有人可牽掛 是喜悅
被人牽掛 是幸福
有人可牽掛 是喜悅
被人牽掛 是幸福
吃完去逛nine west,老實說,高跟鞋一直是我的死穴,看到高跟就忍不住想多看幾眼,不過我很怕看到腳趾,還有腳跟,甚至是涼鞋...........更恐怖的是一些奇奇怪怪的設計,例如哪裡摟空,哪裡人造動物皮之類的,真是恐怖,我還是喜歡經典,樸實,高雅,簡單。
一路上我們聊了許多,我發現我很多事情真的記不得了,這種跡象其實在國中就已經是這樣了。在國中的時候,我好像是刻意忘記小學生活,高中的時候,一直忘不掉國中生活,但到了大學,我已經忘記我高中在幹麻了,我只記得我再學校打排球,這是大部分記憶。現在大學畢業了,我已經忘記我大學在幹麻了,我跟誰吃過飯了。時間過的真快,一轉眼就不見了,以後我還記得多少,我還記得我身旁的人與我記憶有多少? 我能用什麼方法記住每一件事? 我能讓時間停留嗎? 我不知道。我只希望大家都開心,especially you。
A student named Matt begins sweating and grimacing during a test. He stands up and passes out. His body goes into convulsions. Foreman presents the case to House. Matt has a severe case of bradycardia, which means that his heart rate is falling fast. House thinks it's simply drug use. While Chase is examining the boy, he begins seizing again.
On House's orders, Foreman and Cameron inspect Matt's home for signs of drug use. They turn up nothing, but Cameron does find a jar of tomato sauce with the lid popped. This could indicate a bacterial infestation. House says the seizures rule out food borne toxins. Or drug use, as Foreman points out. They suspect some sort of poison.
Matt is hooked up to an IV of pralidoxime. Chase tells the boy's mother that the blood work is conclusive that an organophosphate is causing Matt's trouble. Suddenly, Matt's heart rate plummets. Chase puts zoll pads on Matt's chest and their electricity brings his heart rate back up.
The doctors are stumped. Foreman mentions an experimental treatment that should work, but they need to know the exact poison. Foreman and Cameron go back to the kid's house to see what kind of pesticides might be used on the tomato garden. Cameron finds an empty can of disulfoton. Chase prepares an injection of disulfoton hydrolase, but Matt's mother insists he only used orange peel oil on the garden. He dumped the disulfoton out because he couldn't use pesticides in his environmental science class. Since the hydrolase would increase the toxicity if they're wrong, Mom begs Chase not to inject her son.
Cuddy tells House that he will need to get the mother to sign off on rejection of the treatment. He changes the legal language to be slightly more condescending when reading it to her. Mom changes her position. But before they can start Matt on the hydrolase, another patient named Chi is admitted with identical symptoms. Although the two have never had any contact, they do go to the same school.
Chase and Cameron inspect the school bus that Matt and Chi both rode that morning. The driver noticed a truck spraying near a pond. The country had been spraying ethyl-parathion to fight West Nile virus. There is a hydrolase for that, but Matt's mother refuses all treatments until she hears from the Centers for Disease Control. Cameron is sent in to talk to her, and she still refuses until an angry Cameron lays it out for her. Mom finally relents.
They administer the hydrolase. Later, both boys go into convulsions. The doctors save them, but the boys are left in terrible shape. It wasn't ethyl-parathion. They were poisoned in the morning at home. What's the answer? The lanolin in acne cream or deodorant? Foreman and Cameron head out on another inspection. They find a 128-ounce bottle of TKO detergent in each house. But Chi's mom says her son wore all-new clothes today that had never been washed. House and Chase salvage Chi's and Matt's clothes from the trash and run tests on them. They test positive for phosdrin. Time for another hydrolase.
Matt's Mom again rejects treatment until she hears from the CDC. House visits her once again. But instead of merely talking, he decides to just sit in the room with the medicine to pressure Mom. As House predicted, the CDC claims they can't diagnose simply by records. The mother agrees to the third hydrolase. Yet Chase had called her using a fake accent to tell her that the CDC had no opinion. The third time is indeed the charm, as Matt and Chi both recover.
Foreman learns that somebody was selling pants out of the back of his truck. The person's second job was at a cornfield. Some pesticide was spilled on the pants, which weren't washed. The boys were poisoned that way.
這一集House大叔碰到了第一個向他表達“愛意”的女病人——一位82歲的老太太 -_-!(House吸引到的第二位女病人是第三季裏的17歲少女。果然老少通殺啊,就是沒個適齡女青年。。。)
首先她的這個故事,就是根據<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Sacks">Oliver Sacks</a>(以下感謝會員“軌跡者”糾正)在其著作《錯把太太當帽子的人》(<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The ... _His_Wife_for_a_Hat">The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat</a>)一書中的一個真實的病例改編的。
<p />Oliver Sacks生於英國倫敦,1960年來到美國並在紐約行醫,專長為神經醫學,同時他也擔任愛因斯坦醫學院(Albert Einstein College of Medicine)的神經學教授,是一位很牛的神經內科專家。
<br />他同時也是一位科普作家,其著作多以自己診斷的病例為題材。1974年出版《睡人》(Awakening)1書,廣受大眾矚目,之後該書也拍成風靡全球的電影「睡人」;其後陸續出版了《單腳站立》(A Leg to Stand on)、《錯把太太當帽子的人》(A Man Who Mistook His Wife for A Hat)、《看得見的聲音》(Seeing Voices),以及《火星上的人類學家》(An Anthropologist on Mars),本本備受好評,Sacks也因此成為紐約時報暢銷書排行榜上的常勝將軍。由於他擅長以紀實文學的形式,以及充滿人文關懷的筆觸,將腦神經病人的臨床案例,寫成ㄧ個個深刻感人的故事,因而被書評家譽為本世紀難得ㄧ見的「腦神經文學家」。
<p />
上書——《錯把太太當帽子的人》,講的就是一種神經學症狀。不同的是那個病例中的病人娜塔莎(Natasha K.)最後自己診斷出了自己的病因,而本集中的病人自然是House診斷出來的了。
片尾老太太對House說,House讓她記起了Ashton Kutcher,她的性幻想對象。House回答到:人們總是把我們搞混。
1978年出生的Ashton Kutcher,因一部叫“the 70s’ Show”的劇集而走紅。是現在的當紅小生,去年還娶了大他16歲的黛米摩爾(Demi Moore)(謝謝kittfang指出錯誤)。作為一個偶像派,Kutcher長的可以說一點也不像House。大叔也算是拐著彎誇自己帥了。
1.WILSON: Godot would be faster.
