Episode 807 | Season 8 | 04/12/2009 Donald Trump and a team of execs arrive to address the remaining contestants. He gives them an opportunity to talk about last week; Joan says that she thinks Khloe suffered unfairly, but Trump is quick to say that what Khloe did (a DUI) was terrible and that maybe now she take will driving and alcohol seriously. Trump announces that Brian, who missed last week's contest, will join Athena for this week's task: conceiving and creating a in-store retail display for LifeLock, an identity protection service. The teams choose their leaders, Natalie Gulbis for KOTU and Brian McKnight for Athena. The winning team's leader will earn $20,000 for his or her charity.
The teams meet with the LifeLock executives to probe what they're looking for. Interviewed by Annie, the execs let Athena know that the three words that they'd like most associated with their product are protection, confidence, and security. For KOTU, Joan takes the lead in interviewing the execs, asking whether humor could be part of the campaign. "Sure, as long as people come away feeling good and safe and secure," the CEO tells her.
The teams get started designing their in-store displays. Ivanka stops by KOTU and is impressed with Natalie's ability to keep Joan and Clint from fighting with each other. The team conceives of using a safe as a central metaphor. With their idea solidified, they move on to construction/fabrication. Natalie plays it even-handedly, putting Joan in charge of the packaging, while Clint and Herschel are put in charge of the physical display.
Athena brainstorms ideas but decides that the company's existing creative approach -- using CEO Todd Davis as the face of the company -- is great. Jesse James explains that he's produced lots of retail displays and can tell when something's working. Brian agrees, explaining that Jesse's confidence in the approach gives him confidence. They're feeling on top of the task and take a somewhat casual approach to the work. Annie grows concerned and volunteers to talk to the fabrication shop to make sure the timeline is reasonable to accomplish their design. She calls Jesse and Brande, who are out shooting photos for the design, and tells them to drive to the construction shop right away.
On the drive to the shop, Jesse starts feeling nauseous, eventually needing to stop to vomit. He and Brande push ahead and get started with the fabricators. But Jesse still feels bad and Brande steps up to work with the crew directly. A critical graphic file is missing, setting the team off on a mild panic; laid-back project manager Brian reassures his team members that it'll be alright.
Joan and Natalie take a walk and Joan confides to her team leader that she thinks their idea is boring and that they need to change directions to something humorous that can leverage the celebrities on the team. Natalie agrees and they call Clint and Herschel to explain that she has a new plan that calls for the display to be able to accommodate a series of celebrities' heads peering from the side of the safe. Over at the shop, Clint's concerned that a change like this at the last minute could derail their plans; Herschel grows annoyed at Clint's style. But the design change turns out to be do-able and the team reunites back in the Trump building to take pictures (they'll all be featured in the display) and to finalize copy. Surprisingly, Joan and Clint are being more than civil; they're collaborating.
Time ticks away at KOTU; the technical requirements of their design require special graphics to be sent to the printer -- but their Internet connection is slow and it's touch and go. In an interview, Annie says that Brian is too laid back and either not aware or not paying attention to the deadlines. They run out of time to do the design they want, but make do. In the meantime, Jesse's condition worsens.
The next morning, the displays are brought to Trump Tower for final assembly. The teams practice their presentations and make last-minute adjustments. Neither design turns out perfectly and both teams scramble to make their displays work.
The teams begin their presentations. KOTU's is fairly polished, with the celebrities effectively leveraging their fame to make the point that identity theft is a serious threat. Joan Rivers leads the pitch, explaining how the celebs will be incorporated and giving the LifeLock execs a brochure as a follow-up piece. The LifeLock honchos are impressed. Brian pitches Athena's more traditional approach. The execs are impressed by Brian, even though their creative approach is really nothing new -- it echoes the company's existing approach to showcase the CEO.
Mr. Trump assembles the teams in the boardroom. He starts by grilling Natalie, who feels that the competition will be close, but that her team won. Asked why, she answers that the teamwork was outstanding, particularly the way that Clint and Joan were able to cooperate, especially given the animosity between them during last week's viral video task.
Turning to Athena, Brian also extols his team. Brande agrees that they all worked well; pressed to find negatives, Melissa explains that Jesse tried hard, but was too sick to perform to his full potential. Jesse reveals that he caught a stomach virus from his daughter.
Ivanka reads some of the feedback from the LifeLock execs. KOTU's effort gets good marks for their use of celebrities, their imagination and for creating a handsome, well-executed package. A negative: their display has no way for people to immediately buy the product. George Ross relays feedback on Athena. The execs loved Brian's energy and presentation -- but their core product was too similar to the company's existing creative approach. On the plus side, their display did offer a way for consumers to purchase the service directly. With fanfare, Trump announces that Athena's presentation was the winner with the LifeLock execs.
With KOTU off sipping victory champagne in a Trump Tower suite and watching the festivities via TV, team Athena is called back to the boardroom. Trump wants to know what went wrong. George Ross explains that they did not manage their time well. Annie agrees completely, saying she tried to the raise the issue numerous times but Brian always downplayed the concern. George agrees, Brian was too laid back. Trump asks Melissa about her performance; she thinks she made a significant contribution. But George has some negative feedback: Melissa was in charge of writing the presentation, but spent too much time researching.
Annie says Brande was the weakest member, that she doesn't take initiative. But Ivanka turns the tables, rebuking Annie for not stepping up as a team leader yet, despite being the dominant team member on just about every task to date. Annie agrees it's time to step into the project manager's shoes. Trump turns to Brian and asks him about his laid-back approach. He defends himself, saying he chooses calm over panic; he suggests that KOTU simply had a better idea. Asked to pick two members and return, he chooses Melissa and Brande.
