Episode 122 : 2005-05-24
House and Stacy are out to dinner, waiting for the arrival of her husband, Mark. Once again he is late because he's been avoiding House. When mark finally arrives, he announces that he has already consulted other doctors because he didn't want to waste House's valuable time. The doctors thought he was suffering from stress, so Mark declares himself to be fine. Mark and House politely bicker with their rivalry over Stacy coming to the surface. The argument becomes more competitive as the two men race to down their beers. Mark suddenly becomes woozy and passes out. House drugged him in order to get him back to the hospital for a checkup.
Cameron and Foreman review Mark's file. He has experienced stomach pains and mood swings with no apparent source. Tests have shown nothing. House, making no effort to hide his disdain for Mark, orders another battery of tests. Out in the hallway, Wilson reminds House of his past with Stacy and advises him to treat this case like any other patient -- by being cold and distant.
Cameron explains to Mark that a CT of his abdomen revealed nothing. He prepares to leave. Foreman tells House that the surgeon is booked. Cameron can't believe that House would plan exploratory surgery for a patient who doesn't think he's sick.
House joins Stacy in the waiting room. The surgery reveals nothing but a distended bladder. House asks for video of the surgery. Wilson interrupts to say he saw House talking to Stacy. Wasn't he supposed to stay away from her? House admits that he likes Stacy -- which is why he was talking to her -- but he can handle everything. House continues poring over the video. He notices something and rouses his team from their sleep to come in. They don't see anything.
House shows them a comparison video and they immediately spot the problem. There are tremors in the muscle fiber, which is an abdominal epilepsy. There must be some sort of serious neurological problem.
Later that morning, Foreman brings in Mark's EEG graph. He's noticed a small abnormality in the brain waves, which means his axonal nerves are dying. The likely causes are encephalitis or Alzheimer's. Cameron points out that Early Onset Alzheimer's is the worst kind. House asks for viral serologies to rule out encephalitis and Tau proteins to check for Alzheimer's. He also asks the team to check out Mark and Stacy's house for possible indicators.
Cameron is in the lab when Stacy demands to know what their team is thinking. Cameron admits that Alzheimer's is the early guess. Cameron then asks Stacy what House was like before his leg troubles. She says that he was pretty much the same as he is now. The lab test finishes as Stacy is waiting. Mark tests negatively for Alzheimer's.
Chase and Foreman are out at the house and find an unused mountain bike and a yoga mat. Mark has recently changed his workout. Chase finds a bottle of amphetamines hidden in the back of a desk drawer underneath some papers. They bring it back to House. Although regular use could explain the symptoms, House doesn't agree. The prescribing doctor recently had his license pulled for writing illegal prescriptions to high school kids. Since Mark is a guidance counselor, it is more likely that he confiscated the pills from a student. With no trace of encephalitis or Alzheimer's, House orders a PET scan to check for alteration in the metabolic activity of the cerebral cortex.
Foreman injects a chemical marker called FDDNP into Mark that will highlight brain functions. Mark slides into the PET scanner and Foreman begins to ask him simple questions about his life. House interrupts and begins to quiz Mark about his wedding day. Mark angrily replies that Stacy wore a white dress and that they didn't leave their Paris hotel room for the entire two weeks of their honeymoon.
That night, House stands on the roof. Stacy barges outside, angry that House quizzed Mark about her. House explains that he was testing the operational parameters of Mark's limbic system, but Stacy isn't buying this claim. House admits that he doesn't know what's wrong with Mark. Everything is coming up negative. Mark is perfectly healthy, but his brain is dying. Stacy is devastated that House can't figure it out. He assures her that he hasn't given up. They just have to wait for something to change.
That night, a frantic Mark calls in the nurses and Stacy. He can't feel his feet or his hands. He's paralyzed. House and the team retreat to his office to find explanations. Realizing that the paralysis is peripheral, House suggests Guillain-Barre syndrome. Foreman says he's done the tests already and no antibodies have shown up. House wonders if Mark has the virus but isn't producing antibodies. Foreman realizes that would mean Mark is sick, but his body isn't doing anything about it. They will have to do it for him. Yet without antibodies, they'll never know if they are correct. House thinks that if the treatment works, they were right. If Mark dies, it was something else.
