House Season3 EP9
Finding Judas
Episode 309 : 2006-11-28
A man named Rob doesn't understand why his daughter Alice is not interested in the rides at the carnival. On one ride, the little girl begins clutching her stomach and screaming in agony.
At the hospital, Rob argues with his ex-wife, Edie, about taking Alice on the ride. Cameron is more interested in Alice's medical history, which does not indicate any abdominal problems. Edie snipes that Rob only had Alice for two days and she ended up in the hospital.
House pulls Cuddy out of a meeting with two potential financial donors. He wants his pills. She walks over to the pharmacy, grabs a cup with two Vicodin in it and hands it to House. His days of free-flowing pills are over. No doctor in the hospital will make a move now that Tritter is watching them.
As the doctors mull over Alice's case, House barges into the office, heads straights to a textbook where he has hidden a bottle of pills cut inside the pages. House then takes a quick glance at Alice's CT scan and declares gallstones. Although six year-olds don't get them, they could be vanishing gallstones. He considers that Alice had one and it passed, but more are probably hiding in her gallbladder. House orders an ultrasound. If he's right, they can remove the gallbladder in order to biopsy the stones.
The team performs the ultrasound and they bicker over Chase's eagerness to adhere to House's instant diagnosis. Yet Alice does indeed have gallstones. Chase breaks the news to the parents, along with the plan to remove Alice's gallbladder for a biopsy. Rob quickly agrees to the procedure, but Edie doesn't.
Cuddy finds Tritter in an office poring over boxes of files. She accuses him of making this personal, and asks if he thinks Wilson deserves to have his life turned upside down. Tritter says this is how he gets what he wants. If squeezing Wilson doesn't work, it will eventually work on Foreman or her.
House berates Edie for refusing to consent to Alice's surgery. Edie stands her ground, pointing out that gallstones are basically harmless. House brings a judge into the hospital and attempts to bully the woman. The judge turns to Cuddy for her opinion on House. Cuddy agrees with the judge that House is indeed a jerk, but he does know what he's talking about. The judge orders the surgery.
The procedure goes well, but the biopsy is negative. Edie bitterly points out that her opinion about the surgery as unnecessary has been proven correct. Alice begins complaining that her stomach hurts, so Foreman takes a quick peek. He finds a blistering rash breaking out across her midsection.
The next day, House questions the team about the rash. His doctors are more concerned with why their bank accounts have been frozen. They demand that he talk to Tritter and do something about their money. House tries to get past this, and he instructs his team to do a scratch test on Alice for allergies, which is what Cameron suspects. When the allergy tests are negative, they are to start broad-spectrum antibiotics. House thinks it is a bacterial infection.
The scratch test gets many results. Each one has come back with a positive allergy result. Looking at Alice's back, House still rejects allergies and points to bacteria as the cause. He is sure that bacteria got into the scratches. Chase insists that infections radiate, which isn't what Alice's rash is doing.
House gives Alice of bite of the peanut butter sandwich he's holding. He then asks Foreman and Chase if Alice is allergic to everything except peanuts. Chase points out that if she is allergic, then antibiotics could cause a massive reaction. House again insists that she isn't allergic. Chase moves to grab the antibiotics, but Foreman stops him. He tells him that he is correct and should stand up to House for once. But before Chase can start an IV, Rob steps in and refuses to allow it.
The case is reverted again to the judge, and House argues against the father's decision. The judge becomes tired of House contrasting the parents on every decision and she grants temporary guardianship to Cuddy. Against using broad-spectrum antibiotics in the event that Alice is allergic, Cuddy decides to allow just one antibiotic -- metronidazole -- as a test.
Tritter interrogates Foreman and mentions Foreman's brother, Marcus, who is doing time on a drug charge. If Foreman testifies against House, Tritter will see to it that Marcus is free within two months. Foreman still doesn't budge. Tritter observes that Foreman is just as cold as House. Yet he is convinced Foreman will take this deal because he hates hypocrisy. House has had a thousand chances, and Foreman himself has had a couple. Marcus only got one chance.
Cuddy checks in on Alice, who sleeps peacefully. There doesn't seem to be any reaction to the metronidazole. The parents fight about Rob's decision to withhold antibiotics and Edie angrily declares that she's suing for full custody as soon as they get out of the hospital. Alice's heart starts racing and her blood pressure rises. Cuddy realizes that the parents' arguing is giving Alice an anxiety attack. She kicks them out of the room.
The next morning, Chase announces that Tritter froze his accounts as well. Edie comes into their office wondering where Alice and Rob are. Chase rushes off to get security and sees Rob holding an unconscious Alice in his arms. She's as stiff as a board.
House mocks Cuddy's decision to skip broad-spectrum antibiotics. Foreman injects Alice with diazepam to relax her and points out that muscle rigidity is almost exclusively neurological. Cameron guesses at neuroaxonal dystrophy. Ignoring the patient, House starts yelling at Cuddy to give him more pills. She refuses.
House accosts Rob and Edie about which one of them gave Alice an aspirin. He believes that Alice has Reye's syndrome. When a child with an infection takes adult aspirin, it affects the brain and liver. Neither of them did, but Edie says that a babysitter might have administered them the night before she came to the hospital. House orders Cuddy to put Alice on charcoal hemoperfusion, and then he demands more pills for himself. Cuddy pulls a bottle out of her pocket and taps two pills into House's palm.
Cameron gets her turn to sit down with Tritter. She refuses to participate, so Tritter brings up her past. She used to be somebody who always did the right thing until she starting working with House.
Chase meets with Tritter in the hospital cafeteria. Tritter explains that he's going to unfreeze Cameron and Foreman's accounts, but not Chase's. They both know that Chase's account never was frozen. Chase lied about that to the others so it wouldn't look like he had been singled out. Yet now that the accounts are open, people will notice the two of them having a very pleasant lunch in the cafeteria. House will eventually put two and two together.
Cuddy explains the procedure to Alice. The little girl admits that she is scared of her parents. As soon as she's better, her parents will split up again. As the procedure is underway, Alice starts screaming that her arm hurts. Foreman suspects it might be a clot, so Alice is rushed into surgery.
Foreman successfully removes the clot, but Alice's body temperature begins increasing. The O.R. is out of ice packs and cooling blankets, and they need to cool Alice down before her brain melts. Cuddy yanks the wires out of the monitors and takes Alice into her arms. She rushes the girl into a cold shower. Cuddy shows House the rash that has returned to Alice's arm. Increasingly tense over his pain and the Tritter debacle, House angrily declares that he was right about the broad-spectrum antibiotics. He then icily tells Cuddy it's a good thing she failed to become a mother because she sucks at it.
House launches into a differential diagnosis with the team. With the arm rash, they never treated Alice's arm. Yet now it is so intense that simple antibiotics won't work. The team has no answer. Cameron says that Tritter released their accounts. The team all suspects that somebody talked. Cameron finally throws out Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and House orders doxycycline as a treatment.
The next morning, Foreman reports that the treatment didn't work. The rash is getting worse and spreading to her leg. House thinks that the infection has morphed and moved into Alice's muscle sheath. Foreman realizes that House is referring to necrotizing fasciitis, for which there is no cure. The only treatment is amputation. The team is loathe to amputate Alice's arm and leg with a confirmed diagnosis. House points out that they've waited too long and don't have time for a culture. If the rash spreads, Alice will die. The doctors continue to resist. House, in physical agony, snaps that just because Alice is cute doesn't mean she cannot have flesh-eating bacteria. Cute kids die and innocent doctors go to jail. He remarks that cowards like Chase, Foreman and Cameron won't stand up and do what's right.
House stomps into Cuddy's office looking for pills and the consent to amputate Alice's limbs. Cuddy and House break the news to Rob and Edie. They realize they have no other choice. Alice is sent into surgery. At the same time, the doctors sit in their office complaining about House. Cameron, still thinking about Alice, mentions the rashes. Perhaps Alice is allergic to surgical equipment. Chase, bored, begins shining a laser pointer on Foreman. Foreman complains that he's going to burn his retinas. Chase suddenly has an epiphany.
Chase races out to the lobby and finds House, shouting that he has to stop the surgery. Alice doesn't have necrotizing fasciitis. She has erythropoietic protoporphyria, which is a genetic condition that makes her allergic to light. Alice got worse every time she went under surgical lights. When Rob took her outside, she stiffened. House tells Chase to get out of his way. When he doesn't, House punches Chase in the face. Even House seems shocked by what he just did. Chase is still focused on Alice, and replies that light damages the blood cells. The damaged cells contain protoporphyrin build-up in the liver which shuts it down.
The call comes into the operating room as the scalpel moves toward Alice's shoulder. The surgeon stops just in time. Cuddy explains to Rob and Edie that Alice has always had this genetic condition, but it reaches critical mass around this age. Alice's life will be complicated but she'll live. When Rob and Edie ask how their daughter contracted the disease, Cuddy lies and says that both parents must be carriers to pass the disease along. She fears that another argument will break out.
