
[美東之旅] Washington DC 國會大廈 (3) [背包旅行]

2010.05.31 Day 2

國會大廈 US Capitol

正對國家大草坪的白色宏偉建築就是美國國會,長約 250 公尺、寬約 115 公尺,總房間超過 540 間,著名的白色圓頂上立著 6 公尺高的銅製自由女神像。由威廉˙松頓所設計的這棟建築,和白宮並稱華盛頓的代表性建築。



接著就進入 Orientation Theater,裡面會播放影片,播放時禁止任何使用任何電子器材。


進去大廳摟~~!!! 好大!我們位於國會大廈正中央,也就是自由女神的正下面。

站在國會圓形大廳往上望,這幅嵌在圓頂下的畫出自義大利畫家 Constantioo Brumidi。這位畫家當初是為了躲避政治破壞,從羅馬來到美國,後來被選中替國會大廈作畫。一畫就是22年。這幅畫叫做天堂中的華盛頓 Apotheosis of Washington。




高聳的環形雕刻 (是雕刻吧?!)


馬丁路德˙金 Martin Luther King, JR.
傑佛遜 Jefferson
雷根 Ronald Wilson Reagan
科羅拉多代表,曾登上阿波羅十三號的 John L. ‘Jack’Swigert, JR




東牆:《密西西比的發現》Discovery of the Mississippi

Hernando De Soto, a nobleman, conqueror and explorer, returned to Spain following his participation in the conquest of the Inca Empire.He obtained a royal grant from the King of Spain to lead an expedition to the Floridas. De Soto and his man reached Florida in 1539, and in the spring of 1541 the expedition reached the banks of the Mississippi, where the weary men were met by Indians bearing gifts for the conqueror. A cross was erected and the country formally claimed in the name of Charles I of Spain.

The painting does not verify history by this scene.The discoverers had endured great hardships; De Soto succumbed to the fatigues of the march, and was buried in the river.

William Henry Powell was born in New York City in 1824 and at the time he recived the commission for this painting, he was but 23 years old. Six years later the painting was finished and was exhibited in many eastern cities until finally being placed in the United States Capitol early in 1855.

東牆:波卡洪塔斯的洗禮》Baptism of Pocahontas

The colony at Jamestown, Virgina, was the first permanent English settlement on the North American continent. Through the friendship of Pocahontas, daughter of the powerful chieftain Powhatan, the colonists were able to estabilish peace with the Indians. She befriended the settlers and helped them in their struggle to adapt to the land and climate in which they found themselves.

This painting depicts Pocahontas kneeling to receive the sacred rite of baptism. Members of her family are shown looking on with both curiosity and mixed feelings. John Rolfe,whom Pocahontas later married, stands behind her.

Mr. John G. Chapman was born in Alexandria, Virginia, in 1808. This painting was started in New York and later brought to Washington to be finished in the artist’s studio loft. It was placed in the Capitol Rotunda in 1840. Chapman died in Brooklyn in 1890.

西牆:《簽署獨立宣言》Signing of the Declaratioan of Independence

The declaration of Independence is considered to the single most important document in American history. Written by Thomas Jefferson, with the help of John Adams and Benjamin Franklin, the paper was intended to explain and justify to the American colonies, England and the rest of the world, the colonial decision to seperate from Britain. For the men of the Revolution, it laid down the principles for which they fought.

A committee of five men appointed to draw up a formal Declaration of Independence, have approached the President of the Second Continental Congress to present their report.

John Trumbull spared no time or expense in painting portraits of each of the living signers, and in the case of death of a signer, he tried to obtain the best known portrait of that individual. Where no likeness existed, that signer was excluded from the painting. Five men who were not signers, but were important to the American Revolution, are included in the painting.

西牆:《英國伯戈因將軍向美軍投降》The Surrender of Burgoyne

Perhaps the most important single engagement fought between the British and the Colonial troops in the Revolutionary War was the Battle of Saratoga in September and October, 1777. The conflict resulted in the surrender of the British army of 6000 under General John Burgoyne to the Americans under General Gates, Arnold and Morgan. The victory was the deciding factor in bringing active French support to the American cause, and thereby marked a turning point in the war.

On September 18 Burgovne first attacked the Americans at Bemis Heights, on the west bank of the Hudson River. The battle was indecisive and Burgoyne, his communications with Canada having been cut off, fortified his position to await the arrival of General Clinton. The latter did not appear, and Burgoyne, on October 7 decided an another attacked. In this encounter the British were decisively beaten and forced to retreat toward Saratoga, where lack of supplies caused their surrender some days later.

This painting represents General Burgoyne, attended by General Phillips,arriving at the camp of General Gates to surrender his sword.

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