Episode 119 : 2005-05-03
At the USA Swimming and Diving National Championships, twelve year-old Mary Carroll prepares to dive from 10 meters. On top of the platform, Mary's vision becomes blurry. She nervously approaches the edge, talks herself into the dive and leaps. When she surfaces, Mary finds the crowd swarming a man who collapsed next to the pool and is bleeding from his ear.
House goes to Cameron's place to tell her that Vogler is gone and he wants her back at work. House gets a page about an epidemic, but Cameron asks why he wants her back. He replies that it's because she's a good doctor. Since that's not what she wanted to hear, she slams the door on him.
House arrives at the hospital to find hundreds of people in the lobby. Cuddy reports that the man who collapsed at the meet has bacterial meningitis. Five thousand people were exposed who are all being sent to hospitals throughout the region. She needs House to pitch in. House, Wilson, Chase, Foreman and the rest of the staff begin examining patients and either discharging them or sending them to the second floor for treatment.
Mary comes through House's line. She has fever, a rash and neck pain, which are three of the symptoms. He also notices that she moves her head oddly, and she comments that it only hurts moving side to side, not up and down. Meningitis typically causes pus in the spinal canal that makes up and down movements painful. House quickly gathers his staff to discuss. Mary's rash has been present for a week. If it were meningitis, she'd already be dead. House orders a lumbar puncture and has Chase research all known causes of neck pain. He also orders rifampin for meningitis, just in case he's wrong.
Foreman can't get a bed and nurse for the lumbar puncture due to the overload. So he performs the procedure in the hallway. Chase searches online for a possible explanation. House makes it clear that this is just busy work for Chase as a form of punishment. Later, Foreman returns to check on Mary, but she's been moved because the staff needed a gurney. He finds her on a couch and tells Mary that she has no meningitis or infections. They're going to keep her overnight, but she shouldn't worry. That's when Foreman notices blood in Mary's mouth.
Still working out in the hallway, Chase and Foreman insert an endoscope into Mary's throat. The camera into her GI tract will show where the blood is coming from. It shows nothing. Next, they give her a pillcam. A tiny camera that she swallows and sends back video from the intestines. Reviewing the images, House notices a Dieulafoy on Mary's intestines. Cuddy interrupts and sends House back to clinic duty to handle the crush. While examining quarantined patients, Chase, Foreman, House and Wilson discuss possible illnesses for Mary. Chase throws out bone cancer, which Wilson agrees would explain the meningeal symptoms. House orders a marrow sample.
Foreman begs again for a sterile environment for Mary's procedure, again with no luck. He brings her down to the morgue to take the sample. After a few hours, he returns to Mary's spot in the hallway to deliver the good news. It's not cancer. Mary smiles, but then the EEG begins going crazy. Mary looks fine, but is unresponsive. She's having an absence seizure. Foreman quickly orders two milligrams of Ativan.
House, Foreman and Chase discuss the absence seizure in the bathroom, desperate to hide from Cuddy's demands to work the clinic. Foreman reports that the seizure frequency is increasing, with five in the last half hour. Whatever she has, it's in her brain. House wants a CT scan to check for intercranial bleeding, but the scanner is backed up with meningitis patients. Chase suggests an old method, transcranial ultrasound. It will at least reveal bleeding.
Meanwhile, House and Wilson interview a second candidate to replace Cameron. After rejecting the first young doctor for having an Asian letter tattoo and caring too much about what people think of him, House rejects the second. She's a young woman who has a fantastic background and a mouth to counter House's barbs. Yet her pointy-heeled shoes mean she also cares too much about what people think of her.
Foreman injects Mary with gadolinium, which will help the blood show on an x-ray. Chase continues poring through research materials and places a lock of hair into a gas chromatograph. Back in the clinic, Wilson chastises House for continually pushing people away for the tiniest flaws. Foreman reports significant bleeding in Mary's temporal lobe and Chase finds no sign of poisoning. House asks Cuddy for an operating room and a neurosurgeon. They rush Mary into surgery.
Mary's parents arrive at the hospital after the surgery. Foreman informs them that the operation went well and the swelling and pressure are going down. In his office, House peruses the board listing Mary's symptoms. Chase and Foreman run through possible explanations. What else do they know about Mary? She's twelve, she travels a lot and she's not afraid of heights. House suddenly heads for the door. Chase and Foreman follow.
The doctors look at Mary as she recovers in a room. House notices all the balloons. She's quite popular, but none are from male teammates. Is it because she's so young or are they purposefully avoiding her? House orders a recheck of Mary's red blood cells to see if they are intact. Under the microscope, Chase notices that Mary's blood looks like it's been in a blender. Foreman thinks it's purpura and she is bleeding into her skin. Yet ther is no e coli and she is not menopausal. There might be one other possible cause -- pregnancy.
House performs an ultrasound, which reveals a six-week old fetus. He wonders if a couple of sneaked-in beers led to a lost night, but Mary insists that it wasn't the guy's fault. She knew what she was doing. House is forced to perform a plasmapheresis to clean the antibodies from Mary's blood, which means they will have to terminate the pregnancy. Mary doesn't want her parents to find out. Under state law, House must obey this even though he knows keeping the secret is the wrong decision. House tells Mary's parents that their daughter has TTP, which is easily curable. They don't need to worry about what TTP stands for because it's only a bunch of big words they've never heard before. They press House for details, but he evades them by saying the hospital will perform a small surgical procedure to remove an unnatural growth.