That night, Chase finds Wilson in the doctors' lounge. He mentions that House screwed up Alice's case, but Wilson says that has happened before. Yet this time, when Chase told House what Alice's real condition was, House simply didn't care.
Wilson approaches Tritter and tells him he's going to need thirty pieces of silver.
第09集(S3EP09:Finding Judas)
1.本集標題"Finding Judas"
稍微對基督教有所耳聞的都應該知道了。據《聖經.新約全書》記載:耶穌的門徒猶大(Judas Iscariot為30個銀幣收買,把耶穌和他門徒們一起活動的時間和地點都告訴了當時的統治者。在最後的晚餐後,猶大親自帶路和敵人一起去捉拿耶蘇。當猶大來到喀西馬尼花園後,以事先約定好的暗號——親吻耶穌的額頭,向敵人指明了誰是耶穌,最後耶穌被抓走並被釘死在十字架上。而猶大(Judas)一詞在西方也成為叛徒的意思,猶大的這個吻也被稱為「背叛之吻」。
2.HOUSE: It's never lupus
HOUSE: (反正)從來都不是狼瘡
5分08秒大叔說的這句話,除了表明為啥要挖一本關於狼瘡的書來藏藥之外,還是編劇調侃第二季的那些病例。仔細看第二季的人就會發現,很多病例在症狀給出後,大叔或者小鴨子們,尤其是小鴨子們的第一反映就是「It could be lupus」(可能是狼瘡),結果每次到最後發現病因都不是狼瘡。
3.HOUSE: A simple procedure turns a little girl into The English Patient. What gives?
House: 一個簡單的外科手術就把這個小女孩變成了「英國病人」,說明了什麼?
11分57秒。在1996年的電影《英國病人》(The English Patient)中,拉爾夫·費恩斯(Ralph Fiennes)飾演的男主角在一次飛機失事中被嚴重燒傷,體無完膚並且失憶。這部片子獲第69屆奧斯卡最佳影片、最佳導演、最佳女配角、最佳攝影、最佳剪輯、最佳電影配樂、最佳音樂、最佳美術指導、最佳服裝設計9項大獎,還是值得一看的。
4.WILSON: Beckett was going to call his play Waiting for House's Approval but thought it was too grim.
WILSON: 貝克特的話劇本來叫"等待House的贊同",後來覺得這那麼叫太讓人沮喪了。
41分47秒出現的這個隱喻在第一季第8集裡也出現過,我在第一季的隱喻裡寫過了,這裡再說一下。貝克特(Samuel Beckett)1952年寫的荒誕劇《等待Godot》(Waiting for Godot)中有一個叫Godot的神秘角色。為什麼說他神秘呢?因為在那部戲中,2個主角Vladimir和Estragon一直在等Godot的到來,但是Godot在整部戲結束的時候都沒露臉。所以Godot可以用來比喻放鴿子的人。這裡看來House的認同比Godot還難等,簡直是Mission Impossible啊,也難怪後面Chase說「I'm not waiting anymore」(我不會再等了)。
P.S.當時第一季的這個隱喻也是Wilson說的,不知道是"Waiting for Godot"這部戲在西方影響範圍廣,還是Wilson喜歡看這部戲呢?呵呵!
5.WILSON: I'm going to need 30 pieces of silver.
WILSON: 我打算要那30個銀幣了。
再說說題外話吧。這集開頭3分鐘的樣子,House用激光筆「調戲」Cuddy的那個橋段。不知道大家是否還記得在第三季第二集Cain & Able中,House為了證明小男孩的心臟有一塊沒動,把檢查圖像先是在自己電腦上放,結果看不清,後來到高清電視上放,像素還是不夠,最後一直鬧到醫院會議室的投影幕上去了,卻發現自己沒有激光筆。當時大叔就說了一句「Who's going to take us seriously if we don't have a laser pointer?」(要是我們沒有激光筆的話誰會拿我們當回事呀?)。現在看來,大叔估計是在那集以後死纏了Cuddy六集,總算在這集搞到了個激光筆了 ^^
House Season3 EP8
Episode 308 : 2006-11-21
It's a children's birthday party at a family restaurant and arcade. A teenage waiter, Jack, rushes a birthday cake to a party, ignoring his younger sister, Kama, and her requests for more soda. The restaurant mascot comes out for the traditional birthday dance and Jack vomits all over the table in the middle of dancing. Then his heart stops.
Paramedics rush to the scene and try to shock Jack back to life. Standing with her younger brother, Will, Kama pleads with the paramedics to save their brother. The paramedics advise Kama to call their parents and Kama says that their parents died. Jack is all they have left.
Wilson emerges from his hotel in the morning to find that his car is being seized on Tritter's orders. At the hospital, the team reviews Jack's case with House. He had a heart attack, but an echo showed no abnormalities. Cameron reads from Jack's file: fatigue, night sweats and weight loss preceding heart attack. House wonders about the itchy feet also listed.
Ignoring his team, House writes his diagnosis on a piece of paper, seals it in an envelope and tapes it to the white board. He then announces a game to his team. They get one test each and the clock runs out at lunch. If House is right, Jack lives. If not, well, then it's a very cruel game.
The doctors study Jack's file, with Chase paying particular attention to the page House was on when he wrote down his diagnosis -- the patient history. When his parents died, Jack quit using drugs and quit smoking. Thinking bacterial, Chase plans to do a blood culture. Foreman's going for an MRI. Cameron is keeping her test a secret.
Chase is working on Jack when House strolls into the room. He asks Jack about his itchy feet before inquiring about the drug use. In front of his younger siblings, Jack admits to previous drug use, but says he's clean now. House thinks it's all lies.
Foreman slides Jack into an MRI. House, hovering in the control room, gets on the microphone and again presses Jack about his drug use. Then he asks how Jack managed to go from two packs of cigarettes a day to nothing just cold turkey. Foreman, finding this relevant, asks Jack to answer. Jack explains that he didn't really quit. He just sorta lost the taste for smoking. A smug House asks Foreman if he thinks that's an important bit of information.
Now it's Cameron's turn. She injects Jack with a substance to see if his heart attack was caused by a spasm in the vessels surrounding the heart. House, naturally, pops in on this test as well. House observes that Cameron's injection has had no effect.
Cuddy notices Wilson's late arrival. Wilson testily announces that his car is being held hostage until he rolls over on House for Tritter. Cuddy nervously points out that any conviction for House will cost the hospital. Wilson, still testy, tells her to relax before heading to the pharmacy to find out why all of his prescriptions have been bounced back recently. The pharmacist informs Wilson that his DEA number has been suspended. This is not good.
House confronts his team will the results of the tests. They all whiffed. But Jack did have positive titers for Hepatitis A. House wonders who ordered that particular test. It must've been somebody who knew what persistent vomiting, itchy feet and a sudden distaste for nicotine have in common. That somebody being House. Foreman points out that Hepatitis A doesn't explain the heart attack. But the puking does. And Hepatitis A explains the puking.
Wilson shuffles in with the news that the DEA revoked his prescription privileges. House tells him to relax. Tritter is just trying to squeeze him until he gives in. Wilson tells House he's going to use his team to do his prescribing until everything is straightened out. After ordering his team to start Jack on IVIG and handing his diagnosis envelope to Cameron, House follows Wilson out of the office. Cameron opens and reads what's inside. The note predicts that Chase would do a blood test for bacteria, Foreman would do an MRI and be too stubborn to check the lungs and Cameron would look for a spasm.
The next day, Foreman ambles in to Jack's room with good news. The Hepatitis A has cleared his system so they can unhook the IV and Jack can go home tomorrow. Will asks Jack if his arm hurts and Jack says it doesn't. Will asks why it's bleeding and when Jack holds his arm aloft, blood is pouring down his foreman from the IV connection. Then blood begins to trickle from his ear and nose.
Later, Foreman informs House that a high PT and PTT on Jack's blood panel have confirmed a coagulopathy. House finds it interesting that after they cured the Hepatitis A, something new popped up. He asks what infections cause DIC. Cameron mentions that kids don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. Jack's place of employment is probably teeming with E. Coli, Eikenella and strep. Chase thinks about a food-borne toxin. House orders Foreman to give Jack an LP, Chase to sample some of Jack's vomit from the restaurant and to have Cameron check the place for the diseases she mentioned.
After the meeting breaks up, House pulls Chase aside and asks for a prescription for Vicodin. When Chase resists, House makes it an order. But Chase declines, saying he'd rather lose his job than his medical license.
Wilson has pulled Cameron into his office and is running down his patients and the drugs they need. Cameron balks, saying that she'll need to examine the patients before putting her name on any prescriptions. Especially with Tritter watching them.
Behind the restaurant, Chase goes through the dumpsters with one of Jack's co-workers. The guy explains that they don't use any toxic cleaning products since kids put everything in their mouths, then directs Chase to the bin holding the trash from Jack's last day there.
