
House Season1 EP14


Episode 114 : 2005-03-15

Carly, a thirty-something female CEO, is in the middle of a confident pitch to the board when she starts trembling. Suddenly, she can't move her leg. House gives his verdict to the team: paralysis and severe pain in the right quad. Cameron wonders if she has the same clot in her thigh that House had. House orders an angiogram to test for a clot. If that test is clean, then she'll be given an MRI to check for spinal pressure. If that one also turns out negative, then they will biopsy the leg. Chase oversees Carly's x-ray. While he flirts with the technician, Chase doesn't notice that the machine took a shot of Carly's left thigh.

Meanwhile, Cuddy announces that Edward Vogler, a large donor to the hospital, has been made the new chairman of the board. Vogler wants to make the hospital a cutting-edge research center where people without a prayer could go for help. The hospital will have a blank check to fight Alzheimer's, cancer, MS, AIDS and other such diseases.

House sees a young patient named Ricky van der Meer who suffers from a sore throat. Yet what's more interesting is that the boy's father had knee surgery a year ago and hasn't been able to speak since then. House checks in with Dr. Simpson, who operated on young Ricky's father. All Dr. Simpson has to say is that Mr. van der Meer received $1 million for a malpractice settlement when they couldn't find a thing wrong with him.

Cuddy catches up with Dr. House and tells him that Vogler wants him to start wearing a lab coat. House scoffs, complaining that Vogler will now start using the hospital's patients for clinical trials. They will be treated like lab rats who are pressured into treatments that are bad for them but good for study. Cuddy realizes that all Vogler is doing is upping the ante on House's game. House thinks Vogler will ruin the hospital.

In her room, Carly is in severe pain when Foreman arrives to tell her the tests were negative. She screams in agony. House reconvenes with his staff. Chase announces that her angiogram shows no signs of neurogenic or myopathic abnormalities. Foreman says tests for trichinosis, toxoplasmosis and polyarteris nodosa are negative as well. House asks Wilson about a possible bone scan to check for underlying cancers. Wilson warns him to keep his head down until Edward Volger is settled in.

Wilson stops by to see Carly. There is no cancer in her bone, but she might be having referred pain from cancer in another part of the body. Carly's mom died young from cancer, and she rejects Wilson's suggestion of a colonoscopy. Carly refuses to be examined. Wilson then presses for a very expensive virtual colonoscopy. She relents.

Wilson lets House know that there's no colon cancer according to the virtual scope, and that Carly doesn't want a physical scope. House wonders what Carly is so embarrassed about. He reconvenes his staff and notices something odd about her x-ray. Chase angioed the wrong leg. House sees Jenny's signature on the report and realizes exactly what happened. He orders Foreman to do a new angio.

Foreman is administering the new test when Carly complains that she can't breathe. Her lungs fill with fluid. Foreman performs a thoracentesis to drain the fluid and results on the fluid should be back from the lab soon. On the plus side, the angio revealed no clot. House is distracted, staring at a board with Carly's symptoms listed. He erases everything and writes, "Psych symptoms: Withholds pain, control, shame." House then looks in on Carly as she sleeps. Examining her leg, he notices seven half-inch cuts in a perfect row on the thigh. She's a cutter.

House catches up with Wilson at lunch. Besides hinting that Carly has a broken heart, he is reluctant to tell him more. With new management practices, Wilson would be obligated to tell others. Chase and Cameron approach with news. The thoracentesis has revealed a congestive heart transplant. Carly needs an actual new heart.

Vogler questions Cuddy on what the Department of Diagnostic Medicine is. It's House's department. Vogler thinks it's a financial black hole, requiring $3 million a year to treat one patient per week. Cuddy argues that House saves one patient per week. Vogler asks why House isn't wearing his lab coat. Doesn't he respect Cuddy?

House tells Carly that she needs a transplant. She points out that she's a runner, but House counters that she's a high-powered bulimic. Since scarred knuckles are unseemly, she's been using Ipecac, which caused muscle damage. This created the pain in her leg and destroyed her heart. She admits that she does it three times a week. House tells her that he has an emergency meeting with the transplant committee to see where Carly would fall on the list. Normally, she would be ranked high because she has about a day to live. However, the bulimia makes her a risk, like a suicidal patient. Would House lie to the committee?

She asks what he wants. He wants to know whether she really wants to live or die. She breaks down and says she doesn't want to die. Later, House stands before the committee, which Vogler is observing. Cuddy asks if Carly has any exclusion criteria. Wilson subtly tries to shake House off, but he says there are no exclusionary causes. Cuddy warns him of disciplinary action for subverting the committee. He denies any outside factors.

After the meeting, Wilson yells at House for his diversion. House gets a page that transplant surgery is getting underway. In the office, Chase wonders to Foreman and Cameron why House would put Carly on the transplant list before the test results came back. It seems odd. Chase is also worried that he's going to be fired. Chase does some snooping around and finds a bottle of Ipecac in Carly's purse.

Cameron tells House that van der Meer has been on steroids. She also questions whether House will fire Chase, but House says he merely wants Chase doing everything he can to protect his job now that Vogler is looking to make cuts. House hears from the surgeon that Carly had a textbook operation. House checks in with van der Meer. He knows that being intubated during knee surgery paralyzed van der Meer's vocal cords, but he also knows that his new treatments have healed him. Van der Meer shakes his head. House confides that he won't have to give the settlement money back and van der Meer admits that he can speak.

