Episode 805 | Season 8 | 03/29/2009 Brian, the project manager of last week's winning team, is proud to present his charity, Youthville U.S.A., with the check his team earned from the video phone challenge. The $20,000 will go a long way to helping disadvantaged youth in North Carolina, where the charity is based.
Outside the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Manhattan, Donald Trump lays out this week's challenge. He introduces the head of the Loews hotel chain -- the celebs will take over five rooms each at one of his high-end properties. They'll deliver room service, work as concierges, and clean rooms. They're to provide top-notch service; the guests will provide the feedback on which team did a better job. Trump announces that Khloe has been asked to sit out for the day, so the teams are more even.
The teams pick their leaders. The women (team Athena) pick Tionne (T-Boz) Watkins to lead them and the men choose Dennis Rodman. They know it's time for Dennis to make or break it. "Let's rock and roll, bro," Dennis says, pumping his fist as he walks off with his team. In the van he continues to pump up the guys, delegating the roles. Dennis will be the front man, greeting guests and making sure they receive outstanding customer service.
The teams start their training with the hotel staff at the Loews Regency Hotel. The head of housekeeping explains how to make a bed properly, clean the bathrooms, everything; she explains it should take about 20 minutes to clean a room. The concierge explains that they should provide everything a guest wants, from an in-room massage to having a dog walked. Team members from both sides confess that the training is moving very fast; most new staff get two weeks of training and the celebs are getting less than a day.
Dennis takes charge, reaching out to his network of contacts in New York. He arranges for cookies from Carnegie Deli, and limousines to provide free rides. His team is impressed -- until room service shows up with two tall vodka cranberry cocktails he has ordered. "Dennis is a different person when he starts drinking," Brian laments.
T-Boz takes the helm of Athena, methodically working out what will distinguish them from the men. They'll offer complimentary breakfast, free Internet service, and more.
In the team van, Dennis and Brian disagree about some of the tactics Dennis wants to employ. Brian is dismissive but makes his case, clearly explaining that his butt is on the line too, and he doesn't want to lose. Dennis, still drinking, grows perturbed and the discussion erupts into a shouting match. "If Brian knows so much, let him do everything!" Dennis yells. Clint keeps his cool.
Brande, Annie, and Melissa don housekeeping outfits and start cleaning the rooms. They're disgusted: cleaning bathrooms, cleaning stains from the carpet, making the beds just so. On the men's team, Herschel and Jesse get busy too. They all develop a new appreciation for the job a professional staff does. "I'm gonna leave like a $100 tip in every hotel room I stay in from now on," says Annie Duke.
Dennis undercuts Brian McKnight, telling him he's made a mistake by plating some cookies before taking them to the room; Dennis wants the chef to decorate them. The clock ticks down as check-in is just moments away. Jesse and Herschel scramble to prep the rooms. Dennis, the designated greeter, seems to be missing.
Joan greets Athena's first guests, charming them and looking for clues as to how she could help them enjoy their stay. When the guests tell her they're looking for theatre tickets, Joan tells them she'll do everything she can to make it happen. Meanwhile, the men are caught flatfooted: their rooms aren't quite ready and there's no one to greet the first guest. Finally, Clint steps up to fill in for Dennis. More guests arrive for both teams, each more demanding than the previous one. They want theatre tickets, champagne, dinner reservations at hot restaurants, seats on stage -- the list goes on and the concierges from both teams smile and agree to help them out.
The two teams are quickly overwhelmed with special requests and special guests. Actor Stephen Baldwin shows up as a surprise guest for the women, and "Sopranos" star Vincent Pastore arrives to be taken care of by the men. Joan Rivers explains that celebrities expect everything a little nicer and a little quicker. Pastore obliges, asking for a laundry list of special favors: a special table at a special restaurant, cannoli from a particular bakery, a music CD of Roy Orbison, etc. Dennis holds his tongue, but he's clearly being tested.