Foreman performs the LP on Jack. After the procedure is completed, Foreman puts his hands on Jack's side to roll him over. One of Jack's ribs snaps and he screams out in pain. When Foreman informs House of this, and explains that he barely put any pressure on Jack, House recognizes osteomyelitis. The infection has spread to Jack's bones.
House, whose pain has been increasing without his Vicodin, has been given a new cane by the hospital physical therapy. A four-pronged metal job. The doctors are quick to mock it when House tracks them down in the lab. Foreman breaks the news about osteomyelitis to his colleagues. Jack has syphilis. But Cameron's blood test shows that he's also positive for Eikenella. As the doctors try to process this, Chase announces that his test for botulism has also come back positive.
The next morning, Foreman informs House that they managed to clear all three infections from Jack's system, but now he's having seizures every few hours. House figures he must be immuno-compromised. But his blood work was negative for HIV and lymphoma. House goes back to drug use. Despite the clean tox screen, perhaps some drugs were trapped in Jack's fat cells. With his vomiting and rapid weight loss, perhaps they've come out to play. If they can make Jack lose more weight, maybe they can trigger another attack.
The doctors sit in the hospital sauna with Jack. He insists that he's off drugs. He was high the night the cops told him about his parents and the first thing he did was laugh. That was enough to clean him up. Jack then falls to the floor and has another seizure. Foreman reports back to House that Jack was completely drug-free at the time of the seizure, and he's still having them every few hours whether he's in a sauna or not. House, figuring that something besides infection is causing the seizures, orders another brain scan.
Foreman gives Jack another MRI. His brain stem is clean. So is the midbrain. But when they cut to an axial view, they realize that Jack's brain is now riddled with tumors. The doctors press House to start radiation treatment, but House has two concerns. First, the radiation would destroy the little immune system Jack has remaining. Second, he finds it hard to believe several tumors just suddenly appeared from nowhere. Maybe it's fungus. He instructs the team to stick a needle in Jack's brain and make an extraction. If it's liquid, he's right. Solid, they're right. With that, House pops his last remaining Vicodin and angrily tosses the empty bottle in the trash.
House barges into Cuddy's office and asks for a Vicodin prescription. Cuddy smiles, knowing if House is approaching her, his staff stood up to his bullying. Cuddy pulls out her pad and writes a scrip, acknowledging that if she cuts him off, the police will assume House doesn't really need the meds. But before she hands over the paper, Cuddy notices House massaging his aching shoulder. That's a change. She asks him what's changed in his life recently. House stops. He's on the verge of an epiphany.
Foreman returns from the brain surgery on Jack. The marks on the MRI were abscesses from a fungal infection. Aspergillis. Thinking that his parents' death could be enough of a trauma to trigger Jack's genetic illness, House begins running down everything that's gone wrong. He decides that they need to introduce new infections and see what happens.
House informs Jack that each of the four possible genetic conditions is most susceptible to a different type of infection. House pulls out a spray bottle from his pocket. Inside is a cocktail of serratia, meningococcis, cepacia and rhinovirus. Whichever germ strikes first will give them their answer. If it's meningococcis, Jack will have another seizure. Serratia will shut down his lungs. Cepacia means a heart attack and rhinovirus means... he'll sneeze. House spritzes Jack's face.
The doctors begin shifts at Jack's bedside. Hours later, his lungs begin to shut down. Serratia wins. The next morning, House pronounces it Chronic Granulomatosis Disease. Jack needs a bone marrow transplant to reboot his immune system. Fortunately, Will is a match. But when Foreman explains the situation to Jack, he's angry that the doctors pressured his younger brother. Foreman tries to persuade Jack to consent to the transplant, explaining that Jack will constantly get sick from the germs he'll contact every day. He'll constantly be in and out of the hospital. Jack agrees to the procedure, but not until Will is 18 and can decide for himself.
House scoffs at Jack's decision. He thinks he's running from something. House brings Foreman back into Jack's room and tells Jack they found a bone marrow match in the registry. No Will, so they can proceed. Jack counters that he could die, but House sees through this. He keeps pushing Jack until he breaks down and admits that he's too young to be a father to Kama and Will. Having proven his point, House leaves Foreman and Jack alone in the room.
That night, House finds Wilson in his office. Wilson announces that he's shutting down his practice and referring his patients to other oncologists. House chides him for overreacting and Wilson erupts, screaming that he can't put his patients on hold while waiting for House to release Cameron from her duty to sign prescriptions. House sarcastically asks if he should turn himself in and Wilson snaps that that's exactly what he should do. Show Tritter some remorse. Promise to get help. House bristles that he doesn't need any help. Wilson tells him to get out.
Elsewhere, a social worker stands in Jack's room with Kama and Will. Jack tries to sell them on the orphanage and promises that he'll still be able to see them. Foreman is crushed as he observes this moment from the hallway.
1.House: Party of Five. Powerful stuff, the O.C. of its day.
HOUSE: 《五口之家》。很好的題材,簡直是當時的《橘子郡男孩》。
2分30秒,House說的《五口之家》是1994-2000年的電視劇,由Matthew Fox、Neve Campbell、Jennifer Love Hewitt和Lacey Chabert出演,講述的是1個父母雙亡的家庭中,哥哥拉扯弟弟妹妹長大的故事。和本集故事類似。《橘子郡男孩》(The O.C.)應該不用介紹了吧,現在正在播出的美劇呢。
2.The game is a itchy foot.
House讓小鴨子們分析病因,並把自己的推測寫在一個信封裡。3分52秒時揭曉的House寫的推測"The game is a itchy foot"我覺得可以看作一句雙關語:除了有本身「病因是腳癬/和腳癬有關」的意思,還惡搞了一下福爾摩斯的名言「The game is afoot」(遊戲進行中)。
再說一下題外話,福爾摩斯的這句名言「The game is afoot」在西方很多作品裡都可以看到引用,比如遊戲《英雄無敵3》裡,獅鷲每次說話,前面就會加上這句...另外itchy feet在英文裡字面意思是「腳癢癢」,一般引申為「在一個地方待不住,腳停不住,喜歡到處跑,喜歡旅行」這類意思。
3.Wilson: I'm not Pablo Escobar's evil henchmen...
WILSON: 我可不是Pablo Escobar的狂熱追隨者...
4分05秒,Wilson所說的Pablo Escobar(帕布洛·艾斯科巴)全名為Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria,是哥倫比亞的大毒梟,被稱為「可卡因之王」,他的財富曾一度被認為可以排到世界第7位。1993年他在歷史上最嚴密的一次國際緝毒行動中被殺,追捕他的故事曾被Mark Bowden寫成一本叫"[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/killing_pablo]Killing Pablo"的小說,並被改編為電影"The True Story of Killing Pablo"。
The Celebrity Apprentice Season2 EP8
Episode 808 | Season 8 | 04/19/2009 Last week, Mr. Trump tasked teams Athena and KOTU with creating a fashion show/charity auction of his daughter Ivanka's jewelry line, with Annie and Joan going head to head as project managers. Determined to crush Joan, Annie called some heavy hitting poker friends, so KOTU decided on a risky strategy: pooling their money to go after the least expensive piece, thus garnering the greatest profit. The only catch? Natalie selected small pieces of jewelry, which Joan knows won't present well on the runway. Meanwhile, Annie forged a clique with Brande, leaving Melissa out in the cold.
On the morning of the auction, Ivanka and last year's winner Piers Morgan visit the KOTU war room, expecting to see a hive of activity. Instead, according to Piers, they're greeted by two clowns (Herschel and Clint) chatting up their young models. Herschel claims their strategy involves using their respective Rolodexes to make as much profit as they can. Piers thinks Joan may win the competition -- how's that going to work out with Melissa? Joan claims it's all fair as long as Melissa loses because she should lose. If Melissa gets thrown under the bus, Joan will walk. Ivanka smiles, admitting that if she were thrown under the bus, her father would be disappointed in her for getting in its way.
Brande is thrilled when Ivanka and Piers visit Athena's war room because Piers was her favorite last season. Privately, Melissa comments that Brande is throwing her boobies in Piers's face. Piers relays Joan's comments to Melissa, who knows that her mother would expect her not to take the fall for anyone. So if Athena loses, who gets thrown under the bus? Brande reminds that Annie made it clear from the start: whoever brings in the least money goes. Right now, it's a toss up between Jesse and Melissa. Brande notices that once Piers and Ivanka leave, Melissa finally starts working the phone. Why did she wait until just hours before the auction?
Annie's phone rings. It's poker champion Phil Hellmuth, Jr., who's called to inform her that a mutual friend hooked him up with Natalie, who asked a donation. Furious, Annie storms back to Athena's war room and locks the door -- seemingly oblivious to the fact that everyone can hear her screaming at the mutual friend over the phone. Does he realize that Natalie played him? Joan shakes her head in disbelief at Annie's venom. Melissa muses that Natalie used a clever ploy out of Annie's book, and it's sent Annie round the bend. Annie informs Natalie that she told Phil if he donated to KOTU she would kill him. Amused, Jesse asks the women if they're going to cage match. Although Natalie got the exact reaction she wanted from Annie, she laments that ultimately, she didn't get any money.
