
House Season1 EP5

Damned If You Do

Episode 105 : 2004-12-14

House's new patient, Sister Augustine, has hands red with boils. While her fellow nuns suspect stigmata, House suspects dermatitis brought on by an allergic reaction to dish soap. He gives her an antihistamine, suggests over-the-counter cortisone cream and sends the good Sister on her way. Unfortunately, the antihistamine leaves Sister Augustine gasping for air. House believes it is an asthma attack caused by an allergic reaction to the pill. He notices a rapid heartbeat and calls for a nurse.

Dr. Cuddy is certain that House made a mistake and maybe gave the nun the wrong dosage. Cuddy will have to notify hospital attorneys within 24 hours if House can't find an underlying cause for the heart failure. He runs his team through possible explanations. Cameron wonders if it is a disease that gives patients only five years to live with treatment. Foreman goes the easier route -- House merely messed up.

Sister Augustine goes into MRI, but inside the tube she becomes frantic about a smell. The doctors cancel the test and Sister Augustine screams that Jesus is coming for her. Suddenly, she suffers convulsions. Foreman notices a rash appear on the Sister's leg as he's holding her down. He finds out that the nun tested positive for herpetic encephalitis which causes a weakened immune system. This same symptom can be triggered by the medicine House gave her earlier. The group tries to figure out other possible causes.

Mixed connective tissue disease? The treatment for that disease is prednisone, which caused these problems in the first place. House recommends a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, but Foreman is concerned that will make things even worse. Foreman goes to Cuddy and she becomes alarmed at the rash hyperbaric treatment. Cuddy pulls House off Sister Augustine's case.

Cuddy meets with Cameron, Foreman and Chase to discuss potential treatments. House, meanwhile, asks Chase if Sister Augustine is hiding something. Chase suggests talking to the Mother Superior, and House pays a visit to the convent. Mother Superior discusses Augustine's troubled past as a foster child and the woman's self-aborted pregnancy. That doesn't interest House, but the tasty tea that the convent serves does.

It is figwort tea, which when mixed with even the smallest level of epinephrine causes instant cardiac arrest. House was correct all along. However, there is some allergy still lurking that has gone untreated for so long that it has manifested into a monster. House decides to introduce various allergens until one causes a reaction. Sister Augustine is placed into a hypoallergenic room but still goes into convulsions. The doctors are baffled. What in this sterile environment could make a person react so violently?

Sister Augustine decides that God wants to take her, so she requests to go back to the convent. House yells at her for constantly running away from her problems. Sister Augustine mentions that she has God inside her, which gives House a revelation. Examining x-rays, the doctors find a copper cross IUD inside Sister Augustine's uterus. She is allergic to copper.

5集(EP05:Damned If You Do

House: We are condemned to useless labor.
Wilson: Fourth circle of Hell. Charting goes a lot faster when you eliminate all classic poetry.
House: Writing down what we already know to be read by nobody. I'm pretty sure Dante would agree that qualifies as useless.

這段字幕有些錯誤。由於缺乏註解和背景知識,更難讓人理解。整段談話基於的是著名的詩人但丁(Dante)最著名的詩集《神曲》("The Divine Comedy")。在這部詩集的第一篇裡,但丁把地獄分成了九層,貪婪者下第四層地獄,並永遠做無意義的勞動(搬大石頭)。所以這段話的正確翻譯應該是:

House: 我們被拉來做這些毫無意義的勞動了。(指佈置聖誕)
Wilson: 你說的那是第四層地獄。你有空讀這些經典詩集的時候,病例又增加了很多。
House: 把眾所周知的東西寫下來是沒人去讀的(指那些病例),我肯定但丁也會同意那些病例其實是沒什麼用的。


Wilson: The sixth circle of Hell.
Wilson: 是第六層地獄。
House: Confined in a sweat box with a bloody nose and all the tissues are soggy.
House: 被限制在狹小潮濕的空間,到處都是血腥的味道。
Wilson: I think that's the seventh.
Wilson: 我認為你說的是第七層地獄。

這裡他們說的都是本集的女病人修女瑪麗(Mary Augustine)。她最初的症狀是皮疹和手出血,後來查明的原因是她年輕時候的一段荒唐感情導致了懷孕,後來她墮胎並由此引發了過敏症狀,產生了本集裡的病例。修女懷孕並墮胎,無疑是可以被認為異教徒而下第六層地獄的;而墮胎和最初的手出血的症狀,可以認為是雙手沾了血腥而下第七層地獄。只能說編劇的文學素養和編故事能力太牛X了。

