Episode 806 | Season 8 | 04/05/2009 Tionne Watkins, winning team leader for last week's hotel guest challenge, is happy to present her charity, Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia, with a check for $20,000. The cause is close to T-Boz's heart -- as a child she had Sickle Cell Anemia herself. Phillip Oliver, a genetic counselor at the Foundation, is thrilled and proud.
The teams assemble for their briefing with Mr. Trump. He reflects on Dennis' departure last week and tells the group that Dennis is seeking help for his alcohol problems. Trump then announces that he's reconfiguring the teams. The new KOTU will be Herschel, Clint, Joan, Natalie and Khloe; while Athena will now be Jesse, Melissa, Annie, Tionne, and Brande. Brian McKnight will sit out this week, due to a concert engagement. The teams are excited and a little anxious. Among other things, this means that Joan and daughter Melissa will now be on competing teams.
Mr. Trump tees up this week's task. Flanked by executives from the All detergent line, Trump explains that each team will conceive, shoot, and produce an Internet video promoting All's Small and Mighty Detergent. The video will be shown on the Internet, can be up to 60 seconds long, and must contain a product message. The intent is that each video will go "viral" -- meaning they'll be passed around among friends online. The criteria include originality, buzzworthiness, and branding. Blogger Perez Hilton will help with the judging.
The teams choose their project leaders: Melissa for Athena and Clint Black for KOTU. They've both got extensive experience in creating and producing videos. Trump announces that the project leader for the winning team will capture $20,000 for his or her charity. The Donald sends them on their way.
The first order of business for each team is figuring out the creative gist of the video. Jesse James suggests a short where one of his Hells' Angels buddies is supposedly married to Brande Roderick; the biker is continually staining his clothes and Brande's got to help get 'em clean. Annie Duke thinks she has a better idea: "Jesse James getting bathed by midgets!" The girls all think it's funny, but Jesse wants none of it -- to him it's exploitative of little people. His teammates are disappointed: "I just don't like people who won't step up," says Annie Duke.
Team KOTU's brainstorming is more fun. Joan also conceives of something with midgets; Herschel runs with it, thinking of a washing machine filled with little people who are then hung out to dry. Clint suggests something more risqué, where the phrase "doing the wash" is code for having sex. They meet with the Tide execs to feel them out on the boundaries. The marketers explain that they're okay with concept of some sexual innuendo, but that the video shouldn't offend. Clint asks about how they feel about use of little people; they're neutral.
Melissa and Athena meet with the Tide executives. They all agree that, for the product's target market of younger women running a household, the video shouldn't be offensive, but needs to be catchy, particularly the title. They regroup after the meeting and try to convince Jesse. He's still uncomfortable with the idea of being bathed by little people and also feels that it could embarrass the company behind the brand. His teammates keep working on him, finally getting him to agree as long as the little actors are costumed as bottles of Small and Mighty Detergent.
After the meeting with the Tide representatives, KOTU is rethinking their creative approach. Joan riffs like mad, throwing out all sorts of ideas intended to cut through the ocean of mediocre videos floating around on the Internet. The client is conservative, they all agree. Clint sticks with his original idea, imploring the team not to be frightened of pushing the boundaries based on the meeting. Joan's convinced he's wrong.
Clint sticks to his guns. The spot's director of photography arrives and Clint begins working with him on how the shots should look. The rest of Clint's team is upset, but realizes that Clint is not going to change his mind. "The ship has sailed," Joan admits.
Donald Jr. stops by to review Athena's progress. He's a little dubious about whether a video featuring little people will appeal to the twentysomething housewives target market. He's also concerned about what he perceives as an apparent lack of sensitivity around the use of the term "midget"; the term is considered offensive by some. However, Donald Junior doesn't directly voice this concern to them, instead choosing to let them chart their own course.
