Sports Medicine
Episode 112 : 2005-02-22
A baseball player named Hank Wiggen shoots an anti-drug commercial but it's not going well. The director tries to provide some help, but Hank doesn't grasp what to do until his wife, Lola, advises him to just tell his own story. Hank got mixed up in drugs and only quit because he was going to die. Now he's clean and getting ready to pitch on Opening Day. On the next take, Hank throws a pitch and his upper arm breaks. His comeback is over.
At the hospital, Wilson tells House that he thinks Hank has osteopenia but that his bones are too thin to be fixed. Since Hank is young, House feels that cancer is the cause and Wilson hasn't found the cancer yet. The rest of the staff agrees that it must be cancer. Looking at Hank's baseball card, House notices that Hank put on 25 pounds after spending the previous season in a Japanese league. The doctors suspect steroids, which would explain the kidney problems and bone loss.
Chase wants a urine sample but Hank isn't willing. Chase just takes some from Hank's catheter bag. Cameron and Foreman report to House that tests showed there are no steroids, but that that Hank has elevated levels of Beta 2 proteins. He could have either amyloidosis or lymphoma. House still believes that steroids have come into play. Foreman admits that the FAT PAD biopsy and abdominal CT scan were negative for cancers, but Cameron points out that Hank also tested negative for steroids. House knows that today's steroids can be hidden from tests, but one thing can't be hidden. House goes into Hank's room and pulls back the bed sheet. Hank suffers from hypogonadism, which is shrunken testicles. House has them start Hank on Lupron. Hank's wife Lola is outraged.
If Hank isn't on steroids, Lupron will cause severe respiratory problems. Sure enough, Hank begins to gasp for air. House and staff try to figure out what's killing Hank. He isn't producing enough testosterone which is causing the hypogonadism. Chase suggests that it could be Addison's disease, which is treated with steroids. But Foreman mentions that Addison's would cause him to retain fluid, and that would overwork Hank's strained kidneys. What exactly is creating the kidney problems? House suggests past steroid use.
House drops in on Hank and Lola to explain the situation. He can keep denying steroid use, but that may be the trigger to all his health problems and it is treatable. If there is no steroid use, then the doctors are at a loss on what is causing the liver to malfunction. He could die. Lola is adamant that her husband is telling the truth, but Hank finally opens up. He admits that five years ago, a pitching coach gave him something that made him gain twelve pounds of muscle in a month. Hank has no idea what it was.
House presses Cuddy to put Hank on the transplant list, but she won't budge. She wants evidence of Addison's disease or anything else life-threatening. Lola tells House she wants to donate one of her own kidneys, and he is skeptical that she'll be a donor match. After some time, House gets back the lab results. Although Lola is a match, she's pregnant and cannot donate in her current condition. The next day, Foreman tells Hank that he's healthy enough for the transplant. Hank forbids his wife to get an abortion in order to undergo the surgery. House thinks he's being ridiculous, but Cameron isn't so sure. They haven't even narrowed the diagnosis to Addison's disease yet.
Hank's heart starts racing. His T-waves have peaked and his potassium is up. Chase and Foreman give him insulin sub q, D-50 glucose and kayexolate to treat hyperkalemia and get the potassium out. They think this will rule out both Addison's and steroids. House and Cameron arrive to find Hank's heart rate dropping precipitously. They have no idea what's afflicting Hank and they can't stabilize his heart rate.
That night, House observes Hank and notices he is hallucinating. Wilson wonders whether it is digitalis, which would explain the heart rate fluctuation and this new symptom, but not the earlier ones. Hank is not even on digitalis. House pays a visit to Warner, the scout that discovered Hank and was on the set of the commercial. Warner tells House that he has a heart condition and treats it with digitalis. However, he can't find the bottle. House thinks Hank stole the pills and tried to kill himself with the drug.
Back at the hospital, House lays it out for Hank. He knows what he did and he's scheduling the transplant. Hank wants Lola to have the baby. Making his point, he spills some of his urine bag on House's pants. House will begin treating for Addison's disease, which will ruin the patient's kidneys. House runs into Lola in the hallway and tells her about Hank. When he says she should keep her baby, Lola hugs him. House wonders why she didn't smell the urine that Hank splashed on him.