本集的主要病人的母親Margo Davis不同意治療,直到得到疾病預防控制中心的檢測結果。Wilson知道後諷刺到:“Godot都(比預防中心的結果)來的快些。”
Godot是1952年的荒誕劇Waiting for Godot裏的一個神秘角色。為什麼說他神秘呢?因為在那部戲中,2個主角Vladimir和Estragon一直在等Godot的到來,但是Godot在整部戲結束的時候都沒露臉。所以Godot可以用來比喻放別人鴿子的人。
每個男生當兵前都要體檢,那時的體檢報告就指出我有鼻中膈彎曲的疾病。但這個疾病並不會讓我變成替代役,所以就Let it be. 在等待當兵的期間,因為耳朵曾經受過傷,所以回醫院檢查,順道提了一下鼻中隔這件事,醫生建議我做手術,並分析哪種手術對我比較好,那時的我採取聽聽的態度,但開刀的意見逐漸在我腦海中開花繁殖。
說了那麼多,禮拜四下午住進慈濟醫院,做一些基本的體檢,然後等待禮拜五下午的開刀。禮拜四晚上一個人太無聊,就開始把囤積的美劇拿出來看,首先當然看prison break,一個晚上就看了八集。之後聊了一個半小時的電話,然後再看了兩集,索性睡覺去。隔天醒來已經是早上11點了,反正醫生早就跟我說過應該是下午動刀,所以毫無忌憚的大睡特睡。
大難臨頭的我卻還不知道,一個人還自以為開心,想說手術很簡單,禮拜一就可以出院之類的,但其實我也不是完全沒擔心啦,因為我也有在網上搜尋一下資料,大家都說最痛的是棉條抽出的那一刻,但我又還沒開刀,哪體會的到阿,不過你們看到這應該以為我會認同剛剛那個論點,那你們應該就錯了,對我而言,最痛的不是拔出的過程,而是......................................看下去就知道了。看我還比YA!!!! 真是自以為手術簡單的毛頭小子。
進去以後,一層層布往我臉上蓋,只剩下一個鼻子和嘴巴。醫生說手術燈太強,眼睛會受傷,所以要幫我蓋住。接著開始進行麻醉,第一針比較痛一點,我本身也比較怕痛,所以醫生問我還會不會有感覺,我只要有一點點點的感覺,我都說我還要麻醉。我必須要稱讚黃同村醫生,他所做的每一個步驟,以及為什麼要這麼做,以及要割多深,剪多少等等之類的,全部都會跟我說,還會詢問我的意見,因為只有局部麻醉,所以我可以講話,我也會告訴黃醫生,哪裡還有感覺,或者右邊比較通暢之類的。黃醫生在整個過程幾乎是全程轉播給我聽,讓我一整個放心,反倒是旁邊幫忙的護士,都在聊天,讓我很緊張,深怕一個不小心,我鼻子裡面多出一把縫合刀之類的東西,我可不想成為House的Case之一阿。手術完以後,布一層層的拿掉,醫生把割掉的鼻息肉還有彎曲的鼻中隔拿給我看,我竟然很笨的問可以拿回家嗎? 現在想起來還滿白癡的我。
右圖就從我鼻子內部拿出的東西 ,因為比例尺的關係,你們可能覺得很小,其實它很大很長很多。在開完刀之前,黃醫生塞了很多東西在我鼻子裡面,那時我超不舒服的。我起身之後連打了兩個超大的噴嚏,鼻子裡面的棉花有點被往外推的跡象。整個手術過程算是完成,我連到恢復室都不用,因為只有局部麻醉,不用禁食,不會昏厥,只等待麻醉退了就好。
很多人都說痛的時拔出棉條的時候,但對我而言不是,完全不是,最痛的是腦壓。因為鼻孔被塞住,用嘴巴呼吸對我而言是piece of cake,都用嘴巴呼吸那麼久了,來開刀的應該都早已習慣用嘴巴呼吸了吧。鼻孔被塞住,整個腦壓上升,沒有孔讓壓力外流平衡,只剩眼睛跟耳朵,所以我感覺眼睛要凸出來,眼淚一直流,耳膜要爆裂開來一樣的痛苦,整個腦袋快爆炸。
這段期間阿亮有打來說要來看我,雖然他口口聲聲說不來看,但我知道當兵的弟兄不是當假的,但我禮拜六實在是完全沒意識,不是沒意識,是快進入恍惚狀態,一直要求打止痛針,護士怕我成癮,還不讓我打。我必須要說,阿亮,謝謝你。刀子口豆腐心。I Know it.
禮拜天醫生跟我說過要拿掉棉條,所以我一直期待著禮拜天的到來,就在禮拜天早上,看到黃醫師緩緩步出床廉遮蔽視線之外,完整的出現在我眼前,緩緩的說出,走,我們去診療室,我飛也似的狂奔到診療室,因為我知道我快要得救了。黃醫師是我的主,是我的神,是我的上帝。果不其然,就是要把棉條取出,醫生也提醒過我會很痛,我也做很心理準備。醫生先拿右邊再拿左邊,右邊是有繩子的,黃醫生拉著繩子,整個止血棉就滑出來了,我用的是滑這個字,因為我一點都不感覺痛,可能是因為上面有很多分泌物,黏稠黏稠,導致沒有跟傷口有太大摩擦。現在換成左邊,傳統的止血棉抽出,痛是有一點點,但沒有很痛,我也覺得很奇怪,後面的近代棉條也順利取出。整個過程,我不覺得痛,反而是腦壓的宣洩讓我舒服很多。 看右圖不要以為棉條很短,其實它很長,不信你看它跟我的手指幾乎一樣長了,就知道它有多長,整個塞進你的鼻子裡面超深超深的地方。我媽在拔出來的那剎那還驚訝的說,真的假的,可以塞這個多東西喔!
進行到這,整個手術幾乎完成 90% 了,剩下就是固定回診清理傷口,寫到著,要感激很多人,我爸爸,在我第一天最痛苦的晚上陪著我,我媽媽,在我剩下幾天昏迷的狀態下每隔15分鐘幫我冰敷,都無法睡覺,我弟弟,已經很忙了還抽空來看我,所有慈濟師姑師伯,還有阿亮跟Jessie。沒有你們的祝福,就沒有現在快要健康復元的我,謝謝你們,謝謝Jessie。
After a morning romp with his wife, a man named Ed returned home to find his spouse sick in bed. Elise has remained there for days. At the hospital, Cameron tells House that the patient has been sleeping 18 hours a day, but the tests don't reveal anything.
House and his team go through the possibilities -- Depression? Parasites? House orders new blood work and another MRI. After more testing, Elise is told that there is no answer to her neurological problems. She goes into seizures.
House starts to suspect breast cancer. He also inquires about Elise's relationship with her husband. Cameron sets up a mammogram, and Elise reveals that her mother was about the same age when she died of cancer. The new tests show no tumors. Wilson thinks it's a small cell tumor, which is hard to locate. House wants to ignore the tumor until it gets bigger. House sends Foreman to Elise's workplace at a restaurant. The chef is adamant that the kitchen is perfectly clean.
Cameron is talking to Elise when she complains that her arm itches. Elise then sees her arm burst open and hundreds of ants crawl out. She screeches for the doctors to get them off her. Yet she is only hallucinating. Tests are still inconclusive. House believes that all of Elise's symptoms fit in with an African sleeping sickness. However, she has never been to Africa and never had a transfusion.
