Episode 809 | Season 8 | 04/26/2009 As the groups watch the feed of last week's boardroom procedures -- with Herschel getting the axe -- the consensus seems to be that Clint is getting increasingly ruthless. Later, a clearly happy Jesse presents his $20,000 winnings to his charity, the Long Beach Education Foundation.
The teams assemble at the NBA store on Manhattan's 5th Avenue. Mr. Trump announces that's he's moving Jesse back to KOTU, joining Joan and Clint. He introduces two executives from Right Guard to explain this week's task. The teams will each create a four-page print advertisement for their new product, Right Guard Fast Break deodorant. The ad will run in Sports Illustrated and must incorporate New York Nicks star David Lee. Helping out Donald Trump in judging the teams will be his daughter Ivanka and CNBC Mad Money host, Jim Cramer. The teams pick their leaders; Athena will be led by Brande, KOTU will be led by Clint.
Athena starts to brainstorm. Melissa throws out several ideas, but Brande and Annie are nonplussed by them all. Annie suggests a risqué idea to feature David Lee naked, covered only by a basketball over his groin. Brande dials it back to a concept featuring a montage that culminates in a shirtless David Lee. The Right Guard execs check in and let the team know that their concept is not too racy.
KOTU meets with the Right Guard reps and learns that the product's "power stripe" is an important distinguishing feature for them. Jesse feels that Clint is completely out of his element and that he's faking his way through it. Pressure is clearly building between the two. Joan plays it cool.
Brande makes her assignments. Annie will write and present; she and Melissa will work on the photography and production of the actual ad. Creatively, Brande seems more receptive to Annie's final ideas: a 24-hour photo spread of how the athlete spends his day. Melissa feels frozen out -- she's convinced that Annie is manipulating Brande to minimize her.
KOTU works on the creative. They talk through a number of ideas and themes. Jesse hits on a concept and draws it out in detail for the team. He's convinced it's great, but Clint wants to evolve it further. Jesse bristles; he publishes his own magazine and feels that his experience should carry some weight.
Annie heads out to work with the photographer. Back at the office, Melissa confronts Brande -- it's obvious she and Annie are conspiring against her. Brande's surprised and does her best to assuage Melissa. But Melissa won't be soothed. "If we lose," she tells the camera, "those two are gonna gang up me so fast it's gonna make everyone's head spin." Brande's irritated, convinced Melissa is overreacting.
Clint sends Jesse off to shoot skyline shots of New York for use in the background of the ad. Clint goes on to work with the studio photographer and model on how the talent shots will be incorporated. Ivanka arrives and candidly asks Joan about Clint's style; she answers that he's definitely listening more. Clint's heartened, feeling that he's being more inclusive of everyone, though he wonders if Jesse is being standoffish in an attempt to make him look bad in the boardroom, if it comes to that. In an interview, Jesse is convinced their team is going to lose, primarily because Clint really doesn't know what he's doing.
Athena's concept calls for a shot of dancers in a nightclub. Melissa does her best to keep her head down and help however she can; Brande has given her a very limited role. Brande pulls Annie aside and reveals that Melissa's convinced they're conspiring against her. Annie is incredulous. In an interview Annie explains, "I don't need to conspire against her. She's doing a good job of conspiring against herself."
KOTU starts working on the layout of their ad, incorporating Jesse's city shots, product shots, and tag lines. Clint strives to get as many brand messages into the layout as possible. Jesse, disgusted and critical, withdraws. He tells Clint point blank that he was too stupid to recognize a good idea when he sees it (his). Remarkably, Clint keeps his cool, but is clearly annoyed at the insubordination and lack of teamwork.
As Brande works with the photographer and talent, Annie pulls Melissa aside to try to reassure her that she's not being targeted. Melissa's clearly vulnerable and seems to take some of it in stride. In a separate interview, Annie admits that her poker playing experience gives her a keen understanding of game theory and how to undermine her opponents. Her goal for this week is to make the final four.
Clint takes control of the photo shoot. Jesse sits in the back, convinced that everything is going wrong. As the shoot wraps and Clint begins working with the layout artist, Annie and Brande drop by, clearly snooping. They're shooed off. As the ad begins to take shape, Clint asks Jesse his opinion; he hates it and suggests they need to start all over and follow his original idea. Clint chalks it up to game playing on Jesse's part. Jesse keeps digging at Clint, belittling him. "This sounds like my first marriage," Joan quips.
Jim Kramer drops in on Athena. Brande starts to walk him through the layout, but Annie quickly jumps in, taking credit for the tagline, the concept -- essentially all of the ad. Kramer asks each of them what sort of word they'd like him to put in for them. Brande says she wants to be known as a strong leader, Annie that she created and executed the concept, Melissa wants it known that she told a story -- and that they all contributed equally. Annie is furious at Melissa's attempt to take equal credit.
