2010.05.30 Day 1
在郵政博物館裡面,有一隻很可愛的狗,他叫 Owney
Owney, a stray mutt, wandered into the Albany, New York, post office in 1888. He fell asleep on some mailbags, and the clerks let him stay.
Owney soon was riding mailbags across the country with the Railway Mail Service.
In 1895, he traveled with mailbags on steamships to Asia and across Europe.
RMS clerks adopeted Owney as their mascot, and began to record the dog’s travels with medals and tags attached to his collar. Postmaster General John Wanamaker was one of the pooch’s fans.
When he heard that the dog’s collar was weighed down by the tags, he gave Owney a jacket to display his trophis.
不想看英文的就看中文吧。在 1888 年,阿爾巴尼郵局發現了一隻小狗睡在他們的郵袋上面。這隻狗在美國郵政史上非常有名,光看郵政博物館替他設立雕像,以及禮品部有很大部分在販賣 Owney 周邊商品就知道他非常有名。
以前還是火車運輸郵件的時代,常常會遇到不可預期的問題,例如火車出軌或者被印地安人打劫的意外之類的。而這隻小狗很喜歡跟著火車到處走,久而久之大家發現有這隻狗在的火車都平安無事,漸漸的郵務人員們非常希望小狗能夠在火車上,而每到一個地方,就會在他身上掛一個金屬掛牌。這些金屬掛牌還陪伴 Owney 橫跨亞洲跟歐洲
Owney 在 1897 年退休,因為他的年紀跟視力已非當年。至於 Owney 的死因實在耐人尋味。以下節錄維基百科
"The exact details of the incident which lead to his death are unclear, but according to the National Postal Museum website, "Owney was mistreated while being shown off to a newspaper reporter in Toledo, Ohio and became so mad that he bit a postal worker." Days later the man died from the injury. Word spread that Owney was mad, so on July 11, 1897, a police officer shot the dog."
改天我要去特萊多緬懷一下 Owney
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