Episode 811 | Season 8 | 05/10/2009 Donald Trump appears in the great entrance hall of New York's Museum of Natural History to introduce tonight's show. He still hasn't decided who will win. He walks through a door, past a cheering crowd, and up onto tonight's stage. Joan and Annie uneasily stand by side by side. A taped segment runs, shot shortly after the two were named finalists. It's palpable how much the two finalists dislike each other.
At Trump's cue, a slew of former contestants come in: Brande, Clint, Herschel, Melissa, Tom, and Dennis. Annie is given first choice of who'll she'll add to her team; she picks Brande first. Joan chooses Herschel. Annie goes on to select Dennis and Tom, while Joan picks Clint and Melissa.
Trump explains the final task: a Cirque du Soleil benefit performance preceded by a major charity event featuring a silent auction. The celebs will sell tickets to people on the street. They must also acquire unique auction items from their celebrity sources. And as part of the tie-in with Kodak, they'll create a limited edition Celebrity Apprentice commemorative picture frame. The winner will be determined not only on the basis of money raised, but also by how well the Kodak product is integrated, the charity integration, the celebrities in attendance, and the overall event experience. On stage, Trump is joined by former contestants Andrew Dice Clay, Scott Hamilton, Claudia Jordan, Brian McKnight, and Jesse James. Trump spends a few moments interviewing each of them.
The teams get started on their tasks. Annie implores Dennis to tap his friends; in short order he raises $20,000 in cash from the Detroit Pistons and Los Angeles Lakers, two of his former NBA teams. Meanwhile Joan is revving up her team and tapping into her network to do everything she can to beat Annie. "I need your help," she tells a friend on the phone. "This is good versus evil."
Jim Cramer appears for a quick recap and breaks down the advantages of each finalist. Joan has won 6 tasks, Annie 7. He explains that Annie's a shrewd and calculating player who's all business; she's raised more money. By contrast, Joan is all heart, a player who evokes great loyalty. "Mr. Trump, you've got one tough decision on your hands," he laments.
Jeff Hayzlett, the Kodak exec, meets with Joan and team to go over his company's goals for the product rollout at the charity event. He explains that, while the celebs are used to being on the red carpet, the night should make the ordinary folks who are attending feel like they're special tooâ€"the teams need to create a Kodak moment for them.
Jeff visits Annie and team to give the same sort of orientation. He explains lots of product features and abilities, occasionally interrupted by Tom. Annie feels Tom's questions are a distraction and shuts him down, much to his perturbation.
Joan kicks the fundraising effort into gear. Clint announces that he really doesn't know any celebrities in New York and that his fundraising sources are tapped out. Joan's not happy; she assigns him the task of wrangling items for the auction. "It feels like a three-man team," she says. Joan then gets down to calling in favors from her vast network of contacts. She wants to do more than beat Annie; she's clearly out for blood. Annie leads her team, pushing hard for them to ramp up their fundraising efforts. She leads by example, calling her poker-playing colleagues, relaying Joan's untoward comments about their profession, and then giving them an opportunity to help her humiliate Joan by winning the challenge.
The teams are each assigned a designer from the same event planning firm. Annie's arrives first and they begin reviewing the space where the VIP party will take place. The room will need a lot of work, if it's to have a real impact. As she confers with the planner, Tom and Dennis can't resist the temptation to go drop in on the conversation, just "to watch Annie not listen to us." Despite their antics, Annie pushes on, determined to make the room into something special.
Joan meets with her decorator/planner. He explains that they must capture everyone's attention in the first three seconds. Joan likes that sentiment but as she works with the planner, it's clear they're not really meshing. Rivers has thrown and attended hundreds of swanky events and knows what she wants, but she's having trouble getting her wishes across.
Melissa and Herschel head for Times Square, where they plan to sell their tickets to theatre goers who come to the tourist area seeking discount on Broadway shows. But on the ride, Herschel has an inspiration: if he can find a donor to buy the entire block of 80 tickets, they could then give the tickets away for free and not have to worry about selling them one by one. The plan works beautifully and soon their double-decker bus is filled with happy people who have been given tickets. They're finished with their task in mere minutes and move on to start taking pictures of people having happy moments to help fill up the photo frames with "Kodak moments." Tom and Dennis have the ticket-selling task for Annie's team; their progress is slow, but they have fun.
Donald Junior and Ivanka show up to check in on Joan's progress. She's feeling confident, but grows somewhat concerned when Ivanka reminds her that getting enough celebrities and well-heeled folks to go to the silent auction will be critical to its success. Joan redoubles her efforts. The Trumps then drop in on Annie, who briefs them on the design and branding plan for the space. They're impressed. Brande and Annie kick their silent auction effort into high gear. They're reaching out to all the celebrities they know, looking for unique event experiences that will command top dollar at silent auction.