2.House: How do you solve a problem like dermatitis?
House: 你怎麼解決皮炎這樣的問題?
House最開始診斷修女瑪麗的時候,他這樣問Wilson的。這句話其實是有來歷的。在經典電影《音樂之聲》(The Sound of Music)中,有首歌的名字就叫"How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?"(你如何解決瑪麗這樣的問題?)。相信看過這部電影的人都知道,女主角在做家庭教師之前就是一位修女,而且名字也叫瑪麗(Maria)。
3.本集的標題:Damned If You Do.
埃莉諾·羅斯福(Eleanor Roosevelt)的名言(就是那個著名的二戰美國總統羅斯福的老婆)。全句是:「Do what you feel in your heart to be right—for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't.」

4.The Hippocratic Oath

Foreman: You are aware of the Hippocratic Oath, right?
Foreman: 你知道《希波克拉底誓詞》的,不是麼?
House: The one that starts: First, do no harm, then goes on to tell us no abortions, no seductions, and definitely no cutting of those who labor beneath the stone.  Yeah, took a read once, wasn't impressed.
House: 那個一開始就告訴我們:首先,「不傷害」,然後告訴我們「不流產」,「不誘惑」,「不為病人做結石手術」(這個地方字幕錯了)的誓言,是的,我看過一次,不過我沒怎麼記它。

這裡的希波克拉底誓詞(The Hippocratic Oath)是最有名的古希臘醫生希波克拉底的著作。現在已經被醫生遵崇為職業態度和行為準則的最高理想,是西方醫生傳統上行醫前的宣誓誓言。在這份誓詞中,列出了一些特定的倫理上的規範。這份誓詞的起源和歷史背景現已遠不可考,其著作年代可能是介於西元前五世紀到西元前四世紀之間。誓詞分兩部分。第一部分,或者說是契約,是醫學院學生對於老師的一種承諾,是要求學生的一種義務。第二部分則是道德規範。

聖誕老人得了腸炎,House給他的處方是每天抽煙。這一幕其實是House的扮演者Laurie和聖誕老人的扮演者Fry在他們一部很早的作品「Doctor Tobacco」中一幕的翻排。但是在那部戲中Laurie飾演病人,而Fry扮演醫生。Laurie說他覺得呼吸困難而且胸悶,Fry當時給他開的藥方就是每天抽煙。這次風水輪流轉,輪到Laurie給Fry開香煙處方了。^^
另外:House在醫院的小禮拜堂看的肥皂劇是"North Shore"(《北海岸》),也是FOX公司自己的電視劇,講述的是夏威夷一家旅館的故事。

1.Augustine: As Jonah said from inside the whale, "When I had lost all hope, I turned my thoughts to the Lord."
Augustine: 正如約拿在魚腹中所說「當我看不到希望之時,我想起了神」。
修女這裡所說的就是當初約拿祈求神寬恕的禱告詞中的一句:"When my soul fainted within me I remembered the LORD: and my prayer came in unto thee, into thine holy temple."

Augustine: I want to die.  Why has He left me?
Chase:   I was in seminary school.  They asked us once what our favorite passage was.  I chose 1 Peter 1:7.  「These trials only test your faith to see whether or not it is strong and pure.  Your faith is being tested as fire tests gold and purifies it.」
Augustine: 「And your faith is far more precious to the Lord than pure gold; so if your faith remains strong after being tested, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day of His return.」
Augustine: 我就要死了,為什麼神拋棄了我?
Chase:   我曾經上過一家神學院。他們曾經問過我最喜歡的是《聖經》中的那句話。我選擇了《彼得前書》第一章第7句。「這些試煉只是為了看看你的信仰是否堅定且純粹。試煉的過程就如同用火萃取真金一般。」
Augustine: 「而對神來說你的信仰遠比真金來的寶貴。因此一旦你通過了試煉,在神歸來之時,它將帶給你無上的稱讚,榮耀,尊貴。」

3.Augustine: You told me your favorite passage.  Would you like to hear mine? 「Celebrate and be glad, for your brother was dead and is alive again.」
Augustine: 你告訴了我你最喜歡的句子。你想不想聽聽我的?「高興並且慶祝吧,因為你的兄弟死而復活了」。

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