
House Season3 EP6

Que Sera Sera

Episode 306 : 2006-11-07

Firefighters are called to the residence of George Hagel, a 600-pound man who has died. As a team of firefighters tries to lift George's body, somebody in the room passes gas. That somebody is George. The chief checks and finds that George still has a pulse.

Cuddy brings George's file to Chase, Foreman and Cameron. House isn't in yet. Cuddy informs the doctors that George is in a coma, but his blood sugar is normal, his cholesterol is lower than hers, his tox screen was clean and there's no sign of trauma. The team is astonished by this news. Cuddy wonders where House is.

Well, he's in a holding cell at the police station. Frustrated, he tells Tritter to let him go. Tritter suggests arraigning him instead. Finally, Wilson appears and posts House's bail. House meets Wilson outside and Wilson immediately hands him a bottle of pills. House assures Wilson that he's innocent and Tritter just wanted to punish him.

The doctors are mulling over George's case and House's whereabouts when House suddenly pops into the office. House quickly orders the team to start treating George for Pickwickian Syndrome. Foreman counters that George's CO2 and oxygen stats are normal, but House points out that they're only normal for an average-sized person. House also wants a detailed medical history. Search his house and talk to his neighbors if you need.

George's neighbor, Sophie, allows Cameron into George's apartment. She surprised by how tidy and orderly the place. The place also has a high-end kitchen, including a wine cellar. Sophie informs Cameron that George loves cooking and frequently prepares four-course gourmet meals for himself. He also has prostitutes visit on occasion.

House is working clinic duty when he spots Tritter in the lobby. Tritter says he was merely bringing Cuddy up to speed on the arrest. Conspicuously popping a pill before Tritter, House advises him to quit while he's ahead. Tritter eyes up House, then leaves. Foreman and Cameron approach with the information that intubation and steroids have had no effect on George. Thus, they're ruling out Pickwick's. House suggests blood clots in the brain and orders either an MRI or a CT scan. Problem is, those machines have weight limits well under what George weighs. House suggests that they just start treatment then.

Knowing that blind treatment could possibly kill George, the team tries to MRI him. Cameron thinks it'll work if they just get his head inside the machine, but Foreman worries that George will break the table, ruining a million-dollar machine. Adamant that George deserves the same standard of care as anybody else, Cameron assembles a team of nurses to hoist George onto the table. Incidentally, she lies about George's weight to get them to help.

Cuddy finds House in his office and hands him contact information for the best defense lawyer in the county. The moment she leaves, House crumbles the paper and throws it out. Elsewhere, the doctors find nothing out of the ordinary on George's MRI. As they begin to weigh their options, George comes to life and starts screaming. As Foreman and Chase struggle to pull him out, the MRI bed breaks with a loud crack.

House and the team reconvene to discuss what they know. They don't know much. A calm, but angry, Cuddy enters asking about the machine. House blames his staff for disobeying his orders to start treatment. Cuddy isn't buying it, but Cameron pipes up and admits what happened. Foreman wonders about hormones. Acute adrenal insufficiency could possibly cause a coma. He wants to do an ACTH stimulation test and check George's skin for acanthosis nigricans. Cameron, focusing on the prostitutes, wants to run a full STD check. Chase suggests doing nothing, and if George doesn't get worse, figure it was a hematoma that dissipated. House considers, then decide to go with all of the theories.

Foreman and Cameron begin their tests on George, who insists he's fine. Every doctor he's ever seen has checked his hormones, then his blood pressure. And the results are always the same. He asks the doctors when he can leave the hospital. Foreman and Cameron finish the tests, then report back to House that the skin exam and ACTH stimulation were normal, and the blood and urine were negative for chlamydia, herpes and syphilis. House is intrigued by the mystery, but Foreman then reports that George is asking to be discharged.

House shuffles over to George's room, where he finds him eating dinner. House tells George that he awoke from a coma caused by an unknown condition and wanted to leave the hospital. So either George isn't in his right mind or he knows what the condition is. House guesses at various conditions, but George angrily insists that he doesn't know what's wrong. He's not depressed, he just doesn't want to stay there. House gets a cell phone call and leaves.

The call was about House's apartment, which has been ransacked. As he looks around, he sees Tritter in his hallway with two uniformed officers. Tritter coolly informs House that they're executing a search warrant. Tritter holds up an evidence bag full of pills and estimates that it must hold over six hundred Vicodin. Most DAs would say that shows intent to traffic. House scoffs, pointing out that each pill is held in a prescription bottle. Tritter agrees, but theorizes that if House is so unprofessional and unethical, maybe it's possible that some of those bottles are in other's names. Or came from forged prescriptions. Or simply stolen. But House has nothing to worry about, right?

The next morning, House instructs his team to send George home. Cameron resists, but House is more interested in tracking down Wilson and finding out what he told Tritter. Wilson assures House that he merely told Tritter he prescribed the Vicodin.

As George is wheeled out of the hospital, Cameron makes a last gasp attempt to convince him to stay. George explains that he simply loves food. Whatever is going to happen, will happen. George stands from his wheelchair and prepares to walk out of the hospital as Cameron begs him to sit. George takes a few unsure steps and then collapses through a plate glass wall.

