
House Season1 EP20

Love Hurts

Episode 120 : 2005-05-10

Harvey Park, a 21-year old Asian, patiently waits to be seen by a doctor. In a clinic room, House and Wilson discuss the return of Cameron. Wilson can't figure out why she would come back until he realizes that Cameron likes House. House reluctantly admits that he agreed to take Cameron on a date. Frustrated by Wilson's teasing, House leaves and bumps into Harvey Park, who's carrying around a glass of apple juice. House mistakes the juice for a urine sample and yells at Harvey, who cowers back to the waiting room. Wilson tells House he'd better apologize because he can't afford another patient complaint. House tracks down Harvey, who struggles to speak. House shines a penlight in his eye and rushes Harvey into the ER because he's having a stroke.

Cameron returns to the hospital, much to the surprise of Foreman and Chase. House enters with Wilson and announces Harvey's stroke, displaying the CT scan. Foreman notices ischemia, which is the death of brain tissue. Yet nothing tells them the underlying cause, so they need an MRI. However, Harvey has a metal plate in his jaw from a reconstruction. An MRI would rip it right out.

House notes that the team must be clever to figure this one out. He orders EMG tests to rule out hyperexplexia, an angiogram for vasculitis, a tox screen for drugs and an echocardiogram for the heart. Out in the hallway, Cameron coyly tells her co-workers about her upcoming date with House. They're surprised and think it's an amusingly bad idea.

Foreman visits Harvey and finds a woman named Annette by his side. Foreman asks Harvey about his history, but Annette answers all of the questions. Foreman demands that Harvey respond for himself, but Harvey struggles to remember words. Foreman eventually learns that Harvey had been grinding his jaw and went to an acupuncturist. That led to him visiting a shen balancer, a homeopathic doctor, a chiropractor and a naturopath, who sent Harvey back to the acupuncturist.

Cameron begins the EMG test with Harvey. She inserts needles into various muscles to measure his body's electrical current. The staff discusses the results when the EMG proves normal. The echo report shows a mitral valve prolapse, so Foreman wonders if perhaps a clot formed and went to the brain. House is more disturbed by Harvey's faith in natural medicine. Chase wonders if it's an aneurysm due to trauma. Using a Magic 8 ball, House decides to go with Foreman's theory. He orders blood thinners and antibiotics.

The doctors head to Harvey's room, only to find Annette choking Harvey with her hands. Foreman pulls her off, but Harvey insists that she wasn't hurting him. Chase quickly says that Annette is a dominatrix. How does Harvey even know Annette? Cuddy gathers Annette, House and a hospital lawyer in her office. Annette explains that Harvey is an asphyxiaphyliac. He gets off on being strangled or smothered.

Chase recounts how he met Annette through a former girlfriend who was into pain. House is angry that Chase didn't mention Harvey's predilection earlier. They could have gone with Chase's trauma-induced aneurysm theory. House still wants the blood thinners and antibiotics, just in case Foreman proved correct. If Harvey has another stroke, then they will schedule vascular surgery.

Cuddy catches up with House and tells him that his date with Cameron is a good idea. What happened in his last relationship is no reason to give up on people. Elsewhere, Chase is examining Harvey when he notices weakness in the man's arm and hand. He's having mini-strokes and the blood thinners aren't making a difference. House schedules vascular surgery for the following day. Chase explains to Harvey that the surgery will repair the damaged blood vessels in his neck, which they believe is from the strangulations. Harvey begins to cry, feeling that he's a loser who needs Annette. Chase tries to badger Harvey into it, which backfires. He doesn't want surgery. House tells Chase to sneak Annette into the hospital.

Annette tries to order Harvey to have the surgery, but he screams at her to get out of his room. Foreman thinks the emotional swings indicate another stroke. The doctors struggle to restrain Harvey. The lawyer rules out forced surgery. House argues that with Harvey in a coma, things have changed. The next-of-kin is deceased and cannot give permission.

House tells his team to look for Harvey's parents. Although they are accountants, he lives in a bad neighborhood. It's more likely that they cut him off after learning about his peccadilloes. Cameron and Chase poke around Harvey's apartment. They find a high school yearbook. Meanwhile, Foreman, Chase and Cameron begin dialing every Park in the phone book. The real parents hang up on Chase. House redials and tells Mr. Park that Harvey is dead and they need him to identify the body.

Mr. and Mrs. Park meet with Cuddy, House and the lawyer. House offers a surgery consent form. Mrs. Park calls their own lawyer while Mr. Park explains that their son humiliated the family. House wonders what would be more embarrassing to them -- people knowing their son is a pervert, or people knowing they let their son die by denying him surgery. Mrs. Park signs the form.

