
House Season3 EP20

House Training

Episode 320 : 2007-04-24

While a hustler is running a three-card monte game, his shill Lupe, gets confused and blows the game for him. Lupe collapses to the ground. Much later, Lupe explains to Foreman that she felt like she couldn't move inside her head. Foreman says she had an abulia, or the inability to make a decision or exercise will. This is part of a bigger issue called Transient Ischemic Attack. The blood was cut off to a section of Lupe's frontal lobe. She claims she has no drug use, so toxins might be another explanation.

The team argues about possible causes, but Foreman is adamant that Lupe is a drug-abusing scam artist. Chase thinks it is toxins. Yet her tox screen comes out clean. House is more interested in why Wilson was talking to his second ex-wife. Wilson says that she merely asked him to start looking after their dog. House then confesses that he asked Cuddy out to a play. He was only testing her. She said she was busy, but then why did she say yes to Wilson earlier?

Foreman's dad, Rodney, waits in the hospital for his son. He wants Foreman to come to his mother's upcoming 60th birthday party. She should see him while she still knows who he is.

Chase and Foreman go to Lupe's apartment for an environmental check. Chase finds a number of possible toxic causes in the apartment, but Foreman sees a crack pipe, which seemingly gives him the stronger argument. Chase says he will do the tests on the pipe so that Foreman can visit his family, something he doesn't really want to do.

Foreman tracks down his family at a nearby hotel and his mother is thrilled to see him. As she talks to him about the past, symptoms of her Alzheimer's come rushing to the fore.

Later, Foreman confronts Lupe about the pipe but she denies that it's hers. He advises her to warn whomever it belongs to that they have arsenic poisoning. Lupe starts hacking with a cough and then spits up blood on Foreman's jacket. She begins choking on the blood that's filling her throat.

Chase and Cameron run a CT scan on Lupe after a hair test only shows trace amounts of arsenic in her system. The scan reveals a mass just outside the lingual. A biopsy later shows white blood cells in the walls of the blood vessels, which isn't normal. Figuring this has to be some sort of autoimmune issue, Foreman is ready to start a treatment of steroids. House wants to know exactly what autoimmune disease it is. In the meantime, they are to begin the steroids.

Foreman checks up on Lupe, dismissing her explanations about a one-time drug use. She realizes he doesn't like her, then accuses him of being like someone who quit drinking or lost a lot of weight and looks down on those who can't. Just because he got out of the projects, he thinks anybody who hasn't is weak and stupid. Throughout this speech, Lupe struggles with a cough. Foreman studies her eyes, noticing yellow in the sclera.

Foreman reports back to the team that Lupe's liver is failing. It's not an autoimmune disease. He suspects lymphomatoid granulomatosis, which is incredibly rare even by their standards. He suggests that they start total body radiation immediately to fight the rapid spread of the cancer. House instructs Foreman to get her consent in order to begin the process. Foreman explains that Lupe doesn't like him so much. House jumps up to get the consent. If she doesn't like Foreman then he is dying to know why.

When House asks about Foreman, Lupe complains that he thinks he is better than he is. After explaining the myriad possible side effects, House hands Lupe the consent form. She freezes, and falls under another attack. House calls in the nurses, instructing them to have Lupe sign the consent form when she comes out of the attack.

Cameron and Foreman check up on Lupe after the radiology. Foreman detects a heart murmur, which is a bad sign. Cameron tightens the cuff on Lupe's arm to check her blood pressure and Lupe begins screaming in agony. After receiving news of this latest development, House realizes just how much trouble they're in.

Foreman asks Wilson for advice on how to break a terminal diagnosis to patient. Wilson tells him to be honest and to be there when the patient needs support. Foreman slides in Lupe's room and flatly informs her that she's dying. He estimates less than 24 hours to live. She came into a hospital with an infection and they didn't catch it. The radiation is the worst thing they could've possibly done because it destroyed her immune system, allowing the infection to spread to her heart. Now, there's nothing that can be done. Lupe angrily tells him to get out.

Foreman tracks down House in the ICU and declares that he is wasting their time and causing Lupe more pain. House counters that he needs to know what they missed. They have Lupe wheeled back into a private room. Foreman apologizes to her, but admits that he doesn't expect her forgiveness. When he learns that she has no close family or friends, he sits down to spend the night in her room.

When Lupe wakes up the next morning, Foreman confesses that she was right. He did have a problem with her at first. But she was also wrong. He explains that he had a rough past but received another chance. He still feels like someone will send him back from where he came if he's not always the smartest person in the room. He put distance between himself and Lupe only because he knows there isn't any.

With Foreman still at her bedside, Lupe falls into a coma and her vitals flat line. Foreman calmly switches off the monitoring equipment and notes the time. He calls in the time of death to House, who readies himself for an autopsy. Wilson later finds House in Lupe's room. House explains that Lupe scratched herself with her bra hook and developed a staph infection.