Foreman, Cameron and House gather. Foreman explains that disorientation and loss of balance could mean a neurofibromatosis. House mentions that that's inherited, claiming one of his diagnoses was correct. Cameron argues that the disorientation isn't a key symptom. And she would know because...she gave George three grams of phenytoin. She didn't think he should be discharged and knew that would force him to stay.

Looking at the discharge report, House notices that George didn't eat his breakfast, which seems odds for him. Coma, fever and loss of appetite stem from Chagas. Cameron is doubtful, as George hasn't been out of the country before. House points out that his food has. House wants a sample of George's CNS to determine which bugs are in his brain. But since George is too big for an LP, they'll have to drill into his head. After some badgering from Cameron, George agrees to the test.

During the test, Foreman prods George's brain and George begins screaming that he can't see. The nurses struggle to hold him down. After the procedure, Foreman and Cameron inform House that there's no inflammation in the optic nerve and the retina is intact. There was also no sign of Chagas. House wonders if they missed a tumor in the MRI. Or perhaps it's diabetes, as evidence by the blindness and coma. He wants them to test George once more.

Cameron tries to give George some glucose water to drink, but he angrily slaps it away. They argue until George says that he's been fat all his life, but sick only recently. If she wants to look for a disease that has nothing to do with his size, he'll help them. Otherwise, leave him alone.

House meets with his new lawyer, Howard Gemeiner. Howard advise a plea bargain, which House has no interest in. So Howard quotes House his exorbitant fees, which House reluctantly accepts. When House returns to the hospital. Cameron asks how things went with the lawyer. House is disappointed that his secret is out. Moving on, Foreman says tests for MS were negative and Cameron says tests for diabetes were unperformed.

House barges into George's room and accosts him about the diabetes test. House tries to forces the glucose drink on George, who strenuously resists. As they struggle, House notices George's fingers. He limps out of the room. Cameron and Foreman follow. House orders x-rays of George's hands and feet. Then a bronchial test, a sputum cytology and a CSF check for anti-hu antibodies. House thinks George has lung cancer. When the doctors are skeptical, House asks if they've felt George's fingers. His hands are clubbed.

They take x-rays and are stunned when they realize House was right. George has ossifying periostitis on the ends of his fingers. After the tests are analyzed, Cameron enters George's room to tell him they've confirmed small cell lung carcinoma. That caused a paraneoplastic neurologic syndrome, which in turn caused the coma and blindness. It's inoperable, but radiation treatment is available. However, that will only buy him a few months. A year at the most.

In Wilson's hotel room that night, Tritter is asking Wilson if he really wrote all of those prescriptions for House. Wilson admits that House can difficult, but he truly is in pain and needs that medicine, which is why Wilson prescribed it. Tritter pulls out a few scrips and shows them to Wilson. He points out that the signatures on some of them look different from others. Tritter notes that Wilson looks surprised. Covering, Wilson says that sometimes he gets bored and signs his name differently. Tritter tells Wilson he'll give a second to reconsider his answer. Because if he's lying, they'll find out. Wilson sticks to his story. Tritter thanks him and leaves.


6集(S3EP06:Que Será Será
1.本集的標題Que Sera Sera
西班牙語/法語,意思是That Will be Will be,該發生的總是會發生的。往積極方面說頗有點「一切隨緣」的感覺,往消極方面說則充滿了「無奈」。本集中的大胖子George對於自己的體重問題便是這麼個態度,House對待自己的官司也是這麼個隨緣,或者說無奈的態度,最後George得知自己得了肺癌,只有幾個月好活的時候,說的另一句法語「C'est la vie」(It is the life)——這就是生活,雖然也有隨緣的感覺,不過更多的是無奈了。
Que Sera Sera(Whatever Will be)同時也是一首很著名的兒歌,來自1956年大師希區柯克(Alfred Hitchcock)的翻拍電影《一個知道太多的人》(The Man Who Knew Too Much)。歌曲大意是:「當我還是小女孩的時候,我問媽媽,我以後會漂亮麼?會有錢麼?媽媽說:隨緣吧(Que Sera Sera),隨緣吧,未來是無法預見的。當我長大戀愛的時候,我問我的另一半,我們未來會如何?每天都有彩虹麼?他說:隨緣吧,隨緣吧。現在我有了自己的孩子,他們問我,我以後會有錢麼?我會長的英俊麼?我也說:隨緣吧,隨緣吧。」
Que Sera Sera法語和西班牙語的寫法是一樣的,雖然發音稍有不同。最早是來自電影《赤腳女伯爵》(The Barefoot Contessa),裡面Rossano Brazzi一家的座右銘就是「Che Sera Sera」,是意大利語。後來希區柯克拍攝《一個知道太多的人》時候,希望主題曲能有一個外國名字,因為電影裡Stewart演的就是一個外交官。於是Ray和Jay就把這個座右銘改成西班牙語的「Que Sera Sera」了,因為美國的西班牙語使用者更多。這裡還有個小插曲,當時演唱這首歌的Doris Day在當時錄製的時候並不認為一首「世事難料」的歌很符合自己的風格,但是他的經紀人和希區柯克都認為這首歌會很受歡迎,結果呢,果然是「世事難料」,這首歌成了Doris Day最受歡迎的歌曲。