Wilson intercepts Cameron for a chat. He says that it's been a long time since House opened up to anybody. If she hurts him, then he will probably close himself off permanently. That night, the date is on. Cameron asks House to spare her the small talk and say how he feels about her and their relationship. House explains that she lives under the delusion that she can fix anything that isn't perfect. She needs instead of loves. And now that her husband has died of cancer, she wants to take him on as a new charity case.

The next morning, Harvey's surgery gets underway. Yet Wilson, Chase and Foreman are more interested in details of the date. Neither House nor Cameron gives up details. The surgeon announces that no aneurysm was found in Harvey. The doctors retreat back to House's office. They have no idea what's causing the strokes. House asks for another angiogram and echo, as well as a full body scan. Then House has an idea.

Chase reported that Harvey had boxes of breath mints in his apartment, but they all know that Harvey has repugnant breath that smells of old vomit. This is the leading sign of fulminating osteomylitis, which is an infection in the jaw from the break never healing properly. The infected tissue in the jaw broke off and blocked blood flow to the brain. The metal plate in Harvey's jaw hid the infection from the scans, and a jaw infection isn't likely to show up in blood scans either. House inserts a needle into Harvey's jaw and extracts pus. This means there is definitely an infection, and they will have to remove the jaw.

Afterwards, House explains to Harvey and Annette that their days of strangulation are over. Harvey weakly asks if his parents came to see him. In his office that night, House looks through old photos that were buried deep in his wallet. He misses somebody.


20集(S1EP20:Love Hurts
1.CHASE: So the bear wipes himself with the rabbit.
Chase: 於是狗熊拿起兔子來擦了擦(屁股)。
4分20秒,開篇音樂一放完,鏡頭拉到Chase和Foreman那,正趕上Chase在給Foreman講笑話呢。我們只聽到了這個笑話的最後一句“狗熊拿起兔子來擦了擦屁股”,然後Foreman回應到這個笑話太老土了。這個笑話確實很老土,最早是喜劇演員Eddie Murphy在電視劇Eddie Murphy Delirious中講的,這個笑話是:

2.RAINES: She diagnosed Liver Qi stagnation and sent Harvey to a Shen balancer.
Raines: 她確診是肝氣失調並把Harvey交給了一個安神導師。

3.RAMONA: We used to hold hands, or read together, or watch Jeopardy!
Ramona: 我們常常手牽手,一起看書,或者一起看Jeopardy!。

4.HOUSE: Infection from the needle that the acupuncturist accidentally let sit in eye of newt.
House: 或者是針灸師錯用了放在蠑螈眼睛上的針而導致了感染。
12分27秒,House分析Harvey的感染原因時,用了一個典故來說明針灸師的針可能是有毒/帶菌的。這個典故來自莎士比亞(William Shakespeare)的名劇《馬克白》(MacBeth)。在劇中三個女巫製作毒藥的秘方就是“蠑螈的眼睛、蟾蜍的腳趾、蝰蛇的舌頭、蝙蝠的皮毛...”等等這些稀奇古怪的東西。

5.HOUSE: Mr. Marvin Gaye on the CD...
House: 聽著Marvin Gaye的CD...
24分57秒,House和Foreman說與Cameron約會的事,說會放Marvin Gaye的CD。Marvin Gaye是美國著名的黑人歌手,其在6,70年代的單曲"How Sweet It Is","Let’s Get It On"和"Sexual Healing"等廣為流傳。

6.HOUSE: Dumplings, that was a cheap shot.
House: 餃子,真是個陰招。
29分26秒,House威脅Harvey的父母如果不同意手術的話,他就要在賓西法尼亞的所有餃子店上帖滿告示,讓大家知道他們寧願讓兒子死也不願意他接受治療。並不單單因為Harvey是華裔House就提到餃子,這裏的Cheap shot暗示的還是2004年白靈出演的那部恐怖片《餃子》

7.WILSON: The wide side’s too short. You’re gonna look like Lou Costello.
Wilson: 寬的那邊短了,讓你看著像Lou Costello。
盧.卡斯楚(Lou Costello),美國著名的喜劇演員。喜劇組合Abbott and Costello中的一人(另一人是Bud Abbott),他的標誌之一就是一條又短又寬的領帶。

8.CAMERON: According to Freud, and I’m paraphrasing, instinct of love toward an object demands a mastery to obtain it, and if a person feels they can’t control the object or feel threatened by it, they act negatively toward it.
Cameron的意思自然是說大叔是因為愛她但感到無法控制住感情,於是裝作不喜歡她。這裏的這個佛洛德,是19世紀奧地利的神經學家,精神分析和現代心理學的創始人Sigmund Freud。他認為人類所有的行為,包括家庭影響,信仰的追求和愛,都是來自於人的最基本的生理本能。

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