain. The treatment is stopped and Alfredo is rushed into neurosurgery. Cuddy observes the surgery.

The surgery fixes the bleed. As Cameron examines him, Alfredo suffers from a coughing fit. A chest x-ray shows lung infiltration. His fingers become darker and he has a fever. Cuddy tries to connect this to Alfredo's falling off her roof. Foreman suggests pneumonia, and Cuddy admits that it is a possibility because Alfredo asked to leave the job. House asks Cuddy to check Alfredo's house to look for possible causes. House secretly has Foreman and Chase investigate Cuddy's house as well since Alfredo has been there for the past three weeks.

Cuddy and Cameron find a rat killed by a trap under Alfredo's dresser. The scars on Alfredo's hand must be rat bites. He has streptobacillus, which fits the symptoms perfectly. In Cuddy's bathroom, House notices a fuzzy, black aspergillus fungus on the pipes underneath the sink. Looking an x-ray, Cuddy agrees that fungal pneumonia is more likely. Cameron points out that the treatment for aspergillosis is amphotericin, which is hugely dangerous.

Stacy asks House to take it easy on Cuddy because she actually feels for patients. They're not just a puzzle to her. Meanwhile, Alfredo's little brother tells Cameron that Alfredo hasn't peed since yesterday afternoon. Cameron is concerned, and she immediately tells House that the amphotericin might have destroyed Alfredo's kidneys. Alfredo's mother overhears this and begins crying.

The team reviews what they know. The cause is not aspergillus nor rat bite fever. Alfredo tested negative for moraxella, nocradia and cryptococcus. DIC wouldn't cause a fever this high. House takes Alfredo's temperature and sees that the patient's right hand is starting to rot.

House wants to amputate the hand but Cuddy refuses to let that happen. She blames it on the medicine they gave him. If Alfredo loses that hand, he loses his jobs. House comments that this isn't medical thinking. House tells Stacy that Cuddy now agrees to the amputation and he begs for legal clearance. Cuddy tells Alfredo that it is necessary, and he tearfully agrees to the procedure.

During surgery, the fingers on the other hand start to turn purple. The team gathers afterwards with the news that Alfredo's O2 stats are down to 88 and his lungs are giving out. House wonders about endocarditis, which is an infected heart with little bacterial cauliflowers clinging to its valves. One may have broken off and traveled through the bloodstream to the right hand. Cuddy points out that they tested Alfredo for endocarditis and he was negative. House asks what infection causes pneumonia and culture-negative endocarditis.

Chase puts forward psittacosis, but Alfredo doesn't have any pet parrots. House orders a round of doxycycline, which Cuddy notes will make the clotting problems even worse. Cameron points out that, if House is wrong, Alfredo will lose his hands and feet. House and Cuddy barge into Alfredo's room. House asks the mother, in perfect Spanish, where Alfredo usually works on Saturday night. She says that he doesn't work. House knows that she's lying. House realizes that Alfredo works the cockfights on Saturday night.

Cuddy and Foreman head down to the warehouse district and find a cockfight. They see Alfredo's brother carrying cages of dead birds. Cuddy calls House with the news. House says he put Alfredo on the psittacosis meds as soon as she left. Cuddy later gives Alfredo the diagnosis. He's going to be okay.


本集的標題Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall;
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
And all the king’s horses;
And all the king’s men;
Couldn’t put Humpty together again
Humpty dumpty是胖子的意思,前兩句的意思是胖子坐在牆頭上,然後狠狠地摔下來了,這裡對應的是本集的病人,從房頂上摔下來。後兩句我不知道什麼意思,不知道哪裡又來的king,還把humpty dumpty給拆開了單獨用,在網上查了半天沒有滿意的結果,誰知道麻煩跟貼說一下。

House: Friday’s child heads to the kidneys.
說到星期五的時候用了一個很奇怪的表達手法,“Friday’s child heads to the kidneys”,這個說法也是來自於一首兒歌(強烈懷疑本集的編劇是幼稚園教師出身……)
Monday’s child is fair of face,
Tuesday’s child is full of grace,
Wednesday’s child is full of woe,
Thursday’s child has far to go,
Friday’s child is loving and giving,
Saturday’s child works for its living,
And a child that’s born on the Sabbath day,
Is fair and wise and good and gay.
Patient: I didn’t fill that Oreo’s prescription.

Who is Humpty Dumpty?
Some people think Humpty Dumpty is a big egg. His mother calls him the Prince of Eggs. One day Humpty Dumpty leaves the farm. He wants to marry a princess. So he climbs up the wall and asks the king. But he is too excited and has a great fall. Then no one can put him together. Does Humpty Dumpty die? No! When the egg breaks, a bird comes out.
Some people think Humpty Dumpty is King Richard III(1452-1485)5. In a battle, King Richard III had a great fall from his horse. The horse had a name "Wall". Some people killed King Richard III. So his horses and men couldn’t put him together!
這首童謠開始出現在《少年孵化的聲音》的扉頁中,Humpty-dumpty 是蛋的意思。字典裡解釋為胖矮人,為蛋擬人化的稱呼。還有一個說法是出自《鵝媽媽童謠》的一首短詩,詩中的主人公叫Humpty Dumpty,貌似也是只蛋。
第二種說法說Humpty Dumpty其實是指英王理查三世(Richard III),玫瑰戰爭後期約克家的領袖。這位殘酷好戰的國王是個駝背,因此得了這個諢號,Humpty 可能是 hump(駝峰、駝背)的兒語叫法。理查三世的戰馬也叫做“牆”,wall。國王從他的馬上摔了下來,結果被大卸八塊——Couldn’t put Humpty together again 。正史上的理查三世是英國歷史上最後一位戰死沙場的國王,他的死亡之役是在Bosworth Field,時值1485年。今天的Bosworth Field 還保存有戰場遺址。
Travis有首經典老情歌叫The Humpty Dumpty Love Song,第一段是這麼寫的:
All of the king’s horses and all of the king’s men
couldn’t pull my heart back together again
All of the physicians and mathematicians too
failed to stop my heart from breaking in two
cos all i need is you



House Season2 EP02


Episode 202 : 2005-09-20

Andie, a 9-year old girl with cancer, grabs her pills for the day. Before she can inject her stomach with another medication, she sees the bathroom shake. The mirror shatters, cutting her palm.

Although he is suffering from allergies, House reports to work. Wilson immediately buttonholes him and asks for help on a case. Andie is terminal with alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma and she is hallucinating. However, the tests show that her cancer is in remission. So the hallucinations are unrelated.

House presents the case to his team, and they offer up differential diagnoses. Ignoring his staff's suggestions, House asks for a tox screen and an MRI. Foreman finds that both are clean. Noticing that Andie's oxygen saturation is off by one percent, House suggests that his doctors check into it. The doctors resist because the sat rate is within the margin for error and this won't explain her brain problems. House orders a battery of respiratory and chest tests.

Chase begins to administer another test to Andie. She's a real trouper, having been through numerous tests with her illness. She mentions to Chase that she's never kissed a boy and probably never will. Andie asks him to kiss her, but he can't. She begs him, and after much thought, Chase agrees. They share a sweet, non-sexual kiss.

The next morning, House returns to the office. Chase reports that all of the new tests were also clean. Foreman throws out an off-the-wall suggestion -- neurosyphillis. Even though they don't think a 9-year old has had sex, it is possible that she was molested. House orders treatment for neurosyphillis, IV PCN. Chase insists this isn't possible because Andie told him she's never been kissed. Cameron asks the girl and Andie says nobody has ever touched her.