The presentations begin. Clint presents for KOTU, articulating the concept and explaining how it meets the brand goals. Annie presents for Athena; Melissa is privately critical of her effort. The execs take it all in, happy to see their brand presented with such passion and fresh thinking. Back at Trump Tower, the execs brief Donald Trump on the campaigns. They praise both efforts, but it's clear they've got a favorite.
The teams are summoned to the boardroom. Brande feels great about their campaign and is sure they're going to win. Clint also feels positive, saying they did the best they could. Trump probes Jesse who candidly states that Clint did a poor job -- and that even if they win, he'd feel it was a bad effort. He goes on to explain that Clint didn't use him or Joan to their potential. He explains that he owns a magazine and knows more about advertorial layout and messaging than anyone, but that Clint rejected him. Clint defends himself and accuses Jesse of being uncooperative.
Mr. Trump turns to Brande to find out more about Athena's efforts. Brande admits that she gave most of the key tasks to Annie, because she thought she had the most expertise. Annie continues to take credit -- which elicits a personal attack from Joan, who's clearly had it with Annie. Melissa tells Trump that Brande allowed herself to be taken over by Annie. She also explains that she and Annie worked to box her out. "It felt like high school," she says.
The teams are given copies of each other's ads. They're mutually impressed, but even Jesse admits to liking his own team's better. Trump announces the Right Guard executives' feelings: while they liked them both, they preferred KOTU's work. Jesse gives Clint a begrudging handshake of congratulations and the teams exits the boardroom
Trump asks Jim Cramer and Ivanka whom he should fire. Jim thinks Brande needs to go -- she delegated everything and her team lost. Ivanka counters that Annie and Melissa have hung themselves with their petty behavior in the boardroom. Trump summons Athena back in. Brande defends herself. She's raised the second largest amount of money overall and clearly manages well, she tells Trump. Annie, asked who should be fired, says Melissa, because she let the game get into her head. Cramer attacks Brande, because she did not step up to defend herself vehemently enough to Melissa's accusations of weakness. Brande fires back with passion and loudly proclaims that Melissa should be fired.
Trump asks Melissa to defend herself. She recites a litany of how well she performed on past tasks. She openly attacks Brande. Annie just looks on coolly. Trump asks Cramer whom he should fire. Cramer explains that now that Brande's stepped up, he thinks Melissa is the one who should go. Trump, noting that Melissa has raised the least money of the three Athena members -- and that her contributions on the Right Guard task were meager -- fires Melissa. She's angry and upset.
As she exits the boardroom, Melissa is fuming. She excoriates her teammates as she scrambles to get her things to leave. "They're whores and pit vipers!" She refuses the producer's request for an exit interview. In the adjoining suite, Joan is also visibly upset. She wishes Jesse and Clint good luck -- she's leaving too. Seeing Annie and Brande, she insults them both: "You are a piece of s**t," she says pointing at Annie, "And you are a stupid blonde," she tells Brande. She goes on to tell her how quickly Annie will knock her off -- and that's she been manipulated. Brande's having none of it from Joan and yells right back at her. Joan dismisses her and then can't resist the opportunity to lay into Annie, decrying her for being a poker player -- a lowly poker player with blood on her hands. She storms out.
As Trump, Ivanka, and Cramer watch from the boardroom, Melissa is on a tirade, swearing at everyone within range. She takes her mother with her as they storm out -- it looks like Joan's had it too.
Jesse 贏得上次比賽,獎金捐給Long Beach Education Foundation.
這次任務是替Right Guard Fast Break deodorant. 做產品介紹,利用四幅廣告進行推銷。廣告主角由紐約尼克隊的 David Lee 擔綱演出。獲勝者由公司高層主管挑選而出。
由於上禮拜KOTU又被淘汰一人,局面形成4 V.S. 2,所以進行隊伍重組。Athena的Jesse回歸KOTU。Annie聽到以後一直無法相信,到是我覺得這個決定很棒,因為Jesse真的很不錯。
兩隊開始工作,遇到的問題也不盡相同。Athena 的 Melissa 受到另外兩外的排擠,雖然這兩位口口聲聲說我沒有我沒有,但事實上我就是覺得有,而且工作任務分配極為不平均。Annie也將一切責任推給Brande,例如,我提供你點子,這是最好的點子,你跟著我的做一定沒錯,但最後決定權在你喔,負責任的是你不是我喔,但是我的點子你一定要採納。這是哪們子的合作阿,Brande也讓他牽著鼻子走,最後在會議室,甚至稱呼Annie為XX之王,YY之王,無形之中貶低自己。Athena在女人心機眼底下完成這次任務。
想當然 Melissa 暴怒,Joan也看不下去,兩個一起負氣離開。
最後留下幾個耐人尋味的鏡頭,Trump, Ivanka Cramer留在會議室觀看發生的事情,好像此事是他們故意製造的一樣。
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