Watching her daughter impugned on TV, Joan is incensed. She had been talking with Annie Duke throughout the day and Duke had told her she was going to trip up Brande tonight; instead it looks like Melissa might be the one to go. Joan storms out, saying she can't be in the same room with Annie.
Joan confronts Annie outside the boardroom -- excoriating her for not blasting Brande. Clearly, Joan is protecting her daughter and feels betrayed. Trump calls Brian, Brande, and Melissa back into the boardroom.
Trump asks Melissa who should go; she says Annie should have gone. He asks Brian who was weaker, between Melissa and Brande. Brian demurs, admitting, "I can't fire anybody." Trump understands -- Brian's a nice guy. Brande, pressed, allows that Brian doesn't seem to want to be there anymore. Asked about it by trump, Brian admits it's true; he's having a tough time of it.
Trump wonders aloud what happened to Brian. He took a couple of days off to perform at a concert and came back a different competitor. He seems to have lost his drive. Brian does not disagree. Trump says he doesn't know why Brian lost the fire in his belly, but that he did. Brian's fired.
With Brian gone, Trump calls the remaining contestants back into the boardroom. He congratulates them for making it to the final eight and then explains that the next task will start immediately. The celebs, worn out from the boardroom drama, are stunned. The task will involve overseeing a charity auction and fashion show. Ivanka Trump's line of jewelry will be featured at the auction and the teams will have to choose appropriate pieces -- as well as models to wear them. He asks both teams to choose leaders.
Athena chooses Annie Duke as leader, while KOTU considers Herschel. But Trump jumps in, suggesting Joan for the job. The comedienne agrees. "I will crush you Joan," Annie tells her.
Annie immediately takes control of her team. She assigns Jesse to the brochures, Melissa to picking the jewelry, and Brande to choosing the models and clothes. Brande immediately starts tapping her connections, arranging for models to come over immediately and asking a fashion designer to pull her best size 2 and size 4 dresses for them. Annie is impressed and lavishes Brande with praise; Melissa is clearly dismayed by Annie's newfound appreciation for Brande -- especially since they had discussed Annie's plan to oust Brande. "I feel so stabbed in the back, "Melissa complains.
Under Joan's command, KOTU gets down to work. She assigns Natalie the role of picking the jewelry and product for the auction; Clint will be the auctioneer -- and they'll all have to tap their friends to contribute cash to the cause. Joan's determined to beat Annie. Back with her team, Annie starts tapping her own network, cajoling friends and associates to contribute for the cause.
Melissa and Natalie meet up at Ivanka's showroom, taking turns picking pieces of jewelry for their respective offerings at the auction. Melissa's convinced Natalie has chosen pieces without "pop," while Natalie feels Melissa's choices are trendy. They bring their picks back to show to their teammates. But neither team is particularly impressed with what their representatives chose.
The issue turns to fundraising and Annie is putting a challenge out to the Athena: whoever raises the least money will join her in the boardroom, if the team loses. Meanwhile, KOTU's Natalie hits on an idea: calling Annie Duke's rivals with the opportunity to hurt her by donating money to the team she's up against. Joan Rivers loves it.
It's time to pick the models. The chore is right in Athena's wheelhouse, since both Melissa and Brande work with models and jewelry regularly. They're methodical in their choices, putting the girls through their modeling paces and checking their fingers for fresh manicures. The group decides that Brande should also be a model for one of the pieces. On KOTU, the model choices are left to Herschel and Clint. They're like two sweet-toothed boys in a candy store, talking up the models, and having a grand time without much apparent concern for the girls' abilities to model and sell jewelry.
Joan personally selects the clothes the models will wear. She matches the clothes and the jewelry pieces for maximum impact; she's determined that her girls will really stand out. Brande and Melissa dive into selecting their models' clothing. But Melissa's quickly convinced that Brande's perspective is all about what will look best on Brande, that she's ignoring the look for the other girls. When Annie calls Brande to check on how they're doing, Melissa feels snubbed again.
Unbeknownst to the teams, Trump pulls in a spy to keep an eye on the teams: last season's Celebrity Apprentice winner, Piers Morgan. Piers is thrilled with the secret assignment. "There's only one Celebrity Apprentice. And that's me," Piers declares to the camera. The charity auction task will continue into the following week.
這集Brian回來了,分派到Athena。一開始大家對Khloe被開除的事情抱不平,與Trump 爭論了一下,但無奈,這是Trump's reality show,所以他最大,有權決定一切,所有隊員只好替Khloe惋惜。
兩個Leader的做法稍嫌不同,Brian採放任態度,退居幕後,Natalie則是分派工作,恰到好處。Brian碰到的問題是 Time issue,最後還是趕出來了。Natalie反而是提早收工,問題出現在隔天到了會場,才發現標語比想像中窄很多,但這問題一下就解決了,跑去印刷公司在印一張就好啦,這麼簡單,所以問題也解決了,剩下的就是Presentation。Brian中規中矩,John講的比平常保守,只有在最後用幽默的方式畫下句點。
Brian做的東西 LifeLock 以前就做過了,而且小冊子一點創意都沒有,不吸引人,但優點是主題明確,商品明確。
壓力比賽正式開始,下週任務 starts now!!!!!!!! 任務是在 Ivanka 珠寶拍賣會賣珠寶,評分標準是誰籌最多錢,誰贏。規則很簡單。兩隊Leader分別是 John and Annie。
選珠寶,模特兒,在我感覺 Athena 都略勝一籌。但KOTU 的策略比較好,甚至想到Annie在撲克界的敵手,實在是太屌了。
在兩隊都不知情的情況下,上屆winner,Piers Morgan悄悄回來了。
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