House confers with Wilson that Andie's sat rate has dropped another point, which Wilsons says suggests a tumor in her lung. But that doesn't explain the hallucination. House thinks there is a tumor in the heart, but Wilson insists tests showed otherwise. House demands another explanation. Wilson points out that only one condition simultaneously affects the heart and brain -- tuberous sclerosis. But the chances of one girl having two unrelated cancers at once are statistically impossible. House is thinking about exploratory surgery. Wilson notes that it could kill an immunocompromised little girl.

House calls his team into the doctors' lounge shower and plays an audio file of Andie's echocardiogram on an iPod. He has them listen for an abnormality in the valves of her heart that might indicate something else. Cameron picks up on an extra flap in the mitral valve. House has a surgeon look at Andie's mitral valve and he wants Chase there.

Chase pages House during Andie's surgery to report that there is a tumor that starts in the lung and extends to the girl's heart. It did not get picked up in the MRI because it runs along the heart wall. Wilson tells the mother that, because of the placement, the surgeons have to temporarily remove Andie's heart. Wilson breaks the news that there might not be enough heart left after the tumor is removed. If the tumor has metastasized, there's nothing they can do.

During the surgery, Chase notices a bleed in Andie's right eye which is not normal. The next day, House and Wilson review that the cardiac tumor was benign and was not the cause of the hallucinations. The team struggles for explanations. House realizes that the heart tumor broke off a clot before they removed it. He asks for a brain angio to find the clot.

The angio comes back clean. House knows there's a clot somewhere in Andie's head, but exploratory brain surgery is not an option. Wilson breaks the bad news to Andie and her mother. House watches from a distance and notices that Andie has no emotional reaction to the news. Back with his team, House wonders if the clot is causing hallucinations as well as messing with her emotions. Where's the fear center of the brain? Foreman says it's in the amygdale, near the hippocampus. However, a cut in there will kill Andie. They won't get to see this clot until the autopsy. This gives House an idea.

House pitches Cuddy on the notion of inducing hypothermic cardiac arrest so that they can siphon off two liters of blood and perfuse the brain while Andie's in an MRI. He is proposing to kill her for a period of time then bring her back to life. Cuddy thinks he will need FDA approval, but because the procedure isn't invasive, House disagrees. Cuddy knows this is the only shot since Andie will die within a day. She firmly tells House to inform the mother that this is the longest of long shots.

Wilson explains the procedure. Although the mother is shocked by this, she agrees. Wilson tells House that the description of the procedure was too much for the woman to comprehend. So House visits Andie and lays out the situation. He says that a lot of people wouldn't want a monumental procedure just to buy another year of pain and hospital visits. Yet Andie wants to go through with it for her mother.

That night, House gathers a surgical team to practice for the surgery. Once Andie has been cooled and is on bypass, they have sixty seconds to remove two to three liters of blood out of her body and get it back in for the MRI to occur. If her body is bumped just slightly, they'll get nothing which means Andie is dead. They run a test procedure on a cadaver. Yet every time they try to intubate, the cadaver's head moves slightly. After many failed attempts, Foreman suggests bolting her head to the table. House is up for it.

The next day it's time for the real show. Andie's body is cooled down to 21 degrees. They now have sixty seconds, and begin the blood draining. The clock ticks down and they pump the blood back in. Time runs out, but nobody has seen anything. House keeps the time running. Foreman sees something four millimeters lateral to the hippocampus. Nobody else saw it. Foreman is positive he saw it. They immediately begin rewarming Andie.

Andie gets through the procedure and the surgeons work to remove the clot. Foreman directs the neurosurgeon to find the clot. Later, Andie awakes and sees her mom at her bedside.

Wilson lets House know that Andie is going home. According to the surgeon's report, the clot was nowhere near the amygdale, which means that her fear center was working perfectly. Andie actually was brave in the face of death, despite House's overwhelming cynicism.

As Andie is wheeled out of the hospital, a large contingent of doctors and nurses is there to send her off with applause. She approaches House, hugs him and smiles.


House: A-five, six, seven eight!
House在手術“彩排”時喊的口號,不是常用的倒數4、3、2、1,而是5、6、7、8,這個是模仿自經典的歌劇《歌舞線上》A Chorus Line裡的場景。

病人:My new girlfriend...Never been with a guy who wasn’t...c-circumcised.

House:And you wanted Rivkah to feel all gemutlicht

House:Just like Abraham did it.






有多少人是出自感恩的心  感恩祖先  而去掃墓?



地球霹靂爆炸的時候,耶穌生出來了嗎? 證嚴上人出生了嗎?





The Celebrity Apprentice Season2 EP4

Episode 804 | Season 8 | 03/22/2009
Brande meets with Chris Eaton, executive director of California Police Youth Charities, and her designated cause. He's thrilled when Brande presents him with a check from last week's combined efforts selling wedding dresses. She hands him a check for $166,680.Brande meets with Chris Eaton, executive director of California Police Youth Charities, and her designated cause. He's thrilled when Brande presents him with a check from last week's combined efforts selling wedding dresses. She hands him a check for $166,680.




The contestants gather at Capitale, a high-end event space in Manhattan. Mr. Trump arrives to explain this week's challenge: help fire up the sales team of videophone maker ACN. The company is hosting a sales meeting and each team will have ten minutes to make an inspirational presentation about a new model, the Iris 3000. The sales reps will watch both teams' presentations and then vote on which was more effective. The women's team, Athena, will be missing Joan Rivers for the day (she's out of town at a charity function), but she'll return the next day for the presentation itself. The women choose Deal or No Deal model Claudia Jordan as project manager, while KOTU picks R&B singer Brian McKnight. Trump explains that the winning project manager will get $20,000 for his or her charity.The contestants gather at Capitale, a high-end event space in Manhattan. Mr. Trump arrives to explain this week's challenge: help fire up the sales team of videophone maker ACN. The company is hosting a sales meeting and each team will have ten minutes to make an inspirational presentation about a new model, the Iris 3000. The sales reps will watch both teams' presentations and then vote on which was more effective. The women's team, Athena, will be missing Joan Rivers for the day (she's out of town at a charity function), but she'll return the next day for the presentation itself. The women choose Deal or No Deal model Claudia Jordan as project manager, while KOTU picks R&B singer Brian McKnight. Trump explains that the winning project manager will get $20,000 for his or her charity.

Both teams meet at Capitale, and then choose representatives to negotiate which team will present first. As Annie Duke and Clint Black are working out a coin toss, Dennis Rodman launches a loud tirade at Clint. The 6'6Both teams meet at Capitale, and then choose representatives to negotiate which team will present first. As Annie Duke and Clint Black are working out a coin toss, Dennis Rodman launches a loud tirade at Clint. The 6'6" NBA star confronts the diminutive country crooner face to face. In an outburst that is increasingly angry and incoherent, Rodman accuses Clint of not being a team player. Clint keeps his cool, not flinching, not getting excited. Dennis grows further enraged and storms off. Fearing that the confrontation would erupt into a full-out fistfight, the crowd is relieved that Dennis has left. Everyone is shocked.


Back at Trump Tower, team leader Brian chooses to keep Dennis out of the group activities -- explaining that he's just too much of a liability to the team at the moment. KOTU meets an executive from ACN, the videophone's maker, to hear what their sales team is expecting. The execs leave and Jesse James explains that product launches require showmanship -- the crowd wants excitement. He suggests that Brian perform live on stage. Brian's excited by the prospect; Clint feels a little left out, since he's a concert  veteran with 20+ years' experience in crowd pleasing. Brian puts him to work on logistics, arranging dancers and gear.Back at Trump Tower, team leader Brian chooses to keep Dennis out of the group activities -- explaining that he's just too much of a liability to the team at the moment. KOTU meets an executive from ACN, the videophone's maker, to hear what their sales team is expecting. The execs leave and Jesse James explains that product launches require showmanship -- the crowd wants excitement. He suggests that Brian perform live on stage. Brian's excited by the prospect; Clint feels a little left out, since he's a concert veteran with 20+ years' experience in crowd pleasing. Brian puts him to work on logistics, arranging dancers and gear.


