Episode 802 | Season 8 | 03/08/2009 Members of Team KOTU reflect on last week's devastating loss. After the scene in the board room, Herschel doesn't want to go back in. When he loses, he can't sleep, and he has to be ready to move onto the next task. Clint admits that Herschel may not have made the best project manager, but if Team KOTU wants to move forward, its members will have to subordinate themselves to the project manager and respect his authority. Tom muses that he can't really trust his teammates; if they threw his good friend Dice under the bus, they might want to throw him under the bus, too.
Meanwhile, Joan enjoys the sweet taste of victory, thrilled to win money for her favorite charity, God's Love We Deliver. GLWD is a hands-on charity, delivering daily meals to housebound sufferers of life-altering illness. They started out 16 years ago with two bicycles and four delivery men, and now they deliver over 2000 meals a day. Joan meets with Karen Pearl, President of GLWD to deliver food to housebound breast cancer patient Julia and her family. Joan has a surprise for Karen - the winnings from last week's cupcake challenge - and joyfully hands over a check for $125,716.39. Some of this money will help pay for Julia's recovery from her next surgery, so all she'll have to worry about is getting well.
The teams assemble in Grand Central Station to await Donald's arrival by limo, along with Donald Jr., Erin Burnett and a mysterious stranger. Mr. Trump introduces the team to Erin, who worked on his show "The Billionaire Inside," - which, Donald reminds Joan, was the number one rated show in the history of CNBC. The mysterious stranger is none other than Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.com.
Started in 1999, Zappos.com is the go-to online source for shoes, handbags and apparel, and now enjoys over a $1 billion in sales. Tony explains that the Zappos brand is about the very best customer experience. They've partnered with Image Comics to provide each team with artists and editors for this week's task: creating a comic book character to represent Zappos, along with a four-panel comic and the character's costume. The teams will present their ideas to a focus group to get feedback, and Tony will pick the winner. The winning team will have their comic book character featured on Zappos's website.
Donald gets the ball rolling, telling the teams to pick their project managers - now. Since Khloe owns a clothing store, Team Athena quickly makes her project manager. Privately, Khloe admits that even though she owns a store, she doesn't know that much about online marketing. Team KOTU picks Scott, whom Clint thinks has the organizational skills they need. Recalling that many think of him as a "voice of reason" after last week, Scott steps up to the challenge. He's not going to survive by shying away from leadership. The stakes? The project manager of the winning team will earn $20,000 for their favorite charity.
Athena regroups for an executive meeting with Zappos's CEO Tony. Although most people know Zappos for their shoes, the Zappos brand is really about giving the very best customer service - above and beyond. While Brande sits back and listens to learn exactly what Tony wants, Annie uses her poker playing savvy, trying to extract specific information. When Melissa asks the hair color of Tony's best long term relationship, he advises the women to stop thinking about what appeals to him, and think about what's appealing to his customers.
Realizing that Tony is forgoing experts to have Team KOTU create a comic book character, Scott asks - why a comic book character? Tony explains that one of Zappos' core values is having fun. When Tom assumes it has to be fun, Tony restates - humor is not unacceptable. Tom starts to kick around some ideas about humor, something he knows more than a little bit about, but Scott quickly adjourns the meeting. With little to go on in terms of specifics, Tom looks worried.
In the board room, Team Athena gets to work with everyone talking at once. Although Khloe initially seems uncomfortable with telling people what to do, she does ask the women not talk over each other. Claudia remarks that things would go faster if everyone would shut up - too many alpha females. Joan throws the first pitch: how about a midget with the motto "long on service and short on frustration"? After several moments of sheer silence, Annie snarkily thanks Joan for her contribution.
After hours of going in chaotic circles, Annie puts her foot down. She wants to break into a design group and script group, and she wants to write the script with Claudia. Pleased that Annie is stepping up, Khloe gives her the go-ahead. Melissa points out that her mother is an Emmy-award winning writer who's had two TV series, four Broadway plays and a movie, but Annie's not interested. Privately, Joan calls Annie an idiot for not utilizing Team Athena's strengths.
Team KOTU's board room is equally chaotic, as everyone tosses around wild ideas. Tom suggests using one of their own for a superhero character - why not Clint? Clint doesn't like the idea, nor does Dennis, who suggests using a transforming transvestite as their superhero. Brian's uneasy - they need to make a decision and stick to it. Scott begins feeling frustrated, blaming Tom for sidetracking them. Meanwhile, Khloe is gaining confidence in her role as project manager. The women decide that at the very least they want their character to be a woman as the editor and artist arrive.
KOTU has nothing to present to their artist and editor, who have arrived to help mock up the presentation for the focus group, which will meet in a few hours. Jesse tries to present some ideas, but Clint keeps interrupting. When others try to interrupt Clint, he gets mad and yells over them. Precious minutes tick away as Scott fails to gain control of his team. Meanwhile, the girls are making headway. Claudia comes up with a story about a frustrated housewife and Joan dubs her "Mizz Z." Melissa adds the tag line, "It's not a dream, it's Zappos. Everyone claps and Khloe gives the go-ahead.