KOTU's video will also incorporate a little person on camera. As per Clint's vision, he's supposed to be a husband who, after being approached by his wife to "do the laundry" with her, admits that he "already did it himself" (i.e. masturbated), adding that it "was a small load." Daniel, the actor, arrives and Clint makes sure he's comfortable with the role; he says he is. But Daniel's acting skills aren't quite up to the challenge. The team starts thinking about plan B.
Athena begins rehearsal in a laundromat, where the spot will be set. Tionne and Annie are put in charge of the costumes, while Melissa and team work out the shots. The actors arrive and the blocking begins. As they're stepping into their colorful costumes, one of the actors is dismayed, likening them to the Ooopa Loompah characters in the Wizard of Oz.
Clint, having basically fired his actor, steps in front of the camera himself. His teammates want to call a meeting, but he forges ahead, acting the part of the husband. Joan explodes, demanding that they work as a group to consider alternatives. Clint is outraged by her insubordination. The team is in disarray, but Clint pushes on. The "housewife" actress arrives and Clint gets to work with the crew, leaving Khloe, Joan and Natalie with nothing to do.
Herschel, who had been tied up with another engagement, comes back to find Clint's team KOTU upset, unmotivated, and convinced that the project is doomed. Ivanka arrives and also expresses some concerns about sensitivity and wonders why Clint choose not to use Joan Rivers -- a well-known celebrity -- in the revised spot. Clint is unwavering. A beautiful actress arrives to play the part of the housewife and the crew pushes on. Herschel has an idea to add captions to the video to help drive the humor more, but Clint is skeptical. The chill continues to the next day when Clint locks the rest of the team out of the editing room. Joan's appalled.
Melissa and the team work on their video in the edit room. The mood is buoyant, the women giggling. They christen their video "Jesse James, Dirty with Midgets." Melissa's thrilled with the outcome and praises her team. "If we get called to the boardroom I've got to take the bullet, because everyone did everything that was asked of them," she says.
Clint brings his team in to watch his latest version. Herschel again suggests that captions or thought bubbles would help -- and the team agrees. Clint is concerned that there isn't really enough time left before the judging to write and add funny captions, but relents. He knows that his neck is on the line. Joan lashes out; it's clear she's got no respect for Clint's leadership style and that she's taking it personally.
Back at the boardroom, Donald Trump convenes the All executives to review the videos. They watch Clint's innuendo-filled piece first. It makes them all uncomfortable. Next they watch the final version of Athena's Jesse James in-the-laundromat-with-little-people Perez finds Athena's video much more creative and appealing, but admits that neither piece really feels right for the target demographic: young women with children. The execs discuss the pros and cons and give Donald their final thoughts.
With the teams assembled in the boardroom, Trump asks Athena about their effort. Clint admits he's a bit disappointed but says the piece came out better than he thought. Asked for her opinion, Joan pulls no punches, complaining that the piece was dirty, degrading offensive, and off-message. She goes on to criticize Clint's style. She wants nothing to do with Clint ever again.
Trump turns to KOTU. He rolls both spots and KOTU has nothing good to say about their competitors. Watching their own video, however, they find it hilarious. Trump grills them on whether the cursing it included, the use of little people in costumes, and the word "midget" in the title could be construed as offensive. The team counters that they had researched words that were searched frequently on the Internet and that "midget" was among the most popular.
Trump gives the results: the executives hated both videos. There will be no winner. Athena's piece was borderline pornographic in theme and the KOTU video was just plain offensive. He lets the teams know that he is going to fire two people tonight. The team leaders will have to return to the boardroom with two team members each for a final judgement. Joan had asked her team for volunteers and Tionne said she'd stand by Melissa if it came to this; Melissa's other pick is Brande. Clint chooses Khloe and Natalie.
The two team leaders and their two charges return to the boardroom. Trump asks Brande and Tionne about Melissa's leadership. It's a tough call for Trump, because Melissa was well respected by her team and by all accounts did a great job; it was the end product that failed. Trump ultimately tells Tionne, "You're fired," because she volunteered to come back to the boardroom. Trump tells them the story of an earlier Apprentice contestant named Bradford who also volunteered to come back into the boardroom -- and paid the ultimate price. "Never volunteer for execution," he tells the group sternly.