Cameron, Foreman and Chase consider amongst themselves to start treatments anyway, but each of those treatments would cause more problems. House then has a brainstorm. Anything that's in the blood can be transmitted through sex. He dispatches Foreman and Chase to ask Ed and Elise about their fidelity. They both adamantly deny any affairs.
Elise drops into a coma. The doctors still have no explanation. Again, Ed claims he has not had an affair. House tells Ed that he is going to give her a potentially fatal medicine and needs his consent. If Ed suspects there might have even been one time Elise was unfaithful, then they need to start treatment immediately. Foreman and Chase inject the dangerous medicine.
Elise's fever rises to 104. Just as House is telling Ed that they should have seen an improvement, Elise comes out of her coma. House tells Elise that he must know who she had an affair with so that the man can be alerted and given treatment. Elise cries, knowing that Ed has left her. Cameron tracks down Elise's former lover, who has a young son.
本集裡FOX電視網的另一部劇,國內非常火的Prison Break(《林肯打官司》)中的哥哥林肯也來客串了一把。
1.FOREMAN: That three ER doctors, two neurologists, and a radiologist missed?
FOREMAN: 難道那三個急症室的醫生(ER doctor: Emergency Room Doctor ),兩個神經科醫生,和一個放射科醫生都沒發現麼?
House開始猜測病人Elyse Snow大腦有腫瘤的時候,Foreman這麼說來諷刺House,結果大叔回敬了一句:梨樹上的鵪鶉也沒發現它。
這裡大叔說的「梨樹上的鵪鶉」出自一首聖誕歌謠《12天》(The Twelve Days of Christmas)。這首歌是首練習名詞和序數詞的好歌,藉著聖誕節的由頭,十二天送十二件禮物:會游泳的天鵝,會下蛋的鵝,會擠奶的女僕,正在敲鼓的鼓手,斑鳩,金戒指等等,梨樹上的鵪鶉是第一天收到的禮物。Foreman列舉的醫生數量正好符合「3,2,1」這樣的數來寶特點,和這首歌的歌詞類似,所以大叔用來回敬他。
這首歌在上一集,第6集Damned If You Do裡出現過。
2.HOUSE: And check for evil stepmothers. This much sleep usually indicates poison apples.
HOUSE: 別忘了查查邪惡的繼母,這麼長的睡眠通常是由毒蘋果引起的。
3.FOREMAN: What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, huh?
CHASE: Nietzsche wouldn't have been so glib if he'd been prescribed melarsoprol.
FOREMAN: 如果我們不會因此而死,我們就會因此變強,是麼?
CHASE: 如果也讓尼采注射美拉胂醇的話,他就不會說這風涼話了。
Foreman這裡引用的是尼采的一句名言。這句話還出現在州長大叔出演的《王者之劍》的片頭。尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche)相信大家都聽過,19世紀德國著名的哲學家,極端懷疑論的創始人,20世紀哲學體系的奠基人之一。這句話出自他1886年寫的一本書《超越善惡》(Beyond Good and Evil),該書裡他對當時其他哲學家盲目接受基督教做了批判。
A mother, Lucille Palmeiro, is hearing voices in her head. She feels a sharp pain in her leg, which turns out to be a blood clot. At the same time, Lucille's son, Luke, is working with a disability counselor to keep his mother's benefit checks coming in. She was diagnosed with schizophrenia last year. The clot moves to the Lucille's lungs and she collapses.
After Lucille is stabilized, a doctor explains her condition to Luke. The doctor is concerned that Luke is giving his mother alcohol, which he claims calms her down. House, overhearing the doctor's lecture, takes an interest in the case.
Why did this 38-year old woman develop a deep vein thrombosis? Dr. Wilson thinks House's only attraction to the case is the schizophrenia. House claims otherwise and drops in on the patient, which shocks Foreman and Chase. During his visit, House learns that Lucille has tremors which prevent her from shaving her legs. She must be bleeding more when she cuts herself. House orders a round of blood work.
Foreman tries to draw blood, but Lucille resists, exclaiming that they're going to steal it. She has to be forcibly restrained. Luke is upset with House for giving his mother Haldol to knock her out. She claims that Haldol makes her soul numb. That night, Lucille begins vomiting huge amounts of blood.
House upbraids Foreman for the dose of Haldol. House wonders if a Vitamin K deficiency explains the delay between the blood test and the vomiting. Foreman and Chase check the patient's home for any unused Anbecillin, which was prescribed earlier this year for a sore throat. Foreman finds a strongbox filled with meds, including an untouched bottle of Anbecillin. They also find a freezer loaded with microwave burgers. Luke says that's all she eats. House's theory about Vitamin K is becoming stronger.
Chase refuses to believe that the cause is merely a Vitamin K deficiency. He's sticking with alcohol as the cause. Chase and Cameron ultrasound Lucille's liver and find cirrhosis and a cancerous tumor. She needs a transplant because the tumor's size is past surgical guidelines. House suggests injecting ethanol into the tumor to temporarily shrink it so that the surgeon is fooled.
The surgeon operates, but is angry about House falsely shrinking the tumor. Social Services shows up to take Luke away. House starts to wonder if Lucille is actually crazy. That night, House accuses her of calling Social Services so that somebody will take care of her son. House agrees with the call, but that is a sane decision made from self sacrifice, and that doesn't fit in with schizophrenia.
Late that night, House has a revelation and begins calling Lucille's old doctors. They all hang up on him because it's so late. House thinks a specialist made an easy diagnosis. He gathers his team to search for other explanations to her symptoms. Wilson's disease is marked by high copper levels in the body. That does explain the cirrhosis. Seeing that Lucille cancelled an eye exam last year, they give her a quick test. The copper-colored rings around her corneas are a dead giveaway. The doctors start treating her for Wilson's disease.
Within a few days, a perfectly cogent Lucille is happily reunited with Luke. And House takes the blame for the call to Social Services.
第6集(EP06:The Socratic Method)
1.標題:The Socratic Method
Socratic Method,即蘇格拉底方法,本集中House和Wilson的對話中就提到過這個方法,也是本集做最後診斷時用到的方法。
HOUSE: On the other hand, we don't really know anything about schizophrenia, so maybe it is connected.
HOUSE: 換個角度,我們對精神分裂一無所知,所以這個病例只是可能(和精神分裂)有關。
WILSON: Well, the schizophrenia explains one mystery – why you're so fascinated by a woman with a bump in her leg. Like Picasso deciding to whitewash a fence.
WILSON: 精神分裂說明了一個問題-為什麼你對一個腿部有腫塊的女病人如此著迷(指HOUSE過於注重病人腿部的血栓了)?就像畢加索要刷白他的籬笆(1)。
HOUSE: Thanks. I'm more of a Leroy Neiman man. And it is only about the DVT. She's 38 years old, she should be…
HOUSE: 謝謝。我更喜歡雷若伊尼曼(2)。因為那是D.V.T(Deep-Vein Thrombosis,深靜脈血栓),她才38歲,她應該...
WILSON: Right. Solve this one and you're on your way to Stockholm.