2.HOUSE: Hey, Gomer Pyle! I know you can hear me!
House: 嘿,Gomer Pyle!我知道你能聽見(我的話)!
4分13秒的時候,大叔還沒被Wilson保釋出來,蹲在警察局裡叫人。Gomer Pyle是由Jim Nabors扮演的一個頭腦簡單的加油站服務員,最早出現在電視劇The Andy Griffith Show中,之後在其續集Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.仍有演出,都是上世紀60年代的電視劇。

3.TRITTER: I think you mean Barney Fife.
Tritter: 我想你是想叫Barney Fife吧。
4分28秒,Tritter聽到大叔把自己比作頭腦簡單的Gomer Pyle,於是諷刺到大叔現在最好祈禱能碰到個Barney Fife似的好心人。Barney Fife是Gomer Pyle那部戲The Andy Griffith Show中的另外一個角色,雖然有時不討人喜歡,但是其實是個典型的好心腸。

4.HOUSE: Start treating Jabba…
House: 給Jabba做......治療。
6分55秒,House把本集的病人George比喻成Jabba。赫特人賈巴(Jabba the Hunt是電影《星球大戰》系列第6部《絕地大反攻》(Return of the Jedi)中的反派,體型肥碩-_-。該角色之後在前傳中也有出現。

5.HOUSE: Let's see what else Shamu's been up to besides eating.
House: 讓我們看看Shamu除了吃還會幹什麼。

6.HOUSE: I assume you told Inspector Clouseau that I had a valid prescription for the vicodin.
House: 我認為你會告訴偵探Clouseau我的vicodin都是有合法處方的。
13分26秒處,Cuddy勸House找律師的時候大叔說的話。Jacques Clouseau是著名的電影《粉紅豹》系列(The Pink Panther中由Peter Sellers扮演的一個裝腔作勢的偵探。在2006年的翻拍之作中由Steve Martin扮演。這裡大叔指的當然就應該是Tritter了。

7.HOUSE: I gotta find out where she got the fat scratch fever.
House: 我應該查查她是怎麼被這個胖子抓病的。
18分42秒,House對Wilson說他認為Cameron向Cuddy告密的,他調侃Cameron是得了「胖抓病」(Fat scratch fever),這是大叔根據「貓抓病」(Cat scratch fever)臨時造的一個詞。貓抓病的症狀是淋巴結被感染後發炎腫脹,在當時符合胖子的症狀(當然後來我們都知道其實是癌細胞擴散到淋巴了)。
另外Cat Scratch Fever.也是Ted Nugent在1977年的專輯名稱。

8.HOUSE: So I'm gonna say, your Mom, in the hospital, with the candlestick.
House: 所以我要說,你媽媽,在醫院,用的是燭台。

9.HOUSE: Nice audible, Peyton!
House: 這打法漂亮,Peyton。
27分46秒,大叔又一次對著最不喜歡體育比喻的Cameron耍起了他的橄欖球比喻。這裡字幕說明的已經很清楚了,Peyton Manning是印第安納波利斯小馬隊的偉大四分衛。

10.HOUSE: Humpty Dumpty didn't get to be the size of all the King's horses.
27分54秒處,House大叔又一次把可憐的George比喻成了Humpty Dumpty。House第二季的第三集標題就是Humpty Dumpty。字典裡Humpty-Dumpty的解釋就是矮胖的人,是蛋的擬人化稱呼,在《越獄》第一季最後一集,那個洗衣房的胖子沒有跑出去而被Bellick抓了,Belick就稱他為Humpty Dumpty。短詩《鵝媽媽童謠》中的主人公也叫Humpty Dumpty,貌似也是隻蛋。
而和King's horses一起出現的話,那麼就應該是來自一首英國兒歌了,內容如下:

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall;
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
And all the king's horses;
And all the king's men;
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

這首童謠指的應該是英王理查三世(Richard III)的故事。這位殘酷好戰的國王是個駝背,因此得了這個Humpty Dumpty這個外號,
國王(Humpty Dumpty)從他的馬(Wall)上狠狠地摔了下來,結果被(敵人)大卸八塊,國王所有的人馬都沒法再讓他復活了——Couldn't put Humpty together again.
最後值得一提的是,扮演George的演員Pruitt Taylor Vince當然不是真的重達600磅,雖然他也算是個胖子了。那些肉都是化妝效果,類似劉德華的《瘦身男女》裡的化妝。Pruitt Taylor Vince出演過很多電影電視,在Alias,X-filesCSI中都客串過,還獲得過1997年艾美獎的最佳客串表演獎。說個大家都應該知道的他的演出吧,《海上鋼琴師》(Legend 1900)裡的那個小號手Max Tooney,就是他飾演的。

扮演George的演員Pruitt Taylor Vince確實患有眼球震顫症。(http://imdb.com/name/nm0898546/bio

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