Team Athena meets with ACN's executives, who explain that they're looking for a high-energy presentation that will excite their sales team and answer the question, Team Athena meets with ACN's executives, who explain that they're looking for a high-energy presentation that will excite their sales team and answer the question, "Why would I want this phone?" The women spend a lengthy brainstorming session trying to create an emotionally powerful presentation. They decide that Joan Rivers should perform, weaving a series of real-life vignettes into the stage show. The only problem? Joan won't get back from her charity performance in time to make the presentation. Golfer Natalie Gulbis comes to the rescue, arranging a private jet to pick Joan up and get her back in the wee hours of the morning. Donald, Jr. stops by and likes what he sees; Claudia's feeling confident.


Jesse James suggests that the men augment their presentation by shooting a video segment that will showcase the phone and underscore its value. He hits on the idea of shooting a video with a soldier calling home; he explains that the Army's military academy, West Point, is just 50 miles away. He starts making calls, arranging for a shooting crew, an editor, and access to the base.Jesse James suggests that the men augment their presentation by shooting a video segment that will showcase the phone and underscore its value. He hits on the idea of shooting a video with a soldier calling home; he explains that the Army's military academy, West Point, is just 50 miles away. He starts making calls, arranging for a shooting crew, an editor, and access to the base.




The women's team grows confused over the production details of the stage presentation. They're beginning to feel under the gun. Melissa steps up to try to take control, but is soon shot down by Claudia. Melissa persists, telling everyone that she's the one person in the group with the hands-on technical experience to pull it together. Claudia sees it as a power play and dresses her down publicly.The women's team grows confused over the production details of the stage presentation. They're beginning to feel under the gun. Melissa steps up to try to take control, but is soon shot down by Claudia. Melissa persists, telling everyone that she's the one person in the group with the hands-on technical experience to pull it together. Claudia sees it as a power play and dresses her down publicly.



Dennis returns to team KOTU after being AWOL. Clint avoids him, while Brian has the unenviable task of evaluating whether Dennis can contribute. As he and Clint are conferring, Ivanka shows up, wondering what's up. She talks to Dennis who explains that he's not a quitter and that he's there for the team. He offers to pull strings and get some of the necessary technical gear for the presentation donated, but Brian's gun-shy. He decides that Dennis is persona non grata. Dennis returns to team KOTU after being AWOL. Clint avoids him, while Brian has the unenviable task of evaluating whether Dennis can contribute. As he and Clint are conferring, Ivanka shows up, wondering what's up. She talks to Dennis who explains that he's not a quitter and that he's there for the team. He offers to pull strings and get some of the necessary technical gear for the presentation donated, but Brian's gun-shy. He decides that Dennis is persona non grata. "We don't have a babysitter for Dennis," he tells Ivanka.



Athena's troubles continue when they try to shoot some video elements for their vignettes. The scene involves a very young child, who grows upset, disrupting the production and throwing things into further chaos.Athena's troubles continue when they try to shoot some video elements for their vignettes. The scene involves a very young child, who grows upset, disrupting the production and throwing things into further chaos.





Melissa, Natalie, and Khloe begin working on choreography, while Claudia, Brande, and Tionne Watkins head to the edit room to work on the vignette video. As they ride in the van, a frustrated Claudia openly mocks Melissa Rivers, making fun of her looks and speech; Brande and Tionne crack up.Melissa, Natalie, and Khloe begin working on choreography, while Claudia, Brande, and Tionne Watkins head to the edit room to work on the vignette video. As they ride in the van, a frustrated Claudia openly mocks Melissa Rivers, making fun of her looks and speech; Brande and Tionne crack up.




Next morning: the women have just a brief period for rehearsal. Joan Rivers arrives looking very tired; she landed in New York after 4:00 a.m., exhausted. She refreshes herself and does her best to be a trooper, but as the rehearsal unfolds amid myriad technical problems, it's clear the presentation is in danger of flopping. Athena's spirits sink and the team starts to lose faith in Claudia.Next morning: the women have just a brief period for rehearsal. Joan Rivers arrives looking very tired; she landed in New York after 4:00 a.m., exhausted. She refreshes herself and does her best to be a trooper, but as the rehearsal unfolds amid myriad technical problems, it's clear the presentation is in danger of flopping. Athena's spirits sink and the team starts to lose faith in Claudia.




Melissa takes control of the technical execution and the show takes shape, just as the CAN sales team starts to arrive. Donald Trump explains the challenge to the sales execs and then introduces team Athena. Joan comes out and does some material. She explains how happy she is: her friends can now talk to her on the phone and see her face, a face, she explains, that she's spent $150,000 on in plastic surgery. The audience eats it up and she tosses to the first of the informational video vignettes. The vignettes are a bit forced, including a contrived piece where an actor portraying Brande's fiance proposes to her on stage. Joan finishes up and the audience gives the team a warm round of applause.Melissa takes control of the technical execution and the show takes shape, just as the CAN sales team starts to arrive. Donald Trump explains the challenge to the sales execs and then introduces team Athena. Joan comes out and does some material. She explains how happy she is: her friends can now talk to her on the phone and see her face, a face, she explains, that she's spent $150,000 on in plastic surgery. The audience eats it up and she tosses to the first of the informational video vignettes. The vignettes are a bit forced, including a contrived piece where an actor portraying Brande's fiance proposes to her on stage. Joan finishes up and the audience gives the team a warm round of applause.


The men are up next. Their presentation starts with a high-energy dance number, is followed by a warm welcome from Clint Black, then the video piece, which features a heart-touching motif of a deployed soldier staying in touch with his girl. The performance is capped off with a sizzling performance from Brian. The audience is on its feet, clearly caught up in the spectacle. The presentation goes off without a hitch.The men are up next. Their presentation starts with a high-energy dance number, is followed by a warm welcome from Clint Black, then the video piece, which features a heart-touching motif of a deployed soldier staying in touch with his girl. The performance is capped off with a sizzling performance from Brian. The audience is on its feet, clearly caught up in the spectacle. The presentation goes off without a hitch.



Boardroom time. The teams assemble and Mr. Trump begins his inquiries. He asks Brian why he chose not to use Dennis for any part of the ACN presentation. McKnight explains that after he witnessed Dennis's confrontation with Clint, he felt he was unreliable -- and a potentially destructive force on the team. Trump asks various team members about it -- and no one can figure out why Dennis would go off as he did. Trump asks Rodman about it and Dennis minimizes it all, saying he's his own man, that he's friends with all of his teammates and that he can't control the actions of the team leader.Boardroom time. The teams assemble and Mr. Trump begins his inquiries. He asks Brian why he chose not to use Dennis for any part of the ACN presentation. McKnight explains that after he witnessed Dennis's confrontation with Clint, he felt he was unreliable -- and a potentially destructive force on the team. Trump asks various team members about it -- and no one can figure out why Dennis would go off as he did. Trump asks Rodman about it and Dennis minimizes it all, saying he's his own man, that he's friends with all of his teammates and that he can't control the actions of the team leader.