Cameron explains to Mark what they're going to try. Mark is hooked up to a plasmapheresis machine which will clean his blood. Mark then notices House call Stacy out into the hallway. Mark becomes paranoid that Stacy is going to leave him. He struggles to breathe. House enters the room and orders two milligrams of Ativan to calm Mark down. It wasn't an allergic reaction, just a panic attack. Out in the hallway, House asks Stacy about the cards that she and Mark have been receiving. He doesn't notice any of her old friends on them. He also finds it odd that she didn't tell her old friend Dr. Wilson that she would be in the area. Stacy wants to know what his point is. Is she still in love with him? Should she abandon her dying husband for him? Stacy thinks maybe Wilson is right about House staying away from her.
House drowns his sorrows at a bar when Wilson comes in. Although House had called him there, Wilson is in a hurry because he was in the middle of his wife's dinner party. House tells him that Mark isn't responding to treatment and he is happy about that. However, House isn't sure whether it's because he hopes to reunite with Stacy or that he merely wants her to suffer. Wilson has no response.
The next morning, House again calls Stacy out from Mark's room for a talk. House confides that he thinks she and Mark are good together, especially because he took her to Paris, her dream city. Stacy says that they never went to Paris on their honeymoon. Since she had to work, they spent a couple of nights in New York. House is intrigued, and asks her when Mark switched from mountain biking to yoga. She responds that it was about a month ago and House rushes off. Bursting into his office, House puts up Mark's PET scan x-ray for the team to see. Lying is a very creative process which is more involved than telling the truth. What does the PET scan show when House asked Mark about the honeymoon? The brain shows minimal involvement. They never went, but Mark's brain thinks they did.
House sums up the symptoms again: abdominal pain, peripheral neuropathy, paranoia and now delusions. House thinks Mark suffers from Acute Intermittent Porphyria, which doesn't show in tests, only when caught in the middle of an attack. Another symptom is light sensitivity, which might make a person give up mountain biking for an indoor sport like yoga. House orders his doctors to start Mark on Hematin and glucose, but Cameron points out that if he doesn't have AIP, the Hematin will give Mark renal failure. The only way to confirm AIP is to sample urine during an attack. But how will they know an attack is coming? AIP has very specific triggers, such as barbiturates, alcohol and high protein levels. House is going to give Mark all of these and wait to see what happens. Stacy asks for a minute with Mark.
Stacy tells House that Mark doesn't want the shot. She asks House to give it to him anyway, but House refuses. This kicks off a tremendous argument about their past. Stacy thinks that House wants Mark to die so they can get back together. House says she should force him into the treatment because she's good at that. She demands to know if this is payback for his leg. She thinks she saved his life. House claims that he's respecting Mark's decision, which Stacy calls him on. He constantly browbeats patients into accepting treatment. The only difference is that Stacy had done it to him.
Mark still refuses the trigger. Yet since he is paralyzed, House is about to inject the syringe into the IV. Foreman takes the line from House's hand. Cameron says he needs a court order to go around Mark. Even Chase steps in. House begins to walk away, then quickly turns back and stabs Mark in the thigh. For a moment, nothing happens. Suddenly, Mark's body begins to spasm. House orders Chase to draw urine from the catheter. House sticks a needle into Mark's bladder to pull a sample, then allows Cameron to inject Mark with Ativan, which calms him down.
In the lab, the team examines Mark's urine. It is still yellow, which means there is no AIP. House shines a light on the test tube to stimulate oxidation. Suddenly, the urine in test tube turns black. House tells his team to start Mark on glucose and Hematin.
Eventually, Mark can move his extremities again. The treatment is a success. That night, Stacy finds House in his office. She admits that she isn't over him and that he was always the one for her. But she can't be with him because, when they were together, she was lonely. Mark makes room in his life for her.
The next day, Cuddy intercepts House in the hallway with some news. Since Stacy's husband is going to need monitoring for some time, and they could definitely use her again, Cuddy offered her a consulting job. But Stacy will only accept if it's okay with House. He agrees.
第22集(S1EP22:The Honeymoon)
1.HOUSE: Hah! He’s Oscar Wilde!