With 45 minutes left until the auction, Melissa gets busy putting the finishing touches on the runway show. She didn't raise much money, but knows that she outworked both Annie and Brande, and she did a great job picking the jewelry and putting the show together. Sadly, kudos for good work aren't exactly forthcoming from Annie. She thinks Melissa just doesn't get it. Picking the jewelry is great, but this is really all about the Benjamins. Back at the KOTU war room, Clint counts out a giant wad of cash. They've lumped all their donations together and will have their guy Stewart bid on the least expensive piece to yield the highest margin of profit.
Nervous, Annie surveys the audience at New York City's Fashion Institute of Technology, moments before the auction is slated to begin. She's relieved to spy her poker buddies Andy Black and Perry Friedman, along with Scott Ian, lead guitarist of Anthrax. Brande's friend Stewie Rahrah told her that he would bid anywhere from $0 to $1 billion, but Annie's still nervous that her donors' pockets aren't deep enough to earn the win for Athena. Once Mr. Trump arrives with his wife Melania, the auction is finally ready to begin.
While Melissa takes charge backstage and Brande prepares to model, Annie starts the auction, quickly impressing Donald. Jesse remarks that once Annie knows where the money is, she goes for it like a bear after salmon. The jewelry looks great, and Annie gets the audience pumped, while pumping impressive dollars out of Athena's ringers and into their coffer. Backstage, Clint outlines his strategy: he'll start the bidding at an amount far higher than an item's worth, building in a failsafe profit margin.
As auctioneer for KOTU, Clint takes the mike, and the atmosphere in the room plummets. No one bids on the first item, which can barely be seen from the audience. Inexplicably refusing to accept less than $20,000, Clint moves on to the second item. Reluctant to steal Clint's thunder, Joan stays backstage, wringing her hands. Clint taps Donald for a bid, joking that he saw him wearing these earrings yesterday, compelling a mortified Piers to apologize to Ivanka. Stewie saves everyone's face with the only bid on the second item, buying the earrings for a measly $12,000.
Natalie runs to Joan -- they need to send out their ringer item, so their guy Stewart can buy them and create some excitement. Joan yells to Clint that the next model isn't ready and sends out the ringer, an onyx ring, but Clint gets confused and starts talking about earrings. Joan swings into action and pokes her head onto the stage to set things right, cracking a joke. With Natalie's encouragement, Joan joins Clint at the mike to save KOTU's auction from total disaster. Afterwards, Joan applauds KOTU's strategy. In the long run and the short run, it's all about how much money they brought in.
In the boardroom, Donald congratulates everyone on a great job, and quickly focuses on Melissa's skill at selecting Athena's jewelry -- it must run in the family. When Donald asks Annie to identify her weakest player, she allows that Jesse and Melissa brought in the least money. Piers jumps in, focusing on Jesse. Last season, Piers won because he shamelessly went about raising the largest sum of money. Isn't Jesse married to one of the biggest movie stars in the world? Why isn't he exploiting this resource? In the end it's all for charity. Stony-faced, Jesse will only say that he doesn't mix business with pleasure.
Donald turns to KOTU. Wouldn't Joan have made a better auctioneer than Clint? Joan explains that Clint asked to be auctioneer, and the whole team needs to participate; they're not a one-man band. Neither Donald nor Ivanka are happy with the jewelry KOTU picked. It was hard to see and Ivanka felt it made her look "a little bad" when no one was bidding. Clint apologizes, explaining he was trying for the opposite effect. Natalie admits that she picked the jewelry. Based on what Ivanka said, she may have made some mistakes.
Joan defends KOTU's strategy of putting all their donations into one package to optimize their limited war chest. Piers asks why the war chest wasn't larger and Donald points out that Joan has a Rolodex similar to his own. Why didn't she call them? When Joan claims she did, Melissa jumps in. This is a conversation better held offline. Piers demands to know why Melissa is defending someone from the other team, Melissa explains that she thought he was speaking disrespectfully to her mother -- it's hard not to have a hair trigger when it comes to defending your family.
When Annie accuses Joan of being very disrespectful of Ivanka, Joan lets it rip, calling Annie a despicable human being and a perfect poker player. Melissa covers her face as Joan calls Annie out for trash talking her new BFF Brande behind her back and taking ownership of everyone else's ideas. Trump can't believe it -- Annie seems so nice! Joan snorts. People thought Hitler was nice, too. Annie pipes up. Regardless of what anyone may think of her, she succeeded in getting her friends on a 6:00 a.m. flight to attend the auction. Joan wonders if all of Annie's friends hold her in the same regard, considering her screaming phone conversation yesterday. Natalie explains the Phil Hellmuth situation, causing Piers to wonder why Joan brought this story up. Ivanka chimes in -- isn't the punch line that Annie is effective?
Donald wonders if Melissa is torn between her mother and her team. Melissa clarifies: she's just trying to be the fact-check police. Annie rocked the challenge, but she's a different person outside the boardroom. None of this makes her a bad person, just a brilliant game player. When Jesse jokes that he feels like he just watched a re-enactment of his last family reunion, the tension eases. Donald closes the book on the argument, admiring Melissa for her family loyalty.
Ivanka informs everyone that KOTU raised an impressive $92,000, mostly through the sale of one piece. Piers has bigger news: Athena's auction cleared a profit of $153,000, and they have won the day! Donald points out that the grand total of $245,000 is a record on Celebrity Apprentice for the biggest amount raised in one week, and the running total of money raised thus far is more than double last season's earnings. Annie is thrilled that her charity, Refugees International, will receive a giant check.
Immediately upon leaving the boardroom, Annie lays into Melissa for Joan calling her Hitler. Melissa wants to know why it's her fault -- she couldn't just sit by and watch her mother take a blood bath. All she did was try to end it. Besides, Joan is a 76-year-old woman, and Melissa doesn't control her. Fuming and spewing obscenities, Annie resolves that Joan is completely dead to her and may never speak to her again.
With Athena out of the boardroom, Donald turns his attention to firing a member of KOTU. Why did Joan let Natalie pick the jewelry? Natalie has always shown good taste in jewelry, and she's young and fresh, just like Ivanka. Still, Joan admits that Athena's picks were better. When Donald asks Joan who she would fire, she breaks down and cries, unable to choose. She loves her team, and was hoping that Herschel would marry Melissa on the final episode. Trump won't fire Herschel since he brought in the most money. And even though Clint wasn't the best auctioneer, it was really the jewelry selection that was the ultimate problem. Not only did Natalie make the wrong choices, she didn't bring in much money, either, so it's time for her to go.
Both teams are sad to see Natalie go, but she's proud of KOTU for raising so much money for charity. She enjoyed working for Mr. Trump -- he's her first boss ever, and this is her first firing ever. Melissa meets Joan in the lounge's foyer, warning her not to throw flames on a volatile situation, as she's already this close to quitting. Joan promises she won't let Annie give her a heart attack, and team KOTU toasts Annie's win. Trying to make peace, Melissa commends everyone for earning a lot of money for a fantastic cause. When Annie cracks that she's going to give the money to a Hitler charity, Joan snorts. Herschel pulls Annie into his arms as she tells Joan never to speak to her again, which Joan is perfectly happy to do.
It's a rainy day in New York City as Annie meets Ken Bacon of Refugees International for lunch. Annie's charity is dedicated to the protection and assistance of refugees worldwide. Ken explains that fewer refugees mean a safer and more stable world for everyone. Annie is thrilled to hand Ken a check for $245,000, the proceeds from the jewelry auction. Admitting that Refugees International has never had such a large donation, Ken promises to think of Annie when he's at the poker table earning money for refugees.
Teams KOTU and Athena find themselves assembled in The Donald's own dining room at Trump Tower. Donald loves food, and he knows that in this economy, people are turning to frozen food for a fast, inexpensive alternative, which is what this week's task is all about. Mr. Trump introduces Scott McNair of Schwan's, a company that makes and delivers restaurant quality frozen meals. Each team will create a new signature meal for Schwan's LiveSmart line, along with a marketing campaign, which will be judged primarily for originality and great taste. The team with the best meal will win $20,000 for their project manager's chosen charity.
For this task, Donald will be joined by Ivanka, and Joe Kernan, co-anchor of CNBC's Squawk Box. They'll be going to one of Trump's favorite restaurants, Fresco by Scotto, where they'll be joined by Scott and a fellow Schwan's exec to sample the two meals. Team Athena chooses Jesse to be their project manager, and he's determined to keep infighting to a minimum. Hershel takes KOTU's reins, explaining that both Clint and Joan want him in charge so they won't have to deal directly with each other. Since there are only three of them left, Herschel knows everyone will have to get along, or it's not going to work.