WILSON: 是呀,治好了這個,你就可以在去斯德哥爾摩(3)的路上了。
HOUSE: We don't even know how to treat it! Come on! Fumigation of the vagina?
HOUSE: 我們甚至還不知道怎麼治它!難道用煙熏陰道(4)麼?(幾個護士回過頭來看他)
WILSON: A little louder -- I don't think everyone heard you.
WILSON: 再大點聲-還有人聽不見呢。
HOUSE: Two thousand years ago, that's how Galen treated schizophrenics – the Marcus Welby of ancient Greece.
HOUSE: 兩千年前,古希臘的Galen(5)就是這麼治療精神分裂者Marcus Welby(6)的。
WILSON: Where are you going?
WILSON: 你去哪?
HOUSE: Going to see the patient. That all-important human connection. Thought I'd give it a whirl.
HOUSE: 去見病人。人與人之間的聯繫很重要的。我想試試。
WILSON: You won't talk to patients because they lie, but give you patient with no concept of reality…
WILSON: 你以前從不和病人談話,因為他們會撒謊。但你現在卻去和一個對現實毫無意識的人去談話...
HOUSE: If it wasn't for Socrates, that raving untreated schizophrenic, we wouldn't have the Socratic method – the best way of teaching everything, apart from juggling chainsaws. Without Isaac Newton, we'd be floating on the ceiling.
HOUSE: 如果不是因為有了蘇格拉底,那個語無倫次的未治癒的精神分裂患者,我們就不會有蘇格拉底方法-教導一切的最好的方法,除了教你怎麼用電鋸殺人(7)。如果不是牛頓,我們現在還在天花板上(8)。
WILSON: Dodging chainsaws, no doubt.
WILSON: 是呀,在天花板上躲電鋸。
HOUSE: And that guitar player in that English band – he was great. You think I'm interested because of the schizophrenia.
HOUSE: 還有那個英國樂隊裡的吉他手(9),他太偉大了。你認為我是對精神分裂感興趣?
WILSON: Yeah. I'm pretty sure.
WILSON: 我肯定。
HOUSE: Galen was pretty sure about the fumigation thing. Pink Floyd.
HOUSE: Galen對那個煙熏消毒的事也很肯定呢。Pink Floyd.(10)
(2)雷若伊尼曼(LeRoy Neiman)是美國當代最受歡迎的畫家之一,擅長抽像的人物畫。眾多世界級品牌商品無不為引用尼曼的設計而感到自豪,遍覽現在的廣告宣傳,往往能看見廣告中專門提到尼曼的大名。但是一些批評家認為他只是一個代表流行文化的畫家而不能算一個真正的大師。
(5)Galen(Claudius Galenus)是公元2世紀古希臘的醫生。他在帕加馬城(Pergamum)的研究影響了西醫1000多年。他認為人的思想是由靈魂所控制的,也就是元氣,元神,和空氣有關。所以精神方面的疾病是由於不乾淨的空氣所導致的,尤其是女人,更容易患這類疾病(因為下身更容易接觸到氣體-_-!)。所以才有了上面(4)House所說的「難道用煙去給陰道消毒」一說。
(6)Marcus Welby。這裡的Marcus Welby可不真是什麼歷史上被Galen治療的精神分裂者。而是上世紀70年代,歷史上最賣座的醫務劇之一,Marcus Welby, M.D.(《Welby醫生》)中的主角Marcus Welby醫生。Welby醫生以體貼關心病人著稱,和House將病人視作難題和麻煩的觀點截然不同(House無疑是個十足的反Welby主義者)。因此House這裡才調侃他是精神分裂患者,並且還要接受Galen的治療。[s:233]
(9)這個吉他手指的是Pink Floyd樂隊的創始人巴雷特(Syd Barrett)。在甲殼蟲樂隊(Beatles)之前,Pink Floyd樂隊是上世紀6,70年代最紅的英國搖滾樂隊。然而在樂隊就要到達事業巔峰時,巴雷特卻因精神分裂不得不退出樂隊。House的扮演者Hugh Laurie是英國人,所以House裡列舉了很多英國的名人事跡。
(10)這裡House總算想起了前頭所說的那個英國樂隊的名字。所以才知道前面他說的英國樂隊是哪一支,因為搖滾樂隊裡像精神分裂的人實在太多了。 ^^!
3.The New York Mets
HOUSE: And the meds…
HOUSE: 關於藥...
LUCY: Baseball! I like baseball.
LUCY: 棒球!我喜歡棒球。
HOUSE: Very nice.
HOUSE: 很好。
LUCY: Very sad. My boy and me – we went to see a game.
LUCY: 很糟。我和我兒子去看了一場(Mets隊的)比賽。
HOUSE: Not 「Mets」 – meds – medicine. You take what he tells you to take.
HOUSE: 不是「Mets」,是meds-藥。你吃了他要你吃的藥。
House這裡問本集的病人Lucy關於藥的問題時,Lucy回答說自己喜歡棒球。這倒不是說因為Lucy精神分裂,神經有問題才答非所問,而是Lucy將House所說的藥(meds)聽成了紐約Mets籃球隊,一隻紐約皇后區的籃球隊。後來House從病房裡走出來的時候,對Wilson咕噥了一句「the Mets suck」(Mets對是垃圾)。在32分54秒時候,Lucy的兒子被社會福利機構帶走的時候,Lucy對他說:The Mets lost. You remember?(Mets隊輸球的時候,你還記得麼?)。由於不知道Mets是什麼,所以這些牽涉到的地方的字幕都有錯誤。
4.Her Praise(《她的讚美》)
這首詩是1923年諾貝爾文學獎得主,愛爾蘭大詩人,劇作家,參議員葉芝(也作「葉慈」,William Butler Yeats)在1919年的詩集《庫勒的野天鵝》(The Wild Swans at Coole)中的作品《她的讚美》(Her Praise),原詩後四句如下:
If there be rags enough he will know her name
And be well pleased in remembering it, for in the old days,
Though she had young men's praise and old men's blame,
Among the poor both old and young gave her praise.
5.FOREMAN: Mickey Mantle had a whole bar named after him. He got a transplant.
HOUSE: Yeah, well, Lucy can't switch-hit.
FOREMAN: Mickey Mantle死後有個酒吧都以他名字命名了,他都獲得了移植。
HOUSE: 沒錯,可是Lucy不會全壘打。
24分47秒處,當Lucy的肝腫瘤被發現後,House說因為Lucy酗酒(窮,只能靠喝酒取暖),所以難以獲得肝臟移植。Foreman就舉了Mickey Mantle的例子來反駁他。Mickey Mantle是上世紀5,60年代紐約洋基隊(New York Yankees)的著名棒球選手。除了全壘打外,他場外不檢點的作風和酗酒也同樣著名。因此他知道1995年,63歲時才接受到肝臟移植手術,幾個月後就去世了。此處字幕應該錯了。
6.Chase: The Madness of King George.
