Episode 803 | Season 8 | 03/15/2009
Khloe meets with family friend Robert Shapiro for lunch. Not only did Robert work with her father on the O.J. Simpson case, he's the chairman of The Brent Shapiro Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Awareness, Khloe's charity. Khloe's good friend Brent passed away due to his drug addiction, and she's had her own very public brush with DUI. Hoping people can learn from her mistakes, Khloe is thrilled to hand Robert a check for $20,000, the winnings from last week's challenge.
It's a beautiful morning in New York City, and Teams Athena and KOTU assemble in the courtyard of St. Bartholomew's Church, known for its splendid weddings. Accompanied by George Ross and Ivanka, Mr. Trump exits his town car to present this week's task: selling bridal gowns. Donated by RK Bridal, each team will be given 125 dresses to sell for charity. The team that makes the most money wins.
To even things up, Joan Rivers will sit out the first day of this week's task. Donald orders the teams to choose their project managers, reminding Tom that he committed to serving as PM last week. Claiming that no one else on the team can manage them to a win, Tom is happy to step up. Brande volunteers to head up Team Athena, thinking it's the perfect sort of task for her to manage. Later Donald reviews the situation. Tom is funny and he makes a lot of money, but funny and leadership don't necessarily go hand in hand. Brande is one of the most successful Playmates ever, but she's going to have to manage a tough group of killer babes. It's going to be very interesting...
Tom brings Team KOTU together for a pep talk. Even though the wedding dress thing might not be the best for a bunch of dudes, he wants everyone to keep morale up, have fun and not argue. His strategy is to keep it simple and focus on his team's fundraising power. He looks to Clint to tap his music friends and raise $100,000. On Athena, Melissa enlists her old friend, wedding planner/designer Preston Bailey, to help out. He offers to transform their dull retail space into something special; the women are definitely feeling that they've got the upper hand.
Dennis remarks that the bare retail space sucks; Jesse sets a goal: they need a name in 45 minutes, something attention-grabbing, that's not the same as what the women might pick. Brian volunteers to take care of the accounting. Clint gets on the phone to drum up sales, while Jesses suggests holding a "Red Carpet" wedding sale, and Tom loves the idea. The rest of the team gets down to working the phones while, with Tom's blessing, Dennis and Herschel hit the streets to "drum up business." For Herschel, this consists mainly of accompanying Dennis to bars to watch him flirt and drink. Ivanka stops by and likes what she sees, though she wonders where Dennis and Herschel are. Tom calls an end to the day's work and then he and Dennis head off to continue the party on the streets of New York.
Claudia floats the idea of a "Red Carpet with Joan and Melissa Rivers," sale and the ladies are off and running. Melissa emails her mom, and Annie takes charge of the accounting. She needs to prove to her team that she can learn from her mistakes, so she wants a non-confrontational task. She calls her friend, poker player Perry Friedman, who puts in for a "main event" -- the first dress of Athena's sale goes for $10,000!
Early the next morning, Clint, Brian, Jesse and Herschel climb into the van, but there's no sign of Dennis or Tom, who are rumored to have hit a strip club last night. Angry, Jesse calls Tom, who sounds like he's still sleeping, and tells him to wake up Dennis. The guys proceed to the store. At 8:40, a bleary-eyed Tom gets picked up by the van and heads to the store without Dennis, getting pumped up for the day. Tom admits that he's essentially in love with Dennis, in a completely masculine and friendly way.
After spending yesterday out of town giving a lecture on survival, Joan is happy to be back working with Team Athena. The women are thrilled when a truckload of flowers arrives, and Melissa complements Brande on her project management skills.
KOTU members need some help and Dennis is nowhere to be found. Tom claims that he went to Dennis' room and knocked, but there was no answer, so he asked the hotel to call every five minutes. Apparently Dennis is having trouble with his eyes and isn't coming in. Although the guys have done almost nothing to decorate their store, Tom claims the look is minimal on purpose; customers will get the impression they can get a good deal.
Preston has magically transformed Athena's shop, and there's a line of customers waiting outside when they finally open for business. Armed with champagne and cupcakes, the ladies get right to work, and have a great time acting as bridal consultants for the day.