House tracks down his group. They eliminated environmental causes because they thought Lola was healthy. She hasn't been able to smell anything for six months. The group should now consider this couple as a single patient. Their symptoms point to cadmium poisoning. Chase visits Hank to get another urine sample and asks what they should be looking for this time. Hank admits he's still using marijuana from the dealer he and Lola shared in Japan. She quit but he didn't. Chase points out that if there's cadmium in the soil, the marijuana can cause all of these symptoms. Chase puts Hank on treatment for cadmium poisoning. However, House writes on the medical report that it is Addison's disease so that Hank can avoid a drug ban from Major League Baseball.
第12集(EP12:Sports Medicine)
House第1集的導演Bryan Singer,在這集的片頭客串了一下那個拍廣告片的導演。看上去比我想像的年輕許多,查了一下,是1965年的,這要是擱我們這應該算第六代導演了吧.-_-
1.CHASE: None of the usual suspects
Chase本集說的第一句話:"None of the usual suspects"(毫無尋常跡象),不單是指病情。The Usual Suspects(非常嫌疑犯)還是Bryan Singer導演的一部獲得1995年奧斯卡的影片。
2. "To Jimmy Wilson, the Cy Young of medicine."
本集一開始(4分08秒)的時候,Wiggen給了Wilson一張親筆簽名的棒球卡,上面寫的是“To Jimmy Wilson, the Cy Young of medicine.”。並不是說“給Jimmy Wilson,年輕的醫生”。傳奇棒球投手Denton True Young的外號是“Cyclone”,簡寫是“Cy.”,所以他的外號就是“Cy Young”,聯盟裏每年頒發給最佳投手獎就是以他名字命名的。所以這句話的意思是“給Jimmy Wilson,醫生中的Cy Young。”(瞧這馬屁拍的......難怪大叔看的不爽了)
3.HOUSE: His ERA was two point one.
本集一開始的第一次討論病情,House說“他的ERA是2.1”,這裏的ERA並不是醫學名詞,而是一個棒球專用名詞Earned Run Average(平均責任失分),是由投手負責的失分。分值越低則越好,一般來說,責任失分小於4就很好了。
4.HOUSE: I’m Dr. House, and this is the coolest day of my life.
House見到Wiggen所說的:“我是House醫生,今天是我一生中最酷的一天”。聽著耳熟吧,沒錯,"24"(《反恐24小時》)第一季每一集的片頭最後不就是有那麼一句“I’m Federal Agent Jack Bauer, and this is the longest day of my life."(我是Jack Bauer,今天是我一生中最漫長的一天)麼。
5.HOUSE: And by better half, of course, I mean the one who struck out Sammy Sosa on three pitches and talks a lot less.
當House告訴Lola她懷孕了的時候,他說他會和他的另一半說的。“當然,我指那個能夠三擊就讓Sammy Sosa出局的”,多明尼加人,著名的棒球手索沙(Samuel Sammy Sosa)目前在巴爾的摩金鶯隊效力。
6.HOUSE: Hippocrates noticed that a lot of his friends who also had that tended to frequently grab their chests and die.
HOUSE在球場看臺和教練Warner Fitch說話的時候(30分12秒),又開始嚇人了(為什麼要說又呢,還記得之前House在法庭上嚇唬法官吧)。“希波拉底注意到他很多也喜歡抓胸口的朋友都死了”。希波拉底就不說了,他發現手指的腫大(畸形腫)可以反映出人的心肺疾病,HOUSE這裏又再暗示教練有心臟病了。-_-
7.HOUSE: The groupies sleep with the roadies in order to get to Mick.
38分03秒的時候,大家在餐廳的時候,House“敏銳”的發覺Sharon和某人有染,他說“樂迷和樂隊管理員睡覺只是為了見到Mick”。這裏的Mick指的就是英國搖滾明星,滾石樂隊的主唱Mick Jagger。
8.HOUSE: House: I’m telling you, Grave Digger never disappoints.
在片尾House和Cameron看怪物卡車拉力賽的時候,House說到“Grave Digger從不讓你失望”。Grave Digger是一個成立於1981年的怪物卡車車隊。(這裏的“從不讓你失望”,可能還暗示車隊的主要車手Dennis Anderson狂野的駕駛風格總是導致車禍,所以每次都能看到車禍——從不讓你失望。-_-)
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