
House Season1 EP13


Episode 113 : 2005-03-01

Two 12 year-olds walking home from school sneak into an abandoned building to join their friends for beer and cigarettes. One of the boys, Gabriel Reilich, trips and falls on the old, wooden floor. Later that week, Gabe develops a rash on his arm. His worried mother, Sarah, takes him to the hospital, concerned with the fever he's had all week. Gabe tries to get out of bed, but collapses on the floor.

Cuddy reads Gabe's file to House, who assumes the boy merely has pneumonia. This can only be considered important only because Gabe's parents are big donors to the hospital. Yet when Cuddy describes Gabe's rash as a papular lesion on the arm, House becomes suddenly interested. He and the team try to figure out which kind of pneumonia would cause this rash. Foreman suggests Chlamydia pneumonia, but 12 year-olds don't have much sex. Could the rash have come first? Then Lyme disease is a possibility. House instructs the doctors to keep Gabe on cefuroxime, biopsy the rash and gather another patient history.

As Chase takes fluid from the rash, Gabe's father, Jeffrey, angrily demands to know what they are doing. Chase wheels Gabe off for a private conversation. While the two bond Gabe admits to Chase that he fell in the abandoned building and scraped his arm. He also remembers it smelling moldy up in the attic. Chase is about to head out to take a sample from the building when Dr. Rowan Chase enters House's office. He is Chase's father. Chase brusquely leaves, not exchanging any pleasantries with his father.

After Chase returns with samples of the felt-based insulation between the floorboards of the abandoned building, House realizes that the old insulation is made from animal hair. He then notices Anthrax on Gabe's CT scan. Cameron rushes out to put Gabe on levaquin and move him to the ICU. Jeffrey can't believe his son has Anthrax poisoning, and he asks about leishmaniasis and filariasis, which he looked up on the internet. Meanwhile, Gabe struggles to breathe. Foreman sticks a laryngoscope into the boy's mouth to open his throat. Yet he can't insert an endotracheal tube. Chase is about to administer an emergency tracheotomy when Foreman's intubation finally works.

The team tries to figure out what caused the swollen throat nodule reaction. Is it an allergy? House wants to consult with Rowan, Chase's father. Everyone except the obstinate Chase moves off of the Anthrax diagnosis and they run tests for sarcoidosis, which makes the body's tissues swell up. But before Foreman can administer anti-inflammatory medicine, Chase notices that Gabe's rash has turned black. This is a sure sign of Anthrax, even though throat nodules are a sure sign it isn't Anthrax. Everyone offers dissimilar opinions. Rowan Chase suggests Anthrax plus sarcoidosis. His son insists that both diseases are too rare to occur at the same time, and offers up an allergy plus Anthrax. House thinks the Anthrax damaged Gabe's immune system enough to trigger a dormant sarcoidosis. He instructs them to keep Gabe on antibiotics for Anthrax and start him on methotrexate for the sarcoidosis. They can wait to see what happens.

1.GABE: Yeah. He was an Air Force test pilot. Real top-gun stuff.
“是的,他曾是一位空軍試飛員,真正的Top Gun似的人物。”7分24秒的時候,本集的病例Gabriel Reilich對Chase這樣描述他爸爸Jeffery的。Top Gun,即湯姆克魯斯(Tom Cruise)1986年的代表作品《壯志淩雲》,該片全球創下了3億5千萬美元的票房,阿湯哥在裏面飾演一名n年輕的美國空軍飛行員。這部片子看了還是很振奮人的,推薦沒看過的朋友看看,不過估計應該都看過了-_-臺灣的綜藝節目裏總是調侃大陸把這部片子翻譯成《好大一支槍》,就無所知根本是無中生有。

2.HOUSE: Anthrax. This house belonged to old man Hussein?

3.ROWAN: Call The Lancet, because that’s one bizarre allergic reaction.

4.HOUSE: Is this a magic trick? Because I am a total David Copperfield fan, although that “Tornado of Fire,” that seemed a little fake.
大衛科波菲爾(David Copperfield)是誰就不用說了吧?美國著名的魔術師。

5.HOUSE: You breeze by him like he’s a Hare Krishna at the airport.
23分27秒處,House在於Chase談論他們父子關係的時候,House對Chase說“你忽略他就像他是飛機場的哈奎師那修行者一樣”。Hare Krishna,哈奎師那修行者。印度教中,曼陀羅又叫真言,印度教古老的《韋達經》中有成千上萬個具有權威性的曼陀羅。就在這部經典中解釋說,哈奎師那曼陀羅比其他所有曼陀羅加在一起還要有力量。也就是最偉大的曼陀羅,最神聖的真言。哈奎師那修行者認為唱送哈奎師那真言,便能和神交流...在美國的一些主要的大機場,可以看到哈奎師那修行者向旅客索要捐款。

6.ROWAN: I’m not. Came to the States to go to Sloan-Kettering, and to see Dr. Wilson.

7.HOUSE: Clue number one: If I were Jesus, curing this kid would be as easy as turning water into wine.

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