When Donald Jr. enters Athena's board room, Melissa takes credit for Claudia's story idea. Claudia's peeved, but realizes that fighting in front of the boss would be inappropriate and swallows the loss. Nevertheless, Claudia is chosen to pitch their idea to the focus group, made up of four seasoned comic book junkies. The guys never dreamed they'd be discussing comics with Playboy centerfold Brande, but manage to help out with some feedback.
By the time the focus group visits KOTU, they barely have their thoughts together, so Scott decides to just randomly shoot ideas by them. Dennis and Tom jump in with some ideas and Scott grows increasingly frustrated, blaming the group's lack of focus on Tom's need to perform. After Scott cuts the session short, Tom suggests they need to pick a character and start working on it, now. Jesse agrees. He has to go to Brooklyn to get the costume fabricated and they're running out of time. Herschel tries to get everyone to quiet down and repeatedly yells at Tom to shut up while asking him to pitch ideas.
As Team Athena gears up to design their costume, Melissa points out they'll have to fit it to the model who will wear it. Joan suggests Natalie as the perfect model. Natalie nervously agrees; this task is a lot different from anything she's used to in golfing. Joan, Tionne and Natalie proceed to Gepetto Studios where Scott is ready to go with a vinyl mini-skirt and platform stiletto lace-up boots. Everyone agrees that Natalie looks great, but she's very uncomfortable in her revealing costume.
Bedlam still reigns supreme at KOTU, but Tom seems to have hammered out something of a story line by the time Erin stops by. In quiet desperation, Jesse heads out with Julian and Dennis to get their costume manufactured, despite a critical lack of information. When Clint reminds that they still need a name from their character, Tom starts reading off names starting with the letter Z. Fed up, Scott tunes Tom out completely, as Tom begins sensing a lack of respect for his ideas. Out of time, Scott decides that their character's name will be "EEE," which stands for her power: everywhere, everything, every time. Dumbfounded, Tom struggles to understand Scott's choice, as Clint clamps down, loyal to his project manager. When Scott calls the name into Jesse at the costume shop, he can barely believe his ears. Did Scott say EEE?
It's after 1 A.M., and the women are still trying to write their presentation. Suddenly, Claudia becomes sick, complaining of a lump in her throat. Thinking to preserve her energy for tomorrow's presentation, Claudia asks if she can go home. Khloe gives the go-ahead, pissing off Annie, who can't believe that Claudia would bail. Over in KOTU's board room, Tom offers to write dialogue, but Clint rudely refuses his help, even if Tom has sold four film scripts. Tom tries to rally the others to change the name of their character, but no one's listening. Frustrated, ignored and without a task, Tom leaves, as Herschel wonders if he has ADD.
In the morning with three hours to go until the big presentation, Scott decides that he, Clint and Jesse will write it, while the others relax. Tom's offers of help fall on deaf ears. Dennis reminds them that someone with a little zing should give the presentation. Scott nominates Clint, who draws immediate criticism from Dennis and Jesse for his stubborn superstar ways. Down to the wire, Dennis nominates Tom, and in a surprising reversal, Scott agrees. When Tom wishes Scott would have let him touch up the script, Herschel accuses him of lying, making an already tense Tom even testier. Dennis offers Tom a sip of his coffee to take the edge off; afterwards they'll go out for a beer.
Meanwhile, Annie and Brande race through the streets of Manhattan to pick up a few last minute items. When Brande discovers she can't run fast enough in her high heels, she takes them off and runs barefoot, a risky sacrifice for the team. Everyone's a little nervous going into the presentation. Looking good but still sick, Claudia flubs some important marketing vocabulary in the presentation, and isn't too pleased with her performance. When Donald asks if Natalie would wear her costume to the U.S. Open, she confesses that she wouldn't wear it in the hallway.
Tom brings a lot of personality to KOTU's lively presentation of their character, EEE. Afterwards, Donald and Tony review. Tony is confused as to why Team KOTU chose to focus on the letter E, when Zappos clearly has the opportunity to own the letter Z. As for the women, Claudia stumbled during her presentation, going so far as to mispronounce the company's name. Still, each team did a very good job, and it will be difficult to pick the winner.
That night, the two teams gather in the board room to await their fate. Donald congratulates Khloe for surprising him with her stellar performance as project manager. But what happened between Scott and Tom? Scott admits that Tom derailed him every step of the way. When Tom maintains that he tried to remain positive and task-oriented even though Scott refused to listen to him, Scott laughs, proving Tom's point. Erin reminds that ultimately, the project manager is responsible for any team dysfunction.