Trump turns to team Athena. He asks Claudia who her strongest players were and she points to Joan Rivers. Trump offers that he heard Melissa also was a star, at which Claudia bristles. Melissa explains that she doesn't think she was used to her full potential. She has 16 years' experience producing for TV and thinks Claudia completely devalued her expertise. Annie chimes in that, if Athena lost, she'd place the blame on Claudia, since she was the project manager. Claudia isn't surprised.Trump turns to team Athena. He asks Claudia who her strongest players were and she points to Joan Rivers. Trump offers that he heard Melissa also was a star, at which Claudia bristles. Melissa explains that she doesn't think she was used to her full potential. She has 16 years' experience producing for TV and thinks Claudia completely devalued her expertise. Annie chimes in that, if Athena lost, she'd place the blame on Claudia, since she was the project manager. Claudia isn't surprised.



Trump reads the results: by a vote of 386 to 61 the men's presentation was judged better. Donald congratulates the men on their work and lets Brian know that, as team manager, he's just earned $20,000 for his charity, Youthville, USA. He releases the men to Trump Tower to watch the grilling of the women and enjoy a night of champagne, fine food, and relaxation. One of the women is about to be fired.Trump reads the results: by a vote of 386 to 61 the men's presentation was judged better. Donald congratulates the men on their work and lets Brian know that, as team manager, he's just earned $20,000 for his charity, Youthville, USA. He releases the men to Trump Tower to watch the grilling of the women and enjoy a night of champagne, fine food, and relaxation. One of the women is about to be fired.



Trump tells Claudia and the women that the vote was not close -- they were beaten by a factor of 6 to 1. In particular the on-stage vignettes (the baby, the mock proposal) scored poorly. As they try to explain their failure, various team members weigh in. Trump wonders why Claudia didn't have Tionne sing; she explains that she thought the vignettes would sell the product better. Joan Rivers places the blame squarely on Claudia, explaining that she's a Trump tells Claudia and the women that the vote was not close -- they were beaten by a factor of 6 to 1. In particular the on-stage vignettes (the baby, the mock proposal) scored poorly. As they try to explain their failure, various team members weigh in. Trump wonders why Claudia didn't have Tionne sing; she explains that she thought the vignettes would sell the product better. Joan Rivers places the blame squarely on Claudia, explaining that she's a "musher" -- someone who is too soft and unorganized.



Claudia tries to defend herself and feels that Melissa undermined her. Trump asks Claudia who she feels was the least productive member of her team; she fingers Khloe. Khloe's surprised and tells Trump that she was waiting to be told what to do, that the team had no real leadership under Claudia. Natalie and Annie agree that Claudia should be fired. Trump tells her to pick two team members to come back to the boardroom for the final interview.Claudia tries to defend herself and feels that Melissa undermined her. Trump asks Claudia who she feels was the least productive member of her team; she fingers Khloe. Khloe's surprised and tells Trump that she was waiting to be told what to do, that the team had no real leadership under Claudia. Natalie and Annie agree that Claudia should be fired. Trump tells her to pick two team members to come back to the boardroom for the final interview.



Claudia, Khloe, and Melissa return. Claudia faults Melissa for being obnoxious, disruptive, and sarcastic and Khloe for having no initiative. Melissa apologizes if her style offended, but Claudia won't let it go. Finally Melissa lashes out at Claudia, telling her to stop lying about her. Claudia lashes back; Trump counters that the rest of the team supports that Melissa did a good job and most agree that Claudia is the one who should be fired, not Melissa. He goes on to warn Khloe that he doesn't like people who don't take initiative.Claudia, Khloe, and Melissa return. Claudia faults Melissa for being obnoxious, disruptive, and sarcastic and Khloe for having no initiative. Melissa apologizes if her style offended, but Claudia won't let it go. Finally Melissa lashes out at Claudia, telling her to stop lying about her. Claudia lashes back; Trump counters that the rest of the team supports that Melissa did a good job and most agree that Claudia is the one who should be fired, not Melissa. He goes on to warn Khloe that he doesn't like people who don't take initiative.



Trump tells Claudia that he's a big fan and knows that she'll be successful, but that he really has no choice. Her failure as a project manager, the overwhelming choice of the sales crowd, and the comments of her teammates have all convinced Trump that Claudia's the one to go. She thanks him and walks out to the elevator and a waiting car. On the ride home, she accepts responsibility for the way things turned out. Trump tells Claudia that he's a big fan and knows that she'll be successful, but that he really has no choice. Her failure as a project manager, the overwhelming choice of the sales crowd, and the comments of her teammates have all convinced Trump that Claudia's the one to go. She thanks him and walks out to the elevator and a waiting car. On the ride home, she accepts responsibility for the way things turned out. "You win some, you lose some," she adds.



Brande 贏得上次比賽,獎金$166,680給予California Police Youth Charities。原來Brande已經結婚了......殘念阿~~


在決定上半場下半場簡報的時刻,兩隊不一而同選擇下半場,所以擲骰子定結果。最後由男子組得到下半場。就在此時Dennis Rodman,突然對Clint Black大肆咆哮,滿口粗話,兩個人身體幾乎要黏在一起,Dennis Rodman指著Clint Black的鼻子大罵,差點快打起來。在場所有參賽者全部嚇到,包括女子組。這樣的不和諧替男子組埋下一個不定時炸彈。Dennis Rodman離開時將麥克風收音器,重重往地下一摔,然後揚長而去,留下驚嚇錯愕的所有人。

兩隊隨即進行內容腦力激盪。女子組做三個小短片,男子組做一個小電影。Jesse James超厲害,能讓男子組進入西點軍校,進行電影拍攝。默默無聞的英雄莫過於如此。在美國的社會,軍人是個非常受人尊敬的職業,不像台灣是徵兵制,每個人都是被迫去當兵的,美國則是募兵制,有榮耀,有榮譽。讓我想起在Prison Break裡面T-bag逃亡時一度化身成軍人,因為軍人,讓他逃過好多死劫。

此時已雜亂無章的女子組,Melissa挺身而出試圖將內容改變成他想像的樣子。但這樣的出現讓Leader的Claudia非常不滿。參加Celebrity Apprentice都是在社會上已經由一定的知名度,有一定成功的事業,所以當事情進行到某人的專業領域時,某人都會變的比較"專業"一點。覺得自己說的都是對的,因為我是專家。這種現象再學術界亦是如此,尤其當自己是大師時,更會如此。不用說學術界,自己日常生活中也是這樣。如何領導,以及如何被領導,都是一門大學問。

Dennis Rodman厚臉皮自稱我還是組員的身分,回歸隊伍。這的確是個很令人厭惡的精神。川普說過,有人不忠一次,就不要給他第二次機會。所以我覺得Brian做的很對,儘管也有人覺得它應該利用Dennis Rodman的資源。

女子組的精神領袖Joan Rivers搭乘專機回到紐約,一下飛機就進行彩排,接著上場。再彩排時完全一整個混亂,此時Melissa跳出,進行導演的職責,將整個簡報作起來了。正式簡報時,Joan Rivers真的很風趣,不過影片就很爛。男子組很簡單,用音樂進行簡報。


還好男子組贏了,不然Dennis Rodman真的要掰掰了。

當Trump問Claudia,要帶哪兩個組員進去的時候,毫無疑問的是Melissa和Khloe。Joan Rivers對Trump辭辭嚴厲的說,Claudia是全隊最軟弱的女人,從Day1就是,而且此句重複講很多次。試問,這句話從德高望重的Joan Rivers口中說出,Claudia還能活多久。Claudia因為個人厭惡喜好,把Melissa帶進會議室,不管Melissa今晚做的有多傑出,想當然Melissa不會被Fire。最後當然是Claudia走人,Melissa和Khloe繼續比賽。



House Season2 EP1


Episode 201 : 2005-09-13

Clarence, an inmate on death row starts seeing hallucinations of the people he killed -- his girlfriend, a rival gang member and a cop. Clarence screams to be let out of the room and then collapses on the floor.