The Madness of King George是1994年一部電影的名字,由艾倫班尼特(Alan Bennett)飾演主角喬治王三世。喬治王是當時英國的國王,以反對美國獨立運動而聞名。在美國獨立後,喬治王得了精神錯亂。科學家現在認為喬治王當時得的就是噗林症。這裡Chase還在調侃House,因為在94年的那部電影中,House的扮演者Hugh Laurie出演的是喬治王子,喬治王的兒子。-__-!
House's new patient, Sister Augustine, has hands red with boils. While her fellow nuns suspect stigmata, House suspects dermatitis brought on by an allergic reaction to dish soap. He gives her an antihistamine, suggests over-the-counter cortisone cream and sends the good Sister on her way. Unfortunately, the antihistamine leaves Sister Augustine gasping for air. House believes it is an asthma attack caused by an allergic reaction to the pill. He notices a rapid heartbeat and calls for a nurse.
Dr. Cuddy is certain that House made a mistake and maybe gave the nun the wrong dosage. Cuddy will have to notify hospital attorneys within 24 hours if House can't find an underlying cause for the heart failure. He runs his team through possible explanations. Cameron wonders if it is a disease that gives patients only five years to live with treatment. Foreman goes the easier route -- House merely messed up.
Sister Augustine goes into MRI, but inside the tube she becomes frantic about a smell. The doctors cancel the test and Sister Augustine screams that Jesus is coming for her. Suddenly, she suffers convulsions. Foreman notices a rash appear on the Sister's leg as he's holding her down. He finds out that the nun tested positive for herpetic encephalitis which causes a weakened immune system. This same symptom can be triggered by the medicine House gave her earlier. The group tries to figure out other possible causes.
Mixed connective tissue disease? The treatment for that disease is prednisone, which caused these problems in the first place. House recommends a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, but Foreman is concerned that will make things even worse. Foreman goes to Cuddy and she becomes alarmed at the rash hyperbaric treatment. Cuddy pulls House off Sister Augustine's case.
Cuddy meets with Cameron, Foreman and Chase to discuss potential treatments. House, meanwhile, asks Chase if Sister Augustine is hiding something. Chase suggests talking to the Mother Superior, and House pays a visit to the convent. Mother Superior discusses Augustine's troubled past as a foster child and the woman's self-aborted pregnancy. That doesn't interest House, but the tasty tea that the convent serves does.
It is figwort tea, which when mixed with even the smallest level of epinephrine causes instant cardiac arrest. House was correct all along. However, there is some allergy still lurking that has gone untreated for so long that it has manifested into a monster. House decides to introduce various allergens until one causes a reaction. Sister Augustine is placed into a hypoallergenic room but still goes into convulsions. The doctors are baffled. What in this sterile environment could make a person react so violently?
Sister Augustine decides that God wants to take her, so she requests to go back to the convent. House yells at her for constantly running away from her problems. Sister Augustine mentions that she has God inside her, which gives House a revelation. Examining x-rays, the doctors find a copper cross IUD inside Sister Augustine's uterus. She is allergic to copper.
第5集(EP05:Damned If You Do)
House: We are condemned to useless labor.
Wilson: Fourth circle of Hell. Charting goes a lot faster when you eliminate all classic poetry.
House: Writing down what we already know to be read by nobody. I'm pretty sure Dante would agree that qualifies as useless.
這段字幕有些錯誤。由於缺乏註解和背景知識,更難讓人理解。整段談話基於的是著名的詩人但丁(Dante)最著名的詩集《神曲》("The Divine Comedy")。在這部詩集的第一篇裡,但丁把地獄分成了九層,貪婪者下第四層地獄,並永遠做無意義的勞動(搬大石頭)。所以這段話的正確翻譯應該是:
House: 我們被拉來做這些毫無意義的勞動了。(指佈置聖誕)
Wilson: 你說的那是第四層地獄。你有空讀這些經典詩集的時候,病例又增加了很多。
House: 把眾所周知的東西寫下來是沒人去讀的(指那些病例),我肯定但丁也會同意那些病例其實是沒什麼用的。
Wilson: The sixth circle of Hell.
Wilson: 是第六層地獄。
House: Confined in a sweat box with a bloody nose and all the tissues are soggy.
House: 被限制在狹小潮濕的空間,到處都是血腥的味道。
Wilson: I think that's the seventh.
Wilson: 我認為你說的是第七層地獄。
這裡他們說的都是本集的女病人修女瑪麗(Mary Augustine)。她最初的症狀是皮疹和手出血,後來查明的原因是她年輕時候的一段荒唐感情導致了懷孕,後來她墮胎並由此引發了過敏症狀,產生了本集裡的病例。修女懷孕並墮胎,無疑是可以被認為異教徒而下第六層地獄的;而墮胎和最初的手出血的症狀,可以認為是雙手沾了血腥而下第七層地獄。只能說編劇的文學素養和編故事能力太牛X了。
2.House: How do you solve a problem like dermatitis?
House: 你怎麼解決皮炎這樣的問題?
在House最開始診斷修女瑪麗的時候,他這樣問Wilson的。這句話其實是有來歷的。在經典電影《音樂之聲》(The Sound of Music)中,有首歌的名字就叫"How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?"(你如何解決瑪麗這樣的問題?)。相信看過這部電影的人都知道,女主角在做家庭教師之前就是一位修女,而且名字也叫瑪麗(Maria)。
3.本集的標題:Damned If You Do.
埃莉諾·羅斯福(Eleanor Roosevelt)的名言(就是那個著名的二戰美國總統羅斯福的老婆)。全句是:「Do what you feel in your heart to be right—for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't.」
4.The Hippocratic Oath
Foreman: You are aware of the Hippocratic Oath, right?
Foreman: 你知道《希波克拉底誓詞》的,不是麼?
House: The one that starts: First, do no harm, then goes on to tell us no abortions, no seductions, and definitely no cutting of those who labor beneath the stone. Yeah, took a read once, wasn't impressed.
House: 那個一開始就告訴我們:首先,「不傷害」,然後告訴我們「不流產」,「不誘惑」,「不為病人做結石手術」(這個地方字幕錯了)的誓言,是的,我看過一次,不過我沒怎麼記它。
這裡的希波克拉底誓詞(The Hippocratic Oath)是最有名的古希臘醫生希波克拉底的著作。現在已經被醫生遵崇為職業態度和行為準則的最高理想,是西方醫生傳統上行醫前的宣誓誓言。在這份誓詞中,列出了一些特定的倫理上的規範。這份誓詞的起源和歷史背景現已遠不可考,其著作年代可能是介於西元前五世紀到西元前四世紀之間。誓詞分兩部分。第一部分,或者說是契約,是醫學院學生對於老師的一種承諾,是要求學生的一種義務。第二部分則是道德規範。
聖誕老人得了腸炎,House給他的處方是每天抽煙。這一幕其實是House的扮演者Laurie和聖誕老人的扮演者Fry在他們一部很早的作品「Doctor Tobacco」中一幕的翻排。但是在那部戲中Laurie飾演病人,而Fry扮演醫生。Laurie說他覺得呼吸困難而且胸悶,Fry當時給他開的藥方就是每天抽煙。這次風水輪流轉,輪到Laurie給Fry開香煙處方了。^^
另外:House在醫院的小禮拜堂看的肥皂劇是"North Shore"(《北海岸》),也是FOX公司自己的電視劇,講述的是夏威夷一家旅館的故事。
1.Augustine: As Jonah said from inside the whale, "When I had lost all hope, I turned my thoughts to the Lord."
