Episode 107 : 2004-12-28
After a morning romp with his wife, a man named Ed returned home to find his spouse sick in bed. Elise has remained there for days. At the hospital, Cameron tells House that the patient has been sleeping 18 hours a day, but the tests don't reveal anything.
House and his team go through the possibilities -- Depression? Parasites? House orders new blood work and another MRI. After more testing, Elise is told that there is no answer to her neurological problems. She goes into seizures.
House starts to suspect breast cancer. He also inquires about Elise's relationship with her husband. Cameron sets up a mammogram, and Elise reveals that her mother was about the same age when she died of cancer. The new tests show no tumors. Wilson thinks it's a small cell tumor, which is hard to locate. House wants to ignore the tumor until it gets bigger. House sends Foreman to Elise's workplace at a restaurant. The chef is adamant that the kitchen is perfectly clean.
Cameron is talking to Elise when she complains that her arm itches. Elise then sees her arm burst open and hundreds of ants crawl out. She screeches for the doctors to get them off her. Yet she is only hallucinating. Tests are still inconclusive. House believes that all of Elise's symptoms fit in with an African sleeping sickness. However, she has never been to Africa and never had a transfusion.
Cameron, Foreman and Chase consider amongst themselves to start treatments anyway, but each of those treatments would cause more problems. House then has a brainstorm. Anything that's in the blood can be transmitted through sex. He dispatches Foreman and Chase to ask Ed and Elise about their fidelity. They both adamantly deny any affairs.
Elise drops into a coma. The doctors still have no explanation. Again, Ed claims he has not had an affair. House tells Ed that he is going to give her a potentially fatal medicine and needs his consent. If Ed suspects there might have even been one time Elise was unfaithful, then they need to start treatment immediately. Foreman and Chase inject the dangerous medicine.
Elise's fever rises to 104. Just as House is telling Ed that they should have seen an improvement, Elise comes out of her coma. House tells Elise that he must know who she had an affair with so that the man can be alerted and given treatment. Elise cries, knowing that Ed has left her. Cameron tracks down Elise's former lover, who has a young son.
本集裡FOX電視網的另一部劇,國內非常火的Prison Break(《林肯打官司》)中的哥哥林肯也來客串了一把。
1.FOREMAN: That three ER doctors, two neurologists, and a radiologist missed?
FOREMAN: 難道那三個急症室的醫生(ER doctor: Emergency Room Doctor ),兩個神經科醫生,和一個放射科醫生都沒發現麼?
House開始猜測病人Elyse Snow大腦有腫瘤的時候,Foreman這麼說來諷刺House,結果大叔回敬了一句:梨樹上的鵪鶉也沒發現它。
這裡大叔說的「梨樹上的鵪鶉」出自一首聖誕歌謠《12天》(The Twelve Days of Christmas)。這首歌是首練習名詞和序數詞的好歌,藉著聖誕節的由頭,十二天送十二件禮物:會游泳的天鵝,會下蛋的鵝,會擠奶的女僕,正在敲鼓的鼓手,斑鳩,金戒指等等,梨樹上的鵪鶉是第一天收到的禮物。Foreman列舉的醫生數量正好符合「3,2,1」這樣的數來寶特點,和這首歌的歌詞類似,所以大叔用來回敬他。
這首歌在上一集,第6集Damned If You Do裡出現過。
2.HOUSE: And check for evil stepmothers. This much sleep usually indicates poison apples.
HOUSE: 別忘了查查邪惡的繼母,這麼長的睡眠通常是由毒蘋果引起的。
3.FOREMAN: What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, huh?
CHASE: Nietzsche wouldn't have been so glib if he'd been prescribed melarsoprol.
FOREMAN: 如果我們不會因此而死,我們就會因此變強,是麼?
CHASE: 如果也讓尼采注射美拉胂醇的話,他就不會說這風涼話了。
Foreman這裡引用的是尼采的一句名言。這句話還出現在州長大叔出演的《王者之劍》的片頭。尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche)相信大家都聽過,19世紀德國著名的哲學家,極端懷疑論的創始人,20世紀哲學體系的奠基人之一。這句話出自他1886年寫的一本書《超越善惡》(Beyond Good and Evil),該書裡他對當時其他哲學家盲目接受基督教做了批判。
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