House barges into Cuddy's office when he notices that Stacy is there. He demands to be given Clarence's case because he is intrigued that the patient's heart was beating so quickly to cause the body to pump air instead of blood. Cuddy reluctantly gives him the case and House sets off for the prison.

Dr. Cameron sees a patient named Cindy who needs a health clearance for her new job. Cindy appears to be a little anemic, and the employer sent her to the hospital for more tests. Cameron is surprised by what is on the x-ray and turns to Dr. Wilson for confirmation. Although it seems obvious what the patient is afflicted with, she only suffers from a slight cough. This doesn't make sense.

House diagnoses Clarence as hypoxic with fluid in his lungs. He will die in an hour without a respirator. The prison warden isn't very sympathetic, but House calls for an ambulance. The warden insists that no death row inmate leave through the front doors. House has Stacy acquire a legal injunction and Cuddy is enraged by him pulling strings for this.

Cameron presents Cindy's file to House, who immediately dismisses it as metastatic squamous cell lung cancer. The patient may have only six months to live. Cameron begs him to think of other ideas, but he urges her to inform Cindy that she is dying. Cameron can't believe that House will treat a death row inmate over Cindy. Foreman thinks heroin might be the cause of Clarence's tachycardia and pulmonary edema, so House orders a drug test.

House's team examines Clarence, but he awakes and freaks out. The guards struggle to restrain him. The results come back with no sign of opiates in Clarence's system. As the doctors try to figure out causes and symptoms for the heart troubles, Stacy glares at House from the hallway. House shuts the blinds to his office and requests an arterial blood gas test. After the meeting, Stacy corners House and demands to know if she can trust him. Obviously, she can't.

Foreman draws blood from Clarence's femoral artery. The tests results indicate a new symptom -- anion gap acidosis. Is it possible that Clarence thought he was taking heroin in prison but was really injecting something else? The team mulls over the causes of anion gap acidosis, and Cameron throws out INH, the drug for tuberculosis. House sends Chase to the prison to find Clarence's secret stash.

Wilson finds House watching television in a coma patient's room. Wilson wonders whether House only needs people to like him because he needs people to help him get things done. If Stacy can't trust him, he can't use her. Suddenly, House gets a page that Clarence is dying. He injects him with atropine to buy a few hours. House calls Chase to see if he found anything, but Chase has only found boxes with office supplies in Clarence's cell.

House visits Clarence and pours him a shot of 150-proof rum, explaining that a dying man deserves one last drink. He asks Clarence why he tried to kill himself by ingesting copier fluid. Clarence admits that he wanted to take control of his life. House tells Clarence that the copier fluid contains methanol, which is poisonous. But the rum they just drank contains so much ethanol that it's going to bind with the formic acid. Clarence will merely pee out the toxins.

Stacy asks if Clarence is clear to return to death row, but House still thinks the man is sick. Cameron stakes out a small area on the white board in House's office for Cindy's symptoms. House comes in and immediately erases it to change the topic back to Clarence. Why would he try to kill himself after filing for an appeal? The other lingering question is why his heart went nuts before drinking the copier fluid. House orders a full battery of tests. Yet Chase and Foreman see that Clarence's CT scan is completely normal.

House later returns to his office to find Cameron sitting in his chair. She wants a procedure that could possibly indicate Cindy doesn't have cancer. House says a biopsy would be more definitive but denies the request. Cameron lights into him. He finally agrees that if she covers two of his clinic hours, Cameron can run her test on Cindy. Cameron inserts a bronchoscope into Cindy's nose and she reports to Wilson that it showed no sign of infection. He tells her that she'll have to biopsy.

Cuddy barges into House's office. Stacy told her about Clarence and he will be sent back to prison. Clarence, meanwhile, complains of tremendous stomach pain, but Cuddy doesn't believe him. House pulls back Clarence's sheets, revealing a large pool of blood on the bed.

The surgeons remove almost a foot of necrotic bowel from Clarence. House starts to wonder why Clarence killed the people he did. They figure that Clarence killed his cheating girlfriend over jealousy, his first cell mate for revenge, and an abusive guard for retribution. But why did he kill the second inmate? House asks Clarence about the anomaly and he doesn't want to talk. House badgers him and Clarence finally opens up. He admits that he felt like the guy could stare straight through him. Clarence just freaked out and killed him.

House, Foreman and Chase ponder the sudden cause of this rage. Chase suggests adrenaline, but House tells them about pheochromocytoma which sits on top of the adrenal gland and spits out adrenaline randomly. Although extremely rare, it explains everything.

Wilson discusses Cindy's diagnosis with Cameron. The biopsy was positive and she is terminal. Cameron says that she just spending time with Cindy because she has nobody else. The woman's parents are dead and she has no siblings. Wilson tells her it's not worth it and could mess her up for years. Cameron thinks that when a good person dies, somebody should notice and get upset.

House tells Clarence that he will need an MRI to confirm the diagnosis. However, Clarence has prison tattoos which are usually made with heavy metal causing the MRI to suck them. Clarence refuses to have the tattoos removed, and the MRI still shows the pheochromocytoma. After the treatment, Clarence is cured.

Foreman talks with House about Clarence's tumor. Since it explained the rage attacks, it possibly explains Clarence's murders. Foreman plans to testify at Clarence's appeal hearing. House says that a small tumor doesn't absolve Clarence of what he did. Plenty of other people managed pheo rage attacks on their own.

Cameron hugs Cindy as she gives her the final diagnosis.

House: There’s Waldo.
House在最後給病人做核磁共振,找到那個嗜鉻細胞瘤時說的話,Where’s Waldo《尋找沃爾多》是一套益智兒童讀物,就是給你一個人物的圖像,這個人叫沃爾多,然後再給你一張圖片,圖片裡有很多人,讀者要做的就是在裡面找到沃爾多。有興趣的可以到這裡看看:http://www.khalil.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=115,很好玩的.

House: Ruh-roh!
House把病人從監獄里弄到醫院,結果撞到了Cuddy,咕囔了這麼一句,這個是模仿的是史酷比豆Scooby Doo,那條不怕任何妖魔鬼怪的大丹狗,關於這個狗的電影好像已經拍了好幾集了。

House: Gandhi didn’t march to the sea because his buddies asked him to. Pol Pot didn’t wipe out the teachers because he wanted to make friends.
1930年,甘地為了反抗英國政府的鹽稅政策,自己徒步248英里走到海邊去曬鹽;波爾波特,也就是大名鼎鼎的紅色高棉,或稱赤柬,或稱柬埔寨共*產*党 的領導人,在其統治期間屠殺了200多萬人,尤其是知識份子,當然教師肯定一個也沒倖免,柬埔寨全國才500萬人口……不多說了,大家可以去網上自己查,不過在百度知道和百度貼吧裡,搜索“紅色高棉”。結果是0,原因嘛…不言自明。

House: You just made a completely seamless jump from anger to bargaining.
House寫給Cameron看的5個單詞,也即“死亡五步曲”,這個概念最早出自美國女精神病專家Elisabeth Kubler-Ross伊莉莎白.庫伯勒-羅斯寫於1969年的一本書On Death and Dying《論死亡與臨終》,此書的知名度非常高,作者終其一生都和瀕臨死亡的病人及其親屬打交道,被譽為生命的教師,真正的國際公民。

Denial,Anger,Bargaining,Depression,Acceptance,The five steps of dying

House寫在白板上的標題,Dead Man Dying,這個來自1995年一部電影的名字,Dead Man Walking,中文叫《死囚漫步》,改編自海倫·普雷金修女Sister Helen Prejean的真實經歷,蘇珊薩拉登和西恩潘主演,片子很好,建議一看。
這一集的話題很沉重,House的病人是死刑犯,Cameron病人是晚期癌症病人,還有最後House和Foreman對是否該寬恕的對話,連片尾曲都是Jeff Buckley傑夫.巴克利演唱的《哈裡路亞》Hallelujah,這首歌有無數個版本,至少我就聽過6個,在不同的電視劇裡做片尾曲,我個人最有感覺的就是本集裡這個版本,知名度最高的好像也是傑夫.巴克利的這個版本,也許是因為天妒英才,人們對他的緬懷吧。


House Season1 EP22


Episode 122 : 2005-05-24

House and Stacy are out to dinner, waiting for the arrival of her husband, Mark. Once again he is late because he's been avoiding House. When mark finally arrives, he announces that he has already consulted other doctors because he didn't want to waste House's valuable time. The doctors thought he was suffering from stress, so Mark declares himself to be fine. Mark and House politely bicker with their rivalry over Stacy coming to the surface. The argument becomes more competitive as the two men race to down their beers. Mark suddenly becomes woozy and passes out. House drugged him in order to get him back to the hospital for a checkup.