George arrives to check out KOTU's store, which he immediately notices is not nearly as appealing as Athena's. The women have turned their sale into more of an entertainment experience. George is unhappy to learn that Dennis didn't show up for work, even though Tom claims that he's sick, and a doctor has been sent to the hotel. Having worn his nicest suit, Brian gets to work charming the ladies and selling dresses. Joan stops in to check out the men's' store, and is horrified to find it packed with customers. Athena's store is empty, and Brande starts worrying that the men are pulling in more money.
The women decide to get aggressive. Khloe and Claudia stand on the street in bridal gowns to trash talk KOTU's store and literally pull customers into their store, amazing Herschel. In the final hour, Tom gets aggressive with his customers, trying to drive up sales. A courier arrives with several big checks from Clint's people, including one for $5000 from Tim McGraw. Meanwhile, the ladies accept a $25,000 check from QVC, and Annie's poker-playing friend Perry Friedman flies in from Vegas to buy a dress for $10,000 cash.
That evening, both teams assemble in the board room. Brande is thrilled with her team; no one did a poor job. The day's stars were Annie and Melissa. Joan admits that she'll be fired ahead of Melissa, and Melissa claims that Brande stood out as project manager. Tom congratulates his team for a great job, singling out Clint and Herschel as their heroes for raising the lion's share of the money. Donald recalls Dennis' famous moment in a wedding dress. Did KOTU use Dennis' celebrity to their advantage?
Tom and Dennis struggle to explain. Dennis is allergic to cats. Last night they went to the apartment of some dot com billionaires to try to raise money, and the billionaires had dogs. Still, Dennis hit the streets yesterday to raise money. George wants to know who decorated KOTU's store -- Stevie Wonder? Donald asks Ivanka for the final totals. KOTU sold 21 dresses earning a total of $63,450, but Athena sold 22 dresses for a whopping $103,000! Brande is safe, and she's won $163,000 for her California Police Youth Charities.
Donald feels embarrassed for the men, as KOTU reels from a third straight loss. Tom defends his team; they've been working at a deficit after two weeks of continuous arguing. When Donald asks him to blame the loss on someone, Tom claims that Brian didn't focus exclusively on his task. Brian points out that Tom showed up late and Dennis didn't show up at all. Tom admits he would be mad at Dennis if he didn't have a medical problem. And even though the team thinks Tom overslept, he didn't -- he spent half an hour knocking on Dennis' door.
Natalie asks the women what they really think happened to Dennis -- was it a cat or a dog that caused his allergic reaction? Melissa maintains that it was a girl named Kitty. It turns out that Dennis refused to see the doctor, because he knew that all he had to do was take some pills and wait for his eyes to get better. Donald still can't understand why Dennis disrespected Tom -- why didn't he answer the door? The ladies observe that Dennis only works when he wants to work -- he's a diva!
Annie bets Brande $5 that Dennis will get fired. Back in the boardroom, Donald asks Jesse who he would fire. Jesse admits he would fire both Tom and Dennis. Donald wonders if Dennis can actually be led, and asks Dennis what he should do. After all Dennis didn't produce much, and wouldn't listen to anyone, certainly not Tom. And what did Tom actually produce? Tom admits he didn't bring in any big money, but he was focused on organizing everyone. Donald points out that the store looked lousy, and Tom did a lousy job of managing Dennis -- he's not much of a leader. Donald fires Tom, and asks Dennis to try a little harder.
Afterwards, Tom bolts into the wrong elevator, as the women remark on the brutal session. Annie can't believe that she now owes Brande $5. Both Donald and Ivanka agree that they fired the right man, as Tom climbs into a town car headed for the airport.
Khloe 贏得上次比賽,獎金進入The Brent Shapiro Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Awareness組織。
Tom and Brande 分別為男女組的Leader。
兩隊開始的狀況都差不多,Show也沒強調多少。問題開始出現在 Dennis 以人體招牌為名去Bar喝酒。看完這段真的覺得Dannis真的很機車,分別是去把妹的,還招牌勒。東摸摸西摸摸,真噁心。結果隔天還裝病並未參加比賽,這種參賽態度是我看過8季以來最過分的。聽說晚上Dannis和Tom還去.............真是太不尊重比賽的兩個人,Tom身為Leader早上還睡過頭,甚至有點宿醉。開除兩個其中之ㄧ都不為過。
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