Scott and a fellow Schwan's exec meet with the teams to clarify the task. Schwan's customer service reps, or CSMs, are the face of their company, since they sell to customers in their homes. They're looking for something unique, that's not currently like what's on their extensive menu. The LiveSmart line is all about health and wellness solutions for families. Bottom line, the meal has to taste great, and the marketing campaign should feature messaging that highlights convenience.
In their war room at the International Culinary Center, Jesse urges team Athena to pin down their menu. Annie is already on Schwan's website, and has discovered that one of the top sellers in their regular product line is Italian-style meatballs. Why not try Annie's low-fat turkey meatballs? No one thinks the meatball idea sounds that appetizing, but Annie persists. Melissa suggests a chili, and Brande likes the sound of meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Annie keeps plugging away, suggesting gluten-free pasta for greater marketability. Trying to avoid drama, Jesse decides that Annie and Brande can team up to cook all three dishes, and they'll pick the best one. Jesse will handle the marketing along with Melissa.
Since the first word Joan taught Melissa was room service, she takes herself out of the running as cook, so Herschel steps up. Despite the fact that he's a vegetarian, Herschel is convinced they need to feature a skinless chicken breast, since it has the highest customer rating on Schwan's website. Clint doesn't think chicken will be original enough, but when Herschel accuses him of arguing, he backs down and suggests a recipe his wife makes at home: slowly pan-frying chicken in ginger and soy sauce, so it soaks up all the flavor.
When Ivanka visits KOTU, Clint interrupts Herschel to explain that they'll be making his wife's chicken recipe. Ivanka knows her father would never eat a dish like this, but she would. After she leaves, Herschel decides that he'll make sweet potatoes and green beans to accompany the chicken. When Joan points out that they need a dessert, Herschel resolves to make a yoghurt and berry parfait.
Melissa tries to bounce marketing ideas off Jesse, but he's absorbed in his laptop, and completely uncommunicative. Joe stops by just as Annie and Brande return with groceries. When he asks if they think Schwan's will put a premium on something innovative, Annie explains that gluten-free pasta should fill the bill, especially for people who have wheat allergies or celiac disease. The girls head to the kitchen, where they're met by Schwan's food specialists, who will help ensure that their recipes stay within LiveSmart's guidelines. Annie immediately takes charge, boasting that she's a fast chef, because she has to cook for her four kids, irritating an exhausted looking Brande.
Clint and Herschel debate. Apparently, there's some issue with using yoghurt for the dessert, but Herschel doesn't want to hear it, preferring to conclude that Clint is just arguing for the sake of argument. Besides, Herschel owns a food business, which probably earns more than Clint's record business. Aware of his reputation as an arguer, Clint claims that he was just trying to protect his project manager with his concerns about the yoghurt. Maybe what he's supposed to learn at this phase of the game is to let Herschel hang himself with his own rope.
Even though Herschel is supposed to be the chef, Clint steps in to prepare his wife's chicken recipe. Herschel thinks the sauce is too salty, but lets Joan be the ultimate judge. Joan agrees -- they have to change the recipe. When Clint balks, Joan spies some oranges and suggests they add them to the sauce to cut the salt. Everyone's happy with the outcome, Orange Asian-Style Chicken. Team Athena tastes their three dishes. Jesse can't stop eating the chili, but Annie insists that her turkey meatballs are the best, and she should know, because she made all three dishes. Brande points out that it's easy to get chili from a can, but the meatballs are original and different. Jesse succumbs to peer pressure and selects the meatballs, then leaves to finish the marketing campaign.
Clint and Joan team up to create KOTU's marketing campaign. Herschel reminds them that Schwan's sets great store by their CSMs, so Clint concocts a marketing plan featuring himself. Joan acknowledges that Herschel should be the one making the decisions, but as usual, Clint is going to do whatever he wants to do. Melissa lies on the floor trying to come up with names for Athena's meal, while Jesse remains silent. Annie checks in to comment that it looks like they've been at it for too long -- do they need her help? When Jesse confirms that there's three meatballs to a serving, Melissa comes up with the name "Triple Play Turkey Meatballs." All three of the women feel as if Jesse is locking them out of preparing Athena's presentation, so when he suggests they leave him to finish, they do.
The next morning, Scott and his cohort arrive at Fresco for KOTU's presentation. As Herschel serves, Joan gives the lowdown on Orange Asian-Style Chicken -- only 480 calories! Clint jumps in to present their marketing campaign for television, featuring himself, receiving a delivery from a Schwan's CSM on his tour bus. Home cooked meals won't follow him around on a concert tour, but LiveSmart will! Joan presents Herschel's yoghurt dessert, which will be packaged separately. The execs think the chicken has great flavor, but don't quite get the dessert. Additional packaging means greater cost, and it looks like the dessert would have to be separated into three packages.
Worried about Jesse's presentation because they have no idea what it is, the women of Athena serve their Triple Play Meatballs, as Jesse launches his spiel. The gluten-free pasta draws immediate interest, as do the meatballs' secret ingredients: more vegetables. Kids will eat spinach without even knowing it's there! It's hearty made healthy, because Schwan's takes the hassle out of healthy. After Athena leaves, relieved that the presentation went well, the execs figure there's only one thing missing -- the marketing campaign!
In the boardroom, Donald asks Herschel who was the better worker on his team, Clint or Joan? On the spot, Herschel opts for Joan, explaining that Clint was as usual, argumentative. Clint claims that he was merely voicing his opinion, and once Herschel made a decision he was supportive. Herschel jumps in, starting an argument. Donald asks Annie about Jesse's performance, and she allows that in certain areas he was relatively impervious to suggestion. When Donald asks Melissa's opinion, she admits that there was some tension between Jesse and Annie. Donald and Joe are curious: Jesse seems to be such a low-key guy, so how is it that Sandra Bullock is so in love with her husband? They conclude that Jesse is not only intense, but he must be great in bed.
Joe reports Schwan's take on the two meals. Team Athena's use of gluten-free ingredients was a great innovation, but they had no marketing campaign. The execs also liked KOTU's dish, since it tasted great and was easy to create, but the dessert was too difficult to put together. In the end, Schwan's liked Athena's meal better. Jesse wins $20,000 for his charity, the Long Beach Education Foundation, which rebuilds industrial arts programs for inner city kids.
With team Athena out of the board room, Donald drills down to try to make the difficult decision of who to fire. When he consults Joan, she begins to cry, unable to choose. Donald claims project manager Herschel didn't have complete control over Clint. Herschel points out that if he had come down on Clint he would have lost him, but that's not good enough for Mr. Trump. Ultimately, the decisions were all Herschel's and it was his dessert that lost the challenge. Although he's not a gay man, Donald loves Herschel, but he's still got to fire him. In the lobby, Joan asks Herschel for his mother's address, so she can tell her what a good job she did raising her son. Herschel thinks Donald made the wrong decision, but he's resigned to it. Besides, he met a lot of great people on the show, and that's worth more than anything.
活動現場,Annie完全是吸金機,重要的是,他很會帶氣氛,營造氛圍,這是Clint完全不行的,簡直天差地遠。看Clint拍賣,現場完全鴉雀無聲,甚至還將耳環說成手鐲,自己還不知道,非常尷尬,還好John river即時跳出來,不然整個拍賣會被KOTU搞得烏煙瘴氣。想當然爾,一定是Annie大獲全勝。
KOTU輸的理由不外乎有二,一、珠寶選得不好,二、投標資金太少。而Natalie 是選珠寶的人,而且她又沒帶來多少錢,理所當然開除她。
會議室中,John對Annie展現極大不滿,用盡所有能力羞辱Annie,而Annie甚至怪罪Melissa 沒有阻止她媽媽。但我覺得John說的完全正確,Annie根本就是雙面人,牆頭草。我也不喜歡她。
下個任務,是對a company that makes and delivers restaurant quality frozen meals. Each team will create a new signature meal for Schwan's LiveSmart line,並且做營運策略報告。
雙方Leader是Hershel 和Jesse。Hershel 應該是可以減少摩擦的人,所以由他帶領John and Clint。Jesse則是還沒當過領導者。Annie當廚師,做新菜,所有一切都被要求往Annie的方向走去,而且她在廚房一直炫耀自己,真的很OOXX。Hershel 選擇雞胸肉,Clint提供家傳食譜,結果做出來的,非常鹹,就像是喝了醬油再吃雞肉一樣。John提議加入柳橙汁,哇靠,我光想到就流口水了。最後成品色澤紅潤,真是我的菜阿!唯一的缺點是搭配優格,這是冷凍食品技術還未到的地步,尤其上面加上水果,都必須要分開包裝,大大提高生產成本。
最後評審選的是Jesse。Hershel 因為無法控制Clint,以及優格的搭配,導致被開除。
House Season3 EP7
Son of Coma Guy
Episode 307 : 2006-11-14
Seeking solitude, House eats lunch in the room of vegetative patient Gabe. Wilson is all riled up about his encounter with Tritter and comes to find him. House is more concerned that their stories jibe with each other. Gabe's son Kyle enters the room and is surprised to see two doctors eating lunch in his father's room.