Joan's growing ever more frustrated with her event planner/designer. She keeps trying to inspire him to do something original, but he keeps trying to manage her expectations downward, noting the timeframe. Joan is stalwart in her vision for the space. In frustration, she calls a local friend to come in and help try to get the project back on track. Discovering that there's another designer in the mix, David, the original event planner, quits.
Annie and Brande have their own problems. They can't get through to their event plannerâ€"the company's not returning calls. They go to the event planning firm's offices and get a very hostile reception. They're told their event planner is not available and that they must leave immediately. Apparently, the experience the firm had with Joan is so bad that the firm will have nothing to do with either team. Annie is despondent; she's convinced she's going to lose. It's after 5PM on a Friday, the night before the. She begins making desperate calls, trying to salvage the party. As Annie grows more incensed thinking about how Joan Rivers has sabotaged her efforts indirectly, she spits venom at the thought of Joan. "This woman has to die," she tells one friend.
Dennis and Tom return from selling tickets; they've sold them all. Annie welcomes the good news and lets them know that they can help most now by bringing in some celebrities for the event the next day. At 7 PM the night before the event, Annie reaches out to her designer friend Sarah, who arrives and immediately gets to work on the space. As more help arrives, Annie's overwhelmed with gratitude.
Joan calls on her New York-based charity, God's Love Delivered, for manpower help with transforming their space. They turn out in force: board members, volunteers, plus a bevy of creative contacts from around New York. The hall starts to come together. Joan assembles her team back in the war room for a status check. They're light on commitments from celebrities to attend the auction. Herschel has a brainstorm. If they can't get the real celebrities, why not celebrity impersonators? Joan's floored by the idea and they run with it.
The countdown to the party begins. Clint and Herschel put the finishing touches on the auction items while Joan and Melissa work on integrating Kodak into the evening by filling the photo frames with meaningful moments shot taken on the streets of New York. Annie entrusts Tom with a similar task to put video files on his team's frames, but she's not happy with his follow through. Tom is taken aback, explaining that he's an expert with cameras and videos. She assigns him the task of filling the one-of-a-kind Celebrity Apprentice picture frame with behind-the-scenes photos. Annie whirls through the room, tending to last-minute details. The doors are ready to open.
Joan reviews the silent auction tables and discovers that Clint appears in just about all the frames; she has several changed out. The celebrity impersonators arrive, the final touches are put in place and Joan is now officially having fun. "No one can throw a better party than my mother," Melissa beams.
Dennis gets into the act by showing up in an over-the-top blue dress and invites patrons to have pictures taken with him. Celebrity guests arrive, including Joe Frazier, Oksana Baiul, and Phil Helmuth. Three characters from Cirque Du Soleil show up as well, adding to the party atmosphere. Annie works the room, driving up bids on the silent auction items. Next door at Joan's event, it's also a star-studded event as Kathy Griffin, Kyle MacLachlan, the cast of the musical Chicago, and others mingle freely with the celebrity impersonators and the guests for the evening.
The Trumps arrive and begin working their way through the two parties. Jeff, the Kodak exec, also shows up and gets briefed by Annie on how his products are being integrated with the theme of the party. He loves what he sees. He gets a similar briefing from Melissa at the other party and is also impressed. The donors are impressed too, writing checks and bidding up the silent auction items at both events. Joan is overcome at the prospect of raising more money for her charity. "This puts us in a whole new league," she gushes. "Even if I lose tonight, I've won."
The parties are over and the guests are herded onto double-decker busses for transport to Madison Square Garden for Cirque du Soleil's new show, Wintuk. The celebs from both teams sit together. Their final tasks over, they can now relax and enjoy the show.
Afterwards, Trump summons Annie, Joan and their teams to the boardroom at Trump Tower. After asking Melissa about her prior behavior after being fired (storming off, hurling epithets), he turns to the performance of the individuals and leaders on the party task. Joan is not effusive in praising her team, saying only that "they got it done." Annie is universally complimentary. Asked about Annie as a leader, Dennis is very positive. "She came through with flying colors," he says.
Trump asks Annie about how she handled her designer. She claims she worked fine with hers, but that Joan mishandled her designer so much that her decorator quit too. Joan is outraged, branding Annie's accusations a "total lie." Annie expresses that she doesn't know exactly what happened, only what the head of the event planning firm told her. Joan is livid and screams at Annie. Annie remains cool and firm. Joan goes for the jugular. "I've been told all your money is Mafia money." She tells Annie. Annie is outraged but still keeps her composure, despite the character assassination.