House sits with Carly as she wakes up and warns her not to screw this up. He's relaxing in his office when Vogler enters. He wants answers about Carly's bulimia. They found the Ipecac in Carly's purse. House notes that, since he has full tenure, Vogler would need full board approval to dump him. With Wilson and Cuddy on his side, that's impossible. They might as well learn to live with each other. Vogler admits that he has a point. Just before leaving, Vogler mentions that it's actually easier to get rid of a board member than it is to dump a doctor.

繼本季第10集之後,又出現了一個24(《反恐24小時》)中的人物來客串。Sarah Clarke,在24中出演一個反恐探員,在本集中出演病號Carly Forlano。
1.門診病人Van Der Meer的姓名
本集的門診病人之所以叫Van Der Meer,是向該劇的製片經理Gerrit Van Der Meer致敬。

2.HOUSE: You read one of those negotiating books, didn’t you? “Getting to Yes” “Fifty Ways to Win an Argument.” “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Being a Pal.” In five seconds you just manipulated these two into agreeing with your point of view. Fellas, this is known as “soft positional bargaining.” It’s not gonna work.
HOUSE: 你是不是讀了那些學談判的書?《讓你說"對"》,《贏得談判50法》,《Hitchhiker合夥人指南》。在5秒鐘內你就熟練的讓這2個傢伙同意了你的觀點。夥計們,這很明顯是《弱勢方商討策略》。沒有用的。

《讓你說"對"-如何不用讓步的和人簽訂協議》(Getting to Yes: How to Negotiate Agreement Without Giving In)是Roger Fisher和William Ury寫的一本描述談判技巧的暢銷書。
《贏得談判50法》,這個書名是House根據Michael A. Gilbert所著的暢銷書《如何贏得談判》臨時改編出來的。
《Hitchhiker合夥人指南》,這個書名也是House根據Douglas Adams的科幻小說《Hitchhiker星際指南》杜撰出來的。書裏講述的是一個普通人Hitchhiker和他身為旅遊指南類暢銷書的作家朋友兩人一起去太空旅行的故事。

3.FOREMAN: Do you ever watch “Gilligan’s Island” reruns and really, really think they’re gonna get off the island this time?
Foreman: 你們看過重拍的《蓋裏甘之島》並真的認為他們這次能夠離開那個島麼?
11分32秒的時候,Cameron對新董事長Edward Vogler的態度表示樂觀的時候,Foreman問了這句話。《蓋裏甘之島》(Gilligan’s Island)是美國CBS電視網60年代的一部電視劇,講述的是一群遇到海難的倖存者被沖到一個熱帶小島上後,想方設法離開這個島嶼的故事(老版LOST?)。蓋裏甘是其中男主角的名字。

4.HOUSE: No, I have seen every scary movie ever made. Six-year-old twins in front of an elevator of blood, boys’ choirs: those are bad omens. This is much more mundane: a billionaire wants to get laid.
House: 不,我看過所有的恐怖片。六歲的雙胞胎站在一部血淋淋的電梯前,唱詩班d的男孩,這些都是壞兆頭。一個億萬富翁想要俗氣點,這才是正常的。
13分25秒的時候,House和Wilson討論新老闆的做法時候。House這樣諷刺老闆Vogler的做法的。這裏說的六歲雙胞胎啊,唱詩班男孩啊都是恐怖片裏的情景。前者指的就是大名鼎鼎的《閃靈》(The Shining)了,是由大導演庫布裏克(Stanley Kubrick)在1980年根據史蒂芬金(Stephen King)的小說改編拍攝的版本,說的是一家鬧鬼旅館的故事。
唱詩班的男生指的是1976年版本的電影《凶兆》(The Omen),由Richard Donner執導。

5.HOUSE: You cut yourself. Probably highly ritualized. You play the same Sarah Mclachlan song over and over while you do it, probably works better than anti-depressants.
House: 你傷害了自己。或許太形式化了。你這樣做的同時不斷的播放Sarah Mclachlan的歌曲,或許效果比抗抑鬱症藥物的效果好。
26分36秒的時候,House告訴本集的病號Carly心臟移植的時候,用了“不斷的播放Sarah Mclachlan的歌曲”來做比喻。Sarah Mclachlan是加拿大著名的女歌手,自從80年代出道以來,其獨特的音樂風格和創作態度,極富情緒化的演唱風格使得她的歌曲在年輕的,受過高等教育的女性中非常流行。

6.HOUSE: Fried chicken from the Carnegie Deli.
House: 卡耐基餐館的炸雞。
在Carly的心臟移植結束後,House給她帶來了卡耐基的炸雞(39分15秒處)。位於紐約曼哈頓的卡耐基餐館(Carnegie Deli)是全美最有名的一家餐館,以其三明治和烙餅聞名。(看來大叔捨不得花錢買招牌菜呀^^!)

7.HOUSE: Trust me. Six Flags, way more exciting.
House: 相信我,去Six Flags,會更刺激的。
在片尾(41分07秒處)Vogler找上門來,說他覺得移植委員會的會議很有趣。大叔讓他去Six Flags。六面旗(Six Flags)是世界上最大的主題公園連鎖品牌,總部設於紐約市。六支旗管理著30家主題公園和水上樂園,其中24家以六支旗命名。六面旗的第一家主題公園坐落於美國德克薩斯州,公園的名字來自于歷史上飄揚在德克薩斯的六面旗(分別代表西班牙,法國,墨西哥,德克薩斯共和國,美利堅合眾國,美利堅聯盟國)。這裏大叔讓Vogler去的應該是位於離故事的發生地紐約最近的新澤西的Six Flags公園。

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