Donald acknowledges out that Annie didn't really treat Joan with respect, but by the end of the show, Annie will surely be a great diplomat and Joan's best friend. When Donald asks who came up with Mizz Z, Melissa takes credit for the "skeleton idea," but Khloe corrects her - it was Claudia. Donald Jr. criticizes Natalie for her potentially offensive comment about the costume; very poor timing, considering she just presented to the client. Admitting that he once tried and failed to pick up Brande, Donald wonders why she didn't model the costume instead. Finally, Donald confronts Scott: why choose the name EEE? Scott defends his decision, but the room doesn't buy it.
Although Tony thought both teams presented excellent ideas, at the end of the day, he chooses the Team Athena, especially because they used the letter Z in their character's name. Khloe is thrilled to win $20,000 for her charity, The Brent Shapiro Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Awareness. The women retire to the war room to toast to their win, and watch Trump's showdown with KOTU.
Donald tries to get to the bottom of Scott and Tom's situation. What happened? Scott claims that Tom was distracted, selling himself more than the job. Tom respectfully disagrees. He was just trying to give options, and furthermore he knew the whole EEE thing didn't make sense. Herschel claims he would fire Tom, even though Tom thinks Herschel misunderstood everything. Brian admits he would fire whoever came up with EEE, but he was out at the costume shop when the decision came down - putting a Z on the costume instead of EEE! Jesse would fire Clint. Tom chimes in. At some point in the last 30 years, Clint made up his mind, and now all he wants to do is argue, which is anathema to team work. In the other room, Joan remarks that Clint is a snake, and Claudia agrees; something's not quite right.
Donald tells Scott to pick two people, then go outside to await their fate. Scott doesn't want to pick two, but he watched last year, so he's going to do exactly what Trump tells him. Scott picks Herschel as his second, even though he doesn't deserve it. When Donald asks the women to turn off their TV, Joan remarks that guys like Clint don't get people like Tom. In the lobby, Scott smiles confidently, looking forward to telling his side of the story.
Back inside the board room, Tom and Scott get serious, discussing their differences. It's not long before Donald sends Herschel out of the room, congratulating Scott for bringing him back as an advocate. Tom defends himself. Scott wasn't able to control the team, and Tom understands how to work with a group. He's tired of losing, and wants the opportunity to prove himself as the next project manager. Scott insists that despite the team's issues with his pal Clint, it was Tom who constantly derailed him.
Tom tries to point out that he and Scott are both survivors of testicular cancer, and they're both on the show to win money to cure cancer. In his defense, Scott claims he did the best he could under extreme circumstances. In the long run, he'll be more beneficial to the team than Tom. Still, Donald, Donald, Jr. and Erin agree, EEE was the big mistake, and it was too big to miss. Scott is fired, and Tom has his work cut out for him as next week's project manager.
Tom shakes hands with Scott, who asks him to tell the guys he's sorry for letting them down. Tom doesn't think Scott let them down at all - it's just one of those things. Scott takes the elevator to a waiting car, the first leg of a long journey back to Los Angeles. Although he's bitterly disappointed, he's a happy and positive person, with a great family that comes first and foremost. Now he can get back to his mission of working to cure cancer in his lifetime.
John 贏了上次的比賽,募得的獎金全部送給God's Love We Deliver. GLWD。一個很有愛心的組織。看完這段我則是熱淚盈眶。
這集的任務是替Zappos.com畫一個四格漫畫,並創造漫畫真實人物。勝負由Zappos.com的CEO,Tony Hsieh決定。
男方的 Leader 是 Scott,女方則是Khloe。男方的理由是 Scott很有組織概念,女方則是Khloe有實際銷售店舖的經驗。
接著跟CEO會面,感覺女方都是由Annie所主導,幾乎都是他在問問題,Annie真的很麻煩,不懂的收斂,更白目的是,他竟然要求John不要寫Precentation的台詞,真是白目到極點,John有3部劇本在百老匯上演,並多次提名艾美獎,Annie真是超級白目,就算他不知道 John的來頭,至少也尊重一下年長者吧,以後Annie一定是個大麻煩。
Clint Black也是個麻煩人物,他只准自己插別人話,不准別人插他話,看了就討厭。整個隊伍看起來只有Jesse James有能力而已。
Claudia Jordan 提出四格漫畫的主軸,但在Trump兒子進來問這是誰的idea時,Melissa Rivers竟然很不要臉的說是他自己的點子,看到就火大,難道這就是職場的人心險惡嗎?
男方的點子其實不錯,但可惜的是主角名子取錯,取成EEE。誰會喜歡這個名子阿,而且目的物是Zappos.com,當然主角名子要跟Z有關阿,看到這裡我心裡就有底男方會輸。果不其然,EEE就是他們輸掉這次比賽的最大原因。而當然堅持用EEE的Scott,被Fire 掉了。Scott根本就沒有那種嗅覺,只能說是個好的執行者而已。
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