Ivanka gives the report on how much money was raised. Joan's team raised $150,830; Annie raised $465, 725. Including this task, the teams have raised over a million and a half dollars over the show's ten week run. Donald Trump, Junior reports on how the teams were judged on charity integration (one of the five criteria). Annie's team was deemed to have done the better job. Conversely, Joan's team was chosen as superior on the criteria of celebrities in attendance, the Kodak integration, and the overall experience. "We felt Joan's party was more fun," Ivanka reveals. Trump thanks all the contestants and says goodbye, leaving only Annie and Joan. He explains that the final decision will be tough.
Back live onstage, Melissa, Clint, and Herschel return, along with Dennis, Tom, and Brande. Trump asks Dennis how he's doing. Dennis says he's saddened by this week's loss of his old friend, NBA coach Chuck Daly, but that he's otherwise fine. Prodded by Trump, he does complain about Jesse's past treatment of him, feeling he embarrassed him needlessly. Dennis attacks Jesse for claiming that he has no contacts with moneyâ€"pointing out that his wife makes huge sums of money every time she works on a movie. Jesse counters that Dennis is just trying to divert the conversation away from himself. He calls Dennis stupid for not recognizing that he's just been trying to help him. Trump puts an end to the bickering, telling Jesse it's not nice to call people stupid.
Trump turns to Melissa, asking her if she was embarrassed at her meltdown after being fired. Melissa minimizes it, saying it was in the heat of the moment and not a reaction to her firing. Brande weighs in that she was surprised and hurt by the "whore-pit viper" epithet Melissa hurled at herâ€"but that she laughs about it now with her friends.
Trump welcomes Annie and Joan to the stage, to tremendous applause. He asks them whether they're glad they took part in the competition. They're both gratefulâ€"their charities have benefited greatly. Trump then polls the former players as to whom he should fire; their reactions are mixed, with most choosing Joan. We learn more about the two finalists' charities, God's Love Delivered and Refugees Internationalâ€"and why the causes are so important to them personally.
Trump then brings last year's winner to the stage, Piers Morgan as well as the runner-up, Trace Adkins. They discuss the huge impact that Celebrity Apprentice has had on their chosen charities from last year. Trump then asks them who should win. Trace picks Joan, because her dedication to her charity seems to prove she's the most determined. Piers also chooses Joan, based solely on the criteria set out in the final task: Joan's team took 3 of the 5 criteria, while Annie captured only two.
Annie and Joan are seated for a final grilling from Trump at the boardroom table. He asks Joan why she should win. She stresses that her way of doing business is the new American way: honorable, without grabbing from others who can get hurt. Annie calmly explains that she's the better choice: she's raised more money, won more tasks. Trump counters that she lost the last task, 3 criteria to 2. Annie explains that Joan sabotaged the final task for her by ruining the relationship with the event planning company, ultimately leaving her without a designer. She goes on to say that Joan's vindictive character assassination would never be allowed in a real boardroom. The crowd boos. Joan counterattacks, restating that, unlike her opponent, she's always open and honest in her dealings. She calls Annie "two-faced."
Mr. Trump checks in with his children for their final advice. Ivanka praises both finalists: Annie was a great game-player and tough, while Joan was tenacious and a great role model. Donald Trump, Junior adds that it's a really tough call; overall, he admires Annie, because of her game-playing ability. Trump considers the finalists' fates one last time. He's amazed at the performances of the teamsâ€"and the fact that over 1.5 Million dollars has been raised for charity. He now has to make his call. He chooses Joan Rivers as The Celebrity Apprentice!
這集先進行最後一個任務,最後在美國New York's Museum of Natural History進行最後決選。再進行任務之前,Trump一如往常叫回幾位之前的猜賽者,讓John和Annie挑。
John: Clint, Herschel, Melissa
Annie: Brande, Tom, and Dennis
兩個領導風格完全不同的人,帶兩著兩隊到底會有甚麼不一樣的結果呢?你喜歡高壓的Annie嗎? 你喜歡帶著感情領導的 John嗎?
之後嘉賓出現,就是上一季的一二名Piers Morgan, Trace Adkins。兩個人都被問及支持誰,兩個都支持John。連Dennis都支持John了,就知道Annie晚節不保了。
最後第二季的The Apprentice 正式出爐,It's John!!!!!!!!!!!
溫柔的慈悲戰勝邪惡的高壓統治~~~~~~~~oh YA~~~~~
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