House tosses a bag of chips at Kyle, but it hits him in the chest and falls to the ground. House stands up and moves to the side, disappearing from Kyle's view. When he pops up in front of him, the boy is rattled. House explains that he has observed Kyle in the past and thinks he has akinetopsia. He can't see things when they're moving. This affliction is accompanied by seizures. Kyle collapses and begins seizing.
Chase and Cameron later examine Kyle. She asks about his family history. Kyle says that his father didn't like his mother's family. Now that his mother is dead, Kyle would not know how to contact them. His father Gabe is an only child of dead parents. Chase discovers Kyle's backpack is full wine bottles.
Kyle claims that his past CT scans have been clean. House studies Gabe's EEG. Both father and son show cortical seizures. House asks for a DNA test and a check of the home. Foreman and Cameron work in the lab when Chase returns from the home check. All he found was a single bed and some condoms.
The boy's adrenomyeloneuropathy test comes up negative. House asks for more DNA tests, this time for Ubverricht-Lundborg and late-onset Lafora's. He's determined to find a hereditary link. Foreman and Cameron spend some more time with Kyle, inquiring about his lifestyle. He says he is a loner who works from home. No one ever comes over except for an occasional pizza delivery guy. Kyle says he sees his father in the hospital more than anyone else. Cameron notices bruising and puffiness around Kyle's stomach and she suspects his liver is failing. Kyle begins coughing up blood.
The team reports back to House that Kyle is now unconscious and is heading for a coma. He orders them to stop all treatments because, if Kyle's liver was in bad shape to begin with, their anti-seizure drugs may have pushed the damage over the edge. Foreman puts Kyle on dialysis. House thinks they need a better history on Kyle before they can proceed.
House leads his team to the hospital pharmacy and grabs a vial of L-dopa. The doctors can't believe that House is planning to revive Gabe out of his vegetative state. House is about to inject his drug cocktail into Gabe's IV when Cuddy barges in, demanding that he stop. House goes ahead and injects it anyway. Gabe immediately sits up in bed and asks for a steak.
After examining Gabe's senses and faculties, Cuddy is amazed that he is remarkably alert. He denies a family history of seizures on either side, but asks how long he has been in the hospital. House is intrigued that Gabe's internal clock seems to have kept ticking for the ten years he has been under.
On his way to the cafeteria to get Gabe's steak, House is intercepted by Wilson who asks if he really brought a patient out of a ten-year vegetative state. House happily admits to being the culprit. Yet the most curious part of Gabe's first conversation is that he didn't show any emotion when he learned about his son Kyle's condition. Wilson considers whether it is a brain issue, but House wonders if Gabe simply doesn't like his son.
Tritter approaches Cameron to interrogate her. Cameron defends House, but is stopped when Tritter notes that House left Wilson holding the bag. She was not aware of this, and Tritter uses that fact to dig more. Cameron's pager goes off and she has to rush out. Yet she was summoned by Chase and Foreman, who want to know what she said to Tritter. House busts in to inquire about Kyle, who has been taken off all drugs except for antibiotics. While his liver is just holding on, he is still sliding toward a coma.
Cuddy gives Gabe normal clothes and has told him that he will once again become a vegetable when the drugs wear off. House presses him about Kyle, but Gabe expresses amazement that House wasn't going to tell him the drugs would wear off. Gabe is adamant that he will not waste his time in a hospital if he only has one more day awake. He wants to get a hoagie at this place he knows in Atlantic City.
House asks Wilson to borrow his car and some money because he has to take Gabe to Atlantic City in exchange for information about Kyle. Worried about what might happen to his nice car, Wilson tags along. Gabe drives. They stop at a convenience store for snacks and Gabe mentions that he's allergic to berries. House quizzes him about where he used to live and where he might have visited. Gabe introduces a new rule to their trip: for every question that he answers, House has to respond to one of his questions.
Back in Princeton, the doctors examine Kyle and discuss Tritter's quest. Cameron seems skeptical that House would steal Wilson's pad to forge prescriptions because he would never put a friend at risk. Foreman, still surprised by Cameron's naïveté, says that a junkie will do whatever he has to do to get what he needs.
On the road, House and Gabe exchange rapid-fire questions. Gabe wants to know about House's past loves. House inquires about the business and factory Gabe used to own. House admits that he has been in love with a lawyer. Gabe explains that he owned a business making luxury boats comprised of large hulls with parquet floors. Kyle used to run around the factory floor as a boy. House thinks he has his answer. Mercury in the spray paint that the company used affected Kyle's central nervous system, which explains the seizures. Furthermore, the liver would strain the mercury from the blood. When Kyle damaged his liver with heavy wine consumption, the mercury started running through the body again.
House calls the hospital and instructs the team to test Kyle's blood for mercury poisoning. They should start heavy metal chelation while waiting for the results. At the same time, Tritter grills Chase about a past prescription that Chase wrote for House. Tritter thinks Chase was ordered to do it and is now left lying to the police.
The road trip arrives in Atlantic City, but the sandwich shop that Gabe was looking for is no longer there. Wilson suggests that they head back to the hospital so that Gabe can spend some time with his son before he lapses. Gabe is more interested in the hoagie. Wilson asks him why he dislikes his own son. Gabe gets frustrated and demands to be checked into a hotel with a casino.
House starts up the question game with Gabe, and Wilson chimes in with his own inquiry. Why did House steal his prescription pad and not some other doctor's? Wilson knows it is because House always has to push friendly relationships as far as he can. Then when they break, he can claim all relationships are conditional. This allows him to isolate himself from people.
House gets a call from Foreman. Kyle's blood pressure is plummeting and the mercury test results were negative. This is bad news. House asks for an echo test. When he hangs up, House demands to know from Gabe how every relative had died. As they run through the family tree, Gabe asks Wilson to toss him a soda. Gabe doesn't catch it. It bounces off of him and falls to floor, which is the same thing that happened with Kyle earlier. Gabe's drugs are wearing off.
Back at the hospital, Tritter approaches Foreman for a chat. Foreman makes it clear that he thinks House is an ass, but he also thinks the man is truly in pain. He doesn't believe the government should be deciding what number of pills will ease that pain. Tritter responds that the one thing he's learned as a cop is that everybody lies. This gives Foreman pause.
In Atlantic City, Gabe questions why House became a doctor when he hates people so much. House tells the story of being a 14-year old in Japan. A schoolmate got injured while they were rock climbing and House brought him to the hospital. They passed a janitor as they entered. The friend developed an infection and the doctors didn't know what to do. They brought in the janitor, who was both a doctor and a buraku, which is one of Japan's untouchables whose ancestors were slaughterers and gravediggers. Because this man was usually right about patients, they had to listen to him even if they never wanted to deal with him.
Gabe recalls the night when his house burned down and his wife was killed. Kyle had been popping corn in the fireplace and dislodged some tinder. The fire spread quickly. When Wilson calls Gabe a disappointment, he reacts angrily. Jumping from the chair, he yells that he couldn't save his wife and now he cannot even save his son.
House thinks about young Kyle had complained that the popcorn tray was too heavy. He asks about two other relatives who died in accidents and learns that both occurred at night. House has his answer -- ragged red fiber, which is an inherited condition that leads to muscle weakness and poor night vision. Although people seem clumsy and careless, it is not that simple. Kyle's liver was only hampered by the excessive drinking due to depression. House calls Foreman and instructs him to run a DNA test for ragged red fiber. Yet he learns that Kyle has severe cardiomyopathy. He's going to die no matter what.
House breaks the news to Gabe. After a period of long, silent thinking, Gabe announces that he wants to give Kyle his heart. Wilson tries to talk him out of it because they may one day cure his vegetative condition, but Gabe is convinced. Cuddy refuses to allow this too. House tells Wilson to leave the room. He presents Gabe with some options. Pills are the easiest, but hanging has less chance of damaging the heart.
Since they won't get back to Princeton in time, Gabe opts for strangulation. Wilson clumsily hits on married woman in the casino. He asks her if she likes to swing, then conspicuously approaches a House look-alike about joining in. The woman takes note of them both and walks away. This helps them have an alibi while Gabe is killing himself.
House and Wilson sit in the hallway and hear a thud from inside the room. Wilson arranges a helicopter to quickly fly Gabe to Princeton. Kyle and his father's body are wheeled into surgery, and the heart transplant is a success.
House finds Wilson trying to get money from the ATM, but there is a problem. Wilson calls his bank and learns that his funds have been frozen as part of a police investigation. House assures him that they can't keep his money forever. Wilson knows that they will keep his money until he agrees to give up House.
第07集(S3EP07:Son of Coma Guy)
1.House: This guy's no Terry Schiavo.