House finds Foreman in his office and tells him to absolve himself for Lupe's death. He should only try to improve himself. Foreman is torn up that they blew such a simple diagnosis, but House consoles him that he'll do it again. This is a good thing. They are a special band of doctors practicing a special kind of medicine. They will miss on a few patients, but they will also save the ones any other doctor would think are hopeless causes.

That night, Foreman goes to his parents' hotel and tells his mother that he hurt somebody. She throws her arms around him and forgives him. She can see that he'd never hurt anybody on purpose. Foreman asks his mom if he knows who he is. She hugs him again and says that her little boy's name is Eric. Foreman is devastated.

20集(S3EP20:House Training
1.Operator: She ain’t no Helen Mirren, but this Queen is for you.
開片25秒,街頭藝人提到的著名英國女演員海倫·米倫(Helen Mirren),因其在2006年電影《女王》(The Queen)中的出色表演獲得了當年的奧斯卡最佳女主角獎。已往的傳記電影一般都是紀念一些已經逝去的名人,而女王的兩位主人公——伊莉莎白女王和首相布雷爾——卻都在舒舒服服地過著他們的好日子。影片講述的戴安娜王妃去世後,皇室面對大眾的質疑發生的故事。

2.House: Loss of free will, I like it. Maybe we can get Thomas Aquinas in for a consult
3分33秒,大叔提到的湯瑪斯·阿奎那(Thomas Aquinas)是中世紀基督教神學家,經院哲學家,天主教官方哲學的代表人物。有“天使博士”和“通傳博士”之稱。他根據基督教神學法律思想的傳統,將法律分作永恆法、自然法、神法、人定法4種,構成一個等級體系。永恆法代表上帝的理性和智慧,是上帝支配整個宇宙的法律,所以它是最高的法律。自然法是理性動物(即人)根據上帝所賦予的理性對永恆性的不完全的認識,是上帝用以支配人類的法律。其最基本的原則是“行善避惡”,包括力求自存、結成婚姻關係和養育後代、希望瞭解上帝的真理、參加社會生活等內容。神法是上帝通過《聖經》賦予人們的法律,用以補充較抽象的自然法。人定法即世俗統治者制定的法律。

3.Wilson: I'll consider that, after I take her to the Hockney exhibit
WILSON: 我會考慮的,在我帶她看完霍克尼的展覽後。
5分47秒,Wilson提到的這個霍克尼應該是指大衛·霍克尼(David Hockney)。1937年出生於英格蘭布列福的Hockney,在60年代初期的國際藝術舞臺上即嶄露頭角,從此成為最具影響力的代表人物之一。他在“搖擺的60年代”(Swinging Sixties)中對藝術的貢獻,讓他很快地獲得當代最重要藝術家的榮譽。自1964年起,Hockney就在美國洛杉磯定居。這位世界級的大師在他漫長的藝術生涯中,繪畫、攝影、設計等諸多藝術領域都有著傑出的成就。在加州與倫敦的工作及各地遊玩的過程中,Hockney把注意力放在人物以及周遭環境上。他以父母及朋友為主角所畫的肖像特別強調各個人物的特色。 80年代,他在攝影與劇場設計上下了相當大的功夫,創造性地將照片拼貼成一幅幅畫作,這種獨特技藝發展成為一種新的攝影藝術形式,被眾人稱之為“霍克尼式”。另外霍克尼同時也是位同性戀者(發現很多強人都是同性戀呀-_-b)。

4.House: Who is the better James Bond--Sean Connery or Daniel Craig?
20分22秒。肖恩·康納利(Sean Connery)在1962-1967年和1971年出演007系列中的詹姆斯·邦德("James Bond"),而丹尼爾·克雷格("Daniel Craig")則是最新一代的007,出現在2006年最新一部007電影《皇家賭場》("Casino Royale")裡。很多人都認為丹尼爾出演的新一代007不如老版的。所以大叔在問完“鉛筆還是鋼筆”後,問的這個問題。意思是“判斷肖恩·康納利和丹尼爾·克雷格的007誰演的好”甚至比“區分出鋼筆和鉛筆”還容易。。。太“毒舌”了。

5.The dog "Hector" and "House training"
本集中不止一次提到了Wilson家的小狗Hector。24分42秒處也解釋了這條狗名字的來歷。Hector在英語裡指“虛張聲勢的人,恃強淩弱的人”,Hector首先就指這條狗脾氣壞,每天早上都在地毯上亂撒尿。其次把“Hecor does go rug”(Hector尿地毯)字母打亂重排,就變成了“Dr.Greg House”(House醫生)。而大叔在25分34秒則認為把“Dr.Greg House”打亂重組為“Huge ego sorry”(自大狂,對不起)更符合自己。-_-b
而本集的標題House training也因此有了雙重意義。首先,如果House就像小狗Hector的話,那麼他/它就需要進行House training(家庭訓練)。其次,大叔本身的名字就叫House,所以本集也可以理解為“大叔的教訓”。

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