2010.06.02 Day 4
下了捷運,走路到硫磺島紀念碑 Iwo Jima Memorial
高 23 公尺的青銅像紀念碑為世界最大規模,迎風飄揚的巨旗增添其色彩。
以美國第 35 任總統甘迺迪為首的國民英雄、建國以來為國捐軀的 25 萬陣亡者及其家族、還有政治家埋葬於此。
每每回想我看美國劇集的片段,例如 NCIS,那阿靈頓公墓之親切,那追思前人的那份虔誠,對美國這塊土地的歸屬感油然而生。
這是一個有歷史意義的門 Meig's Gate, Arlington National Cemetery
Embalming Surgeons and Undertakers
During the early part of the Civil War it was the Embalming Surgeons that performed the embalming procedure. Many of the men were military surgeons. However, there were also a large number of civilian surgeons that took up embalming and became embalming surgeons. They realized the monetary benefits to the profession and saw this as a way to increase there fortunes. Most of the embalming surgeons were honest men. There were many reports however, of many unscrupulous embalming surgeons out to take advantage of soldier and family alike. Toward the latter part of the War there were reports of a few undertakers beginning to embalm both at home and on the field of battle. Of the tens upon tens of embalming surgeons practicing during the War years, very few are heard of following the War. It is then that the undertaker begins to see the potential and the obvious extension of embalming into the undertaking profession.
The embalming surgeon was a Northern phenomenon. To date there seems to be no documentation that there were Southern embalming surgeons. When one looks at the circumstances surrounding the onset of this new trade, one can understand why it was not until after the War that embalming moved into the South. Dr. Thomas Holmes, the "Father of Modern Embalming", was from New York, his protégées were all Northerners, the chemicals were developed, patented and manufactured in the North. During the beginning of the War, Washington was the center of all that happened with the military. The embalmers flocked to Washington until they became such a nuisance that they were run out of the city. From then on, those with the drive to either make money or help the troops and their families, moved nearer the battlefields or field hospitals. The South had neither the knowledge nor the resources to enter into this new embalming trade. This is not to say that there may not have been an occasional Confederate soldier or officer embalmed by a Northern embalmer and sent home, but this was by no means a common occurrence.
國防部的總部所在,因五角型建築外觀而定其名。統管美國陸海空三軍的參謀總部設於此棟建築,以全世界最大的辦公大樓而聞名於世。其獨特的造型使得無論從何處出發,都能在 7 分鐘到達距離最遠之處。內部並不對外開放。
華盛頓 DC 特區之旅,在五角大廈的嚴肅氣氛中結束了。
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