Stephen Baldwin doesn't like his room's view. Instead of Central Park West, it looks out on 61st street and a "crappy hot dog vendor." He complains to Joan Rivers, who smoothes him over a bit, explaining that it's the best suite in the hotel and offers great privacy. Baldwin is placated for the time being.
Joan loves the challenge of taking care of all the demanding guests. She taps her network of New York friends and is able to accommodate a variety of requests, everything from restaurants to peep shows. The guests are delighted.
Ivanka interviews Dennis at the hotel. She asks if he's got more respect for his teammates now that he's the leader. He's answers somewhat incoherently, apologizing for talking over her head. Ivanka's convinced that he's drunk and that he's got a short attention span anyway. She's clearly dubious about team KOTU under Dennis's leadership.
KOTU is indeed overwhelmed. Brian is having trouble keeping up with the endless calls to the concierge desk; one customer has been waiting over 75 minutes for his room service request for a bottle of Chardonnay. When he finally arranges the room service delivery, it's champagne, not Chardonnay. The guests are patient, but unhappy. Finally the right bottle is tracked down and delivered by Dennis, who's also displeased. He follows up with the father and son guests (who are celebrating their birthdays), personally arranging the restaurant reservation -- and then driving them there himself and joining them for dinner.
A party of five men in 702 is throwing a party. The room service requests are endlesss: shrimp, wine, beer, cocktails, sandwiches. Natalie does her best to keep up but eventually Annie steps in and meets the challenge.
Since Dennis has abandoned his team by heading to dinner with two of the guests, Brian, Clint, Jesse, and Herschel band together and step it up. They locate theatre tickets, table reservations to the hottest restaurants, and the cannoli and CDs for Vincent Pastorre. They all admit that they're probably working better without Dennis around.
Stephen Baldwin is upset. The night on the town that concierge Joan Rivers arranged for him came with a hefty price tag. His theatre tickets included a $400 cover charge and $142 in fees. Joan realizes she made a mistake and does her best to make amends; she'll check into getting the fees discounted or waived. She runs into a similar problem with another guest who has ordered a manicure and pedicure in the room -- only to discover later that the charge is doubled for in-room service. Again she apologizes; she wonders aloud if she's doing damage to her team's chances.
When Dennis does return after dinner, he's clearly intoxicated. He loudly compliments two of the female guests and yells about how great New York is. Asked about the cookies he was supposed to have the chef prepare, he fumes and begins wandering the hotel kitchen, ordering more cocktails, and grabbing an entire bin of cookies, which he plops in front of Brian at the concierge desk. "You've got cookies out the ass," he scoffs at Brian. It's clear he's lost the respect of Brian and Clint and the rest of his team -- and then he decides to walk out. He strips out of his hotel uniform, dons his street clothes, and drives off. Jesse, a recovered alcoholic himself, is worried that Dennis may have an alcohol abuse problem.
The next morning, breakfast orders come rolling in all at once to the women's team. They do their best to keep up with the guests. Athena had offered a free breakfast as part of their service -- and the guests are taking them up on it. But they're demanding, needing the meals delivered at specific times and requesting a variety of breakfast items. The women stumble but generally get the orders delivered.
The men are enjoying a quiet lull; their guests are apparently sleeping in. Dennis returns to a cool reception from his teammates. He's even colder to them, asking Clint not to talk to him. He knows he's going to be fired and elects to just rest on a couch. His teammates feel sorry for him.
The guests begin the rating process, discussing the details large and small. Late check-ins, hidden charges, over-eager service, aloof service. Both teams feel that despite some setbacks, that their offering was superior.
Both teams assemble in the boardroom to begin the interviews with Donald Trump. Ivanka and the Loews exec read back some of the comments. The guests had generally positive things to say about both teams. Trump asks Dennis if he think his team won. Dennis says no, but won't really go into why. Trump quizzes other team members and Jesse is forthright in saying he thinks Dennis has a drinking problem; his teammates concur and so do the women.