Cameron and Foreman review Mark's file. He has experienced stomach pains and mood swings with no apparent source. Tests have shown nothing. House, making no effort to hide his disdain for Mark, orders another battery of tests. Out in the hallway, Wilson reminds House of his past with Stacy and advises him to treat this case like any other patient -- by being cold and distant.

Cameron explains to Mark that a CT of his abdomen revealed nothing. He prepares to leave. Foreman tells House that the surgeon is booked. Cameron can't believe that House would plan exploratory surgery for a patient who doesn't think he's sick.

House joins Stacy in the waiting room. The surgery reveals nothing but a distended bladder. House asks for video of the surgery. Wilson interrupts to say he saw House talking to Stacy. Wasn't he supposed to stay away from her? House admits that he likes Stacy -- which is why he was talking to her -- but he can handle everything. House continues poring over the video. He notices something and rouses his team from their sleep to come in. They don't see anything.

House shows them a comparison video and they immediately spot the problem. There are tremors in the muscle fiber, which is an abdominal epilepsy. There must be some sort of serious neurological problem.

Later that morning, Foreman brings in Mark's EEG graph. He's noticed a small abnormality in the brain waves, which means his axonal nerves are dying. The likely causes are encephalitis or Alzheimer's. Cameron points out that Early Onset Alzheimer's is the worst kind. House asks for viral serologies to rule out encephalitis and Tau proteins to check for Alzheimer's. He also asks the team to check out Mark and Stacy's house for possible indicators.

Cameron is in the lab when Stacy demands to know what their team is thinking. Cameron admits that Alzheimer's is the early guess. Cameron then asks Stacy what House was like before his leg troubles. She says that he was pretty much the same as he is now. The lab test finishes as Stacy is waiting. Mark tests negatively for Alzheimer's.

Chase and Foreman are out at the house and find an unused mountain bike and a yoga mat. Mark has recently changed his workout. Chase finds a bottle of amphetamines hidden in the back of a desk drawer underneath some papers. They bring it back to House. Although regular use could explain the symptoms, House doesn't agree. The prescribing doctor recently had his license pulled for writing illegal prescriptions to high school kids. Since Mark is a guidance counselor, it is more likely that he confiscated the pills from a student. With no trace of encephalitis or Alzheimer's, House orders a PET scan to check for alteration in the metabolic activity of the cerebral cortex.

Foreman injects a chemical marker called FDDNP into Mark that will highlight brain functions. Mark slides into the PET scanner and Foreman begins to ask him simple questions about his life. House interrupts and begins to quiz Mark about his wedding day. Mark angrily replies that Stacy wore a white dress and that they didn't leave their Paris hotel room for the entire two weeks of their honeymoon.

That night, House stands on the roof. Stacy barges outside, angry that House quizzed Mark about her. House explains that he was testing the operational parameters of Mark's limbic system, but Stacy isn't buying this claim. House admits that he doesn't know what's wrong with Mark. Everything is coming up negative. Mark is perfectly healthy, but his brain is dying. Stacy is devastated that House can't figure it out. He assures her that he hasn't given up. They just have to wait for something to change.

That night, a frantic Mark calls in the nurses and Stacy. He can't feel his feet or his hands. He's paralyzed. House and the team retreat to his office to find explanations. Realizing that the paralysis is peripheral, House suggests Guillain-Barre syndrome. Foreman says he's done the tests already and no antibodies have shown up. House wonders if Mark has the virus but isn't producing antibodies. Foreman realizes that would mean Mark is sick, but his body isn't doing anything about it. They will have to do it for him. Yet without antibodies, they'll never know if they are correct. House thinks that if the treatment works, they were right. If Mark dies, it was something else.

Cameron explains to Mark what they're going to try. Mark is hooked up to a plasmapheresis machine which will clean his blood. Mark then notices House call Stacy out into the hallway. Mark becomes paranoid that Stacy is going to leave him. He struggles to breathe. House enters the room and orders two milligrams of Ativan to calm Mark down. It wasn't an allergic reaction, just a panic attack. Out in the hallway, House asks Stacy about the cards that she and Mark have been receiving. He doesn't notice any of her old friends on them. He also finds it odd that she didn't tell her old friend Dr. Wilson that she would be in the area. Stacy wants to know what his point is. Is she still in love with him? Should she abandon her dying husband for him? Stacy thinks maybe Wilson is right about House staying away from her.

House drowns his sorrows at a bar when Wilson comes in. Although House had called him there, Wilson is in a hurry because he was in the middle of his wife's dinner party. House tells him that Mark isn't responding to treatment and he is happy about that. However, House isn't sure whether it's because he hopes to reunite with Stacy or that he merely wants her to suffer. Wilson has no response.

The next morning, House again calls Stacy out from Mark's room for a talk. House confides that he thinks she and Mark are good together, especially because he took her to Paris, her dream city. Stacy says that they never went to Paris on their honeymoon. Since she had to work, they spent a couple of nights in New York. House is intrigued, and asks her when Mark switched from mountain biking to yoga. She responds that it was about a month ago and House rushes off. Bursting into his office, House puts up Mark's PET scan x-ray for the team to see. Lying is a very creative process which is more involved than telling the truth. What does the PET scan show when House asked Mark about the honeymoon? The brain shows minimal involvement. They never went, but Mark's brain thinks they did.

House sums up the symptoms again: abdominal pain, peripheral neuropathy, paranoia and now delusions. House thinks Mark suffers from Acute Intermittent Porphyria, which doesn't show in tests, only when caught in the middle of an attack. Another symptom is light sensitivity, which might make a person give up mountain biking for an indoor sport like yoga. House orders his doctors to start Mark on Hematin and glucose, but Cameron points out that if he doesn't have AIP, the Hematin will give Mark renal failure. The only way to confirm AIP is to sample urine during an attack. But how will they know an attack is coming? AIP has very specific triggers, such as barbiturates, alcohol and high protein levels. House is going to give Mark all of these and wait to see what happens. Stacy asks for a minute with Mark.

Stacy tells House that Mark doesn't want the shot. She asks House to give it to him anyway, but House refuses. This kicks off a tremendous argument about their past. Stacy thinks that House wants Mark to die so they can get back together. House says she should force him into the treatment because she's good at that. She demands to know if this is payback for his leg. She thinks she saved his life. House claims that he's respecting Mark's decision, which Stacy calls him on. He constantly browbeats patients into accepting treatment. The only difference is that Stacy had done it to him.