Augustine: 正如約拿在魚腹中所說「當我看不到希望之時,我想起了神」。
修女這裡所說的就是當初約拿祈求神寬恕的禱告詞中的一句:"When my soul fainted within me I remembered the LORD: and my prayer came in unto thee, into thine holy temple."
Augustine: I want to die. Why has He left me?
Chase: I was in seminary school. They asked us once what our favorite passage was. I chose 1 Peter 1:7. 「These trials only test your faith to see whether or not it is strong and pure. Your faith is being tested as fire tests gold and purifies it.」
Augustine: 「And your faith is far more precious to the Lord than pure gold; so if your faith remains strong after being tested, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day of His return.」
Augustine: 我就要死了,為什麼神拋棄了我?
Chase: 我曾經上過一家神學院。他們曾經問過我最喜歡的是《聖經》中的那句話。我選擇了《彼得前書》第一章第7句。「這些試煉只是為了看看你的信仰是否堅定且純粹。試煉的過程就如同用火萃取真金一般。」
Augustine: 「而對神來說你的信仰遠比真金來的寶貴。因此一旦你通過了試煉,在神歸來之時,它將帶給你無上的稱讚,榮耀,尊貴。」
3.Augustine: You told me your favorite passage. Would you like to hear mine? 「Celebrate and be glad, for your brother was dead and is alive again.」
Augustine: 你告訴了我你最喜歡的句子。你想不想聽聽我的?「高興並且慶祝吧,因為你的兄弟死而復活了」。
劇名:珠光寶氣 The Gem Of Life
演員:林保怡、陳 豪、蔡少芬、黎 姿、邵美琪、黃宗澤、鍾嘉欣、王 喜、李司棋、關禮傑、黃德斌、姜大偉、岳 華、劉 丹、陳鴻烈、馬海倫、陳秀珠、朱慧敏
Brandon, a 22-year old male, passed out after having sex with his fiancée. He had been complaining about a cough and a rash beforehand. Now he is suffering severe abdominal pain, nausea, fever and low blood pressure.
A quick scan and exam reveal nothing, so House and team look for alternate answers. Dr. Cameron points out that no condition accounts for this many symptoms. House realizes they need to control the patient's blood pressure first, and they run a core stem test and an EKG test among others.
The tests don't reveal much, but Dr. Foreman sees a result that signifies that the antibiotic treatment is shutting down Brandon's kidneys. Foreman theorizes that Brandon has a heart infection, not a stomach infection, which explains each symptom. Yet this is a 10 million to 1 shot. House, looking at a list of Brandon's symptoms, offers that two possible conditions combined -- a sinus infection and hypothyroidism -- account for all of Brandon's symptoms. And that's only a million to 1 shot. Since there's no time to wait for test results, he wants to start treating the sinus and thyroid immediately.
Foreman checks in on Brandon. The patient is feeling better but is still stuck with a cough. Foreman reports that Brandon tested negative for hypothyroidism. He insists that it can't be two illnesses and House's treatment regimen will only harm Brandon's liver. It could even kill him. House offers Foreman a $50 bet. If Brandon's white blood count goes up, Foreman is correct in presuming that he's actually fighting off an infection.
Brandon's white blood cell count drops. Both of their hypotheses were wrong. If Brandon gets so much as a cold, his body won't be able to fight it off and he will die. House has a revelation. He asks Dr. Wilson which of Brandon's symptoms came first. It was the coughing.
After a little research, House knows the answer. Brandon had visited a doctor for his cough and his prescription for cough medicine was accidentally filled with gout medicine. That medicine stops mytosis, the process in which cells divide and replace dead cells. This is not occurring, which explains each of the symptoms. But Dr. Cameron points out that Brandon did improve, but then worsen after checking into the hospital and stopping the gout medicine.
House meets with Brandon's parents and demands to know who prescribed the cough medicine which led to their son's deterioration. His mother gave it to him. She produces the pill bottle, which validates House's thinking. Chase and Brandon's mother visit the pharmacy. Brandon was indeed taking cough medicine and not gout medicine, disproving House's theory. House is incredibly annoyed that his elegant, thoughtful hypothesis wasn't proven right.
Dr. Wilson suggests exploratory surgery to find out what's in Brandon's blood. During the prep for surgery, Brandon's heart stops beating and the doctors shock him back to life. Cameron tells House about the surgery emergency and also mentions that Brandon is experiencing pain in his fingers. House has another revelation. He barges into Brandon's clean room and announces his diagnosis of colchicine poisoning. The order of Brandon's symptoms fits perfectly, which means that Brandon is doing drugs. Brandon admits that he's done ecstasy twice, which House notes is cut with colchicine. A quick fix and Brandon will be just fine.
第3集(EP03:Occam's Razor)
1.標題:Occam's Razor
當House最初診斷Brandon Merrell也許患有2種疾病的時候,Foreman說:"Occam's Razor. The simplest explanation is always the best." (奧卡姆剃刀論:最簡單的解釋總是最好的)。
後來當House確認Brandon的病情是由醫生的一個錯誤處方,藥房拿錯了藥而引起的,他說"Occam's Razor. The simplest explanation is almost always that somebody screwed up." (奧卡姆剃刀論:最簡單的解釋就是有人搞砸了。)
Occam's Razor,也作Ockham's razor,奧卡姆剃刀論,是由14世紀邏輯學家、聖方濟各會修士奧卡姆的威廉(William of Occam)提出的一個理論。奧卡姆(Ockham)在英格蘭的薩裡郡,那是威廉出生的地方。
這個原理稱為「如無必要,勿增實體」(Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily)。簡單的說就是「如果你有兩個類似的原理/解釋/方案,那麼你應該先選擇簡單的那個,直到發現錯誤」。威廉使用這個原理證明了許多結論,包括「通過思辨不能得出上帝存在的結論」。這使他不受羅馬教皇的歡迎。
2.House: The RIAA wants her to check for illegal downloads.
House: 全美唱片業協會希望她(指Cuddy)去查查是否有非法下載。
RIAA,The Recording Industry Association of America(全美唱片業協會)的縮寫。全美唱片業協會在本世紀初,因為控告青少年和電腦用戶從網上非法下載MP3歌曲而聲(臭)名遠揚。
A family arrives for an appointment with House even though it's a walk-in clinic. They claim to have a letter from him about the appointment, which is odd because House doesn't write letters. It seems that Dr. Cameron wrote the letter and signed House's name to aid the family.
House agrees to see the patient. Dan is a 16-year old who has the sudden onset of double vision and night terrors. House says that post-traumatic stress and sexual abuse are two common symptoms. Dan, a high school lacrosse player, admits that he was recently struck in the head. House tells the kid to get some glasses to correct the double vision and ride out the concussion that's causing the night terrors.