Clint leads Khloe and Natalie back to the tribunal. Trump asks Clint if he really does want to continue with the game. He says he does -- but that he accepts full responsibilities. Trump turns to the others who both profess their desire to stay on. He then asks Khloe about her absence from one of the tasks the prior week. Where was she? Khloe admits that she had to return to Los Angeles as part of program for a DUI conviction. Trump is appalled. Driving under the influence is horrible thing, he tells her -- and that he has three friends who all lost children to drunk drivers. He can't countenance her actions -- he would never have invited her onto the show if he'd known. She's fired. He will give this week's $20,000 to her charity because he feels that the charity shouldn't suffer just because of Khloe's indiscretions.
In the car ride back, Khloe disagrees with Trump's decision, explaining that she's been paying for her bad choice every single day and that her performance on the team had nothing to do with her fate.
Tionne贏得了上次的比賽,獎金獻給Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia。
Trump Mixed 雙方隊伍。新隊伍分別是:
KOTU will be Herschel, Clint, Joan, Natalie and Khloe
Athena will now be Jesse, Melissa, Annie, Tionne
至於Brian McKnight則是開演唱會去,請假一個禮拜。下個禮拜再決定去哪隊。
雙方Leader是 Melissa for Athena and Clint Black for KOTU。
Clint 說了個笑話,一個性暗示的笑話。一對夫妻以洗衣服做為親熱的暗號。一天妻子上班前說晚上記得洗衣服喔,丈夫在她回家的時候說,衣服量不多,我已經手洗完了。
這個點子KOTU一開始很喜歡,大家都同意,但在會見All高層後,除了Clint Black以外都想換個點子。但Clint Black卻執意用他想的點子,所有隊員礙於他是Leader,所以就算說破嘴,也都沒有用。Clint Black想綜覽全權,隊員只要坐著休息就是最大的幫忙,這種自私沒有團隊合作概念的人,應該撐不了多久。
反觀Melissa帶領Athena則是分工合作,但Annie則是擺出一副地下決策人的姿態,表面上為了隊伍好,一直提醒Melissa 要怎樣要那樣,真的讓人很煩,乾脆讓Annie當一次Leader好了,輸了她就掰掰,不要牽拖那麼多。Athena則是利用Celebrity效應,以Jesse當作男主角,被三個小矮人洗刷刷,原本髒汙汙的衣服頓時之間變了乾淨。三個小矮人也代表三倍清潔效果。一開始Jesse很反對,應該是男人自尊心作祟,但在所有隊員都希望她站出來的時候,她還是決定拍了這個短片。在會議室中,Jesse的回答讓所有Athena的隊員芳心耀動,我只能說Jesse有種成熟男人的魅力,所有不管是小妹妹大學生或是上班族,都會為他傾倒,簡直就是師奶殺手,難怪他老婆好萊塢明星,Sandra Bullock那麼愛他。
Melissa 帶了 Brande and Tionne。其中 Tionne是自願進來的,因為自願,所以Trump滿足他的心願,Fire她。開除之後Trump一直說,不要自己走上斷頭台,不要自己走上斷頭台。Tionne一開始嚇了一跳,但最後接受事實,並大方說沒關係。
Clint很聰明的帶了Khloe and Natalie,因為他知道,John沒有被開除的理由,所以帶了Khloe and Natalie。Khloe上禮拜因為上酒駕教育課程,而請假一個禮拜,這事情本來Trump不知道,但Trump問了,她也說了,Trump知道後,對這個人的印象分數就減低很多,最後因為這個原因,開除了Khole。至於這個決定是好是壞,我也很難說。沒錯,的確酒駕是很糟糕的事情,開除她也對,但這次影片的錯誤,全是Clint的一意孤行而造成,所以應該開除Clint才對。
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