Mark still refuses the trigger. Yet since he is paralyzed, House is about to inject the syringe into the IV. Foreman takes the line from House's hand. Cameron says he needs a court order to go around Mark. Even Chase steps in. House begins to walk away, then quickly turns back and stabs Mark in the thigh. For a moment, nothing happens. Suddenly, Mark's body begins to spasm. House orders Chase to draw urine from the catheter. House sticks a needle into Mark's bladder to pull a sample, then allows Cameron to inject Mark with Ativan, which calms him down.

In the lab, the team examines Mark's urine. It is still yellow, which means there is no AIP. House shines a light on the test tube to stimulate oxidation. Suddenly, the urine in test tube turns black. House tells his team to start Mark on glucose and Hematin.

Eventually, Mark can move his extremities again. The treatment is a success. That night, Stacy finds House in his office. She admits that she isn't over him and that he was always the one for her. But she can't be with him because, when they were together, she was lonely. Mark makes room in his life for her.

The next day, Cuddy intercepts House in the hallway with some news. Since Stacy's husband is going to need monitoring for some time, and they could definitely use her again, Cuddy offered her a consulting job. But Stacy will only accept if it's okay with House. He agrees.


22集(S1EP22:The Honeymoon
1.HOUSE: Hah! He’s Oscar Wilde!
House: 哇!他真像Oscar Wilde。
1分55秒,Mark Warner說他和House可以一起去跑步(諷刺大叔的瘸腿,這不是找死麼。。。-_-)。大叔於是反諷他是奧斯卡.王爾德。Oscar Wilde,19世紀著名的愛爾蘭詩人,作家和劇作家,唯美主義藝術運動的宣導者,以簡短機智的俏皮話聞名。然而大叔這裏可不是捧Mark,(以下感謝會員“軌跡者”提供的資訊)要知道,王爾德在西方這麼有名可不只是因為他的簡短機智的俏皮話,而是因為他是西方最早被公開的 "斷背"之人,1895年,昆斯貝理侯爵因兒子阿爾弗萊德·道格拉斯——別名“波西(Bosie)”與王爾德交往而令到父子不和,並公然斥責王爾德是一個雞奸者(當時尚未誕生“同性戀”這個名詞)。
對此,憤怒的阿爾弗萊德叫王爾德立刻上訴,告侯爵敗壞他的名譽。結果王爾德上訴失敗,更被反告曾“與其他男性發生有傷風化的行為” (committing acts of gross indecency with other male persons)。根據當時英國1855年苛刻的刑事法修正案第11部分,王爾德被判有罪,在瑞丁和本頓維爾監獄服了兩年苦役。王爾德的審判是英國司法史上最引人注目的案件之一,也是同性戀平權運動史上被引用最多的案件之一。在同性戀不再被視為異端並被普遍接受的20世紀末、21世紀初,他成了同性戀社群的一個文化偶像。所以大叔在這裏應該還暗指當時Mark Warner的性能力受損,不能盡人事,只好去當王爾德了!

2.STACY: "Hey, Dr. Mandingo, ask the wife if she’s been messing around."
8分03秒,House問Stacy是否有外遇,並強調這是個醫學問題。Stacy說為什麼你不讓手下來問呢。“嘿,Mandingo醫生,去問問這個妻子是否有外遇。”,後來10分05秒的時候,House看Mark的手術錄影時發現了問題,於是掏出手機來打給手下(應該是Foreman,因為Foreman是黑人嘛)“Mandingo醫生,種植園需要你”。《曼丁哥人》("Mandingo")是1957年Kyle Onstott的一本小說的名字,講述的是19世紀30年代一個阿拉巴馬州種植園黑奴Mandinka的故事。該書於1975年被拍成電影

3.STACY: His sister voted for Nader, twice.
美國左翼政治家拉爾夫.納德爾(Ralph Nader)曾經3次競選美國總統,1996年和2000年代表綠党,2004年作為獨立競選人。2000年他獲得了2.7%的選票支持,雖然比重不大,但是民主黨普遍認為正是這2.7%的選票,使得他們的候選人,當時的副總統戈爾(Al Gore)輸給了小布希。但是也有分析家認為布希當時和戈爾在佛羅里達州的選票數如此接近,也就是說任何一位元候選人的選票都會對結果產生影響,所以不能把目光都集中在Nader身上。投票給Nader的並不都是左派,有一些只是反對布希的保守派人士而已。然而,Nader在參加2004年的美國總統競選的時候,仍然因為其左翼身份而備受指責,當時人們認為他只是想靠自己的票數幫助布希的對手在再選中壓倒布希。也許是這個原因,Nader在2004年只得到了0.35%的選票,大大低於2000年,而這點選票遠不足以幫助當時布希的競爭對手克裏(John Kerry)擊敗布希。

4.HOUSE: ...Mark’s brain apparently thinks that he really did spend 40 francs on a tour of the Bastille.
House: ...而Mark的大腦顯然認為自己曾經花過40法郎前往巴士底獄。
28分20秒,當House得知Mark沒去過巴黎的時候,他對手下說“他的大腦顯然認為自己去過...”巴士底獄(The Bastille)大家應該都知道的,法國巴黎地標之一,1789年7月14日的攻佔巴士底獄被認為是法國大革命的開端。

5.HOUSE: Oh, love the Musketeer thing.
House: 噢,我喜歡火槍手。
33分44秒,Foreman,Chase和Cameron三個人擋住House不讓他對Mark進行注射,大叔說了句“我喜歡火槍手之類的東西”。這裏指的是19世紀法國著名作家大仲馬(Alexandre Dumas)的小說《三個火槍手》("The Three Musketeers",又叫《俠隱記》),這部書其實講述的是4個人的故事,不過主角達爾大尼央(D’Artagnan)在故事中一直是禁軍身份,雖然最後成了火槍隊的副官。這本書我看了幾遍,始終不如大仲馬的《基督山伯爵》("The Count of Monte Cristo")好看。我記得在House中還有一集House的這3個手下也充當了一會三個火槍手,同時還喊了一句書中他們的口號“人人為我,我為人人”,特別搞笑。

House Season1 EP21

Three Stories

Episode 121 : 2005-05-17

House is trying to get out of lecturing a class of medical students. He finally agrees to it after much complaining to Cuddy and an offer of two hours off clinic duty. On his way to the class, House is stopped by a woman from his past named Stacy. She needs his help with a case and presents him with her husband's file. This catches House off guard -- he didn't know she was married. House thinks the diagnosis is something simple like indigestion or a kidney stone.

Stacy presses House for an answer. Her husband is suffering from abdominal pain and fainting, but three different doctors have found nothing. She begs for help, but House dispassionately responds that isn't sure he wants her husband to live.

House lectures to a group of third-year medical students and presents three fictional patients, all of whom are complaining of leg pain. One will end up in a coma. The students make guesses about the diagnoses, and House walks them through his typical approach: never trust patients, investigate for yourself and don't care too much about them. He also interjects that sometimes you'll be completely wrong and will nearly kill a patient.

During a coffee break, House discusses Stacy's dilemma with Wilson. Wilson believes that something must really be wrong with the husband because Stacy is desperate enough to seek out House. He didn't think she'd ever get married. The students interrupt the chat and pull House back into the lecture. They throw out more guesses to treat the three cases, and House continues to change the circumstances on them. Using an example of a farmer bitten by a snake, House explains his normal routine. First you find the type of snake and administer antivenin. If the patient has a reaction to that, figure out the other snakes it could have been. Who looks for the exact snake in the field and who simply administers other kinds of antivenin? Half the class goes for each option. House tells them that half of the class has saved the patient. The other half killed him.