Dennis doesn't want to address that issue head on, but says that he thinks the team let him down. His KOTU cohorts agree that he had good ideas in the beginning but that his leadership faded quickly and that he walked away in the heat of battle. When Trump presses him on the drinking issue, he laughs off the charge, saying that Jesse had a drinking problem when he was young. Jesse acknowledges that he did have an alcohol problem and that he has been sober for nine years. Poignantly, Jesse points out the differences between the two great athletes on either side of him -- Dennis and Herschel. One commands respect and admiration, and one doesn't.
Dennis tries to defend himself, saying he was frustrated, and that his teammates didn't support him. They all disagree. Dennis boasts that he can't be a bad guy, that he's won five NBA titles and that Phil Jackson called him the greatest athlete he's coached. Herschel explains that that was in the past and what matters now is the present.
The results are announced: on a scale of 100, the men were rated at 86 for service; the women scored 91. T-Boz has won $20,000 for her charity. Trump explains that normally he would send the winning team out of the boardroom and have the losing team leader return with two colleagues for a final grilling, but in this case, it's cut and dried and everyone in the room knows it.
Trump asks Dennis for his final comments. Dennis is still in denial, thinking his teammates are out to cut him down. He adds that outside the room he could still "kick anyone's ass." Jesse expresses his sympathy but challenges Dennis to "kick our ass at being a good person."
After Dennis's teammates express their respect and support for him, Donald gets the last word. He says he knows the real Dennis and he's a great guy, but that when he's drinking he becomes someone else. He tells Dennis that he gave him every opportunity to be great but that he was let down and so was the rest of team KOTU. He fires Dennis. Dennis understands and accepts the judgement.
All the contestants are sad as they see Dennis off. They realize they've just been through an intervention and that they love Dennis for who he is but really want him to get help. In the car ride, Dennis accepts responsibility for his actions and knows that he's got to deal with his issues.A title card appears: For problems with alcohol abuse, contact Alcoholics Anonymous at www.aa.org.
上集獲勝隊伍的project manager Brian 替Youthville U.S.A爭得獎金 2萬美金。
從清掃到餐點,全部都由參賽者負責。Leader分別是Tionne (T-Boz)和Dennis Rodman。
前四個小時,Dennis Rodman的確扮演很好的Leader角色,但那只有前四小時。四小時過後Dennis Rodman接觸到酒精,一切都變了樣,說話越說越大聲,完全不是領導者應有的態度。相形之下,T-Boz做事有條理,獲得所有女參賽者的肯定。
我不得不配服Dennis Rodman的人脈,他幾乎一通電話,想要什麼就有什麼。
Dennis Rodman和Brian在車上為了法拉利停在門口而吵架。Brian說得很對,顧客不是因為有一台法拉利停在門口就會給高分,而是"服務"。
這集其實就是服務的考驗。兩位美國運動史上非常重要的運動員,在此次任務中完全展現出極大的差別。Dennis Rodman 一直往廚房走,然後順手拿酒,Herschel則是從基層做起,放下身段。我對Dennis Rodman 一直A酒的這種行徑非常不以為然。他還一直說禪師傑克森說他是籃球界最偉大的球星,也是最好教的球星,連喬丹都不如。這種話從他嘴裡說出真的很不齒,哪有人老王賣瓜,賣花的說花香。
好多顧客都要求訂票,兩隊都盡量滿足,不過Stephen Baldwin很不爽,因為River沒有告訴他His theatre tickets included a $400 cover charge and $142 in fees。看一場戲要1萬多,真是天殺的貴,不愧是美國。沒錯,就是Stephen Baldwin,第七季參賽者。
Dennis Rodman 喝完酒回來,又開始發酒瘋,最後又自己離開回家丟下隊友,這種人怎適合當Leader,他連teamworker都不行。
所以你說,不Fire Dennis Rodman ,更待何時!
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