
House Season1 EP8


Episode 108 : 2005-01-25

A student named Matt begins sweating and grimacing during a test. He stands up and passes out. His body goes into convulsions. Foreman presents the case to House. Matt has a severe case of bradycardia, which means that his heart rate is falling fast. House thinks it's simply drug use. While Chase is examining the boy, he begins seizing again.

On House's orders, Foreman and Cameron inspect Matt's home for signs of drug use. They turn up nothing, but Cameron does find a jar of tomato sauce with the lid popped. This could indicate a bacterial infestation. House says the seizures rule out food borne toxins. Or drug use, as Foreman points out. They suspect some sort of poison.

Matt is hooked up to an IV of pralidoxime. Chase tells the boy's mother that the blood work is conclusive that an organophosphate is causing Matt's trouble. Suddenly, Matt's heart rate plummets. Chase puts zoll pads on Matt's chest and their electricity brings his heart rate back up.

The doctors are stumped. Foreman mentions an experimental treatment that should work, but they need to know the exact poison. Foreman and Cameron go back to the kid's house to see what kind of pesticides might be used on the tomato garden. Cameron finds an empty can of disulfoton. Chase prepares an injection of disulfoton hydrolase, but Matt's mother insists he only used orange peel oil on the garden. He dumped the disulfoton out because he couldn't use pesticides in his environmental science class. Since the hydrolase would increase the toxicity if they're wrong, Mom begs Chase not to inject her son.

Cuddy tells House that he will need to get the mother to sign off on rejection of the treatment. He changes the legal language to be slightly more condescending when reading it to her. Mom changes her position. But before they can start Matt on the hydrolase, another patient named Chi is admitted with identical symptoms. Although the two have never had any contact, they do go to the same school.

Chase and Cameron inspect the school bus that Matt and Chi both rode that morning. The driver noticed a truck spraying near a pond. The country had been spraying ethyl-parathion to fight West Nile virus. There is a hydrolase for that, but Matt's mother refuses all treatments until she hears from the Centers for Disease Control. Cameron is sent in to talk to her, and she still refuses until an angry Cameron lays it out for her. Mom finally relents.

They administer the hydrolase. Later, both boys go into convulsions. The doctors save them, but the boys are left in terrible shape. It wasn't ethyl-parathion. They were poisoned in the morning at home. What's the answer? The lanolin in acne cream or deodorant? Foreman and Cameron head out on another inspection. They find a 128-ounce bottle of TKO detergent in each house. But Chi's mom says her son wore all-new clothes today that had never been washed. House and Chase salvage Chi's and Matt's clothes from the trash and run tests on them. They test positive for phosdrin. Time for another hydrolase.

Matt's Mom again rejects treatment until she hears from the CDC. House visits her once again. But instead of merely talking, he decides to just sit in the room with the medicine to pressure Mom. As House predicted, the CDC claims they can't diagnose simply by records. The mother agrees to the third hydrolase. Yet Chase had called her using a fake accent to tell her that the CDC had no opinion. The third time is indeed the charm, as Matt and Chi both recover.

Foreman learns that somebody was selling pants out of the back of his truck. The person's second job was at a cornfield. Some pesticide was spilled on the pants, which weren't washed. The boys were poisoned that way.

這一集House大叔碰到了第一個向他表達“愛意”的女病人——一位82歲的老太太 -_-!(House吸引到的第二位女病人是第三季裏的17歲少女。果然老少通殺啊,就是沒個適齡女青年。。。)
首先她的這個故事,就是根據<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Sacks">Oliver Sacks</a>(以下感謝會員“軌跡者”糾正)在其著作《錯把太太當帽子的人》(<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The ... _His_Wife_for_a_Hat">The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat</a>)一書中的一個真實的病例改編的。
<p />Oliver Sacks生於英國倫敦,1960年來到美國並在紐約行醫,專長為神經醫學,同時他也擔任愛因斯坦醫學院(Albert Einstein College of Medicine)的神經學教授,是一位很牛的神經內科專家。
<br />他同時也是一位科普作家,其著作多以自己診斷的病例為題材。1974年出版《睡人》(Awakening)1書,廣受大眾矚目,之後該書也拍成風靡全球的電影「睡人」;其後陸續出版了《單腳站立》(A Leg to Stand on)、《錯把太太當帽子的人》(A Man Who Mistook His Wife for A Hat)、《看得見的聲音》(Seeing Voices),以及《火星上的人類學家》(An Anthropologist on Mars),本本備受好評,Sacks也因此成為紐約時報暢銷書排行榜上的常勝將軍。由於他擅長以紀實文學的形式,以及充滿人文關懷的筆觸,將腦神經病人的臨床案例,寫成ㄧ個個深刻感人的故事,因而被書評家譽為本世紀難得ㄧ見的「腦神經文學家」。
<p />
上書——《錯把太太當帽子的人》,講的就是一種神經學症狀。不同的是那個病例中的病人娜塔莎(Natasha K.)最後自己診斷出了自己的病因,而本集中的病人自然是House診斷出來的了。
片尾老太太對House說,House讓她記起了Ashton Kutcher,她的性幻想對象。House回答到:人們總是把我們搞混。
1978年出生的Ashton Kutcher,因一部叫“the 70s’ Show”的劇集而走紅。是現在的當紅小生,去年還娶了大他16歲的黛米摩爾(Demi Moore)(謝謝kittfang指出錯誤)。作為一個偶像派,Kutcher長的可以說一點也不像House。大叔也算是拐著彎誇自己帥了。

1.WILSON: Godot would be faster.
本集的主要病人的母親Margo Davis不同意治療,直到得到疾病預防控制中心的檢測結果。Wilson知道後諷刺到:“Godot都(比預防中心的結果)來的快些。”
Godot是1952年的荒誕劇Waiting for Godot裏的一個神秘角色。為什麼說他神秘呢?因為在那部戲中,2個主角Vladimir和Estragon一直在等Godot的到來,但是Godot在整部戲結束的時候都沒露臉。所以Godot可以用來比喻放別人鴿子的人。


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