House: 哇!他真像Oscar Wilde。
1分55秒,Mark Warner說他和House可以一起去跑步(諷刺大叔的瘸腿,這不是找死麼。。。-_-)。大叔於是反諷他是奧斯卡.王爾德。Oscar Wilde,19世紀著名的愛爾蘭詩人,作家和劇作家,唯美主義藝術運動的宣導者,以簡短機智的俏皮話聞名。然而大叔這裏可不是捧Mark,(以下感謝會員“軌跡者”提供的資訊)要知道,王爾德在西方這麼有名可不只是因為他的簡短機智的俏皮話,而是因為他是西方最早被公開的 "斷背"之人,1895年,昆斯貝理侯爵因兒子阿爾弗萊德·道格拉斯——別名“波西(Bosie)”與王爾德交往而令到父子不和,並公然斥責王爾德是一個雞奸者(當時尚未誕生“同性戀”這個名詞)。
對此,憤怒的阿爾弗萊德叫王爾德立刻上訴,告侯爵敗壞他的名譽。結果王爾德上訴失敗,更被反告曾“與其他男性發生有傷風化的行為” (committing acts of gross indecency with other male persons)。根據當時英國1855年苛刻的刑事法修正案第11部分,王爾德被判有罪,在瑞丁和本頓維爾監獄服了兩年苦役。王爾德的審判是英國司法史上最引人注目的案件之一,也是同性戀平權運動史上被引用最多的案件之一。在同性戀不再被視為異端並被普遍接受的20世紀末、21世紀初,他成了同性戀社群的一個文化偶像。所以大叔在這裏應該還暗指當時Mark Warner的性能力受損,不能盡人事,只好去當王爾德了!
2.STACY: "Hey, Dr. Mandingo, ask the wife if she’s been messing around."
8分03秒,House問Stacy是否有外遇,並強調這是個醫學問題。Stacy說為什麼你不讓手下來問呢。“嘿,Mandingo醫生,去問問這個妻子是否有外遇。”,後來10分05秒的時候,House看Mark的手術錄影時發現了問題,於是掏出手機來打給手下(應該是Foreman,因為Foreman是黑人嘛)“Mandingo醫生,種植園需要你”。《曼丁哥人》("Mandingo")是1957年Kyle Onstott的一本小說的名字,講述的是19世紀30年代一個阿拉巴馬州種植園黑奴Mandinka的故事。該書於1975年被拍成電影。
3.STACY: His sister voted for Nader, twice.
美國左翼政治家拉爾夫.納德爾(Ralph Nader)曾經3次競選美國總統,1996年和2000年代表綠党,2004年作為獨立競選人。2000年他獲得了2.7%的選票支持,雖然比重不大,但是民主黨普遍認為正是這2.7%的選票,使得他們的候選人,當時的副總統戈爾(Al Gore)輸給了小布希。但是也有分析家認為布希當時和戈爾在佛羅里達州的選票數如此接近,也就是說任何一位元候選人的選票都會對結果產生影響,所以不能把目光都集中在Nader身上。投票給Nader的並不都是左派,有一些只是反對布希的保守派人士而已。然而,Nader在參加2004年的美國總統競選的時候,仍然因為其左翼身份而備受指責,當時人們認為他只是想靠自己的票數幫助布希的對手在再選中壓倒布希。也許是這個原因,Nader在2004年只得到了0.35%的選票,大大低於2000年,而這點選票遠不足以幫助當時布希的競爭對手克裏(John Kerry)擊敗布希。
4.HOUSE: ...Mark’s brain apparently thinks that he really did spend 40 francs on a tour of the Bastille.
House: ...而Mark的大腦顯然認為自己曾經花過40法郎前往巴士底獄。
28分20秒,當House得知Mark沒去過巴黎的時候,他對手下說“他的大腦顯然認為自己去過...”巴士底獄(The Bastille)大家應該都知道的,法國巴黎地標之一,1789年7月14日的攻佔巴士底獄被認為是法國大革命的開端。
5.HOUSE: Oh, love the Musketeer thing.
House: 噢,我喜歡火槍手。
33分44秒,Foreman,Chase和Cameron三個人擋住House不讓他對Mark進行注射,大叔說了句“我喜歡火槍手之類的東西”。這裏指的是19世紀法國著名作家大仲馬(Alexandre Dumas)的小說《三個火槍手》("The Three Musketeers",又叫《俠隱記》),這部書其實講述的是4個人的故事,不過主角達爾大尼央(D’Artagnan)在故事中一直是禁軍身份,雖然最後成了火槍隊的副官。這本書我看了幾遍,始終不如大仲馬的《基督山伯爵》("The Count of Monte Cristo")好看。我記得在House中還有一集House的這3個手下也充當了一會三個火槍手,同時還喊了一句書中他們的口號“人人為我,我為人人”,特別搞笑。
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