As the kid is leaving, House notices Dan's foot twitch and he asks if he's tired or about to fall asleep. He isn't, and House knows the myoclonic jerk is common when a person is falling asleep. The body misinterprets a falling pulse as dying and jolts you awake. House instructs his staff to admit the patient.
House bets Dr. Foreman that the dad isn't Dan's biological father. They can't rule out genetic causes just yet. During the first night, the patient has another night terror, which is recorded on a polysonagraph. But a series of scans and tests show no explanation for the symptoms. House re-examines the MRI and orders another test that shows there is significant blockage. A shunt is inserted to relieve the pressure. After surgery, it turns out what they thought was the issue was only a symptom of something larger. Is it Multiple Sclerosis?
That night, Dan goes missing from his bed. Cameron, Chase and Foreman set off on a search, eventually finding Dan on the roof. Dan thinks he's on the lacrosse field walking around. The doctors tackle him moments before he wanders off the edge of the roof.
The next morning, House is confused by Foreman's report from the roof. House is thrilled because this means Dan doesn't have night terrors -- and thus, is not suffering from MS. Dan must have an infection in his brain, which House thinks is neurosyphillis.
As Cameron and Chase inject penicillin into Dan's brain, he begins having another attack of voices in his head. The auditory hallucination disproves neurosyphillis. House orders more tests to read Dan's brain. He notices that the parents have left their lunch behind in the hospital, so House takes a sample to run a DNA test. Cameron finds that neither of them are Dan's biological parents. He's adopted. Was his birth mother vaccinated? House thinks infant Dan caught a basic measles virus that mutated and reappeared 16 years later after settling into his brain. He suggests injecting a needle into the boy's eye to do a biopsy on his retina.
That frightening test reveals the mutated virus which requires a dangerous brain surgery. However, the surgery if effective and Dan will be fine. Turns out Dan already knew he was adopted after doing his own research in the fifth grade.
2.House: The George Washington Bridge between the left and right side of the brain. It』s subtle.
House: Take a close look at the corpus collosum.
House: 仔細看看胼胝體。
Chase: It looks ok.
Chase: 看起來沒什麼問題。
House: Are we all looking at the same thing? 200 million interhemispheric nerve fibers, the George Washington Bridge between the left and right side of the brain. It's subtle.
House: 我們是在看同一個東西麼?2億個在腦半球之間的神經元,連接左右腦的華盛頓橋,可是很精緻/脆弱的。
喬治華盛頓大橋(The George Washington Bridge)是一座橫跨Hudson河的懸吊式橋樑,是連接曼哈頓和北新澤西的主要通道。這裡應該是形容胼胝體的重要性。
3.House: General Hospital is on Channel Six.
House: "General Hospital"在六頻道。
House看見Foreman在實驗室中觀察Dan的病情時說的。General Hospital是ABC電視台播放的一部肥皂劇,主要講述發生在紐約查爾斯港(Port Charles)一家醫院裡的故事。
A young woman named Rebecca is teaching her kindergarten class when she begins to have trouble speaking. Soon, she collapses on the floor and begins convulsing. At the hospital, Dr. James Wilson, describes the case to Dr. House. Female, 29, first seizure one month ago, progressive deterioration of mental status. The doctor asks House to take this case and put his team to work on it.
House's team consists of three young genius doctors: Allison Cameron, Robert Chase and Eric Foreman, all bored stiff by House's lack of cases. After much persuasion, House agrees to look over the patient. Later, the hospital administrator, Dr. Lisa Cuddy, scolds House about not doing his job. Even though he has tenure, she can still let him go if he avoids his duties of seeing patients.
Cameron and Foreman give Rebecca a CT scan, but she has another seizure inside the machine. The doctors perform an emergency tracheotomy to facilitate breathing. Later, House wonders if Rebecca has vasculitis, or inflamed blood vessels. Allison points out that you can't diagnose vasculitis without a biopsy. House recommends they give her steroids to treat it and just see what happens.
House suggests to Foreman that he break into Rebecca's apartment to inspect it. Foreman is reluctant, but does it anyway. Elsewhere, the steroids seem to be having a positive effect on Rebecca. Later that night, Wilson gives Rebecca some basic tests and she proclaims that she can't see. More convulsions follow.
The next day, Foreman gives Rebecca a basic test which she fails, then passes. House suggests that they let her die, but pay attention post-mortem so that they can finally learn what disease she was suffering from. Foreman and Cameron inspect Rebecca's apartment. They find nothing. Back at the hospital, Foreman reveals in passing that Rebecca had ham in her fridge. House has an epiphany -- Rebecca must have a tapeworm in her brain. Although this new revelation is diagnosed, Rebecca doesn't want any more treatments. She just wants to die in peace. House calls her a coward. She wants proof it was a worm since he was wrong on vasculitis. Chase suggests a plain old x-ray to check for worms. House realizes he's right. If there's a worm in the brain, there is definitely one in her leg.
Chase shows Rebecca the x-ray. A worm larvae is in her thigh muscle. She will make a full recovery, and only require a small number of pills to get rid of the worm.
作為House的開山之作,試播片(pilot)由"X-Men"(《X戰警》)的導演Bryan Singer執導,之後他還導演了"Superman Returns"(《超人歸來》)。House的第一位病人由Robin Tunney客串,也就是"Prison Break"(《越獄》)第一季中那個不怎麼漂亮的女律師,第二季一開始就掛掉了。
導演Singer其實一直希望找一個美國演員來出演House一角。在試鏡的時候Hugh Laurie大叔稍微讀了讀台詞,Singer被深深的吸引住了(其實算被深深的騙了),認為這正是符合該角色的「美國演員」,後來才知道大叔其實是英國人-_-!
本集中的病人,也就是House的第一位病人,名字叫Rebecca Adler,和第一篇福爾摩斯短篇故事中的女主角Irene Adler同名。
3.House: You aren't going to fire me.
在樣片中一開始說這麼一句話,似乎潛台詞就是:不管我今後演的咋樣,你們可不能隨便炒我 ^^!
Still in the hospital, the newborn Hartig daughter spits up and the mother is concerned because the baby hasn't eaten anything yet. The baby suffers a seizure. Later, a nurse who was in the room recounts the incident to another doctor in the lounge. She discusses the baby's bowel obstruction. House overhears their chat and quickly leaves.
House presents Baby Hartig to his staff as Exhibit A. Exhibit B is Baby Hausen, another newborn who is also ill. House thinks an infection is spreading throughout the hospital, but Dr. Cuddy isn't buying it. House tours his doctors in the maternity ward to check the twelve newborns in the hospital. Nothing. But they do find one more baby upstairs with a sudden fever and similar symptoms.
House and crew discuss three sick babies and the symptoms. With a spike in fever and low blood pressure, these children could be dead in one day. The group thinks it might be a bacterial infection. Since there's no time to wait for test results, House orders the treatments to be started. Each baby gets an MRI. Nothing shows up on the scan, so the doctors continue administering two antibacterials. One of them starts causing the kidneys to shut down in two of the three babies. But which one? House says there's no point in guessing, so take Baby Hartig off the Astrianam medication and Baby Chin-Lopino off the Vincomiacin.