HOUSE: 這傢伙可不是Terry Schiavo。
7分39秒。這個新聞大家可能還有映像。1990年,佛羅里達州的一位普通居民Terry Schiavo因為一次心臟病造成大腦長期缺氧,從而變成植物人並臥床達15年之久。在2005年,Terry Schiavo的丈夫Michael向法院提出要求拔出妻子的進食管,而Terry的父母則不同意。於是是否應該拔出這根進食管,成為了轟動全美的案子。不但牽涉到法律,道德等問題,還牽涉到了宗教信仰問題。2005年3月31日上午9點05分,植物人Terri Schiavo在飼食管被移除13天後去世。
2.House: We've all seen Awakenings. Made me cry.
HOUSE: 我們都看過"Awakenings"這部電影,我都看哭了-_-
8分03秒,House這裡指的是Penny Marshall改編自Oliver Sacks醫生(第一季第8季的隱喻中介紹過他)小說的一部電影《無語問蒼天》(Awakenings)。1990年的這部電影,講述的是一名內向但充滿熱忱的腦科醫生(Robert De Niro飾),對醫院內一群沉睡三,四十年的腦部疾病患者大膽用藥,結果奇跡似的使病人於一夕之間甦醒,重新體驗生命中的悲喜。然而新藥效果無法持續,病人最後又再度沉睡。這部片子非常感人,當年獲得3項奧斯卡提名:最佳男主角(Robert De Niro) ,最佳改編劇本,最佳攝影。
3.House: I've got to get back to our sleeper before he goes looking for the Orgasmatron.
HOUSE: 我要在我們的冬眠者找到Orgasmatron(未來的性機器)之前回去。
13分41秒處,Cameron被Tritter單獨問話後出來和Chase,Foreman對口供的時候,大叔突然冒出來說了這麼一句。這句台詞出自1973年的電影《傻瓜大鬧科學城》(Sleeper)。劇中伍迪艾倫(Woody Allen)飾演的Miles Monroe是一個被冰凍了兩百年的現代人,當他醒來後已經是未來了。他的財產縮水,更恐怖的是人類不僅走回獨裁的盲目崇拜,連[性]都交由機器(Orgasmatron)代勞。大叔在這裡說的冬眠者自然是指Gabe了。
4.House: Quid pro quo, Clarice.
HOUSE: 等價交換,Clarice。
24分27秒處,House對Gabe說的。這句話是1991年電影《沉默的羔羊》(The Silence of the Lambs)中的一句台詞。「Quid pro quo」是一句拉丁文,意思是「something given in exchange for something」(用某物交換某物),即等價交換。
在《沉默的羔羊》中,安東尼霍普金斯(Anthony Hopkins)飾演的Hannibal Lecter在面對朱蒂福斯特(Jodie Foster)飾演的Clarice Starling的時候,要求每回答一個問題都要先問對方一個問題(question-for-question)。和大叔在這裡與Gabe玩的遊戲差不多(簡直就是真心話大冒險呀)。
House Season3 EP6
Que Sera Sera
Episode 306 : 2006-11-07
Firefighters are called to the residence of George Hagel, a 600-pound man who has died. As a team of firefighters tries to lift George's body, somebody in the room passes gas. That somebody is George. The chief checks and finds that George still has a pulse.
Cuddy brings George's file to Chase, Foreman and Cameron. House isn't in yet. Cuddy informs the doctors that George is in a coma, but his blood sugar is normal, his cholesterol is lower than hers, his tox screen was clean and there's no sign of trauma. The team is astonished by this news. Cuddy wonders where House is.
Well, he's in a holding cell at the police station. Frustrated, he tells Tritter to let him go. Tritter suggests arraigning him instead. Finally, Wilson appears and posts House's bail. House meets Wilson outside and Wilson immediately hands him a bottle of pills. House assures Wilson that he's innocent and Tritter just wanted to punish him.
The doctors are mulling over George's case and House's whereabouts when House suddenly pops into the office. House quickly orders the team to start treating George for Pickwickian Syndrome. Foreman counters that George's CO2 and oxygen stats are normal, but House points out that they're only normal for an average-sized person. House also wants a detailed medical history. Search his house and talk to his neighbors if you need.
George's neighbor, Sophie, allows Cameron into George's apartment. She surprised by how tidy and orderly the place. The place also has a high-end kitchen, including a wine cellar. Sophie informs Cameron that George loves cooking and frequently prepares four-course gourmet meals for himself. He also has prostitutes visit on occasion.
House is working clinic duty when he spots Tritter in the lobby. Tritter says he was merely bringing Cuddy up to speed on the arrest. Conspicuously popping a pill before Tritter, House advises him to quit while he's ahead. Tritter eyes up House, then leaves. Foreman and Cameron approach with the information that intubation and steroids have had no effect on George. Thus, they're ruling out Pickwick's. House suggests blood clots in the brain and orders either an MRI or a CT scan. Problem is, those machines have weight limits well under what George weighs. House suggests that they just start treatment then.
Knowing that blind treatment could possibly kill George, the team tries to MRI him. Cameron thinks it'll work if they just get his head inside the machine, but Foreman worries that George will break the table, ruining a million-dollar machine. Adamant that George deserves the same standard of care as anybody else, Cameron assembles a team of nurses to hoist George onto the table. Incidentally, she lies about George's weight to get them to help.
Cuddy finds House in his office and hands him contact information for the best defense lawyer in the county. The moment she leaves, House crumbles the paper and throws it out. Elsewhere, the doctors find nothing out of the ordinary on George's MRI. As they begin to weigh their options, George comes to life and starts screaming. As Foreman and Chase struggle to pull him out, the MRI bed breaks with a loud crack.
House and the team reconvene to discuss what they know. They don't know much. A calm, but angry, Cuddy enters asking about the machine. House blames his staff for disobeying his orders to start treatment. Cuddy isn't buying it, but Cameron pipes up and admits what happened. Foreman wonders about hormones. Acute adrenal insufficiency could possibly cause a coma. He wants to do an ACTH stimulation test and check George's skin for acanthosis nigricans. Cameron, focusing on the prostitutes, wants to run a full STD check. Chase suggests doing nothing, and if George doesn't get worse, figure it was a hematoma that dissipated. House considers, then decide to go with all of the theories.
Foreman and Cameron begin their tests on George, who insists he's fine. Every doctor he's ever seen has checked his hormones, then his blood pressure. And the results are always the same. He asks the doctors when he can leave the hospital. Foreman and Cameron finish the tests, then report back to House that the skin exam and ACTH stimulation were normal, and the blood and urine were negative for chlamydia, herpes and syphilis. House is intrigued by the mystery, but Foreman then reports that George is asking to be discharged.
House shuffles over to George's room, where he finds him eating dinner. House tells George that he awoke from a coma caused by an unknown condition and wanted to leave the hospital. So either George isn't in his right mind or he knows what the condition is. House guesses at various conditions, but George angrily insists that he doesn't know what's wrong. He's not depressed, he just doesn't want to stay there. House gets a cell phone call and leaves.
The call was about House's apartment, which has been ransacked. As he looks around, he sees Tritter in his hallway with two uniformed officers. Tritter coolly informs House that they're executing a search warrant. Tritter holds up an evidence bag full of pills and estimates that it must hold over six hundred Vicodin. Most DAs would say that shows intent to traffic. House scoffs, pointing out that each pill is held in a prescription bottle. Tritter agrees, but theorizes that if House is so unprofessional and unethical, maybe it's possible that some of those bottles are in other's names. Or came from forged prescriptions. Or simply stolen. But House has nothing to worry about, right?
The next morning, House instructs his team to send George home. Cameron resists, but House is more interested in tracking down Wilson and finding out what he told Tritter. Wilson assures House that he merely told Tritter he prescribed the Vicodin.
As George is wheeled out of the hospital, Cameron makes a last gasp attempt to convince him to stay. George explains that he simply loves food. Whatever is going to happen, will happen. George stands from his wheelchair and prepares to walk out of the hospital as Cameron begs him to sit. George takes a few unsure steps and then collapses through a plate glass wall.
Foreman, Cameron and House gather. Foreman explains that disorientation and loss of balance could mean a neurofibromatosis. House mentions that that's inherited, claiming one of his diagnoses was correct. Cameron argues that the disorientation isn't a key symptom. And she would know because...she gave George three grams of phenytoin. She didn't think he should be discharged and knew that would force him to stay.
Looking at the discharge report, House notices that George didn't eat his breakfast, which seems odds for him. Coma, fever and loss of appetite stem from Chagas. Cameron is doubtful, as George hasn't been out of the country before. House points out that his food has. House wants a sample of George's CNS to determine which bugs are in his brain. But since George is too big for an LP, they'll have to drill into his head. After some badgering from Cameron, George agrees to the test.
During the test, Foreman prods George's brain and George begins screaming that he can't see. The nurses struggle to hold him down. After the procedure, Foreman and Cameron inform House that there's no inflammation in the optic nerve and the retina is intact. There was also no sign of Chagas. House wonders if they missed a tumor in the MRI. Or perhaps it's diabetes, as evidence by the blindness and coma. He wants them to test George once more.