After the procedure and the plasmapheresis, Mary is greatly improved. House spies from afar as Mary's parents visit their little girl. Mary breaks down and tells her parents everything, just what House hoped would happen. The next day, House interviews another prospective candidate, but he tells her there's no open position.
House heads back to Cameron's apartment to say that he needs her back. She claims that she's accepted another position, but House tells her to drop it. He wants her back, and offers up more money and a car allowance. Yet she only wants a dinner as a date, not as a colleague. He agrees and they shake hands over this odd deal. Cameron says she'll be back at work the next morning.
1.HOUSE: Those little pills you’re passing out so efficiently aren’t gonna do Miss Louganis squat.
House: 你急著發的那些小藥片對我們的Louganis小姐不會有任何效果。
9分21秒處,本集片頭的跳水教練患的是高傳染性急性腦膜炎,因此全跳水館的人都被隔離在醫院做檢查並吃藥。然而House在診斷的時候意外的發現那個跳水冠軍Mary Carroll患上了另一種疾病,於是Cuddy要House和手下去診斷那些被隔離觀眾的時候,House要求診斷Mary Carroll,並且說“你發的那些(預防腦膜炎)的小藥片對我們的Louganis小姐不會有任何效果。”Greg Louganis是美國著名的跳水運動員,在1984和1988年奧運會上摘取了4塊金牌,House在這裏用她比喻本集的跳水運動員Mary Carroll。
2.HOUSE: Trying to think of anything except the produce department at Whole Foods.
House: 試圖想像Whole Foods製造部門以外的任何東西。
19分16秒,Cuddy又抓到了“偷懶”的House,讓他回去診斷那些被隔離的人群。House也又一次被Cuddy的低胸裝吸引(為什麼要加“又”呢),於是他用病例擋住了自己的視線,並提醒自己不要去想“Whole Foods的製造部門”。Whole Foods Market是美國的一個連鎖食品店。不去想食品市場的製造部門,自然就是不去想Cuddy胸前的“兩塊肉”了。這裏比較搞笑的是弄的旁邊的Wilson也不禁看了兩眼。
3.WILSON: That’s our Hitler!
Wilson: 就是她了!
26分53秒,在House面試完醫生Petra Gilmar後,Wilson叫道“就是她了(這就是我們要的希特勒)”。"That’s our Hitler"出自1968年Mel Brooks的電影《製片人》(The Producers)。講述的是2個百老匯的製片人Max Bialystock和Leo Bloom如何用一出拙劣的舞臺劇來騙取他們投資人的錢的故事。片中他們的劇本,《希特勒的春天》,講述的是一封寫給希特勒的情書。在選角的時候,嬉皮士Lorenzo St. DuBois唱了一首歌,Max聽後叫道“這就是我們要的希特勒!(That’s our Hitler!)”。在2006年的金球獎頒獎典禮上(也就是大叔獲得最佳電視劇男主角的這屆),《製片人》2005年的翻拍電影也入圍了多個獎項。
4.WILSON: What, did your horoscope in Vogue tell you to avoid women wearing green shoes?
Wilson: 怎麼,你在"Vogue"(雜誌)裏算得你要小心穿綠鞋的女人?
27分05秒,在Wilson叫完“That’s our Hitler”後,House立刻拒絕錄用Petra Gilmar醫生,理由是她的鞋子。Wilson很不解。"Vogue"(內地名《服飾與美容》)是世界上最成功且最具影響力的時尚雜誌之一,被奉為時尚界的《聖經》。
5.HOUSE: You wouldn’t know Prada if one stepped on your scrotum.
27分15秒,Wilson說Gilmar醫生的鞋子是Prada牌的,說明她品位很好。House說“不,不是Prada的,即使一雙Prada鞋狠狠的踩了你的小弟弟,你也不知道它是Prada牌的。”(大叔嘴太賤了-_-)。Prada SpA是一家著名的義大利時尚公司,他們的鞋在歐美和日本的白領女性中很受歡迎。
6.WILSON: Nobody’s perfect.
Wilson: 人無完人。
29分49秒,House說Cameron有缺點的,Wilson說“人無完人”。於是大叔舉了2個自己認為是完人的女性。Theresa修女和Angelina Jolie。好萊塢著名的女星安吉利娜朱莉(Angelina Jolie)就不多說了。Theresa修女(Mother Theresa)是慈善團體Missionaries of Charity的創始人,致力於幫助第三世界比如印度的貧苦人民,在2003年去世。
7.HOUSE: Our little mermaid is bleeding into her temporal lobe.
House: 我們的小美人魚有顳葉出血。
30分16秒,House將本集的病號,跳水運動員Mary比作小美人魚。安徒生的童話《海的女兒》("The Little Mermaid")大家相信都看過了,字面翻譯就是《小美人魚》,1989年曾被迪士尼拍成動畫片。這裏可以看出Cuddy雖然總是和大叔作對,但是是很在乎病人安危的。她本來反對House給Mary做腦手術,但得知Mary顳葉出血後,大叔要求20分鐘後能進行手術,Cuddy說10分鐘我就給你最好的外科醫生。
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