Episode 101 : 2004-11-16
A young woman named Rebecca is teaching her kindergarten class when she begins to have trouble speaking. Soon, she collapses on the floor and begins convulsing. At the hospital, Dr. James Wilson, describes the case to Dr. House. Female, 29, first seizure one month ago, progressive deterioration of mental status. The doctor asks House to take this case and put his team to work on it.
House's team consists of three young genius doctors: Allison Cameron, Robert Chase and Eric Foreman, all bored stiff by House's lack of cases. After much persuasion, House agrees to look over the patient. Later, the hospital administrator, Dr. Lisa Cuddy, scolds House about not doing his job. Even though he has tenure, she can still let him go if he avoids his duties of seeing patients.
Cameron and Foreman give Rebecca a CT scan, but she has another seizure inside the machine. The doctors perform an emergency tracheotomy to facilitate breathing. Later, House wonders if Rebecca has vasculitis, or inflamed blood vessels. Allison points out that you can't diagnose vasculitis without a biopsy. House recommends they give her steroids to treat it and just see what happens.
House suggests to Foreman that he break into Rebecca's apartment to inspect it. Foreman is reluctant, but does it anyway. Elsewhere, the steroids seem to be having a positive effect on Rebecca. Later that night, Wilson gives Rebecca some basic tests and she proclaims that she can't see. More convulsions follow.
The next day, Foreman gives Rebecca a basic test which she fails, then passes. House suggests that they let her die, but pay attention post-mortem so that they can finally learn what disease she was suffering from. Foreman and Cameron inspect Rebecca's apartment. They find nothing. Back at the hospital, Foreman reveals in passing that Rebecca had ham in her fridge. House has an epiphany -- Rebecca must have a tapeworm in her brain. Although this new revelation is diagnosed, Rebecca doesn't want any more treatments. She just wants to die in peace. House calls her a coward. She wants proof it was a worm since he was wrong on vasculitis. Chase suggests a plain old x-ray to check for worms. House realizes he's right. If there's a worm in the brain, there is definitely one in her leg.
Chase shows Rebecca the x-ray. A worm larvae is in her thigh muscle. She will make a full recovery, and only require a small number of pills to get rid of the worm.
作為House的開山之作,試播片(pilot)由"X-Men"(《X戰警》)的導演Bryan Singer執導,之後他還導演了"Superman Returns"(《超人歸來》)。House的第一位病人由Robin Tunney客串,也就是"Prison Break"(《越獄》)第一季中那個不怎麼漂亮的女律師,第二季一開始就掛掉了。
導演Singer其實一直希望找一個美國演員來出演House一角。在試鏡的時候Hugh Laurie大叔稍微讀了讀台詞,Singer被深深的吸引住了(其實算被深深的騙了),認為這正是符合該角色的「美國演員」,後來才知道大叔其實是英國人-_-!
本集中的病人,也就是House的第一位病人,名字叫Rebecca Adler,和第一篇福爾摩斯短篇故事中的女主角Irene Adler同名。
3.House: You aren't going to fire me.
在樣片中一開始說這麼一句話,似乎潛台詞就是:不管我今後演的咋樣,你們可不能隨便炒我 ^^!
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