Dr. Cuddy and a hospital administration refuse to allow House to change the treatments without informing the parents. He pleads that this experiment will save at least six more babies, so Cuddy gives him the green light. Later, the Chin-Lopino baby's health begins to worsen with a falling heartrate and blood pressure. The doctors rush in and try to shock the baby back to life. The baby dies. The Astrianam doesn't work. House instructs his staff to cover the rest of the babies with Vincomiacin.
Chase informs the team that the Vincomiacin isn't working either as the Hartig baby is getting worse. Perhaps it isn't a bacterial infection. House performs an autopsy on Baby Chin-Lopino and devises a theory that it is a virus and not a bacteria that is affecting the babies' hearts. Foreman complains that it could be a 1000 viruses. However, with the amount of blood in the babies' bodies, they can only run five or six tests. So House tries to narrow down the list of possibilities, and end up with eight. That is still too many with a limited amount of blood to be drawn. Chase gets to work. House also has Cuddy take blood from the one healthy newborn in the hospital to use as a control group.
The sick babies all test positive for Echo virus 11, CMV AND Parvo virus B19. The healthy baby tested positive for Echo and CMV antibodies. House realizes that these infants still have their mothers' blood and immune systems, so he orders a test on the mothers to see what they have antibodies for. Whatever the women are missing is what is killing their kids. After more testing, the doctors settle on Echo virus 11. They have an experimental anti-virus in the hospital and give it a shot.
Chase and Foreman bring good news to the Hartigs. Their baby is recovering. All of the babies are recovering. That night, House observes an elderly maternity ward nurse coughing and wiping her nose as she pushes around a cart of baby toys and blankets.
1.House: Wabbits.
House: Get up! We're going hunting.
House: 起來,我們要去「打獵」了。
Foreman: For what?
Foreman: 找什麼?
House: Wabbits.
這裡House要說的其實是Rabbits(兔子)。House在這裡模仿的是華納兄弟公司的卡通片"Looney Tunes"中卡通角色獵人Elmer Fudd的口音(就是那個和達菲鴨演對手戲的笨蛋獵人)。這個角色的特色之一就是口齒不清,總是把R念成W。
【片名】Hotel for Dogs
本片是根據路易斯·鄧肯的小說改編而成。16歲的Andi(Emma Roberts)和弟弟Bruce(Jake T. Austin)本是孤兒,收養他們的家庭有一項嚴厲的禁令就是 "不准養寵物",Andi於是不得不為他們取名叫 "星期五" 的狗狗再趕快找一個新家。偶然間,孩子們發現了一座地處偏僻已經廢棄的旅館,他們因此打算把 "星期五" 寄存在這裡。姐弟倆叫來了朋友,把旅館重新收拾整理了一下,狗狗就此入住了。沒多久,周圍的其他流浪狗漸漸 "慕名而來",狗狗越來越多。於是孩子們運用聰明才智,發明創造了一系列方便、實用但又很搞笑的自動裝置,很快,這裡便成了 "流浪狗之家"。但是,這也引起了城市裡警察的注意,他們逐漸查到了這個地方。孩子們為了保護狗狗打算將其轉移,可是這麼多狗如何能順利轉移出去?一場鬥智鬥勇大戰就要開始了……
【片名】The Uninvited
本片根據2003年韓國恐怖片《薔花紅蓮》翻拍,故事的主人公名叫Anna(Emily Browning)。母親不幸去世後,Anna從醫院返回家中。在她情緒低落的時候,她發現父親(David Strathairn)竟然與母親以前的護士Rachel(Elizabeth Banks)訂婚了,令她倍受打擊。Anna和妹妹(Arielle Kebbel)一起警告父親,不要輕信Rachel的謊言,但是父親聽不進去。一個原本很幸福的家庭,上演了一場火藥味很足的矛盾。
【片名】Dance Flick
故事講的是一個天真的白人女孩想學黑人跳街舞,其間發生了種種稀奇古怪的狀況。近年來大熱的 "歌舞青春片" 諸如《舞出我人生》、《熱力四射》等等電影,在這部惡搞片中無一倖免。
【片名】I Love You, Man
Peter Klaven(Paul Rudd)是一名成功的房地產經濟人,和夢中女郎Zooey(Rashida Jones)訂了婚。然而,在他向女友求婚的當天卻驚愕地發現,由於自己長期以來重色輕友,根本就沒有什麼男性朋友可以做伴郎。為此Peter不得不四處搜尋適合做伴郎的人,又要對方舉止大方合體,又不能帥到搶自己的風頭,這可不比找女友的難度低……在一系列的 "男男約會" 後,Peter發現了一個合適人選--迷人、自負、與他自己有很多相似之處的Sydney Fife(Jason Segel)。兩人越走越近,Zooey可氣壞了,當即要Peter作出選擇:究竟是要她這個未婚妻,還是要Sydney這個 "好兄弟"。
【片名】Monsters vs. Aliens
加州女孩Susan Murphy無意中被一塊外星物體擊中,隨後她神奇的開始瘋長,最後竟長到了49英尺11英吋那麼高。軍隊立刻採取行動將其逮捕,並帶到了秘密基地進行研究。在那裡,Susan遇見了許多形狀各異的怪物,它們也是過去的數年中被政府逮捕以至於逗留在此的。不久外星人突然襲擊地球,人類拚命抵抗仍不見成效,於是輪到Susan和怪物們出馬,為了拯救這個星球而戰鬥……
【片名】The Soloist
很有"獲獎"相的一部文藝電影。Nathaniel Anthony Ayers(Jamie Foxx)曾是一個古典音樂天才,但卻不幸患有精神分裂症。無家可歸的他晚上就在街頭露宿,白天則四處演奏。《洛杉磯時報》的記者Steve Lopez(Robert Downey Jr.)對埃爾斯很感興趣,他仔細觀察Ayers的一舉一動,將其寫進了自己的專欄裡,同時也在此過程中與Ayers成為了好朋友。這段奇特的友誼將改變兩個人的人生。
【片名】The Goods: The Don Ready Story
Don Ready是誰?售貨員?情人?作曲家?半職業的海豚訓練員?Don Ready幹過所有這些事--除了訓練海豚之外。一家當地的汽車行瀕臨倒閉,Don Ready "臨危受命",答應幫助這家公司扭虧為盈。Don帶著一幫人來到小鎮Temecula尋找商機,就像一群野狼到處尋找食物一樣。銷售,喝酒,銷售,去脫衣舞夜總會,成了他們日復一日的生活。他們幹得不錯,也很享受。Don心中卻另有想法--他渴望找到愛情,並尋回自己失落已久的靈魂。
【片名】Star Trek XI
鑒於本片的名聲和曝光程度,我就不多廢話了。本片講述的是James T. Kirk和Spock的早期生活,包括他們第一次在艦隊學院相遇,以及第一次完成外太空任務的情況。
【片名】Imagine That