House continues to pepper the students with details about each patient. One treatment works, the other doesn't. One patient isn't responding to treatment, another is possibly a drug addict looking for a fix. The students dutifully scribble notes and offer suggestions. House turns back to the farmer. After telling the man that he is going to die from the snake bite, the farmer asks what will happen to his dog. The farmer's dog bit him, not a snake. Moving on, the supposed drug addict is now discharging urine that has a brown tinge and is laced with blood. What could this be? His kidneys are shutting down due to muscle death, which releases myoglobin and is toxic to the kidneys. But, since all of the students prescribed antibiotics and bed rest, that patient will die in three days. They screwed up and killed someone, which is something they'll need to learn to deal with.

In the last case study, the patient is a high school volleyball player with tendonitis. A closer exam showed a nodule in the girl's neck. An MRI then revealed an osteosarcoma, which is a cancerous tumor in the femur. It has to be removed surgically, but if it's too large or too ingrained they may have to amputate the leg. Coincidentally, the farmer contracted flesh-eating bacteria from the dog's mouth. The damaged tissue has to be removed from the farmer's leg and this procedure could also end in amputation.

In a hospital room, Cuddy tells a man in his late 30s that an MRI showed a problem and they may need to amputate his leg. Back in the classroom, Cameron, Foreman and Chase are observing House's lecture from the back row. As House explains that an MRI showed that the leg pain was caused by a clotted aneurysm that led to an infarction, the doctors realize that the three fictional patients in the lecture are actually one real patient -- House himself.

Flashback to the hospital room, where Cuddy tries to convince the man that surgery is necessary. The man is House. He refuses to allow them to amputate his leg, even with Stacy at his bedside urging him to allow the surgery. In the lecture hall, the empty seats begin to fill up. House explains that amputation protects doctors. If they cut off as much tissue as possible, they minimize the chance of something going wrong.

In the flashback, House demands no surgery. He wants them to try a bypass to restore the circulation. Stacy can't believe he's being so stubborn. House's surgery goes well, with a catheter drilling through the clot. As promised, the post-op pain is excruciating, caused by the muscle cell death. In bed, House is looking through his own chart. He doesn't like how his potassium level is rising. He calls a nurse in and demands a dose of calcium glucinate. Before she does so, he goes into cardiac arrest. Cuddy rushes into the room to shock House back to life.

Back to present day. House explains to the lecture hall that the patient was technically dead for over a minute. House flashes to the time when he was under. He sees the farmer and the volleyball player now wearing prosthetics. From the back of the class, Wilson asks if House thinks the dead patient's visions were real. House thinks the white light is simply a chemical reaction that takes place while the brain shuts down. Foreman and Cameron ask why he'd believe that and not something else. House replies that it's more comforting to believe that life simply isn't a test.

In flashback, Stacy is by House's bed as he struggles with the pain. She urges him to allow the amputation. He insists that he can get through this. If he had a patient of his own in this situation, he'd browbeat them until they accepted the surgery. So why is he resisting? Stacy tells Cuddy that House has asked to be put into a chemically-induced coma so he can sleep through the pain. Cuddy says this is possible. Stacy comes up with a plan. Since she is House's medical proxy and he is unconscious, then she gets to make the decisions. Cuddy agrees to this, but isn't sure that's the right tack.

Cuddy puts House under. Stacy then asks Cuddy about the middle ground between a bypass and the amputation that she recommended earlier. Cuddy explains that they can go in and take out the dead muscle tissue. There's some risk of reperfusion injury, but Stacy quickly agrees to the procedure. In class, House explains to the students that because so much muscle was removed, the utility of the patient's leg was severely compromised. Since they waited so long for the procedure, the patient continues to experience chronic pain. The students begin to debate Stacy's proxy rights and her decision. House wonders aloud when the class is finished. Cuddy, who's been quietly listening in, answers that it was twenty minutes ago. House limps out.

Back in his office, House calls Stacy and leaves a message. He'll see her husband the next morning.


21集(S1EP21:Three Stories
1.HOUSE: Well, the last five years have been like...you ever see those "Girls Gone Wild" videos?
House: 恩,過去我年我的生活就像...你看過《野女孩》麼?
1分27秒,House剛從Cuddy那出來就碰上前妻Stacy,對方問他過得如何。大叔為了表明自己離婚後很有桃花運,用《野性校園》來比喻自己的生活。《野女孩》("Girls Gone Wild")是Mantra公司提供郵購的一套很受歡迎的錄影,裏面的年輕女孩們穿著都很暴露。這套錄影帶很受年輕男子歡迎,後來Mantra又推出了一部《野男孩》("Guys Gone Wild)來開拓女性市場,結果不但受到女性歡迎,在男同性戀中也很有收視群。。。-___-

2.KEEN: Whoa, you treated the Baywatch chick?
Keen: 哇噢,你治療過《海灘護衛隊》的辣妹?
5分39秒,House講課時候假設的第三個病號是卡門依萊克(Carmen Electra)。下面的學生Keen立刻就叫道“你治療過《海灘護衛隊》的美女?”。《海灘護衛隊》(Baywatch)是NBC電視網推出的一部講述加州海灘救生員故事的電視劇。雖然這部電視劇的情節和表演都很一般,但是在90年代,它仍然靠裏面眾多性感的帥哥美女而成為最受歡迎的電視劇之一,全世界數十億觀眾都收看了這部戲(美女的魅力果然大呀)。在1997-98季度出演《海灘護衛隊》之前,Carmen Electra已經作為歌手,模特取得了成功,但是她在《海灘護衛隊》裏的表演無疑加大了她的影響力。不過這部戲裏面我印象最深的還是帕米拉.安德森(Pamela Anderson)了

3.HOUSE: She’s here to play out my fantasy, not because she’s Meryl Streep.
House: 她只是在這裏扮演我想像中的一個角色,又不是Meryl Streep。
10分51秒,女學生認為Carmen Electra的痛苦看起來是假的。House說到“她又不是Meryl Streep(那樣的老戲骨),只是我想像中的一個病號罷了”。美國著名女電影明星Meryl Streep得到過13次奧斯卡提名並2次獲得奧斯卡,3次艾美獎提名並2次獲得艾美獎,20次金球獎提名並5次獲得金球獎。其獲獎影片有《克萊莫夫婦》("Kramer vs. Kramer",1979年),《蘇菲亞的選擇》("Sophie’s Choice,1982年),《改編劇本》("Adaptation",2002年),還有那部著名的《走出非洲》("Out of Africa",1985年)。

4.HOUSE: I assume that Cujo bit one of your neighbors awhile back.
House: 我假設你的狗過會咬了你的一位鄰居。
24分08秒,House認識到農夫是被自己的狗咬傷的,於是他稱這條狗為“Cujo”。Cujo是史蒂芬金(Stephen King)的小說《惡犬驚魂》("Cujo")中的主人公(或者應該稱做主人“狗”?)。在書中這條叫Cujo的伯納德犬得狂犬病後成為了一台恐怖的殺人機器,雖然金花了大量的筆墨描述Cujo在得病之前是條好狗,但是Cujo現在仍然成為了惡犬的代名詞。這本書在1983年被拍成了同名電影。




坐上公車從三重出發,照理來說,過中興橋,比較快,或者遠點的忠孝橋也可以。偏偏公車走台北橋,還繞到國賓飯店,馬偕醫院,是要我回台北校區的意思嘛? 我要去建中耶,馬的繞那麼遠,最後繞到台大醫院,公賣局,過了公賣局還要兩段票,明明我是要到公賣局的下一站,就硬生生多收一票,那我乾脆在公賣局下,自己走過去。




最後素豬、江呆、彭公、駕 陸續到齊,開始團練,第一首吹天八,我還是吹SP,但音階快忘了,不過這已經算是好上手的曲目了。然後吹歌劇魅影。