Cameron tries to give George some glucose water to drink, but he angrily slaps it away. They argue until George says that he's been fat all his life, but sick only recently. If she wants to look for a disease that has nothing to do with his size, he'll help them. Otherwise, leave him alone.
House meets with his new lawyer, Howard Gemeiner. Howard advise a plea bargain, which House has no interest in. So Howard quotes House his exorbitant fees, which House reluctantly accepts. When House returns to the hospital. Cameron asks how things went with the lawyer. House is disappointed that his secret is out. Moving on, Foreman says tests for MS were negative and Cameron says tests for diabetes were unperformed.
House barges into George's room and accosts him about the diabetes test. House tries to forces the glucose drink on George, who strenuously resists. As they struggle, House notices George's fingers. He limps out of the room. Cameron and Foreman follow. House orders x-rays of George's hands and feet. Then a bronchial test, a sputum cytology and a CSF check for anti-hu antibodies. House thinks George has lung cancer. When the doctors are skeptical, House asks if they've felt George's fingers. His hands are clubbed.
They take x-rays and are stunned when they realize House was right. George has ossifying periostitis on the ends of his fingers. After the tests are analyzed, Cameron enters George's room to tell him they've confirmed small cell lung carcinoma. That caused a paraneoplastic neurologic syndrome, which in turn caused the coma and blindness. It's inoperable, but radiation treatment is available. However, that will only buy him a few months. A year at the most.
In Wilson's hotel room that night, Tritter is asking Wilson if he really wrote all of those prescriptions for House. Wilson admits that House can difficult, but he truly is in pain and needs that medicine, which is why Wilson prescribed it. Tritter pulls out a few scrips and shows them to Wilson. He points out that the signatures on some of them look different from others. Tritter notes that Wilson looks surprised. Covering, Wilson says that sometimes he gets bored and signs his name differently. Tritter tells Wilson he'll give a second to reconsider his answer. Because if he's lying, they'll find out. Wilson sticks to his story. Tritter thanks him and leaves.
第6集(S3EP06:Que Será Será)
1.本集的標題Que Sera Sera
西班牙語/法語,意思是That Will be Will be,該發生的總是會發生的。往積極方面說頗有點「一切隨緣」的感覺,往消極方面說則充滿了「無奈」。本集中的大胖子George對於自己的體重問題便是這麼個態度,House對待自己的官司也是這麼個隨緣,或者說無奈的態度,最後George得知自己得了肺癌,只有幾個月好活的時候,說的另一句法語「C'est la vie」(It is the life)——這就是生活,雖然也有隨緣的感覺,不過更多的是無奈了。
Que Sera Sera(Whatever Will be)同時也是一首很著名的兒歌,來自1956年大師希區柯克(Alfred Hitchcock)的翻拍電影《一個知道太多的人》(The Man Who Knew Too Much)。歌曲大意是:「當我還是小女孩的時候,我問媽媽,我以後會漂亮麼?會有錢麼?媽媽說:隨緣吧(Que Sera Sera),隨緣吧,未來是無法預見的。當我長大戀愛的時候,我問我的另一半,我們未來會如何?每天都有彩虹麼?他說:隨緣吧,隨緣吧。現在我有了自己的孩子,他們問我,我以後會有錢麼?我會長的英俊麼?我也說:隨緣吧,隨緣吧。」
Que Sera Sera法語和西班牙語的寫法是一樣的,雖然發音稍有不同。最早是來自電影《赤腳女伯爵》(The Barefoot Contessa),裡面Rossano Brazzi一家的座右銘就是「Che Sera Sera」,是意大利語。後來希區柯克拍攝《一個知道太多的人》時候,希望主題曲能有一個外國名字,因為電影裡Stewart演的就是一個外交官。於是Ray和Jay就把這個座右銘改成西班牙語的「Que Sera Sera」了,因為美國的西班牙語使用者更多。這裡還有個小插曲,當時演唱這首歌的Doris Day在當時錄製的時候並不認為一首「世事難料」的歌很符合自己的風格,但是他的經紀人和希區柯克都認為這首歌會很受歡迎,結果呢,果然是「世事難料」,這首歌成了Doris Day最受歡迎的歌曲。
2.HOUSE: Hey, Gomer Pyle! I know you can hear me!
House: 嘿,Gomer Pyle!我知道你能聽見(我的話)!
4分13秒的時候,大叔還沒被Wilson保釋出來,蹲在警察局裡叫人。Gomer Pyle是由Jim Nabors扮演的一個頭腦簡單的加油站服務員,最早出現在電視劇The Andy Griffith Show中,之後在其續集Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.仍有演出,都是上世紀60年代的電視劇。
3.TRITTER: I think you mean Barney Fife.
Tritter: 我想你是想叫Barney Fife吧。
4分28秒,Tritter聽到大叔把自己比作頭腦簡單的Gomer Pyle,於是諷刺到大叔現在最好祈禱能碰到個Barney Fife似的好心人。Barney Fife是Gomer Pyle那部戲The Andy Griffith Show中的另外一個角色,雖然有時不討人喜歡,但是其實是個典型的好心腸。
4.HOUSE: Start treating Jabba…
House: 給Jabba做......治療。
6分55秒,House把本集的病人George比喻成Jabba。赫特人賈巴(Jabba the Hunt是電影《星球大戰》系列第6部《絕地大反攻》(Return of the Jedi)中的反派,體型肥碩-_-。該角色之後在前傳中也有出現。
5.HOUSE: Let's see what else Shamu's been up to besides eating.
House: 讓我們看看Shamu除了吃還會幹什麼。
6.HOUSE: I assume you told Inspector Clouseau that I had a valid prescription for the vicodin.
House: 我認為你會告訴偵探Clouseau我的vicodin都是有合法處方的。
13分26秒處,Cuddy勸House找律師的時候大叔說的話。Jacques Clouseau是著名的電影《粉紅豹》系列(The Pink Panther中由Peter Sellers扮演的一個裝腔作勢的偵探。在2006年的翻拍之作中由Steve Martin扮演。這裡大叔指的當然就應該是Tritter了。
7.HOUSE: I gotta find out where she got the fat scratch fever.
House: 我應該查查她是怎麼被這個胖子抓病的。
18分42秒,House對Wilson說他認為Cameron向Cuddy告密的,他調侃Cameron是得了「胖抓病」(Fat scratch fever),這是大叔根據「貓抓病」(Cat scratch fever)臨時造的一個詞。貓抓病的症狀是淋巴結被感染後發炎腫脹,在當時符合胖子的症狀(當然後來我們都知道其實是癌細胞擴散到淋巴了)。
另外Cat Scratch Fever.也是Ted Nugent在1977年的專輯名稱。
8.HOUSE: So I'm gonna say, your Mom, in the hospital, with the candlestick.
House: 所以我要說,你媽媽,在醫院,用的是燭台。
9.HOUSE: Nice audible, Peyton!
House: 這打法漂亮,Peyton。
27分46秒,大叔又一次對著最不喜歡體育比喻的Cameron耍起了他的橄欖球比喻。這裡字幕說明的已經很清楚了,Peyton Manning是印第安納波利斯小馬隊的偉大四分衛。
10.HOUSE: Humpty Dumpty didn't get to be the size of all the King's horses.
27分54秒處,House大叔又一次把可憐的George比喻成了Humpty Dumpty。House第二季的第三集標題就是Humpty Dumpty。字典裡Humpty-Dumpty的解釋就是矮胖的人,是蛋的擬人化稱呼,在《越獄》第一季最後一集,那個洗衣房的胖子沒有跑出去而被Bellick抓了,Belick就稱他為Humpty Dumpty。短詩《鵝媽媽童謠》中的主人公也叫Humpty Dumpty,貌似也是隻蛋。
而和King's horses一起出現的話,那麼就應該是來自一首英國兒歌了,內容如下:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall;
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
And all the king's horses;
And all the king's men;
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
這首童謠指的應該是英王理查三世(Richard III)的故事。這位殘酷好戰的國王是個駝背,因此得了這個Humpty Dumpty這個外號,
國王(Humpty Dumpty)從他的馬(Wall)上狠狠地摔了下來,結果被(敵人)大卸八塊,國王所有的人馬都沒法再讓他復活了——Couldn't put Humpty together again.
最後值得一提的是,扮演George的演員Pruitt Taylor Vince當然不是真的重達600磅,雖然他也算是個胖子了。那些肉都是化妝效果,類似劉德華的《瘦身男女》裡的化妝。Pruitt Taylor Vince出演過很多電影電視,在Alias,X-files和CSI中都客串過,還獲得過1997年艾美獎的最佳客串表演獎。說個大家都應該知道的他的演出吧,《海上鋼琴師》(Legend 1900)裡的那個小號手Max Tooney,就是他飾演的。
扮演George的演員Pruitt Taylor Vince確實患有眼球震顫症。(http://imdb.com/name/nm0898546/bio)